NGAWI DALAM ANGKA 2010 : Pemerintah Kabupaten Ngawi


Kabupaten Ngawi Dalam Angka 2010 _____________________________ xxiii I. Geografi

Kabupaten Ngawi terletak di wilayah barat Propinsi Jawa Timur yang berbatasan langsung dengan Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Luas wilayah Kabupaten Ngawi adalah 1.298,58 km2, di mana sekitar 39 persen atau sekitar 504,8 km2 berupa lahan sawah. Sesuai dengan Peraturan Daerah (Perda) Kabupaten Ngawi tahun 2004, secara administrasi wilayah ini terbagi ke dalam 19 kecamatan dan 217 desa, dimana 4 dari 217 desa tersebut adalah kelurahan.

Secara geografis Kabupaten Ngawi terletak pada posisi 7o21’ – 7o31’ Lintang Selatan dan 110o10’ – 111o40’ Bujur Timur. Topografi wilayah ini adalah berupa dataran tinggi dan tanah datar. Tercatat 4 kecamatan terletak pada dataran tinggi yaitu Sine, Ngrambe, Jogorogo dan Kendal yang terletak di kaki Gunung Lawu.

Batas wilayah Kabupaten Ngawi adalah sebagai berikut:

- Sebelah Utara: Kabupaten Grobogan, Kabupaten Blora (Propinsi Jawa Tengah) dan Kabupaten Bojonegoro.

- Sebelah Timur: Kabupaten Madiun.

- Sebelah Selatan: Kabupaten Madiun dan Kabupaten Magetan.

- Sebelah Barat: Kabupaten Karanganyar dan Kabupaten Sragen (Propinsi Jawa Tengah).

II. Penduduk

Jumlah penduduk Kabupaten Ngawi akhir tahun 2009 adalah 892.051 jiwa, terdiri dari 438.223 penduduk laki-laki dan 453.828 penduduk perempuan, dengan rasio jenis kelamin/sex ratio sebesar 96 artinya bahwa setiap 100 penduduk wanita terdapat sekitar 96 penduduk laki-laki. (tabel 4.1.1)

Bila dibandingkan dengan tahun 2008 jumlah penduduk Kabupaten Ngawi bertambah sebesar 2.827 jiwa atau meningkat sebesar 0.32 % selama setahun. Kecamatan dengan jumlah penduduk terbesar adalah Paron dengan penduduk 89.366 jiwa, sedangkan kecamatan dengan jumlah penduduk terkecil adalah Kecamatan Kasreman yaitu 24.019 jiwa.


Kepadatan penduduk menunjukkan rasio antara jumlah

penduduk dengan luas wilayah. Tingkat kepadatan penduduk Kabupaten Ngawi tahun 2009 adalah 688 jiwa/km2, naik sekitar 5 jiwa untuk setiap kilometer persegi dari tahun sebelumnya (Tabel 4.1.2). Tingkat kepadatan per kecamatan tertinggi di Kecamatan Ngawi (1196 jiwa/km2) dan tingkat kepadatan terendah adalah Kecamatan Karanganyar (228 jiwa/km2).

Jumlah kelahiran penduduk selama tahun 2009 adalah 6.243 jiwa, terdiri dari 3.251 penduduk laki-laki dan 2.992 penduduk perempuan (Tabel 4.1.5). Jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2008 terjadi peningkatan hingga 25,89 persen. Jumlah kematian pada tahun 2009 Tercatat sebesar 3.755 jiwa, yang terdiri dari 1.993 prnduduk laki-laki dan 1.762 penduduk perempuan (Tabel 4.1.5). Jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2008, terjadi kenaikan sebesar 21.72 persen.

III. Sosial

Data dari Departemen Agama Kabupaten Ngawi menunjukkan mayoritas penduduk Kabupaten Ngawi beragama Islam dengan persentase sekitar 99 persen. Jumlah penduduk menurut agama yang dipeluk kondisi akhir tahun 2009 adalah Islam 893.334 jiwa, Katholik 5.130 jiwa, Kristen 4.840 jiwa, Hindu 48 jiwa, Budha 142 jiwa dan lainnya 28 jiwa (tabel 5.1.1).

Jumlah tempat ibadah pada tahun 2009 terdiri dari masjid 1.382 bangunan, mushola 3.960 bangunan, gereja 77 bangunan, kuil 1 bangunan dan vihara 2 bangunan (tabel 5.1.2). Jumlah jamaah haji Kabupaten Ngawi tahun 2009 adalah 203 orang, terdiri dari 110 calon jamaah wanita dan 95 calon jamaah laki-laki (Tabel 5.1.4). Jumlah pondok pesantren di Kabupaten Ngawi tahun 2009 mencapai 130 pesantren, dengan jumlah santri mencapai 13.290 santri (Tabel 5.1.5).

