The motivation of Bruno and Shmuel in building friendship as portrayed in John Boyne`s The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - USD Repository







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


A. Armita Ekarista P

  Student Number : 071214107












Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


A. Armita Ekarista P

  Student Number : 071214107






  A Thesis on





  By A.Armita Ekarista P

  Student Number: 071214107 Approved by

  Advisor Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum. Date 17 January 2012






  A. Armita Ekarista P Student Number: 071214107

  Defended before the Board of Examiners on 07 February 2012 and Declared Acceptable Board of Examiners

  Chairperson : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. _______________ Secretary : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. _______________ Member : Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum. _______________ Member : Drs. Bambang Hendarto, M.Hum. _______________ Member : V. Triprihatmini, S.Pd., M.Hum., M.A. _______________

  Yogyakarta, 07 February 2012 Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University Dean Rohandi, Ph.D.



  I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

  Yogyakarta, 7 February 2012 The Writer A. Armita Ekarista P.

  071214107 iv




  Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : A. Armita Ekarista P Nomor Mahasiswa : 071214107

  Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul: THE MOTIVATION OF BRUNO AND SHMUEL IN BUILDING




  beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan,mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis. Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Yogyakarta, 7 Februari 2012 Yang menyatakan A.Armita Ekarista P. v

  When I'm alone and no one to hold, you're always beside me You'll be here when I'm insecure It makes me know that I'm always lovely You are the only thing that I got right now

  Thank you for being family, friends and dearest to me Thank you for always beside me



“ You can count on me like one,two,three, i’ll be there

and i know when i needed i can count on you like four,

three, two, and you’ll be there. That’s what friends are

supposed to do”


Bruno Mars-Count on Me

But I trust in your unfailing love. I will

rejoice because you have rescued me. I will sing

to the LORD because he is good to me.


Psalm 13:5

”Marilah kepada-Ku, semua yang letih lesu dan

berbeban berat, Aku akan memberi kelegaan

kepadamu. Pikullah kuk yang Kupasang dan bela-

jarlah pada-Ku, karena Aku lemah lembut dan

rendah hati dan jiwamu akan mendapat

ketenangan. Sebab kuk yang Kupasang itu enak

dan beban- Ku pun ringan.”

Matius 11:28-30



  Ekarista, A Armita P (2012): The Motivation of Bruno and Shmuel in Building

  Friendship as Portrayed in John Boyne’s The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program, Departement

  of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University. Friendship is considered to be closer association, although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in both friendship and association. The most important thing to mantain a good and healthy friendship is trust and honesty (Kutcher:2000). The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, a novel by John Boyne, which was written in 2006 is one of the novels that take friendship as the main issue. This novel tells us about friendship between Bruno and Shmuel, a great friendship they build until death parts them. This main issue of the novel encouraged the writer to choose this novel as a primary source of this thesis.

  There are three problems concerning the topic of the thesis. 1). The first is how the character of Bruno is described, 2). The second is how the character of Shmuel is described, 3). The third is what motivate Bruno and Shmuel in building friendship between Bruno and Shmuel in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. The aims of this study are to provide some beneficial information.

  This study employed library research. The writer employed some sources that supported the study. The writer used the novel itself as the primary data. The secondary data were gained from various books, electronic books and internet sources related to this study. The approach used in this study is psychological approach. The theories used are theory of character, theory of characterization, and theory of motivation. Those theories is used to analyze the characteristics of the major characters and motivation of Bruno and Shmuel in building friendship.

  Based on the analysis, firstly it can be concluded that the character of Bruno are adventurous, admire, fanciful, curious and stubborn. Secondly, the characters of Shmuel are friendly, smart and open minded. Thirdly, the writer concludes that Bruno and Shmuel have different motivations to build friendship. Their motivations are based on their own needs. Bruno motivation is specific motivation. Specific motivation is only spontaneous motivation.

  Bruno’s motivations in building friendship are to fulfill his need to be loved by Shmuel and his belongingness to take care of Shmuel. Shmuel’s motivation in building friendship are to fulfill his physiological need that related to the need of foods and other bodily needs, his need to be saved from the soldier and his need to be loved by Bruno.

