

First of all the \\rriter would like to express a t,1feat devotion to the Almighty God,
the Merciful who always leads His creatures so that the writer is able to complete writing
this thesis. He also believes that this writing will be not going well without any support
and guid~
from others. Therefore it is not exaggerated to owe his sincere and gratitude to
the following.
Firstly, the deepest appreciation is du~
to Prof. Dr. J. Naibaho as the head ofLTBI
program, and Meisuri, MA is his secretary. Both they patiently advice and support the
writer particularly in administrative equipments in the completion of this thesis.
Secondly, the greatest thank is extended to Dr. Berlin Sibarani as his first
consultant, and the second consultant Prof. M. Butar·butar, M.A, Ph.D who continuously
advice and encourage the writer.
Thirdly, The deepest gratitude is also extended to Pro[ D.P. Tampubolon as the
reviewer who contributes constructive criticisms, Prof Dr. J. Naibaho and Prof Amrin
Saragih, M.A, Ph.D as well, offer valuable contributions and suggestions.
The next is Drs. H. Tamsir Rahman, MM and the principal of Educatjonal

Department or Kabupalen Indragiri Hulu to whom he owes the t,1feat thanks as the
sponsor who facilitate him hy scholarship so that he can continue his study for S2
program in improving educational staff in this region.
Then the princ1pal ofSMP Negeri 5 Rengat, S.M. Yakub, the English Teacher Siti
Aminah, S.Pd as the subject of the researcher who always show their good cooperation in
order to have required data for this research.
And then the greatest thanks is due to his school principal who facilitates and
helps him whether material and moral supports.
He would not forget his colleagues : Panggabean, Nazar, Coki, Lasma, Lcli, Lili,
YaJuna, and Erika who continuously support to finish his writing.
The last hut not least, the deepest sincere and gratitude are indebted to his parents
who always pray for his success, his lovely wife and both children Ilusna and Ilashfi who
always waiting patiently for his coming by gainmg successfulness.
The writer realizes that this thesis is still imperfect so that good and constructive
criticisms are very highly appreciated.
God Bless.

Medan, September 2005
The Writer,



Rausnivanson, 2005. The Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum of
English at Junior High School Graduate Program, University of Medan.
The change of curriculum in this country happens almost in every ten years by
considering that the result of outcomes is unsatisfactory. This changing usual1y effects to
the Indonesian schooling particularly to administration sets and the process of teaching

and learning of the avaiJable curriculum.
This research is intended to know how the teacher implements the CompetencyBased curriculum (Cl3C) of Engiish and why does the teacher do the way she does. The
implementation coverage is classified into two main parts i.e.: administration of teaching
emphasizing on sytlabus design, scenario of learning and the teaching and learning
English proce!:'S at Junior High Schooi. This research is conducted through obecrvational
case study by observing the teacher teaches Engl1sh in a classroom process, and the
teacher's administration stuff.


is also carried out in order to find out why does

the teacher implement the way she does in CBC. Data analysis is conducted in two stages
i.e: ongoing analysis during data gathering in the observation and data analysis after
colleting the data. The results of the observation show that the


of CBC in

teaching English has covered the competencies to he achieved - communicative
competence, and


occurrence of active interaction ben.veen teacher and studenls,

students and students. This means that the implementation is going on in accordance with
the CBC cvcnthough administratively it is not well done yet. This is caused by the
unsufficient training and workshop for the teacher, moreover Mwyawarah Guru Mala

Pelajaran (lv/GAfP) as the teacher association in which he/she can discuss some problems
she faces is not working during this year in Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu.


1. Observation Transcript: Ohservas1 ke 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2. Observation Transcr1pt: Observasi ke 3 . .. .. . . . . ... . .. ... .. . ... ... . .. .. .


3. Observation Transcript: Obscrvasi ke 4 ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ..... . ... . ..


4. Observation Tnmscript: Observasi ke 5 .. . .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ...


5. Intervie\v ke 1 . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . ..


6. Interview ke 2 . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . ... .. . ... .. . ... ... . .. .. . .. . ... . .. ... .. . ... . .. . ..