Data dari Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Ngawi 2009 menunjukkan bahwa jumlah TK sebanyak 456 lembaga dengan


Kabupaten Ngawi Dalam Angka 2010 _____________________________ xxv jumlah murid 11.770 siswa, dengan

rasio murid-sekolah 26 (tabel 5.2.1). Jumlah SD dan sederajat ada 685 lembaga, mempunyai murid 22.148 siswa dengan rasio murid-sekolah 32 (Tabel 5.2.2). Jumlah murid SMP dan sederajat sebanyak 36.810 siswa, yang tersebar di 111 sekolah dengan rasio murid-sekolah 332 (Tabel 5.2.3). Jumlah murid SMU/SMK 23 378 siswa yang tersebar di 67 sekolah, dengan rasio murid-sekolah 349 (Tabel 5.2.4 dan 5.2.5).

Data dari dinas kesehatan Kabupaten Ngawi menunjukkan ada beberapa sarana kesehatan yang jumlahnya meningkat pada tahun 2009, antara lain: praktek dokter dari 80 menjadi 120, praktek bidan dari 102 menjadi 261 apotik dari 38 menjadi 42 dan Posyandu dari 1.164 menjadi 1.168 (Tabel 5.3.1).

Jumlah kelahiran pada tahun 2009 tercatat sebanyak 13.129 dimana 13.120 persalinan ditolong oleh dokter/bidan dan 9 persalinan lainnya ditolong oleh dukun (tabel 5.3.4). Walaupun masih ada persalinan yang ditolong dukun,

namun dari tahun ke tahun jumlahnya menurun. Angka tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa pola pikir para orang tua telah bergeser ke arah yang modern dan lebih mengutamakan keselamatan.

Peserta KB Aktif tahun 2009 naik 1,9 % dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya dimana pada tahun 2008 mencapai 131.655 peserta naik menjadi 134.222 peserta pada tahun 2009 (Tabel 5.4.3). Dari peserta KB Aktif tersebut sekitar 55,28 % diantaranya menggunakan KB suntik dan 22,07 % menggunakan IUD (Tabel 5.4.3). Dari jumlah pasangan usia subur di Kabupaten Ngawi angka prevalensi KB pada tahun 2009 mengalami penurunan sekitar 0,21% yaitu dari 70.38% tahun 2008 menjadi 70,18% pada tahun 2009 `(table 5.4.4).

IV. Pertanian

Luas lahan pertanian tahun 2008 mencapai 84,7% dari luas wilayah Kabupaten Ngawi. Hal ini menggambarkan sektor pertanian merupakan sektor andalan bagi penduduk Ngawi. Seperti tahun sebelumnya, produksi padi tahun 2009 mengalami kenaikan dari


673.869 ton pada tahun 2008 menjadi 719.385 ton (Tabel 6.2.1). Diharapkan kenaikan tersebut terus berlanjut dan predikat sebagai lumbung padi Jawa Timur dapat dipertahankan.

`` V. Industri

Sektor industri di Kabupaten Ngawi berjalan lambat namun terus meningkat baik jumlah usaha maupun nilai produksinya. Jumlah industri kecil/kerajinan rumah-tangga naik dari 15.075 pada tahun 2008 menjadi 15.346 pada tahun 2009 (Tabel 7.1.1). Nilai produksi dari usaha di atas juga meningkat dari 99,82 milyar rupiah pada tahun 2008 menjadi 109,962 milyar rupiah pada tahun 2009 (Tabel 7.1.3).

Jumlah pelanggan listrik PLN pada tahun 2009 mencapai 168.782 pelanggan, meningkat sekitar 3,26% dari tahun 2008 yang mencapai 163.447 pelanggan. Nilai penjualan sektor ini juga meningkat sekitar 21,89% dari 80.53 milyar rupiah pada tahun 2008 menjadi 98,16 milyar rupiah pada tahun 2009 (tabel 7.3.3).

Jumlah pelanggan PDAM mengalami peningkatan dari 17.754 pada tahun 2008 menjadi 19.750 pelanggan pada tahun 2009. Total produksi air minum yang disalurkan pada tahun 2009 mencapai 4,494 juta m3, meningkat sekitar 8,6 % dari tahun sebelumnya yang sebesar 4,137 juta m3 (tabel 7.4.3).