  The writer has some suggestions for the future researchers. The next researchers who are interested in this novel can also discuss the personality development of the main character, the symbols or the sociocultural aspect of the novel. The writer also has some suggestions in the implementation of The Boy in


the Striped Pyjamas in listening class. The writer suggests a sequence of activities

which consist of pre-listening activity, whilst and post-listening activity.

  Keywords: motivation, friendship


  Ekarista, A Armita P (2012): The Motivation of Bruno and Shmuel in Building

  Friendship as Portrayed in John Boyne’s The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan

  Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Membangun sebuah persahabatan tidaklah semudah yang kita bayangkan. Diperlukan kesetiaan, kejujuran, kepercayaan, perhatian, dan pengertian


(Kutcher:2000) . The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, karya John Boyne, yang ditulis

  tahun 2006 adalah salah satu novel yang membahas persahabatan sebagai isu utama. Novel ini bercerita tentang persahabatan antara Bruno dan Shmuel. Isu utama tentang persahabatan tersebut mendorong penulis untuk memilih novel ini sebagai sumber utama di dalam penulisan skripsi. Dengan menganalisis karakter dari Bruno dan Shmuel, skripsi ini akan mencari motivasi apa saja yang mendorong Bruno dan Shmuel dalam membangun sebuah persahabatan.

  Skripsi ini membahas tiga pokok permasalahan. Permasalahan yang pertama adalah bagaimanakah karakter Bruno digambarkan. Permasalahan yang kedua adalah bagaimanakah karakter Shmuel digambarkan. Permasalahan yang ketiga adalah motivasi apa saja yang mendorong Bruno dan Shmuel dalam membangun sebuah persahabatan.

  Studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka. Penulis menggunakan beberapa sumber yang memperkuat penelitian ini. Penulis menggunakan novel itu sendiri sebagai sumber utama. Data sekunder diperoleh dari beragam buku elektronik maupun non-elektronik dan sumber-sumber internet yang berhubungan dengan studi ini. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah pendekatan psikologi. Teori-teori yang digunakan adalah teori karakter, teori karakterisasi dan teori motivasi. Teori-teori tersebut digunakan sebagai alat untuk menganalisis motivasi Bruno dan Shmuel dalam membangun persahabatan.

  Berdasarkan analisa, dapat disimpulakan bahwa karakter Bruno adalah seorang anak yang memiliki jiwa petualang, pengagum, pemimpi, selalu ingin tahu dan keras kepala. Analisa kedua, karakter Shmuel adalah seorang anak yang ramah, pintar dan terbuka. Analisa ketiga, Bruno dan Shmuel memiliki motivasi yang berbeda dalam membangun persahabatan berdasarkan pada kebutuhan mereka pribadi. Motivasi Bruno merupakan motivasi spesifik atau khusus. Spesifik motivasi merupakan motivasi yang dilakukan secara spontan. Motivasi Bruno dalam bersahabat adalah memenuhi kebutuhan untuk dicintai oleh Shmuel dan rasa ingin memiliki Shmuel sebagai sahabatnya. Motivasi Shmuel dalam bersahabat adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fisiologis, kebutuhan akan rasa aman dan kebutuhan utuk dicintai oleh Bruno.

  Penulis memberikan beberapa masukan kepada peneliti selanjutnya yang tertarik pada novel ini. Mereka juga dapat membahas tentang perkembangan kepribadian dari tokoh utama, simbol-simbol, atau kebudayaan sosial dari novel ini. Penulis juga memberikan masukan bagi implementasi dari novel The Boy in the Striped


Pyjamas pada pembelajaran di kelas listening. Pembelajaran tersebut mulai dari kegiatan pra

pembelajaran, kegiatan utama dan kegiatan sesudah pembelajaran.

  Kata kunci: motivasi, persahabatan



It is amazing that after all struggles and pain, I can finish my thesis.

  Through this thesis I can learn that every single thing does not come instantly. We need a process to create it. Therefore, I woud like to express my greatest gratitude to Jesus and Mother Mary, the creator of this incredible life, for this life and everything that goes with it. I praise Them for every single moment in my journey.