I. Table 2. l: Standard of Competence at Juni()r 1figh School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2. Table 2.2: The Formal of Basic Competence, Indicator,
and Main Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3. Table 2.3: The Fom1at of English Syllabus .. . ... . .. ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... .. ...


4. Table 2.4: The Format ofCompettmcy-Based Assessment system .. . .. . .




1. Dia1:,rram 2. 1: Communicative Competence Model (Murcea ... .. . .


2. Diagram 2.2: Language Model . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . ... ... .. . .. . ... ... ... ...


3. Diagram 2.3: The Formulation of Basic Competence ..... ........... .....



ABSTRAC'f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


ACKNOWLEDGMENT.. ....... ......... ............ .................. .............


THE LIST OF TABLES ......... ........ ........... ........... ........... .............

THE LIST OF FIGURES ... ................ ......... ........ .. . ......................



I. i The Background of the Study
1.2 The Problem ofthe Study .................................
1.3 The Objectives of the Study .............. ................
I .4 The Significance of the Study .. .. .. ... ... .... .. . ... ... ..
l .5 The Scope of the Study .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ..




2. I The Concept of Curriculum ......... ........... .. .
2.2 Competency-Based Curriculum ....................... .
2.2. 1 Definition ..................................................... ..
2.2.2 Theoretical Foundation .................................. .
2.2.3 Standard of Competence and Basic Competence
2.2. 4 The Goals of Teaching English in CBC ....... .
2.2. 5 English Characteristic ..... ............... .............. ..
2.2.6 Learner Characteristic ................................... .
2.3 Syllabus ........ . .................... ...... .......... ..
2.3.1 Definition ................................. ... ..... ..
2.3.2 Syllabus Design ............... ......... ......... .. .
2.4. Teaching and Learning in CBC .................. ..


2.4.1 Te~:u


..:hing Process ......... ............ ........ ..... .

2.4.2 Approach, Method, and Strategy
2.5. Evaluation and Assessment.. ....... ......... .. . .. .
2.5. 1 Measurement, Test, and Assessment.. ........ ..
2.5.2 Ass(!ssment and Test .............................. .
2.5.3 Assessment tn CBC. ...................................... ..
2.6. A Glance at 1994 Curriculum and Language
Teaching ......... .............. ...... ................ .









3.1 Research Design.......................................
3.2 Data CollecLion...... . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. ..
3.3 Technique of Data Analysis.. ......... ........ .......



4.1 H•.v the English Teacher Implements the CRC
in a Classroom



.. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. .


4.1.1 Teaching Administration .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . ...
4. 1.2 Teaching l!nd Learning Process. ....... .......... . . . . . .
4.2 Why She Implements the CBC the Way She


Does. . .............................. .......................................


· ·.ron anu~ s·Ujn•t"'
.5. 1. Co
. nc"I us
00 ....s .on ....... ..... .... ........ .. .
5.2 Suggestion ........... ... .............. ................... .

APPEl'1 01CES ...... .............. . ... ..... ........ ...... .. ......... ....... ........ ....... ..




1.1 The Background of the Study



Curriculum is an educational prO!:,Tfam provided to conduct teaching and
learning process. B y this program students can do any learning activity so that at the
end of a process they will have changes in terms of their attitude development in
accordance with the aim of education and the objective of learning (Hamalik, 1994:
17). Besides that, the curriculum also covers every aspect that might influence the

student's development such as school buildings, teaching media, laboratory, library,
auditorium, and the school environment. The last curriculum that has started to be
implemented at the beginning of this academic year is wholly spoken in the
community 'Kurikulurn 2004', a Competency-Based Curriculwn as the innovation to
the former ones.
The change of the curriculum in this country is a government policy in order
to improve the Indonesian quality as a whole so that its nation can compete in the
global world. However, this is just a partiul Htctor of others that may influence the
quality of education, therefore it doesn' t seem to guarantee the significant
qualification improvement because of many reasons. Sidi (200 1: 15) elaborates that
in carrying out of national education in the future, the attention to the improvement of
national education refers to


educational facilities, educational staif,

educational management and community involvement in the education holding. This
indicates that so there are many factors that influence national education quality.