VI. Keuangan Daerah

Total realisasi penerimaan daerah pada tahun 2009 sebesar 797,745 milyar rupiah, meningkat sekitar 11,75% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) tahun 2009 hanya menyumbang 25,894 milyar rupiah atau sekitar 3,2% dari total penerimaan. Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) masih menjadi penyokong terbesar bagi penerimaan Kabupaten Ngawi. Pada tahun 2009 ini Kabupaten Ngawi memperoleh DAU sebesar 555,625 milyar rupiah atau sekitar 69,65% dari total penerimaan daerah (tabel 9.1.1).

Total realisasi belanja Kabupaten Ngawi tahun 2009 mencapai 803,673 milyar rupiah,


Kabupaten Ngawi Dalam Angka 2010 _____________________________ xxvii hanya meningkat sekitar 5,69%

dari tahun 2008 yang mencapai 760,350 milyar rupiah (tabel 9.1.2). VII. Ekonomi

Untuk memperoleh gambaran menyeluruh tentang kegiatan ekonomi dalam suatu wilayah dapat dilihat melalui neraca ekonominya. Salah satu indikator yang sering digunakan adalah Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB).

PDRB Kabupaten Ngawi menurut harga berlaku tahun 2008 mencapai 5,770 milyar rupiah, naik sekitar 12,8% dari tahun 2007 yang mencapai 5,031 milyar rupiah. Sedangkan PDRB atas dasar harga konstan (2000) mencapai 2,785 milyar rupiah, naik sekitar 5,24% dari tahun sebelumnya yang mencapai 2,639 milyar rupiah (tabel 10.2).

Sampai dengan tahun 2008 perekonomian Kabupaten Ngawi masih didominasi sektor pertanian. Sumbangan sektor ini terhadap total PDRB sampai dengan 2008 sekitar 36,9 persen (tabel 10.3). Tidaklah aneh bila sektor ini menjadi sektor unggulan bagi

Kabupaten Ngawi. Namun demikian sumbangan sektor ini dari tahun ke tahun terus menunjukkan penurunan walaupun sebenarnya secara produksi mengalami pertumbuhan. Sektor lainnya yang memberi sumbangan cukup besar terhadap perekonomian Kabupaten Ngawi adalah sektor perdagangan. Dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun terakhir sumbangan sektor ini selalu di atas 25% dari total PDRB.

Pendapatan per kapita merupakan indikator yang sangat dikenal terutama oleh beberapa kalangan dan sering dipakai untuk mengukur tingkat kemakmuran suatu daerah. Pendapatan perkapita menunjukkan besarnya pendapatan yang diterima oleh penduduk dalam kurun waktu 1 tahun. Salah satu ukuran yang digunakan untuk pendekatan pendapatan perkapita adalah PDRB per kapita.

Menurut perhitungan atas dasar harga berlaku, pendapatan regional per kapita penduduk Kabupaten Ngawi Tahun 2008 sebesar Rp. 6.332.350,61 meningkat sekitar 12,31% dari tahun 2007 yang hanya mencapai Rp. 5.552.980,71. Sedangkan pendapatan regional per kapita atas dasar harga


konstan (2000) mencapai Rp 3.056.652,66 meningkat sekitar 4,7% dari tahun 2007 yang mencapai Rp. 2.913.347,79 (Tabel 10.12).


Ngawi Regency In figures 2010 _____________________________ xxix

I. Geographic

Ngawi regency is located in the west of Jawa Timur province which borders on Jawa Tengah province. The width of ngawi regency is 1.298,58 km2, which 39% or about 504,8 km2 are rice field area. In accordance with regional regulation of Ngawi regency 2004, administratively this area is divided into 19 districts and 217 villages, Which 4 of 217 villages are kelurahan.

Ngawi regency is geographically located in the 7o21` - 7o31` south line of latitude and 110o10`-111o40` east line of longitude. Topographic of this area is upland and smooth land. Noted 4 district are on the upland those are Sine, Ngrambe, Jogorogo and Kendal on the foot of Lawu Mountain.

Border of Ngawi Regency as bellow :

- In the north, Grobogan Regency, Blora Regency (Jawa Tengah Province) and Bojonegoro Regency

- In the east, Madiun regency - In the south, Madiun regency

and Magetan regency

- In the west, Karanganyar regency and Sragen Regency (Jawa Tengah Province)

II. Population

Number of Ngawi Regency population are 892.051 people in the end of 2009, consist of 438.223 men and 453.828 women with sex ratio in the amount of 96, means there are 96 men in every 100 women.

