Algoritma Modified K-MEANS Clustering Pada Penentuan Cluster Centre Berbasis Sum Of Squared Error (SSE)


  Sumatera 4.

  Teguh Sujatmiko, Mohammad Ihwani, Gunawan dan Rena Nainggolan

  Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Science and Information Management (ICoCSIM2012)

  ISBN 978-967-0120-60-7 Vol. 1

  3-5 Desem ber

  2012 Toba

  Lake, North

  Data Security System From Attacks Man In The Middle (MITM) Electronic Mail Based Encryption In Cryptography

  Sumatera 3.

  Oris Krianto Sulaiman, Rena Nainggolan, Mohammad Ihwani dan Hendy Agustino

  Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Science and Information Management (ICoCSIM2012)

  ISBN 978-967-0120-60-7 Vol. 1

  3-5 Desem ber

  2012 Toba

  Lake, North

  Cryptography Application Delivery Email Using The Method of Gost

  Lake, North

  No Judul Artikel Penulis Publiksi (Seminar/Jurnal, dll)

  2012 Toba

  Waktu publiksi Tempat 1.

  The Implementation of Biometric Technology Security System For The Quick Count Method In Election

  Rena Nainggolan, Oris Krianto Sulaiman, Teguh Sujatmiko dan Hendy Agustino.

  Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Science and Information Management (ICoCSIM2012)

  ISBN 978-967-0120-60-7 Vol. 1

  3-5 Desem ber

  Lake, North

  2012 Toba

  Sumatera 2.

  Cloud Computing: Security Design Architecture Cloud Computing

  Hendy Agustino P Situmorang, Fenina Adline Twince Tobing, Rena Nainggolan dan Oris Krianto Sulaiman

  Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Science and Information Management (ICoCSIM2012)

  ISBN 978-967-0120-60-7 Vol. 1

  3-5 Desem ber




Lampiran 1

  import operator import math import random Data = [["0.Daniel", "Medan Perjuangan", "TKI ", 33], ["1.Hendrik", "Medan Selayang", "Peg. Swasta", 25], ["2.Rinaldi", "Belawan", "Pedagang", 44], ["3.Marusaha", "Medan Perjuangan", "TKI", 31], ["4.Ana", "Medan Perjuangan", "TKI", 37], ["5.Linda", "Medan Selayang", "Peg. Swasta", 40], ["6.Keanu", "Medan Kota", "Peg. Swasta", 24], ["7.Abadi", "Belawan", "PNS", 42], ["8.Zefri", "Medan Kota", "PNS", 38], ["9.Susan", "Medan Kota", "Therapys", 28], ["10.Herman", "Medan Selayang", "TKI", 27], ["11.Titin", "Medan Selayang", "TKI", 22], ["12.Roma", "Medan Perjuangan", "TKI", 27], ["13.Pidia", "Medan Perjuangan", "Therapys", 30], ["14.Arki", "Medan Kota", "Peg. Swasta", 44], ["15.Asima", "Belawan", "Pedagang", 41], ["16.Darleny", "Belawan", "Pedagang", 24], ["17.Arif", "Belawan", "TKI", 22], ["18.Indah", "Belawan", "Pedagang", 27], ["19.Hendrik", "Medan Selayang", "Peg. Swasta", 26]] Pasien = [] Wilayah = [] JenisPk = [] PCluster = [] Cluster = [] ClusterB = [] IterasiCl = [] Target_Error = 9 Interasi = 50 Partikel = 5 '----------------------------------- WILAYAH -----------------------' for i in Data: Status = 0 if len(Wilayah) == 0: Wilayah.append([i[1], 1]) else: for j in Wilayah: if i[1] == j[0]: Status = 1 j[1] = j[1] + 1 if Status == 0: Wilayah.append([i[1], 1]) Wilayah.sort(key = operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True) for i in range(len(Wilayah)): Wilayah[i].append(i + 1)