The change in curriculum does not happen instantly, yet through considering
some basic principles and adequate evaluation towards the implementation of the
existed one--1994 curriculum. Nurhadi (2004: 3) states at 1east three important
underlying foundations in the innovation of the new curriculum is known as 2004
curriculum i.e.: juridical, empirical, and theoretical views. The first view is a
government responsibility and obliges to develop this nation quality through the
improvement of national education. Second, it is in fact the quality of Indonesian
lluman Resources in lJnited Nation for Development Program ( UNDP) take to 105
rank of 108 countries. Unfortunately it 1s far }ower than other southeast countries

such as: Brunei at 25, Malaysia at 56, then Thailand and Philippine arc in the 67 and
77 position respectively (Irianto, 200 I : I). The last one is the karncrs' low ability to
comprehend interrelated concepts and to app'ly them in the real lite.
The implementation of curriculum in Indonesian educational system has gone
through five kinds of changing in the last fi ve decades. These are I 968 curriculum,
1975 curriculum, 1984 curriculum, 1994 curriculum, and the new one is 2004
curriculum that most of people lend to say 'KBK' -- Competency-Based Curriculum.
For the first three periods- curriculum of 1968, 1974, and 1984, the aim of English
teaching is the students ' mastery on structure and reading in such proficiency level so
that the learners have ability to use scientitlc books that are written in English. While
in 1994 curriculum, as the world keep changing. the English teaching started
directing to function the Janguage in communication in appropriate context.

Therefore,functional skill is the main feature in this curriculum.


Competency-Base Curriculwn (henceforth CBC) can be defined as a set of
arrangement which contains learning content or material theoretically based on the
function of Janguage as a means of communication orally or in written form and it is
not only as the matter of sets of rules (Depdiknas, 2003: I). This detinition shows us
that the basic aim of language is the ability to put it into use in the interaction
between one another. It also means that after tollowing a period of course in studying
at certain level, the learners are expected to communicate in Rnglish as their
participation on their lite in the community as the user of language.
The developed model in this curriculum is fonnulated as a communicative
competence that is going lo be reached through teaching and learning process
conducting by the teacher is the Discourse Competence. It also means that one will be
able to communicate well whether it is written or oral whenever he knows and
involves in that discourse. In other words it


impossible to talked something if one

does not know the situation, the role of exchange, social cultural, and the rules of
language being spoken (Savignon, 1983: 35).
lndonesianf.i students' English proficiency may re!er to their English

achievement after taking course for one semester based the teachers' made test, or it
can also be measured at the National final Examination of a certain school level. It
covers four language skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing which is
accomplished by the mastery of lan&,'Uage components such as vocabulary,
pronunciation and spelling, and b'Tammar. Specifically, (Brown, 2001: 251) describes
English proficiency as the ability to function language, to exchange mformation


between speakers and listeners through dialogues, conversation, or speech in suitable
ln line wilh the above description, CBC as the new curriculum, particularly
English curriculum that has been applied since the beginning of the new academic
year and will be conducted in unlimited of time for the future is expected to
contribute the better improvement in the students' achievement. especially on the
actional competence. In this curriculum, again English functions as a means of
communication in order to access information in daily life, and to establish the better
life by English (Depdiknas 2003: 6).
However, the result of each the curriculum changing doesn' t seem to bring the
satisfactory result to the learners, schools, pan.mts as the member so society, and even
to the stakeholders of school leavers. The low proficiency level of their achievement
at school indicates this phenomenon, moreover, when the National Final Examination
will be referred as lhe standard of the successfulness. Por example: ln Kabupaten
lndragiri Hulu - Riau the students' F.nglish achievement average for the Senior High
School in 2001 and 2002 are: 3,25 and 3.09 (Depdiknas, 2002), the students'



in that examination recently indicates about 2136 could not reached the target
proposed {Waspada, July 2004).
CRC as an educational development program served by the goverrunent lo be
conducted in classroom process is an important factor that may detem1ine the result
of education. At least lhere are three important components involve in this curriculum
i.e.: teacher, course materials, and learners. Teacher is the key agent to interpret the
content of the curriculum to become a syllabus so that a teaching and learning process


