Syllabus Media.doc




SYLLABUS Course : Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Code : IG 503

Credit Hours : 2

Semester : 5

Lectures : Prof.Dr. Nenden Sri Lengkanawati, M.Pd. (0699) Fazri Nur Yusuf, S.Pd., M.Pd. (2242)

1. Objectives

Upon the completion of the course, students are expected to: a. Elaborate the concept of teaching media

b. Develop teaching media based on learning needs 2. Course Description

The course is designed to present various concepts of teaching media. The concepts are aimed at equipping learning and teaching process. This course covers the basic concepts of teaching media and its practice to help learning and teaching routines. Students will later on be exposed to various kinds of teaching media; from simple to high tech ones, such as electronic multimedia. At the end, they are expected to be able to develop their own teaching media and use it in classroom learning processes.

3. Learning Activities The learning activity will cover: Methods:

a. Lecture b. Discussions

c. Demo; teaching simulation 4. Media:


b. LCD projector

c. Various kinds of media 5. Evaluation

The evaluation of the class will be based upon the following:

1. Attendance : Students are required to attend at least 80% of total sessions. When it is not so, their score will be finalized as fail.

2. Participation : 10% 3. Assignments : 20% 4. Mid-term project : 20% 5. Final project : 20% 6. Teaching simulation : 30% Grading Policy:

1. 90 – 100 = A 2. 80 – 89 = B 3. 70 – 79 = C 4. 60 – 69 = D 5. <59 = E 6. Course Outline

Sessions Topics Sources

1 General overview of the course What is teaching media?

Syllabus Handouts 2 Educational technology & other resources Harmer (2007)

Dudeney & Hockley (2007) 3 – 5 Teaching media in action: lesson planning Dudeney & Hockley (2007)

Jubilee Enteprise (2008) 6 The implementation of teaching media in the

classroom: some examples


7 - 16 Teaching simulation: Student-made media

demonstration Handout: rubric

7. References

Dudeney, Gavin dan Nicky Hockley. 2007. How to … Teach English with Technology. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of Language Teaching. China: Pearson Education Limited. Jubilee Enterprise. 2008. Memanfaatkan Software Gratis dari Internet. Jakarta: PT. Elex Media


Reiser, Robert A. and Walter Dick. 1996. Instructional Planning: A Guide for Teachers. Second edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.


COURSE UNITS Course : Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Code : IG 503

Chs : 2

Semester : 5

Sessions Topics Objectives Learningactivities Evaluation Sources

1 General overview of the course What is teaching media?

Students are expected to be able to identify course syllabus comprehensively Lecture & discussion Oral presentation Syllabus Handout

2 Educational technology & other resources

Students are expected to be able to preview kinds of teaching media accurately Presentation, discussion, & demonstration Oral presentation Harmer (2007)

Dudeney & Hockley (2007)

3 Teaching media in action; lesson planning#1

Students are expected to be able to

- define learning objectives pricisely - select learning materials properly

Presentation & discussion

Written presentation

Dudeney & Hockley (2007)

Dick & Reiser (1997)

4 Teaching media in action; lesson planning#2

Students are expected to be able to

- plan learning stages properly

- select teaching media appropriately

Presentation & discussion

Written presentation

Dudeney & Hockley (2007)


- define assessment tool precisely

Sessions Topics Objectives Learningactivities Evaluation Sources

5 Teaching media in action; lesson planning#3

Students are expected to be able to review the teaching media selected well

Presentation & discussion

Written presentation

Dudeney & Hockley (2007)

Dick & Reiser (1997)

6 The implementation of teaching media in the classroom: some examples

Students are expected to be able to review advantages and disadvantages of the teaching media selected & developed properly

Discussion & demonstration

Oral presentation

Dick & Reiser (1997)

7 Teaching simulation: Student-made media demonstration

Students are expected to be able to present teaching media through a teaching simulation comprehensively Demonstration & discussion Oral presentation Handout: Rubric

8 Teaching simulation:

Student-made media demonstration Students are expected to be able to present teaching media through a teaching simulation comprehensively

Demonstration &

discussion Oral presentation Handout: Rubric

9 Teaching simulation: Student-made media demonstration

Students are expected to be able to present teaching media through a teaching simulation

Demonstration & discussion

Oral presentation



Sessions Topics Objectives Learning


Evaluation Sources

10 Teaching simulation: Student-made media demonstration

Students are expected to be able to present teaching media through a teaching simulation comprehensively Demonstration & discussion Oral presentation Handout: Rubric

11 Teaching simulation: Student-made media demonstration

Students are expected to be able to present teaching media through a teaching simulation comprehensively Demonstration & discussion Oral presentation Handout: Rubric

12 Teaching simulation:

Student-made media demonstration Students are expected to be able to present teaching media through a teaching simulation comprehensively

Demonstration &

discussion Oral presentation Handout: Rubric

13 Teaching simulation: Student-made media demonstration

Students are expected to be able to present teaching media through a teaching simulation comprehensively Demonstration & discussion Oral presentation Handout: Rubric

14 Teaching simulation: Student-made media demonstration

Students are expected to be able to present teaching media through a teaching simulation comprehensively Demonstration & discussion Oral presentation Handout: Rubric


15 Teaching simulation:

Student-made media demonstration Students are expected to be able to present teaching media through a teaching simulation comprehensively

