Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Observation Report: Ticketing Staff Roles in Servicing Customer in Nusantara Tour, Salatiga T0 3108008 BAB I

1.1. Background
Secretary word comes from Latin word, secretum which means secret. From secretrum
becomes secretarius which mean a person who is trustable to keep secret (Sunarto SE, MM &
Ety Ratnawati SSi, 2003) In English word is called secretary which came from the word secret,
so that a secretary must be able to keep any secret. According to Daniel Badrun and Roman C.
Portugal, a secretary is a leader assistant to receive dictationing, letter concepting and
corresponding, guest welcoming, checking and reminder the leader about his or her official
duties or appointments and also complete other duties related to his or her leader’s job

1.2. Purpose
An observation is a provision that should be done by student in university to compare
between theory recieved and real world. The place of observation has been chosen by the student
according to subject concentration. Observation also becomes one of the requirements for
student’s diploma graduation from the Faculty of Language and Literature.
The writer did the observation in Kampung Percik Foundation, by taking secretary job
description. The aim was to compare among theories that had got during studying in university.
Direct observation and interview to the secretary were used as methods applied in order to find
the data or result. Kampung Percik Foundation was choosed by the writer as the place of

observation due to this place was usually used by Satya Wacana Christian University Student
College for doing research and observation.

1.3. Advantages
While completing the observation at Kampung Percik Foundation the writer had an
experience about importance role of secretary in a company in carrying out duties including
writing a letter, replying to email, welcoming his or her leader’s guests, making meeting minutes,
making plan and decision. The writer obtained a lot of things when doing observation at
Kampung Percik, namely the important of making the activitiy schedule planning in order to the
focus and well-directed. Meanwhile, the benefits which the writer got while completing the
observation in Kampung Percik Foundation, the writer learned about the importance of the tasks
and role of a secretary in details so that in time when the writer goes to Kampung Percik
Foundation the writer can apply these theory well in the real world.

1.4. Place and Time of The Observation And Interview
The writer did observation in Kampung Percik Foundation in 5 th January 2015. The writer
also had finished interview with the director’s secretary in Kampung Percik Foundation.

1.5. Company Profile

Kampung Percik is an independent foundation that is purposed to the observation of social,
democratic and social fairs. This foundation has been established in 1 st February 1996 by some
Salatiga’s scientists comprised of social scientist, lecturers, and Non Profit Organization
activists, Legal and Society Organization.

These founders were academic staffs in a univesity in Salatiga. They had to resign
because they refused some policies which were opposed by some trustees and comisionaries in
that university. The establishment of kampung Percik is a new medium to create their idealism
related to democratic and social society.

1.6. Interviewer Profile
The writer finished interview with Ambar Istiyani who is directur secretary in Kampung
Percik Foundation. She has been working in Kampung Percik Foundation started from July 2004
until now. She has been worked there around 10 years. Ambar, as one of secretaries, holds an
important position at Kampung Percik Foundation. She has above average skill as a professional
secretary. Lots of experiences acquired since becoming the secretary of the director there. Ambar
graduated from STiE AMA (higher education majoring on economic management accounting).

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