can be carried out. His competence to organize it is the first point to make in the
implt:mentation of the curriculum. In other words, he will come to failure without
mastery it. In the writer witnesses for approximately six months on the CRC
implementation, most of the English teachers are complaining about syftabus
designing. As long as this is occurring in the educational field, the result will be
The excess of the curriculwn change in educational world is the
administration changing as one of the teachers' job. The teachers have to work hard,
spend more time to arrange their administration as a consequence, which basically is
not significant rather than to think how to activate students in learning, how to arouse
their motivation, how to please them in classroom setting, and how to create
meaningful learning. The teachers ' busmess in non-teaching preparation wiH
influence the teaching process. Zamromi (2000: 4l) states:
"The teachers' tasks require intellectual ability and usc emotion. When the
non-academical matters exploit the teachers' emotion, a abundant
administration tasks, lack of time in the teaching preparation, and furthermore
the supports to strengthen intellectual ability is also weak, there will be very
little possibility to produce the quality outcomes".
The new curriculum is just a kind of new wordings to refer the same thing.
What are listed in the new curriculum is also be there in the former ones. One of the
new components in it is the inclusion of gcme, which is consider important
particularly in the developing students' ability in writing. Lets take for example: the
themes and the objectives of curriculum in a certain subject- English. The them~


teaching material in the former curriculums, or guides outlines are very clearly stated


and the teacher are free to chose one as by considering the students' ability and the
school condition.
The above phenomenon indicates that the teachers arc not yet fully ready in
the implementation of this new curriculum even though the government has tried to
socialize and train them in advance. The implementation of CBC as the innovation to
the tbnner one is expected to give new contribution to the English teaching and
learning process and the students' English achievement as well.

1.2 The Problem of the Study
The problem of the study is described as follow:
a. How docs the English teachers implement CBC in a classroom process?
h. Why does she implement the CBC the way she does?

1.3 The Ob.iective of the Study

The objective of this study concerns the probkm of the study mentioned

above, which can be sentenced as follow:
a. To describe the teachers' implementation of CBC in teaching English.
b. To find out the reasons of the way they do in CBC implementation.

1.4 The Significance of the Study
After conducting the research, the researcher hopes that the research findings
could be beneficial and contributive to:
a. English teachers as a reference and self reflection to consider the importance
of curriculum mastery and the ability to organize it in conducting teaching and




su that lhe teaching process runs in accordance with the

b. Head masters of t..;\; Junior High School: he/:;hc could consider other

-.... ••

"a 'f.,..



V Il·,.~ " ' 'WJ






rlP\/PII\p hr.., v• her J'WI&V










in English teaching program.

c. Supervisor: as the monitor of the running course in the school, especially
English :;ubjcct, they cou!d help their teacher and school as well in order to
find out the obstacles faced in the fields so that there !s a gradual
improvement of lhe outcome quality.
d. Instructors cr trainers: they could give input to the English teacher and find

the solution to the problem faced.
e. Educational Department -

'Departcmcn Pcndidikan Nasina! Kabupaten

!ndragiri Hulu' as education administrator: could take it out in decision
making to improve educational quality.


As a general description to school community - teachers, students, parents,
and soc!ety.

1.5 Tbe Scope aud Limitation of the Study
The coverage of the study is limiled to the English teacher at Junior high
School in the implementation of CBC. It covers the teachers' mastery on CBC, which
is reflected in their administration preparation before conducting teaching and
leaming process. It also deals with the activities in the classroom during teaching and
learning process.


For the learners ' sides, their school sLuff that support teaching and learning
process is also included in this study. Besides, the school facilities are also a part of

this study.


5.1 Cooclussions
From the above data anlysis and research findings, it is seen that the
implementation of CBC in teaching English at SMP Negeri 5 Rengat Kabupaten
fndragiri Hulu is not fully applied yet. There


some aspects that the teacher could

not implement the CBC in accordance with the theories suggested because of some
reasons. On the other hand, the teacher has implemented some aspcctc; in CBC
particularly in teaching and learning process.

I. The teacher docs not design the syullabus, scenario


learning (Rencana

weH that she should have prepared before she is going to
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