If it is compared in 2008 numbers of populations in Ngawi Regency increases 2.827 people or 0.32% in one year. The most population district is Paron which has 89.366 people, and the least population district is Kasreman district with 24.019 people.

Population density shows ratio between numbers of population with the width of area, Population density in 2009 is 688 people/km2. Increase about 2 people every kilometer square than the year before (table 4.1.2) The Ngawi distric is the highest level density (1.196 people/km2) and Karanganyar district is the


lowest level of density (228 people/km2.)

The number of birth in 2009 are 4.959 people consist of 3.251 male birth and 2.992 famale birth (table 4.1.5). If it is compared in 2008, it in creses untill 25.89%. The number of death in 2009 are 3.755 people (table 4.1.5), consist of 1993 men and 1.762 women. If it’s compared in 2008, it decreases about 21,72%.

III. Social

Based on data of Department of Religious Affair of Ngawi Regency shows that the most of people in Ngawi Regency are moslem about 99%. In the end of 2009, the numbers of population according to embraced region are 893.334 people in Moslem, 5.130 people in Catholic, 4.840 people in Protestant, 40 people in Hindu, 142 people in Buddha and 28 people in others (table 5.1.1).

Numbers of worship place consist of 1.382 Mosque buildings, 3.960 Small Mosque buildings, 77 Church buildings, 1 temple building and 2 Vihara building (table 5.1.2). Numbers

of moslem pilgrime in Ngawi regency in 2009 are 203 people, consist of 110 people are women and 95 men (table 5.1.4). Numbers of Boarding-school for moslem are 130 buildings with 13.290 students (table 5.1.5).

Based on data of education services office of Ngawi in 2009 numbers of kindergartens are 456 building with 11.770 students by students ratio 26 (table 5.2.1). Number of elementary school are 685 buildings have 22.148 students by student ratio 32 (table 5.2.2). Numbers of junior high school student are 36.810 student spread to 111 school by student ratio 332 (table 5.2.3). Numbers of high school students are 23.378 students spread to 67 schools by student ratio 349 (table 5.2.4 and 5.2.5).

Some health facilities in 2009 increase than the year before those are:midwife practice from 102 became 261, Doctor practice place from 80 become 170, Dispensary from 38 become 42 and Integrated health center services 1.164 become 1.168 (table5.3.1).


Ngawi Regency In figures 2010 _____________________________ xxxi Numbers of birth in 2009

noted 13.129 which 13.120 births helped by doctor/midwife and 29 births helped by traditional birth attendant (table 5.3.4). Although some maternity helped by traditional birth attendant, but they decrease year by year. The numbers indicate that parent’s thinking has moved to modern era and emphasize safety.

Number of active family planning 2009 increase 1.9% compared with the year before, which 131.655 number of active family planning in 2008 increased to 134.222 people in 2009. It about 55 % among them use injection and 22% use IUD (table 5.4.3). Number of family planning prevalence increase too about 0.21% from 70.38% in 2008 to 70.18% in 2009 (table 5.4.4).

IV. Agriculture

The large of agriculture area reach 84,7% from large of Ngawi Regency area, in 2009.

As the year before the product of paddy in 2009 increase from 673.809 ton in

2008 to 719.385 ton (table 6.2.1). Hoped the increase carry on and the name of Jawa Timur paddy product can be defended.

V. Industry

Industry sector in Ngawi walks slowly but increase in number of manufacturers and production price. Number of small industry/home industry increase from 15.075 in 2008 become 15.346 in 2009 (Table 7.1.1). The value of production increase from 99,82 billion rupiahs to 109,962 billion rupiahs in 2009 (table 7.1.3).

Number of PLN customers increase about 3,26% from 163.447 costumers in 2008 to 168.782 costumers in 2009. The value of production increase about 21,89% from 80,53 billion rupiahs to 98,16 billion rupiahs in 2009 (table 7.3.3).

Number of PDAM costumers increase from 17.754 in 2008 to 19.750 costumers in 2009. Total of drinking water production in 2009 are 4,494 million m3, increase about 8,62% from the


year before are 4,137 million m3. (table 7.4.3).

VI. Regional Finance

Total of realization regional income in 2009 are 797,745 billion rupiahs, increase about 11,75% than the year before regional original income in 2009 only contributed 25,894 billions or 3,2% of all receipts. DAU still become as the highest contributor for regional income in 2009, Ngawi received DAU 555,625 billion rupiahs or about 69,65% from the total of regional receipts (table 9.1.1).

