Improving the Vocabulary Mastery of the Second Year Students Through Direct Method of MTs. Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa, Gowa - Repositori UIN Alauddin Makassar


  for the requirem English Department of Tarbiyah of Ala


  VOCABULARY MASTERY OF THE SECOND YEAR TROUGH DIRECT METHOD OF MTS SYEKH YUSUF SUNGGUMINASA, GOWA A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment for the requirement of the Degree in english education. ish Department of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty

lauddin State Uslamic University Makassar




  Dengan penuh kesadaran, penulis yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini adalah hasil karya penyusun sendiri. Jika di kemudian hari terbukti bahwa ia merupakan duplikat, tiruan, plagiat atau dibuat orang lain secara keseluruhan atau sebahagian, maka skripsi dan gelar diperoleh karenanya , batal demi hukum.

  Makassar, Desember 2010 Penyusun

  ADE IRMA BAHARUDDIN Nim: 20401106113



  Alhamdulillah, a deepest gratitude should go to Allah SWT. This research would never be completed without His Blessing and Mercy. The researcher should thank for the invaluable physical and spiritual health Allah has lent during the process of this research. This thesis writing has been finished, under the assistance, direction, and guidance of some people.

  Therefore, the researcher would like to express her greatest gratitude and appreciation, especially to:

  1. The researcher’s father, Baharuddin Serang, her mother Maimunah, and her Familly who always pray, encourage, educate and provide countless material supports, so that, she could finish this thesis writing and her study in UIN Alauddin Makassar.

  2. Prof. Dr. Azhar Arsyad., M.A. the Rector of State Islamic University Alauddin Makassar.

  3. Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Natsir Mahmud., M.A. The Dean and all of the staffs Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar.

  4. Dra. Djuwairiah Ahmad, M.Pd, M. TESOL. The Head of English Education Department, Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar and all of the staffs of her.

  5. The researcher’s consultants, Prof. Hamdan, M.A., Ph.D and Drs. M.Rusdi, M.Ag. who always gives her much knowledge especially in formulating thesis draft till becomes thesis. Their correcting made her bouncy in facing challenge and obstacle.

  6. All of the lecturers of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar for their guidance during her study.

  7. Head Master of MTs. Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa, Gowa Dra. Hj. ST. Saharinah and English teacher of the second grade (VIIIA) Rahmiati. S.S in Academic Year of 2009/2010 who has kindly given her one class to do research and enthusiastically participated in writer’s research. This thesis would have not been possible completed without their cooperation.

  8. The Second Grade Students of MTs. Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa, Gowa 2009- 2010, especially for the VIII A class who gave their time and willingly participated in her research.

  9. Special thanks to all her greatest classmates (PBI 5&6) of English Department Alauddin State Islamic University 2006 they are ; Nurasia Ramdana, S.Pd, Amelia Fitriani,S.Pd, Izzatul Jannah,S.Pd, Rahmadani,S.Pd, Mutmainnah,S.Pd, Subaedah,S.Pd, A.Hamsinar,S.Pd, Asmawati,S.Pd, Rahmaniah,S.Pd, Ratna Dilah,S.Pd, Baharia,S.Pd, Rahmawati,S.Pd, Nurhandayani,S.Pd, Sahidah,S.Pd, Irfiani Bakri,S.Pd, Nurmayanti,S.Pd, Ummul Muafiah,S.Pd, Dzul Ashfiah,S.Pd, Sukmawati,S.Pd, ST. Faridah,S.Pd, Mardiana,S.Pd, Shabrun Jamil,S.Pd, Muh.

  S.Pd, Sofyan Haris,S.Pd, Mursal,S.Pd, Samsuar,S.Pd, Akmal Isnaini,S.Pd, Muh.Miftadil,S.Pd.

  10. All of the researcher’s friends in PBI intake 2006-2007, who accompanied the researcher to study, helped to solve the problems and gave affection during her study.

  11. Her friend all at once as elder brother and sisters during KKN; Syurhasriati, Nurbiah, Rahmatia Razak, Masyitah, Irma Irfiana, Syamsul Bahri, irwansa and hedar.

  12. The entire of researcher’s senior in PBI, Ulfa Jihadah S.Pd and Rahmawati, S.Pd who motivated and supported her.

  13. All of the people around the researcher’s life whom could not be mentioned one by one by the researcher who have given her big inspiration, motivation and spirit to her.



HALAMAN JUDUL ................................................................................................. i

PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI .................................................................. ii

PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING............................................................................iii

PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI.........................................................................................iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................v

LIST OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................viii

LIST OF TABLES...................................................................................................... x

LIST OF APPENDICES ...........................................................................................xi

ABSTRACT ..............................................................................................................xii


  .............................................................................. 1

  A. Background...................................................................................... 1

  B. Problem Statement........................................................................... 3

  C. Objective of the Research................................................................ 3

  D. Significance of the research............................................................. 3

  E. Scope of the Research...................................................................... 4 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ......................................