  '------------------------------ JENIS PEKERJAAN --------------------' for i in Data: Status = 0 if len(JenisPk) == 0: JenisPk.append([i[2], 1]) else: for j in JenisPk: if i[2] == j[0]: Status = 1 j[1] = j[1] + 1 if Status == 0: JenisPk.append([i[2], 1]) JenisPk.sort(key = operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True) for i in range(len(JenisPk)): JenisPk[i].append(i + 1) '-------------------------- TAMPILKAN KE LAYAR ---------------------' print("============================================================") for i in Data: 'print("%s - %s - %s - %i" % (i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]))' print(i) print("\nInisialisasi Data Wilayah") print("============================================================") for i in Wilayah: print(i) print("\nInisialisasi Data Jenis Pekerjaan") print("============================================================") for i in JenisPk: print(i) print("\nInisialisasi Data Pasien") print("============================================================") for i in Pasien: print(i) Cl = [0, 1, 2] for I in range(Interasi): Status = 0 PCluster = [] for p in range(Partikel): Pasien = [] '--------------------------- PASIEN-------------------------' for i in range(len(Data)): for j in Wilayah: if Data[i][1] == j[0]: Wil = j[2] for j in JenisPk: if Data[i][2] == j[0]: JPk = j[2] Pasien.append([Data[i][0], Wil, JPk, Data[i][3]])

  '----------------------------- CLUSTER ---------------------- if p != 0: Cl1 = random.randint(0, len(Data)-1) while (True): Cl2 = random.randint(0, len(Data)-1) if Cl1 != Cl2: break while (True): Cl3 = random.randint(0, len(Data)-1) if Cl1 != Cl3 and Cl3 != Cl2: break Cl = [Cl1, Cl2, Cl3] Cluster = [] for i in Cl: for j in Wilayah: if Data[i][1] == j[0]: for j in JenisPk: if Data[i][2] == j[0]: JPk = j[2] Cluster.append([Wil, JPk, Data[i][3]]) print("\nPusat Cluster") print("============================================================") for i in Cluster: print(i) '---------------------- PERHITUNGAN ITERASI-----------------' for i in range(len(Data)): for j in range(len(Cluster)): D = math.sqrt(pow(Pasien[i][1] - Cluster[j][0], 2) + pow(Pasien[i][2] - Cluster[j][1], 2) + pow(Pasien[i][3] - Cluster[j][2], 2)) D = float("%.3f" % D) Pasien[i].append(D) if Pasien[i][4] <= Pasien[i][5]: if Pasien[i][4] <= Pasien[i][6]: Pasien[i].append(1) Pasien[i].append(0) Pasien[i].append(0) elif Pasien[i][4] > Pasien[i][6]: Pasien[i].append(0) Pasien[i].append(0) Pasien[i].append(1) elif Pasien[i][4] > Pasien[i][5]: if Pasien[i][5] <= Pasien[i][6]: Pasien[i].append(0) Pasien[i].append(1) Pasien[i].append(0) elif Pasien[i][5] > Pasien[i][6]: Pasien[i].append(0)

