The Description Of Gerund Used In Veronica Roth’s Novel “Four”


Veronica Roth was born on August
19, 1988 in New York. She was




Illinois. Her mother, Barbara Ross,






Barrington. She is the youngest of
three children. Her parents divorced
when she was five years old, and
her mother has since remarried to Frank Ross, a financial consultant for
landscaping companies. Her brother and sister live in the Chicago area. She is
German and polish decent. Her maternal grandparents were concertration camp
survivors, whose religious convictions pushed her mother away from religion.
Veronica Roth graduated from Barrington High School. After attending a year of
college at Carleton College, she transferred to Northwestern University for its
creative writing program. She married photographer Nelson Fitch in 2011. They
reside in the chicago area.
Veronica Roth is the best New York Times best selling author of
Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant, and several stories written in the world of
divergent. Then there is Four. It is the last of the trilogy of her novels. Divergent
was released on April 25, 2011. Insurgent was released on May 1, 2012 and


Allegiant is Veronica’s the third novel which was released on October 22, 2013.
Then, Four was release on July 8, 2014.
She is the recipient of the Goodreads 2011 Choice Award and the Best of
2012 in the category Young Adult Fantasy and Science Fiction and also Best
Goodreads Author in 2012. Roth wrote her first book, Divergent, while on winter
break in her senior year at Northwestern University. Her career took off rapidly
with the success of her first novel, with the publishing rights sold before she
graduated from college in 2010 and the film rights sold mid-March 2011.
Roth sold the film rights to the Divergent series to summit entertaiment.
Filming of Divergent, the adaptation of the first book in the series, was started in
April 2013, and the film was released in March 2014. On March 21, 2014,
Lionsgate officially greenlit the film adaptation of insurgent. The film was
released on March 20,2015. On April 11, 2014, Summit Entertaiment announced
that the third book Allegiant – Part 1 and Allegiant – Part 2, with Part 1 scheduled
to be released on March 18, 2016 and Part 2 on March 24, 2017. Then Four short
stories from Tobias Eaton’s point of view are outlined. There are some parts of
Four. There are the transfer, the initiate, the son and the traitor. The novella free

four: Tobias tells the story chapter thirteen of divergent in Tobias’s point of view ,
and was released for kindle in 2012.


The Data
(1) The Choosing Ceremony will be tomorrow at the Hub. (page 6)
(2) The Abnegation and Erudite quite down right away, but it takes her shouting
“Quite!” for the Dauntless, Amity, and Candor to notice her. (page 6)
(3) The Candor are talking loudly, as always. (page 6)
(4) The Amity are laughing, smiling, pulling, food from their pockets and
passing it around. (page 6)
(5) They could be there for over an hour letting other people get on in front of
them. (page 7)
(6) It feels like the entire city is rushing past me in a blur, the buildings blending
together. (page 7)
(7) The building smells like cooked food and smoke and sweat. (page 8)
(8) I feel strange, standing in this dank place that smells like live bodies and
smoke, among these empty cans that suggest poverty and the failure to fit in.
(page 11)

(9) “I’m nobody. That’s what being factionless is.” (page 12)
(10) Your Choosing must be coming up tommorow, for you to look so worried
(page 12)
(11) I get up, brushing flecks of cement from my gray slacks, and push the door
open. (page 13)
(12) I pull up straight, tall, so that he can’t scold me for slouching. (page 13)
(13) But I learned something else from watching her too, which is that the free
moments always have to end. (page 13)


(14) I cross the room, stepping carefully over a stack of papers on the carpet, and
sit where he points, right on the edge of the cushion so I can stand up quickly.
(page 14)
(15) I don’t even think about refushing to tell him. (page 14)
(16) I’m sure you have some thinking to do. (page 15)
(17) I can see it happening to me (page 17)
(18) It looked like falling water, but it was really glass, perfectly clear, polished,
flawless. (page 18)
(19) Instead of thinking about my aptitude test result, I pick up each object and

turn it in my hands so I’ve memorized every part of every one. (page 18)
(20) But instead of reaching for me, he bends down and pulls the trunk from
beneth the bed, tries the lid. (page 20)
(21) I know better than to think he’ll leave and mull things over and come back
apologizing. (page 21)
(22) “It’s your Choosing Day, after all.” (page 22)
(23) “It’s your Choosing Day, after all.” (page 22)
(24) The thought feels like poison working through me. (page 23)
(25) I feel its strenght ringing inside me like the toll of a bell, so I think it again.
(page 24)
(26) He finishes reading the news the Erudite release every morning, and I finish
washing my own dishes, and we walk out of the house together without
speaking. (page 25)


