Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: The Use of Hedging in EFL Academic Writing

The Use of Hedging in EFL Academic Writing

Alberta Marielka

Satya Wacana Christian University

Academic writing can be a mean of practice for EFL students in making
research paper to contribute in the development of their field of study. Hyland
(1994) proposed that that academic writing is rich in hedged proposition. He
also proposed that L2 learners are most likely to have problems with hedging.
This study was aimed to describe the distribution of use of hedges in EFL
students’ writing. It was also aimed to see if students have been able to use
hedging appropriately. 19 first-drafts of EFL students’ academic writing were
analyzed and classified based on its use of hedging. The results indicate that
the EFL students were able to applied at least 4 types of hedges based on
Salager-Mayer’s taxonomy of hedges (1997) in their academic writing.
However, more than a half of the subjects appeared to have problem in
applying hedges into their propositions and claims. It results in two main
issues. The implication of the study is regarding the introduction of hedges in
other courses other than academic writing. Being exposed to hedges in other

courses may help students comprehend hedges better.
Keywords: hedges; academic writing; EFL; proposition; lexical items.