B1J010193 10.

Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman, industri tekstil dan produk tekstil
semakin bertambah. Pertambahan produk tekstil memicu naiknya hasil
samping berupa limbah cair. Limbah cair tekstil mengandung logam berat yang
berasal dari proses pewarnaan dan penyempurnaan tekstil, salah satunya adalah
logam Cr dapat mencemari perairan sekitarnya dan meracuni organisme air
yang hidup di lingkungan tersebut. Mengingat bahwa logam Cr yang terdapat
dalam limbah cair tekstil dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan lingkungan, maka
telah dilakukan penelitian tentang penyebaran logam Cr yang terdapat didalam
air, sedimen, dan tumbuhan eceng gondok (Eichornia crassipes (Mart.)
Solms), pada aliran limbah tekstil PT “X” Pekalongan. Tujuan penelitian ini
adalah mengetahui kandungan Cr dalam tumbuhan eceng gondok, sedimen,
dan air pada rona lingkungan yang berbeda; dan mengetahui kandungan Cr
tertinggi yang terdapat pada rona lingkungan yang berbeda.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei. Sampel tumbuhan eceng
gondok, sedimen, dan air diambil secara Purposive Sampling di empat rona
lingkungan yaitu rona sebelum pembuangan limbah pabrik, rona pabrik, rona
persawahan, dan rona perumahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rona
lingkungan sangat berpengaruh (F hitung > F.tabel 0,1%) terhadap penyebaran
logam Cr dalam tumbuhan eceng godok, sedimen,dan air pada rona lingkungan
yang berbeda dan kandungan logam Cr tertinggi dalam tumbuhan eceng

gondok, sedimen, dan air terdapat pada rona lingkungan pembuangan limbah
Kata Kunci: Penyebaran, Cr, eceng gondok (E. crassipes (Mart.) Solms),
sedimen, air.



As development time goes, textile industry and textile product are
increasing. Increase textile products cause a rise in the form of liquid waste.
Liquid textile waste contains heavy metals which is from the dyeing process
and refinement of textiles, The one of those is Cr which can contaminate the
surrounding waters and poison the aquatic organisms that live there. Cr metal
can also cause ulcers in the nose, skin hyperpigmentation, skin cancer, and
renal tubular necrosis indicated. As known that Cr contained in textile waste
can cause environmetal damage so it has been done research on the spread of
Cr contained in water, sediment, and water hyacinth plants (Eichornia crassipes
(Mart.) Solms), at the textile waste stream PT "X" Pekalongan. The purpose of

this study is to determine the content of Cr in water hyacinth plants, sediments,
and water at different environmental setting; and determine the highest Cr that
contained it.
The research is conducted by survey. Samples of water hyacinth plants,
sediments, and water taken by purposive sampling in four environmental
setting that before waste disposal, factory hue, hue rice fields, and housing hue.
The observed variables are the levels of Cr on water hyacinth plants,
sediments, and water in four environmental setting. The data obtained in the
form of Cr levels in water hyacinth plants, sediments, and water described in
any environmental setting then analyzed by ANOVA at the level of 95% and
99%, followed by the LSD test error rate of 5%. The results shows that the
environmental setting really affects (F count> F.tabel 0.1%) in the spread of Cr
in godok hyacinth plants, sediments, and water at different environmental
setting; The highest Cr metal content in the water hyacinth plants, sediments,
and water contained in the environmental setting of textile waste disposal.
Keywords: Development, Cr, water hyacinth (E. crassipes (Mart.) Solms),
sediment, water.