(27) He finishes reading the news the Erudite release every morning, and I finish
washing my own dishes, and we walk out of the house together without
speaking. (page 25)
(28) Beside me, Marcus wipes beads of sweat from his forehead, and all the other

Abnegation close their lips to keep from breathing to loudly, lest they appear
to be complaining. (page 26)
(29) We reach the right floor, and everyone pauses to catch their breath before
entering. (page 26)
(30) I can almost see my father pressing his lips together with disdain at such a
typical Dauntless speech. (page 27)
(31) Well, I didn’t see him limping around the kitchen this morning. (page 28)
(32) The ceremony is moving too fast. (page 29)
(33) In them we find our sense of belonging, our sense of community, our very
lives. (page29)
(34) But as I look at the people sitting in the section, in their reds and yellows, I
see only whole, healed people, capable of cheering one another, capable of
supporting one another. (page 29)
(35) Gregory Zellner holds his bleeding hand over the bowl of dirt, to choose
Amity. (page 29)
(36) She accepts her knife with shaking hands and cuts her palm, and holds her
hand over the Abnegation bowl. (page 30)
(37) It’s the most loyal faction, in terms of Choosing Ceremony statistics.


(38) Her hair is pulled back, and I can see a tattoo creeping over her collarbone,
toward her throat. (page 31)
(39) I have to clench my teeth to keep myself from apologizing as I elbow people
a side, and the momentum of the crowd presses me up the steps. (page 34)
(40) Standing off to the side are the Erudite boy from before, an Amity girl, two
Candor boys, and a Candor girl. (page 39)
(41) I grew up here, and three years ago, I passes initiation with flying colors,
which means I get to be in charge of the newcomers for as long as I want.
(42) Amar announces without looking up. (page 43)
(43) She stands, looking dorn and suffles out of the room without waiting for
Amar to dismiss her. (page 46)
(44) Searing, white –hot pain rushes through me, just for a second. (page 48)
(45) Someone who doesn’t put up with cutting comments from Erudite know-italls. (page 55)
(46) The training room smells like effort, like sweat and dust and shoes. (page
(47) I didn’t know to beat her without hitting her, and I couldn’t hit her –at least,
not until she had me in a choke hold and my vision was starting to go black at

the edges. (page 59-60)
(48) Beating him will take more than a clever move, or persitence. (page 60)


(49) “Joining a faction is about more than getting through initiation, you know,”
Amar says, and he hooks his fingers in the chain that the punching bag
dangles from, testing its strength. (page 60-61)
(50) Sitting across from me is Zeke, the first jumper, and a girl with brown hair
and bangs cut straight across her forehead, and pierced lip. (page 62)
(51) “Visiting Day is coming up, you know. “ (page 68)
(52) My father will not come on Visiting Day. (page 68)
(53) I’m not going to back out of the dare, not after watching everyone else do
theirs. (page 73)
(54) “If I get in trouble for turning on lights at this hour, I’m going to claim it
was vandals and name names.” (page 73)
(55) Rubbing alcohol bites into the still –healing skin of my back, and I wince.
(page 76)
(56) The Abnegation say, in hushed voices, that the problem with many Erudite is
their selfishness, but I think it is their arrogance, the pride they take in

knowing things that others do not. (page 80)
(57) I keep getting humiliated in the arena. (page 82)
(58) “Do you miss living at home?” I say. (page 84)
(59) She stops wiping her forehead with the back of her hand. (page 85)
(60) He tells us to sit against the wall, and then dissapears behind the door without
saying anything. (page 88)
(61) He sticks the needle into my neck without warning and presses down on the
plunger. (page 89)


(62) He scolded me for embarrassing him in front of the Abnegation all the time,
but he had never hissed warnings in my ears or taught me how avoid a
misstep before. (page 97)
(63) I feel pain and my pounding heart and I kick as hard as I can, hitting only air.
(page 91)
(64) I never tire of seeing inside a person’s mind-every detail suggests so much.
(page 104)
(65) I must have succeeded at pretending to be normal, because he doesn’t look
worried anymore. (page 104)