  I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my major sponsor Henny


Herawati, S.Pd, M.Hum. I thank her for the precious advice, criticism, support,

patience, and also the time and energy to teach and guide me. Thank you so much.

  This journey would mean nothing without those who always encourage me in every way and forgive me for every trouble I made. Therefore, I would like to thank my beloved family, my father Antonius Sigit Widianta, my mother Lucia


Yuniarsih, my adorable brother Paskalis Difa Aprilino, my little brother Keane

Aprilian Gunawan, mas frater Geovanni Doddy, Mbak Reny Swastika, mas

Ernest Yulian, pakdhe Fx. Suharno, who always asks

  me “kapan lulus”, and my “twin” Anna Ekaningtyas Devintasari. I thank them for their endless affection, patience, prayer and supports.

  My deep gratitude also goes to my dearest Laurensius Bretya Anindito, for being such a nice person. I thank him for all precious moment we have, for his patience, for his prayer, for being both brother and friend and for all the supports he has given during finishing my thesis.

  I would never walk this far without any help, support, patience, love and friendship from Epiphana Ratri, Francisca Indra, Santi Duwi Putri Nugroho and Prisca Widyaningrum. I thank them for the good times, laughter, precious moment we have, for being my teacher of life, and for all their supports given to me. I really love you all.

  Special thank to my beloved buddy Zoo Wee. I thank him for the good time, for precious moment we have along this one year. I thank him for teaching me loyalty, friendship and forgiveness. I thankhim for always beside and accompany me, for cheer me up and for everything we shared together. I know you are not in here, but your name and your spirit are always in my heart.

  I appreciate the good times and laughter I shared with my second family Konco Kenthel Choir: Um De, mbak Sari, mas Toro, Bubund, mbak Echi,


Inez, Seldi, mak Jin, Dita, bulik Maria, mbak Norma, mbak Dona, mbak Lia,

Gita, Ncis, mak Eleng, Resmi, Brigit, Petra, mas Unang, mas Gembus, om

Anton, Martin, Billy, mas Galih, Leo, Daniel, bang Wig, Deo, Mada, Hape,

mas Anggo, and mas Dacil.

  I would like to express my deppest appreciation to all PBI staffs and lecturers, especially Veronica Triprihatmini, S.Pd, M.Hum, M.A and Maria


Septiyani, S.Pd. I thank them for their supports and sharing the knowledge. For

  all librarians and references in the library, I thank them for the exciting world of words.

  I would like to give a bunch of thanks and love to all my classmates


(2007): Rina, Asep, Trek, Fendi, Nisa, Gwen, Mita, Asoy, Agung, Lita, Ayas,

Wichan, mbak Lala, Hening, Bre and Desta. I thank them for being so friendly

  during four years.

  Last but not least, many thanks are also for those people who are completing this part of my life, for those who have supported and encouraged me to finish this thesis. I thank them for everything they given. I love you.

  A. Armita Ekarista P



  Page TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................. i APPROVAL PAGES ................................................................................. ii STATEMEN T OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY .......................................... iv

  PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI ...................................... v PAGE OF DEDICATION ......................................................................... vi ABSTRACT............................................................................................... viii ABSTRAK

  ................................................................................................... ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................... xi TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................... xiv LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................ xvii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................

  1 A. Background of the Study ...............................................................

  1 B. Problem Formulation .....................................................................

  4 C. Objectives of the Study ..................................................................

  4 D. Benefits of the Study ......................................................................

  4 E. Definition of Terms .......................................................................

  5 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ..........................

  7 A. Review of Related Theories ..........................................................

  7 1. Psychological Approach ......................................................


  8 a. Character .....................................................................

  10 b. Characterization ..........................................................

  12 3. Theory of Motivation ...........................................................

  12 a. Definition ....................................................................

  13 b. Kind of motivation......................................................

  13 c. The Hierarchy Needs of Motivation ...........................

  14 A. Theoretical Framework .................................................................

  CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ............................................................


  16 A. Object of the Study........................................................................

  18 B. Approach of the Study ...................................................................

  18 C. Method of the Study ......................................................................

  CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS .......................................................................