  Pasien[i].append(0) Pasien[i].append(1) print("\nJarak setiap data pasien ke Setiap Cluster pada iterasi ke 1") print("============================================================") for i in Pasien: print(i) 'Hitung SSE' SSE = 0 for i in Pasien: SSe = 0 SSE = SSe + pow(i[4], 2) + pow(i[5], 2) + pow(i[6], 2) SSE = SSE / len(Pasien) print("\nSSE =", SSE) l = 0 while (True): '===================== CLUSTER 1 ============' ClusterB = [] CL2 = Cluster for k in range(3): for j in range(len(Cluster)): Jlh = 0 W = 0 for i in Pasien: if i[7+k] == 1: Jlh = Jlh + 1 W = W + i[1+j] W = W / Jlh W = float("%.3f" % W) ClusterB.append(W) Cluster = [[ClusterB[0], ClusterB[1], ClusterB[2]], [ClusterB[3], ClusterB[4], ClusterB[5]], [ClusterB[6], ClusterB[7], ClusterB[8]]] print("\nCluster baru iterasi ke", l + 2) print("============================================================") for i in Cluster: print(i) for i in range(len(Data)): for j in range(len(Cluster)): D = math.sqrt(pow(Pasien[i][1] - Cluster[j][0], 2) + pow(Pasien[i][2] - Cluster[j][1], 2) + pow(Pasien[i][3] - Cluster[j][2], 2)) D = float("%.3f" % D) Pasien[i][4+j] = D if Pasien[i][4] <= Pasien[i][5]: if Pasien[i][4] <= Pasien[i][6]: Pasien[i][7] = 1 Pasien[i][8] = 0 Pasien[i][9] = 0 elif Pasien[i][4] > Pasien[i][6]: Pasien[i][7] = 0 Pasien[i][8] = 0 Pasien[i][9] = 1 elif Pasien[i][4] > Pasien[i][5]: if Pasien[i][5] <= Pasien[i][6]: Pasien[i][7] = 0 Pasien[i][8] = 1 Pasien[i][9] = 0 elif Pasien[i][5] > Pasien[i][6]: Pasien[i][7] = 0 Pasien[i][8] = 0 Pasien[i][9] = 1 print("\nJarak setiap data pasien ke Setiap Cluster pada iterasi ke", l + 2) print("============================================================") for i in Pasien: if CL2 == Cluster: break else: l = l + 1 'Hitung SSE' SSE = 0 for i in Pasien: SSe = 0 SSE = SSe + pow(i[4], 2) + pow(i[5], 2) + pow(i[6], 2) SSE = SSE / len(Pasien) print("\nSSE =", SSE) PCluster.append([Cl[0], Cl[1], Cl[2], SSE]) print("") for i in range(len(PCluster)): print("Partikel", i+1, "=", PCluster[i]) PCluster.sort(key = operator.itemgetter(3)) print("") for i in range(len(PCluster)): print("Partikel", i+1, "=", PCluster[i]) Cl = [PCluster[0][0], PCluster[0][1], PCluster[0][2]] IterasiCl.append(PCluster[0]) print("") for i in range(len(IterasiCl)): print("Iterasi", i+1, "=", IterasiCl[i])

  Lampiran 2

  306.8306 6,11,17 [4, 2, 24][3, 1, 22][1, 1, 22] 327.1982 17,2,15 [1, 1, 22][1, 3, 44][1, 3, 41] 358.9849

  13,14,18 [2, 5, 30][4, 2, 44][1, 3, 27] 306.8306 9 4,0,10 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33][3, 1, 27] 301.0533 301.0533

  3,11,15 [1, 1, 22][1, 3, 44][1, 3, 44] 327.1982 14,6,9 [4, 2, 44][4, 2, 24][4, 5, 28] 312.7001

  301.0533 0,18,2 [2, 1, 33][1, 3, 27][1, 1, 22] 332.5600

  4,0,10 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33][3, 1, 27] 301.0533 6,19,15 [4, 2, 24][3, 2, 26][1, 3, 41] 327.1982 8 4,0,10 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33][3, 1, 27] 301.0533

  16,18,3 [1, 3, 24][1, 3, 27][2, 1, 31] 327.1982 19,16,1 [3, 2, 26][1, 3, 24][3, 2, 25] 327.1982

  11,8,7 [3, 1, 22][4, 4, 38][1, 4, 42] 332.5657 7 1,5,13 [3, 2, 25][3, 2, 40][2, 5, 30] 306.8306 306.8306

  18,11,13 [1, 3, 27][3, 1, 22][2, 5, 30] 327.1982 1,16,18 [3, 2, 25][1, 3, 24][1, 3, 27] 327.1982