  5 A. Previous Related Research Findings .............................................. 5

  B. Some pertinent Ideas……………………………………………... 6

  C. The Principle of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary………… 13

  D. Definition of Direct Method…………………………………… 15

  E. Techniquesin Teaching and Learning Vocabulary……………… 16

  F. Theoretical Framewor …………………………………………21

  G. Hyipothesis………………………………………………………..22



  A. Design of the research……………………………………………23

  B. Population of sample…………………………………………… 23

  C. Variable and Instrument.................................................................24

  D. Data collecting procedure…..…………………………………….25

  E. Data analyzing technique…………………………………………26



  A. Finding……………………………………………………………28

  B. Discussion……………………………………………………….. 32



  A. Conclusion………………………………………………………...35

  B. Suggestion………………………………………………………...36


  LIST OF TABLE Table 1 :

  The score of the students’ Pre-test…………………………….29

  Table 2 :

  The score of the students’ Post-test……………………………31

  Table 3 :

  The means score of the students’ Test…………………………32

  Table 4 :

  The T-test of the students’ knowledge…………………………32



Thesis Title : Improving the Vocabulary Mastery of the Second Year

Students Through Direct Method of MTs. Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa, Gowa Researcher : Ade Irma Baharuddin Consultant : 1. Prof. Hamdan, M.A., Ph.D Drs. M.Rusdi, M.Ag.

2. This research aimed to increase the students’ English vocabulary at the second

  year students of MTs Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa Gowa and expected to be useful information to increase teaching of English vocabulary especially at junior and sonior high school. This research is limited to the use of picture dictionary through direct method is a kinesthetic activity that invoves all students in the class and that facilitates short exchange between students.

  The researcher would use two variable in this research as follows: improving vocabulary through direct method (X) is the independent variable and the students’ English vocabulary (Y) is dependent variable of the research. This research use one instrument that is test would administrate before that treatments to get data on the student prior knowledge, while post-test we would gave to the students after the last treatments to get data in the impact of through direct method. The total number of populations were 50 students.

  The researcher applied purposive sampling techniques, named class VIII consist of 20 student. The researcher done the research during the four meeting. The result ot this research showed that the second year students of MTs Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa Gowa had a “poor” achievement before improving vocabulary through direct method applied. After this method applied the students’ had “very good”achievement. It can be seen from the result of student’ post-test is higher than the result of student’ pre-test it means that direct method is effective in increasing the students vocabulary.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background The acquisition of vocabulary may impact the comprehension of

  reading important as Vocabulary. However, English vocabulary command shares significant contribution to the effort of mastering English.

  In fact, the students sometimes ask question about how to learn, develop, and retain vocabulary and its meaning. These questions are certainly universal that most language learners often encounter. For example of the case happened at the second grade students of Madrasah Tsyanawia. Syekh Yusuf,sungguminasa Gowa, where they just have little vocabulary because teaching traditionally of English vocabulary showed more complicated.

  Teachers just gave list of vocabulary to students and asked them to memorize vocabulary. That does not connect to their daily activity. That is why, students can not use the vocabulary for their activities.

  One of the teachers who is teaching English at the second grade of Madrasah tsyanawiya. Syekh Yusuf, Sungguminasa Gowa, Rahmiati, has applied some strategies such as the students were asked to find out the vocabulary that they do not know in the dictionary. She considered that when doing this, the students did not only see what they were looking for, but they could also see and paid attention to vocabularies. Spontaneously, the students read and remembered the vocabulary they had seen but, it did not totally support to improve their vocabulary.

  In teaching vocabulary, the teacher has so many difficulties to improve

the students’ vocabulary. That is why, many English teachers try to build up

the students’ vocabulary by using various teaching strategies in teaching.

Teacher should find the effective technique to teach English vocabulary.

Instruction are needed to help the students’ understanding and increase the

effectiveness in communication between teachers and students in teaching and

learning process. It is also used to stimulate the students’ motivation and

students’ interest to the lesson.

  One of the instruction that can be used to teach English vocabulary

effectively is using Direct Method. The direct method is not new. Its principles

have been applied by language teachers for many years. Most recently, it was

revived as a method when the goal of intruction became learning how to use a

foreign language to communicate.

  In fact, the educator also felt that the advantages of direct method could

reinforce the students, so that is why, the episode of direct method was begun

and it does not end yet until to day. After knowing about learning styles and

different need of people when pervading information, the most important thing

that we should know that direct method is the ideal instrument of reinforcement

study to tactile learners. Tactile or kinesthetic learners are those who learn

through experiencing/doing things. For this reason, tactile learners may

become bored more quickly than other students while listening to a class

lecture (Fleming: 2010). They are children or adults, people who always need

rough sketches on something and take hold of something or work on something

  Based on the description above, the researched would like to choose direct method to overcome problems of learning vocabulary. Using direct method that hoped improves students’ English vocabulary especially to the second year students of MTs. Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa, Gowa can learn vocabulary repeatedly without feeling bored. Using direct method also is effective to improve the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skill.

