Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts,
State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number 2101121007


First of all the writer would like to express her praises to Allah SWT and his

prophet Muhammad SAW because of their and blessing and great love, the writer
could do and finally complete this thesis.
This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana
Pendidikan (S-1) at the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan.
During the process of writing, the writer realizes that she can not accomplish
without God blessings and supporting from many people, therefore the writer would
like to express her sincere gratitude to:
1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of
2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts,
State University of Medan.
3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd,.the Head of English Department, and her
academic consultant. For Rika, S.Pd,.M.Hum,. the Secretary of English
Department, Dra. Meisuri, MA., the Head of English Non-Educational Program
and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education
Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.
4. The writer expresses her special thanks to Drs. Bachtiar, M.Pd., as her thesis
5. The writer sincerely thanks to her father, Harwan and her mother, Kamsiah for

never giving up on her and for their tireless pray and love. The writer’s special
gratitude also goes to her dearest brother for being so honest and relieving and
her sisters, who always keep the writer on the right way and cover her with so
much love and caring.
6. Special Thanks to writer’s Aunt, Sutrisnawati and her children, who sincerely
feed her and give her a shelter whenever she need it also for all family members
who supported her.
7. The Headmaster of SMP Swasta Al- Washliyah Medan, his permission and
opportunities in allowing the writer to do observation and to collect data.
8. Her best friends, PutYong, Andri, Nangin, and Evi.
9. Special thanks to her beloved friends, students of English Department, especially
ReAction, PPLT SMK NEGERI 1 TANJUNG PURA 2013, notably for
Novayanti Pratiwi, and all people that can not be mentioned one by one for
their care, support, pray and love. May all the assistance, support and simplicity
given by all of the people can be their charity and got merit from Allah SWT.
Medan, September 2014
The Writer

Bura Khaira
NIM. 2101121007



Khaira, Bura. 2101121007. The Effect of Concept Mapping Strategy on
Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement in Descriptive Text. A
Thesis: English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University
of Medan. 2014.
This study deals with the effect of Concept Mapping strategy on students’ reading
comprehension achievement in descriptive text. This study is inspired by the
problem that students’ faced at the school in terms of reading skill. This study was
conducted by using experimental design to examine the effect of Concept
Mapping strategy on students’ reading comprehension achievement in descriptive
text. The subject of the study was the eighth grader in the first semester at SMP
SWASTA Al- Washliyah Medan. They were chosen as the sample by applying
random sampling. They were 64 students which is divided into two groups.
Experimental group was taught by applying Concept Mapping strategy while the
control group was taught by applying KWL chart strategy. The data of this

research were taken from the students’ score of reading test. Based on the
calculation showed that the coefficient of the test was 0.9, it shows that the test is
highly reliable. There were two data used in this research. They were pre-test and
post-test. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula to show the effect of
Concept Mapping strategy on students’ reading comprehension achievement in
descriptive text. After analyzing the data, the finding indicates that t-observed was
higher than t-table (2.8 > 2.000) at the level significant 0.05 with the degree of
freedom (df) 58. It means that the hypothesis, there is significant effect of
Concept Mapping Strategy on students’ reading comprehension achievement in
descriptive text is accepted.
Keywords : Concept Mapping Strategy, Reading Comprehension,
Descriptive Text



ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. iii
LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................... v
LIST OF APPENDIXES............................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURE........................................................................................ vii

A. The Background of the Study...................................................... 1
B. Problem of the Study................................................................... 5
C. The scope of the Study................................................................ 5
D. The Objective of the Study.......................................................... 6
E. The Significance of the Study..................................................... 6

A. TheoreticalFramework................................................................. 7
1. Definition of Reading....................................................... 7
2. Levels of Reading Comprehension................................... 12
3. Readers’ and Texts’ Roles in Comprehension.................. 13
4. Assesment of Reading Comprehension............................ 14
5. Reading Comprehension, Skill, and Strategy................... 15
6. Teaching Reading Comprehension................................... 17

7. Concept Mapping.............................................................. 18
8. KWL Chart........................................................................ 23
9. Teaching Reading Based Genre........................................ 25
10. Teaching Concept Map in Descriptive Text.................... 29
11. Students’ Achievement................................................... 30
B. Conceptual Framework............................................................. 32
C. Hypothesis............................................................................... 32