  20 A. The Description of Bruno ..............................................................

  21 1. Physical Characteristics .......................................................

  21 2. Personality Characteristics ...................................................

  21 a. Adventurous................................................................

  25 b. Admireble ...................................................................

  26 c. Imaginative .................................................................

  28 d. Curious........................................................................

  32 e. Stubborn......................................................................

  34 B. The Descrition of Shmuel ..............................................................

  34 1. Physical Characteristics .......................................................


  35 a. Friendly ......................................................................

  36 b. Smart ..........................................................................

  37 c. Open minded ..............................................................

  39 A. The Motivation of Bruno and Shmuel in Building Friendship ......

  40 1. Bruno’s Motivation ..............................................................

  44 2. Shmuel’s Motivation ............................................................

  CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ..........................


  47 A. Conclusions ...................................................................................

  48 B. Suggestions ..................................................................................

  48 1. Suggestions for Future Researchers .....................................

  2. Suggestions for Teaching-learning Implementation Using Literary Work ...........................................................................


  a. The Implementation of Teaching Listening Using Literary Work ................................................................

  50 REFERENCES ..................................................................................



  Page Appendix 1 Biography of John Boyne ..............................................................

  54 Appendix 2 Summary of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas ............................... 57 Appendix 3 Lesson Plan ...................................................................................

  60 Appendix 4 Learning Material ..........................................................................


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter consists of five sections, namely background of the study,

  problem formulation, objectives of the study, research benefits, and definition of terms. The background of the study is meant to give a preceeding description of the study. The problem formulation contains a description of the problems that will be discussed. The objective of the study concerns the aims of conducting the study. The research benefits section states some benefits of the study. Finally, the definition of terms is aimed to avoid misinterpretation of some terms that are used in the study.

A. Background of the Study

  In real life, we have someone to take care of, to share something or to go with. That is friend or we can say it as 'friendship.' in one side of our life, friendship can bring us so many life experiences. It means that friendship is a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection and respect. For many people friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them. Friendship is considered to be closer association, although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in both friendship and association. The most important thing to maintain a good and healthy friendship is trust and honesty. Some of the characteristics of friendship are openness to our close friends, sharing what we want to share and giving support whenever it is needed (Kutcher:2000)

  Building friendship is not as easy as what we have imagined. It needs much time and strong effort. It also requires loyalty, equality, care, and understanding. Loyalty and trust are crucial and sensitive things in building a good friendship. Besides, care and understanding are very important parts in building a good friendship. According to Kutcher (2000) caring means showing or feel affection and concern for other people, whereas understanding means able to tolerate or show sympathy towards other's feeling and view.

  The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas which was written by John Boyne is one

  of the novels that take friendship as its main issue. The setting is between 1930- 1940, when the Nazi regime was in power in that country (Germany). As we know it is a very cruel regime. The story is about friendship between Bruno and Shmuel as the main character. At that time, Germany is hit by the war. The people who live in the city evacuate from their homes. Likewise with the Bruno family and by chance his father who works as a soldier who is appointed as military commander and is assigned to an area named Auschwitz. Bruno does not like it. He does not want to leave their home in Berlin. He thinks if he left his home, he will also leave his friends (Karl, Daniel, and Martin), his three best friends for life.

  Bruno is a boy that comes from a city named Berlin. Shmuel is a Polish and he lives in the hut near Bruno's house. The story begins when Bruno and Shmuel meet each other when Bruno is curious with something behind his house. He feels there is something strange about the camp he sees when he is in his sister's room (Gretel's room). All the people in that camp use the same shirt,


Striped Pyjamas. Because of his curiosity, he went out from his house and tried to find the answer of it. Accidentally he met Shmuel, a Polish Boy who lived in the camp. From that meeting then he knows everything. He knows about the camp he saw from Gretel’s room where the Jews are gather. He knows the fact that not all of them (People in the Striped Pyjamas) are wicked and weird like his father and mother have said to him. then finally he finds a boy who has the same birthday as himself and become someone who can replace his forever friend in Berlin (Karl, Daniel and Martin).