  306.8306 18,4,8 [1, 3, 27][2, 1, 37][4, 4, 38] 314.2185

  3,8,14 [2, 1, 31][4, 4, 38][4, 2, 44] 358.9849 11,4,8 [3, 1, 22][2, 1, 37][4, 4, 38] 315.0354 6 1,5,13 [3, 2, 25][3, 2, 40][2, 5, 30] 306.8306

  3,4,0 [2, 1, 31][2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33] 314.2185 6,14,10 [4, 2, 24][4, 2, 44][3, 1, 27] 327.1982 5 1,5,13 [3, 2, 25][3, 2, 40][2, 5, 30] 306.8306

  Nilai SSE pada 20 Iterasi Iterasi

  12,1,4 [2, 1, 27][3, 2, 25][2, 1, 37] 327.1982 5,15,17 [3, 2, 40][1, 3, 41][1, 1, 22] 358.9849

  7,17,18 [1, 4, 42][1, 1, 22][1, 3, 27] 327.1982 4 1,5,13 [3, 2, 25][3, 2, 40][2, 5, 30] 306.8306 306.8306

  1,5,13 [3, 2, 25][3, 2, 40][2, 5, 30] 306.8306 8,6,19 [4, 4, 38][4, 2, 24][3, 2, 26] 327.1982

  306.8306 1,19,12 [3, 2, 25][3, 2, 26][2, 1, 27] 327.1982

  1,17,0 [3, 2, 25][1, 1, 22][2, 1, 33] 327.1982 14,16,2 [4, 2, 44][1, 3, 24][1, 3, 44] 358.9849 3 13,0,15 [2, 5, 30][2, 1, 33][1, 3, 41] 314.2185

  314.2185 13,0,15 [2, 5, 30][2, 1, 33][1, 3, 41] 314.2185 11,7,15 [3, 1, 22][1, 4, 42][1, 3, 41] 358.9849

  4,18,2 [2, 1, 37][1, 3, 27][1, 3, 44] 358.9849 16,10,9 [1, 3, 24][3, 1, 27][4, 5, 28] 327.1982 2 0,1,2 [2, 1, 33][3, 1, 22][1, 3, 44] 315.0354

  0,11,2 [2, 1, 33][3, 1, 22][1, 3, 44] 315.0354 19,10,0 [3, 2, 26][3, 1, 27][2, 1, 33] 327.1982

  Data Pusat Cluster Nilai SSE SSE Min 1 0,1,2 [2, 1, 33][3, 2, 25][1, 3, 44] 332.5657 315.0354

  8,15,5 [4, 4, 38][1, 3, 41][3, 2, 40] 358.9849

  12,1,18 [2, 1, 27][3, 2, 25][1, 3, 27] 315.0354 8,11,6 [4, 4, 38][1, 3, 44][4, 2, 24] 327.1982 5,18,1 [3, 2, 40][1, 1, 27][3, 2, 25] 312.7001 10 4,0,10 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33][3, 1, 27] 301.0533

  301.0533 0,19,15 [2, 1, 33][3, 2, 26][1, 3, 41] 315.0354 5,16,13 [3, 2, 40][1, 3, 24][2, 5, 30] 306.8306

  1,15,4 [3, 2, 40][2, 1, 37][1, 3, 24] 332.5600 12,10,4 [3, 1, 27][4, 2, 44][2, 1, 27] 327.1982

  1,5,17 [1, 4, 42][2, 1, 27][3, 2, 40] 327.1982 18 4,0,10 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33][3, 1, 27] 301.0533 301.0533

  4,9,2 [1, 3, 44][1, 3, 41][3, 2, 25] 358.9849 19,6,16 [2, 1, 37][4, 4, 38][3, 1, 27] 327.1982

  301.0533 9,17,14 [1, 4, 42][4, 4, 38][1, 3, 24] 327.1982

  12,13,3 [2, 1, 27][3, 2, 25][1, 3, 27] 306.8306 14,18,4 [4, 4, 38][3, 1, 22][4, 2, 24] 358.9849 11,19,5 [3, 2, 40][1, 3, 27][3, 2, 25] 327.1982 17 4,0,10 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33][3, 1, 27] 301.0533