A. Research Design...................................................................... 33
B. Population and Sample............................................................ 33




1. Population......................................................................... 33
2. Sample.............................................................................. 34
The Instrument of Collecting Data.......................................... 34
The Procedures of the Research.............................................. 34
1. Pre – test............................................................................ 35
2. Treatment.......................................................................... 35
3. Post – test ....................................................................... 37
Scoring System........................................................................ 37
The Validity and Reliability of the Test................................... 37
Technique of Data Analysis................................................... 39

A. Data Analysis.......................................................................... 41
1. Testing Reliability of the Test........................................... 41
2. Analyzing the Data by Using T-Test................................. 42
3. Testing Hypothesis............................................................ 42
B. Research Findings................................................................... 43
C. Discussion............................................................................... 44

A. Conclusion............................................................................... 45
B. Suggestion............................................................................... 46

REFERENCES............................................................................................. 47
APPENDIXES............................................................................................... 49


Table 1.1. Students’ Reading Comprehension Score......................................... 2
Table 2.1. Overview of the Comprehension Factors........................................ 13
Table 3.1. Research Design................................................................................. 33
Table 3.2. Teaching Procedure.......................................................................... 35
Table 3.3. Table of Spesification........................................................................ 38




Figure 2.1. Components of Concept Map Drawn in Concept Map................ 22
Figure 2.2. The Example of KWL Chart.......................................................... 25
Figure 2.2. The Example of Concept Map........................................................ 30



A. The Background of the Study
Learning english engages various language skills which lead students
to be a versatile learner. There are four skills that must be achived by students,
they are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Among the four language
skills, reading is one of the most essential skills to develop. This statement is
asserted by Rob and Susser “ Reading is the most emphasized language skill
in a traditional foreign language teaching” (1990).
In the digital world where information is easily accessed, the ability to
read is important. According to Chang (2002), many EFL students may not

need to speak English in their daily lives but they need to have a good reading
comprehension because there are so many accessible informations written in
Being aware of how important reading is for the students, the job of
language teachers is to develop and improve their ability in reading
comprehension. To be able to reach this goal, language teachers should always
try to make their reading lessons effective by applying the most suitable
strategy in accordance with the theories ( Bilokcuoglu, 2012 : 1 ).
Unfortunately, there are still many students who have limitation in
learning English. Based on writer’s observation and preliminary research of
Grade VIII of students of SMP SW Alwashliyah Medan, she found that not all


of the students were able to achieve the standard score of Minimum Standard
Competence (KKM) of reading comprehension test. The standard score of KKM was 70.
From 32 students, it found that there were 8 students who did not pass the Minimum
Standard Competence (KKM) and the amount were increase in the second semester into
10 students. The following table shows the recapitulation of students score during the

final examination in recent year.
Table 1.1. Students’ Reading Comprehension Score
1st semester
2nd semester

< 70
≥ 70
< 70
≥ 10

Number of
8 students
24 students
10 students
22 students

25 %
75 %
31 %
69 %

Mean Score

Specifically, students also found difficulties in reading comprehension. They
found difficulties to extract the idea and informations included in a text. They often
focused on a long written text and read the text repeatedly to find the key concepts. It
made students trapped in boredom and even frustration. They did not know how to
find the purpose of their reading. Written text is hard to remember and it forces
students to read it again and again to find an information. The problems are caused
by the teacher who did not encourage them to activate their prior knowledge in prereading activity.
Furthermore, teachers mostly used traditional teaching method, without
applying any strategy to overcome students’ problem in reading. In addition, they did
not teach genre to students. Whereas genre is important for readers. In Indonesia
itself, government has regulated a genre based – teaching. As cited by Depdiknas
(2006) that students must be able to communicate both in written or orally based on
genre namely descriptive, narrative, recount, report, explanation, etc. Genre help