  Having lots of friends is good. Having a real best friend is even better. However, it is difficult to find the best one. When we are down or in a trouble, our friends are not always around. Only best friend stay and support us with gentle touch. Best friends guide each other in facing troubles. Best friends stayed together with us in our ups and downs. That was what Bruno did to Shmuel. He always stay to listen, he keeps his commitment to help Shmuel to find Shmuel's father even though he has to sacrifice his life.

  The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is interesting to discuss because Bruno, as

  one of the main characters in the novel who has developed friendship, faithfulness, touches me deeply and gives me special meaning especially to become a loyal friend like he does. Bruno and Shmuel’s friendship is not an ordinary friendship. They have special friendship indeed. It is not like other friendship. As stated before Bruno and Shmuel have different backgrounds, status and races. Bruno is a German and Shmuel is a Polish (Jewish). Nazi regime was very cruel. They never permit someone or some people to reject or interupt their laws. As we see in the Nazi regime, racist policies that raise the Aryans

  (Germany) and other lower the races. Especially Jews were discriminated against and collect to be killed in concentration camps. Those explanation of Bruno and Shmuel, their differences and their special friendship bring me to discuss the motivations in building a good friendship like what Bruno and Shmuel have. What Bruno does to Shmuel makes the story of the novel more valuable.

  B. Problem Formulation

  Based on the information above, there are three questions to be discussed in this study:

  1. How is Bruno’s character described?

  2. How is Shmuel's character described?

  3. What is the motivation of Bruno and Shmuel in building relationship in

  The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas?

  C. Objective of the Study

  The objectives of the study are: to describe the character of Bruno and Shmuel and to find out the motivation of Bruno and Shmuel in building friendship in John Boyne's The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.

D. Benefits of the Study

  The benefits of the study are to provide some beneficial information for everybody who reads this study especially for the readers and for the students who take the same study. First for the readers, they can learn many things about friendship including how to build good and healthy friendships and how to maintain them. Second is for students who intend to have a study literature, especially who have the same study. They can use this study as references.

E. Definition of Terms

  To avoid misunderstanding about the content of this study, some literary terms used in the study are as follows:

  1. Character Characters are defined as "the person presented in dramatic or narrative work, which are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and diposition qualities that are experienced in what they say the dialogue, and by what they do the action" (Abrams, 1981:20). Thus, in this study character means someone's personality which is refleccted in what they say the dialogue and by what they do the action.

  2. Motivation According to Huffman (1997) in his book Psychology in Action, motivation refers to “Factors within an individual (such as need, desires, and interest) that activate, mantain and direct behavior toward a goal”(364). In this study, motivation means the factors with in Bruno and Shmuel that activate, maintain and direct behavior in building friendship.

  3. Friendship In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, friendship is defined

  (Manstead and Hewstone 250). The writer defines the word friendship as follows: Friendship is a union between persons who, loving God with their whole hearts, souls, and minds, and loving each other as themselves, are joined for all eternity to each other. Thus in this study, friendship refers to the special, familiar and highly valued type of human relation with the whole heart, souls, and minds between Bruno and Shmuel.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter contains the description of the literature that is related to this

  study. This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part is Review of related Theories that discuss about the theory of literature. The second part is Theoretical Framework. It explains the application of the theories in solving the problems; that is. Why they are needed and how they are applied in the study.

A. Review of Related Theories

  In this part the writer employs some discussion on elements of literature which provide important information that guide the writer in analyzing the novel.

1. Psychological Approach

  According to Rohrberger and Woods (6-15) there are five kinds of critical approaches. The writer used the psychologycal approach to analyze the problems.

  The psychological approach is based on the psychological theories. The psychological approach explores a work of art by using some psychological theories as the framework.

  From those five approaches, the psychological approach is chosen to reveal the reason why Bruno and Shmuel build friendship. In John Boyne's The Boy in


the Striped Pyjamas a friendship is presented by Bruno and Shmuel. They have

  different characters and personality that lead them into a peer relationship. This solid relationship drives Bruno to maintain his friendship with Shmuel. Therefore, some theories on friendship and character and characterization are needed.