  301.0533 0,15,3 [4, 4, 38][1, 3, 41][3, 2, 40] 314.2185

  12,5,3 [2, 1, 27][3, 2, 40][2, 1, 31] 301.0533 4,10,11 [2, 1, 37][3, 1, 27][3, 1, 22] 327.1982 16 4,0,10 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33][3, 1, 27] 301.0533

  0,1,5 [2, 1, 33][3, 2, 25][3, 2, 40] 301.0533 10,0,14 [3, 1, 27][2, 1, 33][4, 2, 44] 332.5657 16,3,13 [1, 3, 24][2, 1, 37][2, 5, 30] 306.8306 15 4,0,10 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33][3, 1, 27] 301.0533

  301.0533 7,8,16 [1, 4, 42][4, 4, 38][1, 3, 24] 358.9849 2,15,1 [1, 3, 44][1, 3, 41][3, 2, 25] 358.9849 4,8,10 [2, 1, 37][4, 4, 38][3, 1, 27] 314.2185 7,12,5 [1, 4, 42][2, 1, 27][3, 2, 40] 358.9849 11 4,0,10 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33][3, 1, 27] 301.0533

  301.0533 8,12,11 [4, 4, 38][2, 1, 27][3, 1, 22] 327.1982

  6,1,9 [4, 2, 24][3, 2, 25][4, 5, 28] 327.1982 7,9,13 [4, 4, 38][4, 5, 28][2, 5, 30] 301.0533 14 4,0,10 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33][3, 1, 27] 301.0533

  8,3,7 [4, 4, 38][2, 1, 37][1, 4, 42] 358.9849 12,15,13 [2, 1, 27][2, 1, 37][2, 5, 30] 306.8306

  15,9,6 [1, 3, 41][4, 5, 28][4, 2, 24] 312.7001 13 4,0,10 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33][3, 1, 27] 301.0533 301.0533

  0,12,11 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 27][3, 1, 22] 327.1982 14,11,6 [4, 2, 44][3, 1, 22][4, 2, 24] 327.1982

  301.0533 19,7,2 [3, 2, 26][1, 4, 42][1, 3, 44] 358.9849

  10,14,12 [3, 1, 27][4, 2, 44][2, 1, 27] 327.1982 17,0,16 [1, 1, 22][2, 1, 33][1, 3, 24] 327.1982 4,19,16 [2, 1, 37][3, 2, 26][1, 3, 24] 327.1982 12 4,0,10 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33][3, 1, 27] 301.0533

  301.0533 5,4,16 [3, 2, 40][2, 1, 37][1, 3, 24] 314.2185

  8,11,5 [1, 1, 22][2, 1, 33][1, 3, 24] 332.5657

  3,17,0 [2, 1, 37][3, 2, 26][1, 3, 24] 327.1982

  19 4,0,10 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33][3, 1, 27] 301.0533

  301.0533 19,5,8 [3, 2, 26][1, 4, 42][1, 3, 44] 332.5600 1,0,15 [2, 1, 33][2, 1, 27][3, 1, 22] 315.0354

  4,15,10 [4, 2, 44][3, 1, 22][4, 2, 24] 336.7090 3,13,6 [1, 3, 41][4, 5, 28][4, 2, 24] 312.7001 20 4,0,10 [2, 1, 37][2, 1, 33][3, 1, 27] 301.0533

  301.0533 7,10,3 [4, 4, 38][2, 1, 31][1, 4, 42] 301.0533

  13,6,19 [2, 1, 27][1, 3, 41][2, 5, 30] 327.1982 9,7,5 [4, 2, 24][3, 2, 25][4, 5, 28] 358.9849

  0,17,2 [1, 4, 42][4, 5, 28][2, 5, 30] 315.0354