Total of realization regional expenditure in 2009 increase about 5,69% from 760,35 billion rupiahs in 2008 to 803.673 billion rupiahs (table 9.1.2).

VII. Economy

To get the whole economy activities in one area can be seen by its economic balance. One of indicator often used is Gross Regional Domestic product (GRDP).

GRDB based on current price of Ngawi Regency increase

about 12,8% from 5,031 billion rupiahs in 2007 to 5,770 billion rupiahs in 2008. GRDB at constant price of Ngawi Regency increase about 5,24% from 2,639 billion rupiahs in 2007 to 2,785 billion rupiahs in 2008 (table 10.2)

Up to 2008, economy of Ngawi Regency was dominated by agriculture sector. Contribution of this sector becomes excellent sector for Ngawi Regency. But this sector decrease in contribution year by year although the production actually increases.

Per capita income is a indicator known and used by some people to measure prosperity of the place. Per capita income shows number of receipt gained by society in one year. One of the measurement as approachment of per capita income is per capita GRDP.

In calculation at the market price, per capita income of Ngawi people in 2008 is Rp. 6.332.241,61 and increasing with percentage of fluctuation about


Ngawi Regency In figures 2010 _____________________________ xxxiii 12,31% up to 2007 reach Rp.


Per capita GRDP based on constant price 2000 of Ngawi people is reached Rp.3.056.652,66 and increasing with percentage of fluctuation about 4,7% up to 2007 reach Rp. 2.913.347,79 (Table 10.12)


Kabupaten Ngawi Dalam Angka 2010 _____________________________ xxviii konstan (2000) mencapai Rp

3.056.652,66 meningkat sekitar 4,7% dari tahun 2007 yang mencapai Rp. 2.913.347,79 (Tabel 10.12).


I. Geographic

Ngawi regency is located in the west of Jawa Timur province which borders on Jawa Tengah province. The width of ngawi

regency is 1.298,58 km2, which

39% or about 504,8 km2 are rice

field area. In accordance with regional regulation of Ngawi regency 2004, administratively this area is divided into 19 districts and 217 villages, Which 4 of 217 villages are kelurahan.

Ngawi regency is geographically located in the

7o21` - 7o31` south line of

latitude and 110o10`-111o40` east

line of longitude. Topographic of this area is upland and smooth land. Noted 4 district are on the upland those are Sine, Ngrambe, Jogorogo and Kendal on the foot of Lawu Mountain.

Border of Ngawi Regency as bellow :

- In the north, Grobogan

Regency, Blora Regency (Jawa Tengah Province) and Bojonegoro Regency

- In the east, Madiun regency

- In the south, Madiun regency

and Magetan regency

- In the west, Karanganyar

regency and Sragen Regency (Jawa Tengah Province)

II. Population

Number of Ngawi Regency population are 892.051 people in the end of 2009, consist of 438.223 men and 453.828 women with sex ratio in the amount of 96, means there are 96 men in every 100 women.

If it is compared in 2008 numbers of populations in Ngawi Regency increases 2.827 people or 0.32% in one year. The most population district is Paron which has 89.366 people, and the least population district is Kasreman district with 24.019 people.

Population density shows ratio between numbers of population with the width of area, Population density in 2009

is 688 people/km2. Increase about

2 people every kilometer square than the year before (table 4.1.2) The Ngawi distric is the highest

level density (1.196 people/km2)

and Karanganyar district is the


Ngawi Regency In figures 2010 _____________________________ xxx lowest level of density (228


The number of birth in 2009 are 4.959 people consist of 3.251 male birth and 2.992 famale birth (table 4.1.5). If it is compared in 2008, it in creses untill 25.89%. The number of death in 2009 are 3.755 people (table 4.1.5), consist of 1993 men and 1.762 women. If it’s compared in 2008, it decreases about 21,72%.

III. Social

Based on data of Department of Religious Affair of Ngawi Regency shows that the most of people in Ngawi Regency are moslem about 99%. In the end of 2009, the numbers of population according to embraced region are 893.334 people in Moslem, 5.130 people in Catholic, 4.840 people in Protestant, 40 people in Hindu, 142 people in Buddha and 28 people in others (table 5.1.1).

Numbers of worship place consist of 1.382 Mosque buildings, 3.960 Small Mosque buildings, 77 Church buildings, 1 temple building and 2 Vihara building (table 5.1.2). Numbers

of moslem pilgrime in Ngawi regency in 2009 are 203 people, consist of 110 people are women and 95 men (table 5.1.4). Numbers of Boarding-school for moslem are 130 buildings with 13.290 students (table 5.1.5).