  The psychological approach employs theories of human psychology. People are developing from birth to death. People experience many things at certain ages and stages. As the framework of this study, the meaning of friendship is emphasized on seeing the reasons why the main characters of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Bruno and Shmuel maintain their friendship.

1. Character and Characterization

a. Character

  Character is one of the important elements in novel. Abrams (1981) in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms defines characters as the person presented in qualities that are expressed in what they say (the dialogue) and what they do (the action).

  In order to understand how a character in literary work is described, we need to understand the theory of character. Through this theory we will understand the character which is created in a work of literature. Characters are crucial in the novel. They play an important role to determine the unity and sense of art of the story. Abrams defines characters as the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work who are interpreted by the readers as being endowed with moral and disposition qualities that are expressed in what they say (the dialog) and by what they do (the action). He adds that the characters have some characteristics like real human beings. They have temperament, moral and social values that eventually become the motivation of their speech and actions. Characters may remain stable or undergo some changes during the story. They experience many things that could influence their thoughts, ideas, judgments about life and society (p.40).

  E.M Forster in Aspects of The Novel (1985) says that character can also be categorized as flat or round. Flat character is introduced from the beginning until the end of the story in the constant condition and unchanged environment. The author can express the flat character just by one sentence and describes him completely. The advantage of this character is that the readers are able to recognize the character easily whenever he comes out. Since this character does not experience changes, it makes him easily to remember. While round character is more complex in temperament and motivation. Thus, an author will describe the character like real people who can give unpredictable actions.

  Characters can be categorized as major and minor characters. Henkle (1977) states that major character is created to carry out ideas or messages in a story to readers through the character’s feelings, thoughts, actions, and reactions.

  A major character plays an important role in the story supported by one or more minor characters.

  In Writing with a Purpose, Timmer and Sommets state that the minor character may be essential to the main action of a story, or they maybe introduced for some special purpose to provide comic relief, to act as a mouth piece for author, or to provide a foil through which some quality of the major character is emphized.

  Each character in a story has its own characteristics. They have their own personalities and physical appearences that differenciate them from another character. Timmer and Sommers say that a character is used in two senses in literature. First, is to identify the people who appear in the story, play, or poem; and second is to describe the personality of any of these people, especially those traits that affect the development of the work.

b. Characterization

  The process by which an author creates a character is called characterization. According to Holman and Harmon (1986), characterization has a very important role in literary work, especially in narrative and dramatic works. Characterization is the creation of imaginary persons. They are created imaginatively, but they have to be seen real, so that they exist for the readers as life like.

  Characterization can be applied into both direct and indirect ways. Each of them serves to show the reader the quality of the character told physically or psychologically. This quality will bring to the reader an image of the character that the author creates.

  In understanding the characters’ personalities and physical attributes that make the characters have some differences, we need to know the way the author makes us understand their characteristics and personalities.

  According to Murphy in his book Understanding Unseens (1972), there are nine methods in which the readers can understand the character. The first one is personal description, the author describe the character by person’s appearances and clothes. Most of the time the way a person appears determines his character. The author usually uses adjectives in order to give him personal description of a character. The readers can get details from the physical view of a character. Such as from the character’s face, skin, eyes, hair, build, and cloth.

  The second is character as seen by others, the author describes the character of the person through the other’s eyes and opinion. Here the opinion may come from people around the person about his personality and daily life which can also determine his characteristic.

  The third is speech, the author can give us insight into the character of one of the persons in the book through what that person says. Whenever a person speaks, whenever he is in conversation with another, whenever he puts forward an opinion, he is giving us some clue to his character.

  Fourth is past life, by letting the reader learn something about a person’s past life, the author can give the reader clue to events that have helped to shape person’s character. Through direct comment by the author, through the person’s thought, through his conversation or the medium of another person.

  Fifth is conversation of others, the character is also described by the author through other people’s conversation and the things they say about him. What other people say and the things they say often describe the character of the person they talk about.

  Sixth is reaction, the author also describes the character through the person’s reaction to various situation and events. Here readers can get a clue whether the person is temperamental or patient or whether he is a smart or slow thinker.