(66) I grind my teeth, I jump at small noises, my hands go numb without warning.
(page 106)
(67) Usually he looks like he’s constantly on the verge of making a joke, but not
right now. (page 107)
(68) We gather by the chasm, and Zeke passes me a cup of dark liquid, and I
swallow it all without thinking. (page 109)
(69) I think losing his grandparents really took a toll on him. (page 110)
(70) I went into the examination thinking I didn’t care anymore, not about
passing, not about doing well, not about being Dauntless. (page 112)
(71) The others, like Zeke and Shauna, grew up surrounded by Dauntless
community, and to them the silence and the stillness of living alone would
be unbearable. (page 121)
(72) “I’d like to do something with teaching. (page 123)


(73) “The remaining four of us think it would be a good idea to get some new
blood in leadership. (page 124)
(74) “ The training program will last at least a year,” Max says. (page 124)
(75) “Training will start very soon –tomorrow morning, in fact.” (page 124)

(76) I nod without thinking. (page 124)
(77) I may have an aptitude for fighting, but that doesn’t mean I want to do it all
day, every day. (page 125)
(78) Beating him up again isn’t going to prove that he’s a faction traitor. (page
(79) I sit in one of the rickety chairs, hard, without moving my eyes from the
paper. (page 145)
(80) Zeke mentioned the control room’s lacation in passing a few days ago. (page
(81) I don’t object, even though I didn’t find out what I needed to know –it was
my own fault for getting distracted anyway. (page 150)
(82) The streets that surround the Dauntless sector of the city are empty; my
faction lives hunddled together, like a pack of sleeping dogs. (page 152)
(83) “Four, how would you improve Dauntless, if not by making initiation more
competitive?” (page 170)
(84) I would improve Dauntless by fostering true bravery instead of stupidity and
brutality. (page 170)


(85) But then I stopped allowing myself to dream, because it was more painful to
long for things and never get them than to deal with whatever was in front of
me. (page 164-165)
(86) Watching someone else’s fear simulation is strange. (page 200)
(87) I’ll have to start by telling her my name. (page 229)
(88) Her racing heart, her body againts mine. (page 250)
(89) For helping me forget how awful the world is. ((page 285)



Two years before Beatrice Prior made her choice, the sixteen year old
son of Abnegation’s faction leader did the same. Tobias Eaton defected from
Abnegation. He chose to move to the Dauntless and changed his name to be Four.
He chose Dauntless because he’s seeking freedom and wants to life freely from
his past. But evidently Four still doubted his choice as a member of Dauntless
faction. Moreover, he knew conspiracy between Dautless’s leader and Erudite
inadvertently. Meanwhile, his mother was still alive and she wants four to join
with factionless. Four was confused. He wondered what he must do. Should he
return traitor? was it appropriate if Abnegation faction hid a cruel monster Marcus
Eaton is saved? Four was faced with a difficult choice. Could the treason bring
If previous in Roth’s frist novel which titled ‘Divergent’ told about
Beatrice, and this her four novel which titled Four. Four : A Divergent Collection
tells about Divergent Trilogy’s story from Tobias Eaton’s point of view. Four : A
Divergent Collection has four story about Tobias Eaton (Four). This novel tells
about when he hasn’t met betrice and there is also Tris’s story in Divergent.


In this novel there are four part about four. First story, ‘The Transfer’, in
this part tell Tobias followed his aptitude test with resulting was Abnegation. But
he did’t want to life with his father, Marcus. Because his father always punished
him. So in the Choosing Ceremony, he chose Dauntless and there, everybody can
change their name and their life. Like Tobias turned be Four. There he was called
Four beacause he only have four fears in his fear landscape. Then Amar, the
inisiation of Dauntless’s leader, gave him a that name. It’s Four. They also called
Four. In the Dauntless, no one knew about his real name. They only knew his
name is Four.
In the second story, ‘The Initiate’, Four followed his inisiation program
in Dauntless. Not only fighting with all of fellow participants but also he must
fight his fear in simulation. The longer he stayed there, he began to adapt to the
lifestyle of members of Dauntless like making tattoos and consuming alcohol
The third story, ‘The Son’, Four followed a program to be Dauntless
leadership candidate. He found the involvement of Erudite’s leader, Jeanine
Matthews, in Dauntless’s politic case and he’s very surprised when he found a
fact that his mother,Evelyn, was still alive and she stayed with Factionless.
The last story, ‘The Son’, Four knew attack planning of Dauntless and
Erudite to Abnegation. He got confused what he must do between defending or
betraying those fractions. Then in the last part of Four novel, there are stories
when four began to meet Beatrice and then he falled in love her.