Demonstration &

discussion Oral presentation Handout: Rubric

Sessions Topics Objectives Learningactivities Evaluation Sources

16 Teaching simulation: Student-made media demonstration

Students are expected to be able to present teaching media through a teaching simulation comprehensively

Demonstration & discussion

Oral presentation



Mata Kuliah : Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Kode : IG 503

SKS : 2

Semester : 5

Dosen/Asisten : Prof.Dr.Hj.Nenden Sri Lengkanawati, M.Pd./Fazri Nur Yusuf, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Tujuan Umum

Di akhir perkuliahan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Menjabarkan konsep tentang media pembelajaran

2. Mengembangkan media untuk pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

Mata kuliah ini dirancang untuk menyajikan berbagai konsep tentang media pembelajaran untuk kepentingan proses belajar maupun mengajar. MK ini akan mencakup landasan dan praktek pengembangan media pembelajaran. Selanjutnya, mahasiswa akan dipajankan kepada beragam media pembelajaran mulai dari yang sederhana hingga yang berteknologi tinggi seperti multimedia. Pada akhirnya, mahasiswa akan diminta untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran sekaligus mendemonstrasikannya dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan pembelajaran akan meliputi: Metode:

1. Ceramah 2. Diskusi


Media pembelajaran: 6. Laptop

7. LCD projector



Evaluasi hasil studi mahasiswa pada MK ini akan berdasarkan hal-hal berikut: 7. Kehadiran di kelas : min.80% dari total perkuliahan

8. Partisipasi : 10%

9. UTS (perencanaan simulasi) : 25% 10. UAS (simulasi mengajar) : 40% 11. Tugas/presentasi : 25% Penilaian

8. 90 – 100 = A 9. 80 – 89 = B 10. 70 – 79 = C 11. 60 – 69 = D 12. <59 = E Rincian materi

Minggu Materi Pokok Sumber

1 General overview of the course Syllabus Handouts

2 What is teaching media? Harmer (2007)


4 – 5 The implementation of teaching media in the

classroom: some examples Dudeney & Hockley (2007) Jubilee Enteprise (2008) 6 Media in action: lesson planning Dick & Reiser (1997) 7 – 17 Student-made media demonstration Harmer (2007)

Sumber Belajar

Dudeney, Gavin dan Nicky Hockley. 2007. How to … Teach English with Technology. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of Language Teaching. China: Pearson Education Limited.

Jubilee Enterprise. 2008. Memanfaatkan Software Gratis dari Internet. Jakarta: PT. Elex Media Komputindo.


15 Teaching simulation:

Student-made media demonstration Students are expected to be able to present teaching media through a teaching simulation comprehensively

Demonstration &

discussion Oral presentation Handout: Rubric

Sessions Topics Objectives Learningactivities Evaluation Sources

16 Teaching simulation: Student-made media demonstration

Students are expected to be able to present teaching media through a teaching simulation comprehensively Demonstration & discussion Oral presentation Handout: Rubric 7



Mata Kuliah : Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Kode : IG 503

SKS : 2

Semester : 5

Dosen/Asisten : Prof.Dr.Hj.Nenden Sri Lengkanawati, M.Pd./Fazri Nur Yusuf, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Tujuan Umum

Di akhir perkuliahan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu: 1. Menjabarkan konsep tentang media pembelajaran

2. Mengembangkan media untuk pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

Mata kuliah ini dirancang untuk menyajikan berbagai konsep tentang media pembelajaran untuk kepentingan proses belajar maupun mengajar. MK ini akan mencakup landasan dan praktek pengembangan media pembelajaran. Selanjutnya, mahasiswa akan dipajankan kepada beragam media pembelajaran mulai dari yang sederhana hingga yang berteknologi tinggi seperti multimedia. Pada akhirnya, mahasiswa akan diminta untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran sekaligus mendemonstrasikannya dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan pembelajaran akan meliputi: Metode:

1. Ceramah 2. Diskusi

3. Demonstrasi; simulasi mengajar


Media pembelajaran: 6. Laptop

7. LCD projector



Evaluasi hasil studi mahasiswa pada MK ini akan berdasarkan hal-hal berikut: 7. Kehadiran di kelas : min.80% dari total perkuliahan

8. Partisipasi : 10%

9. UTS (perencanaan simulasi) : 25% 10. UAS (simulasi mengajar) : 40% 11. Tugas/presentasi : 25% Penilaian

8. 90 – 100 = A 9. 80 – 89 = B 10. 70 – 79 = C 11. 60 – 69 = D 12. <59 = E Rincian materi

Minggu Materi Pokok Sumber

1 General overview of the course Syllabus


2 What is teaching media? Harmer (2007)

3 Educational technology & other resources Dudeney & Hockley (2007)


4 – 5 The implementation of teaching media in the

classroom: some examples Dudeney & Hockley (2007) Jubilee Enteprise (2008) 6 Media in action: lesson planning Dick & Reiser (1997) 7 – 17 Student-made media demonstration Harmer (2007)

Sumber Belajar

Dudeney, Gavin dan Nicky Hockley. 2007. How to … Teach English with Technology. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of Language Teaching. China: Pearson Education Limited.

Jubilee Enterprise. 2008. Memanfaatkan Software Gratis dari Internet. Jakarta: PT. Elex Media Komputindo.