  Seventh is direct comment, the author can describe or comment on the person’s character directly. The author tells the reader directly what the character is like by giving direct comments to the character. Eighth is thought, the author directly gives what the person is thinking about to give a clue to the reader about the person’s character. Nineth is Mannerisms, the author can describe a person’s mannerisms, habits or idiosyncries which may also tell us something about his character.

2. Motivation

a. Definition

  Here are many terms or definition of theory of motivation given by psychologist. Some of them state that motivation is a calculated process involving reason, whereas others notice as an attitude. Paul and Anne explain that motivation is a factor that causes a person to do something continually toward the goal to achieve. “Motivation is broadly concerned with the temporary determinants of choice (direction), persistence and vigor of goal-directed behavior (Jung:1978).

  Motivation appears when people want to fulfill their needs, for example, having friends. Stanton (1996) states that a character has ‘reason for behaving or motivating.’ This motivation is divided into two types, specific motivation and


basic motivation. Specific motivation is the immediate reason, perhaps

  unconcious, for any particular speech or act. Basic motivation is an aspect of his general character.

  b. Kind of Motivation

  To sum up, motivation is divided into two types, specific motivation and basic motivation. Specific motivation is only spontaneous motivation and basic moivation is a deeper motivation which is a mixture of some specific motivations. Specific motivation appears to support basic motivation, which has a deeper influence on the person to act.

  Huffman and Vernoy (2006) stated two forms of motivation that have surprising effect on achievement. Motivation is derived from the satisfaction arising out the behavior itself (377).

  c. The Hierarchy Needs of Motivation

  The hierarchy needs according to Maslow (1970) from the lowest level or the first level is: physiologimcal needs, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, esteems needs and self-actualization needs (38-43).

  The first hierarchy is physiological needs. The basic need for human being is physiological for physical survival. It includes the deeds for food, water, sex, sleep, and oxygen.

  The second is safety needs. Everybody needs to feel secure, safe and out of danger. People need for security and protection from pain, fear, anxiety, and disorder. The peaceful society makes its members feel safe.

  The third is love and belongingness needs. The need of love is true in the absence of friends, or a sweetheart, or a wife, or children. Love according to Maslow is not restricted to romantic love, but it includes the feeling closeness between two good friends, feeling closeness to the society and some community.

  It involves a hunger for affectionate relationship with others, a need to feel part of a group, or a feeling that one belongs. The love requires both receiving and giving of love, love from another and some to love.

  The fourth is esteem needs. According to Maslow, the need for self-esteem motivates the individual to strive for achievement and the need of esteem from others involves a desire for reputation, status, recognition, attention, appreciation by others and a feeling importance.

  The last hierarchy is self-actualization needs. At the self-actualization level, the person’s behavior is motivated by different conditions than at the lower levels.

  Self-actualization needs refer to desire for self-fulfillment. It values such as truth, honesty, beauty, goodness and they provide meaning to the life of self-actualized individual.

B. Theoretical Framework

  This part describes some books and references that consist of theories employed to help analyze the novel. The theories support and strengthen the analysis. Each theory is used to answer the specified questions that have been formulated in the previous chapter. To analyze the first problem, how Bruno is described in the novel, the writer applies the theory of character by E.M Forster and Characterization by M.J. Murphy. Then to analyze the second problem, how Shmuel is descrobed in the novel, the writer applies the theory of character by E.M Forster and characterization by M.J Murphy. In order to analyze and find out the reason of Bruno and Shmuel in building friendship, theory of motivation by Huffman and Vernoy and The Hierarchy Needs of Motivation by Abraham Maslow are used.

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the description of the methodology used in study. It

  consists of three parts, namely, Object of the study, Approach of the study, and Method of the study. Object of the Study deals with major subject of the study, while Approach of the Study concerns with the literary approach applied in analyzing the novel and Method of the Study focuses on the method that is used to conduct the study.

A. Object of the study

  The writer was interested in John Boyne's The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, which was written in 2006 as a story for young readers. This novel has won the award from some countries such as,