students to figure out the purpose of a written text by scoping writer’s intention
through communicative purpose.
Teachers believed that teaching by using traditional method is enough. In fact,
students need a renewed strategy to present a more interesting way of reading and
such a traditional teaching can not afford their needs.
Grabe (2002) claims that reading requires efficient knowledge of world and a
given topic also an efficient knowledge of the language. As it is stated, reading
requires a rich background, and also some ability to comprehend the texts. Research
by Afflerbach (1990) found that readers who had a well-developed knowledge base
are more likely to have a strong ability to recall relevant information. Background
knowledge helps students to interpret reading materials in an individual way. Thus, it
is important that teachers teach students how to use their own background knowledge
as a strategy for comprehending text.
The statement is also asserted by cognitive psychologists who believed that all of
a person’s prior knowledge was stored in the cognitive structures of the brain.
Therefore, in order to acquisition of new knowledge to take place and to be
meaningful, prior knowledge or schema needed to be activated within these structures
by means of an introductory instructional strategy (Ausubel, cited in Daniel 2005).
Thus, Ausubel (1960) developed the new strategy that he termed advance organizers.
Advance organizer can take various shape such as outlines, timelines, charts,
diagrams, and concept maps (Anderson, Yilmaz, 2004)
Concept maps are diagrams that represent organized knowledge (Novak & Gowin,
1984). Concept maps can be used as a knowledge representation tool to reflect
relationships that exist between concepts that reside within an individual’s long-term
memory (Jacobs-Lawson & Hershey, 2002). The teacher can use concept maps as a

connector to link students’ prior knowledge with new informations from the text they
just read. Elorriaga in Abu Nada (2008) stated that in recent years it has become
apparent to many educational researchers that representing knowledge in a visual
format allows one to better recognize and understand incoming information. It is
easier for the brain to interpret data when information is presented in visual formats;
visual symbols are quickly and easily recognized. Using concept maps in learning
process, including a strategy to accompanied with. The strategy encourage student to
present their existing prior knowledge. It provides pre – reading activity which allow
students to draw some words related to the topic will be discussed in shape of box
according to their prior knowledge. After the students read the text they can also draw
the new words according to the new informations they got and relate them to the
previous words. They will comprehend the new information by comparing it with the
existing knowledge in visual format.
This strategy is expected to lead students becoming critical thinker and avoid
boredom in class. Furthermore, it provides an interesting learning to help teachers
creating a meaningful learning for students and improving students’ reading
Those findings motivated writer to conduct a research to find out the effect of
implementing concept mapping strategy in teaching reading comprehension to bring
about better outcomes in students’ reading comprehension achievement.
B. Problem of the Study
The problem of the study is stated as following :
“Is there any significant effect of Concept Mapping strategy on the students’ reading
comprehension achievement in descriptive text ?”

C. The Scope of the Study
Based on Depdiknas regulation about genre based teaching, the type of the text is
limited into descriptive text. Concept mapping as strategy of reading comprehension also
use concept map as media in teaching. This study will be focused on identifying the effect
of using concept mapping strategy on students reading descriptive text comprehension

D. The Objective of the Study
The objective of this study is to find out the significant effect of applying concept
mapping strategy on students’ comprehension achievement in reading descriptive text.

E. The Significance of the Study
The finding of this study is expected will be useful for :

The teachers as the reference to improve their informations about learning
strategies which can be applied to increase the quality of teaching process.


The students in improving their reading comprehension in descriptive text by
using concept mapping.


Other researchers, who are interested in doing related research as the reference of

A. Conclusion
Based on research findings, the writer concludes that there is a significant
effect of Concept Mapping strategy in students’ reading comprehension
achievement on descriptive text. This strategy is proved statistically as an
effective strategy because it gives better result than KWL strategy. As can be
seen from the data, the mean score of Post - Test in experimental group is
higher than that the mean score of Post – Test of control group. In addition,
the calculation of T-test shows that the t-obs (2.8) is higher than the t-table
(2.001). It means applying concept mapping strategy in classroom gives better
outcomes to students and significantly affects students’ achievement in
reading comprehension.
Reading teachers could provide students a visual representation to help
students comprehending the reading material and improve their reading
achievement. Therefore, this study proved that teaching reading by applying
Concept Mapping strategy was more effective than teaching reading by
applying KWL strategy.



B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, some suggestions are offered as follows :
1. English teacher had better

apply Concept Mapping strategy in

teaching reading comprehension because it has been proved that the
strategy gave the better outcome to students’ achievement.
2. Students should use concept map to help them extracting the
information of a text.
3. For better result, the future researcher had better involve more
classroom meetings.

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