Based on data of education services office of Ngawi in 2009 numbers of kindergartens are 456 building with 11.770 students by students ratio 26 (table 5.2.1). Number of elementary school are 685 buildings have 22.148 students by student ratio 32 (table 5.2.2). Numbers of junior high school student are 36.810 student spread to 111 school by student ratio 332 (table 5.2.3). Numbers of high school students are 23.378 students spread to 67 schools by student ratio 349 (table 5.2.4 and 5.2.5).

Some health facilities in 2009 increase than the year before those are:midwife practice from 102 became 261, Doctor practice place from 80 become 170, Dispensary from 38 become 42 and Integrated health center services 1.164 become 1.168 (table5.3.1).


Numbers of birth in 2009 noted 13.129 which 13.120 births helped by doctor/midwife and 29 births helped by traditional birth attendant (table 5.3.4). Although some maternity helped by traditional birth attendant, but they decrease year by year. The numbers indicate that parent’s thinking has moved to modern era and emphasize safety.

Number of active family planning 2009 increase 1.9% compared with the year before, which 131.655 number of active family planning in 2008 increased to 134.222 people in 2009. It about 55 % among them use injection and 22% use IUD (table 5.4.3). Number of family planning prevalence increase too about 0.21% from 70.38% in 2008 to 70.18% in 2009 (table 5.4.4).

IV. Agriculture

The large of agriculture area reach 84,7% from large of Ngawi Regency area, in 2009.

As the year before the

product of paddy in 2009 increase from 673.809 ton in

2008 to 719.385 ton (table 6.2.1). Hoped the increase carry on and the name of Jawa Timur paddy product can be defended.

V. Industry

Industry sector in Ngawi walks slowly but increase in number of manufacturers and production price. Number of small industry/home industry increase from 15.075 in 2008 become 15.346 in 2009 (Table 7.1.1). The value of production increase from 99,82 billion rupiahs to 109,962 billion rupiahs in 2009 (table 7.1.3).

Number of PLN customers increase about 3,26% from 163.447 costumers in 2008 to 168.782 costumers in 2009. The value of production increase about 21,89% from 80,53 billion rupiahs to 98,16 billion rupiahs in 2009 (table 7.3.3).

Number of PDAM costumers increase from 17.754 in 2008 to 19.750 costumers in 2009. Total of drinking water production in

2009 are 4,494 million m3,


Ngawi Regency In figures 2010 _____________________________ xxxii

year before are 4,137 million m3.

(table 7.4.3).

VI. Regional Finance

Total of realization regional income in 2009 are 797,745 billion rupiahs, increase about 11,75% than the year before regional original income in 2009 only contributed 25,894 billions or 3,2% of all receipts. DAU still become as the highest contributor for regional income in 2009, Ngawi received DAU 555,625 billion rupiahs or about 69,65% from the total of regional receipts (table 9.1.1).

Total of realization regional expenditure in 2009 increase about 5,69% from 760,35 billion rupiahs in 2008 to 803.673 billion rupiahs (table 9.1.2).

VII. Economy

To get the whole economy activities in one area can be seen by its economic balance. One of indicator often used is Gross Regional Domestic product (GRDP).

GRDB based on current price of Ngawi Regency increase

about 12,8% from 5,031 billion rupiahs in 2007 to 5,770 billion rupiahs in 2008. GRDB at constant price of Ngawi Regency increase about 5,24% from 2,639 billion rupiahs in 2007 to 2,785 billion rupiahs in 2008 (table 10.2)

Up to 2008, economy of Ngawi Regency was dominated by agriculture sector. Contribution of this sector becomes excellent sector for Ngawi Regency. But this sector decrease in contribution year by year although the production actually increases.

Per capita income is a indicator known and used by some people to measure prosperity of the place. Per capita income shows number of receipt gained by society in one year. One of the measurement as approachment of per capita income is per capita GRDP.

In calculation at the market price, per capita income of Ngawi people in 2008 is Rp. 6.332.241,61 and increasing with percentage of fluctuation about


12,31% up to 2007 reach Rp. 5.552.980,71.

Per capita GRDP based on constant price 2000 of Ngawi people is reached Rp.3.056.652,66 and increasing with percentage of fluctuation about 4,7% up to 2007 reach Rp. 2.913.347,79 (Table 10.12)