  B. Problem Statement By looking over the background above, the program statement can be formulated as follows: Can direct method improve the students’ vocabulary at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa Gowa?

  C. Objective of the Research The research aims to know the effectiveness of vocabulary through direct method at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasah


  D. Significance of the Research The result of this research and expected to provide useful information to increase the teaching of English focusing the vocabulary mastery, which can give constribution to language teaching and contribution to learners

especially at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Syekh Uusuf Sungguminasa, Gowa.

E. Scope of the Research

  The scope of this research is focused on identifying the students’ ability, overcoming the students’ problems, and improving the students’ ability in memorizing English vocabulary trhough direct method at the second year students of MTs. Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa, Gowa

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATRED LITERATURE This chapter presents the preview related research findings, some concept of vocabulary, teaching method and direct method. A. Previous Related Research Findings There are some researchers who have conducted research on vocabulary

  building. Suwarni (2003:5), in her research about increasing the vocabulary mastery for the third year students of MAN. 1 makassar trough crossword puzzle formulated problem statement, namely : (1) what is the vocabulary mastery of the third year students of MAN. 1 Makassar? (2) is learning English vocabulary through crossword puzzle effective increasing students’ vocabulary mastery? (3) what is the students attitude toward learning English vocabulary through crossword puzzle? The research result indicated that learning English vocabulary through crossword puzzle is effective increasing students’ vocabulary mastery.

  Other research, Rosniati (2003:3) wanted to increase the students vocabulary toward quiz. The problem statements were (1) how is the teaching of vocabulary to the students in using quiz? (2) how is the influence of using quiz in teaching vocabulary to the students? In rosniati’s research, she found that quiz can be used to improve the vocabulary teaching of the students in teaching English.

  In addition, Nur azizah Amiliddin (2006:45) wanted to teach vocabulary through classroom simulation games to the students. Her research objective was to find out whether yes or not there is a significant different on vocabulary mastery between the students who are treated by using conventional technique.

  After finishing her research, she proved that there is a significant difference on vocabulary mystery between the students who are treated by using classroom simulation game and those who treated by using conventional technique.

  From all the findings above that suwarni wanted to increase the vocabulary mastery by using crossword puzzle, Rosniati wanted to increase the students’ vocabulary through quiz, and Nur azizah amiluddin wanted to prove that classroom simulation games bring a significant difference to teach vocabulary.

  The researcher itself wanted to improve the students’ English vocabulary through diract method.

B. Some pertinent ideas

  In this part, the writer tries to explaine the concepts of vocabulary that related to improving students’ vocabulary. In this concept, the writer try to explain about the difinition of vocabulary, kinds of vocabulary and some techniques use in the presentation of new vocabulary items.

1. Definition of vocabulary

  According Victoria N. and David B (1995:1494) Vocabulary is a list of word and often, phrases, abbreviations, inflectional forms, and all the word used by a particular person, socioeconomic group.

  Hornby (1989:1425) state that Vocabulary is tha total number of words that make up a language, list of words with their meaning especially one which a companies a text book in foreign language.

  According to Good (1958:642) Vocabulary is the content and the function words of language which are learn to thorougly they become a part of child’s understanding, speaking and later reading and writing vocabulary. He also defines vocabulary as the words having mening when heard or seen even though not produced by individuals him self to communication of with other.

  Hocket (1959:5) states that a word consist a sound, or a combination of sound, that has become conventionalized in culture or linguistic community, that is commonly use in certain responses belonging to the some community.

  Webster (1983), vocabulary is arrange or sombol or techniques, constituting a means of communication or expression, Caster in Rosniati (2003,26), vocabulary is the word having meaning when heard or see even though not produce by individual himself to communication with other.

  Bogus (1975) states that vocabulary is: a) A list of words and phrases, especially one arrange in alphabetically order and defined or translated lexicon glossary, b) All the words language, c) All the words use or understood by particular person, class, profession, etc, d) The range of expression at person’s disposal espessially an art.

  According to the writer vocabulary is the word of a language which have meaning and function. From some definitions iven though are different suond from each other, but the important point of the devinition is that vocabulary of word influence people to make up a language.

2. Types of vocabulary

  Vocabulary is the stock of lexical items in a language, for the purpose of teaching and learning activities. Word in a language are small elements, which could make up a language.

  Language classify is vocabulary into two kind namely receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary. Receptive vocabulary refers to the words or lexical items, which can be recognized and comprehend in context of listening and reading. While productive vocabulary refers to words which we use in speaking and writing.

  Some clasifications of vocabulary are given in the following:

  a. Schail (1967:57) steta that every persons has three types of vocabulary as follow:

  1. Active vocabulary.

  The word we costomarily use in speaking and probably runs from 5000 to 10000 words.

  2. Reserve Vocabulary.

  The word we know but we rarely use in speaking , we use them in writing.

  3. Passive Vocabulary.

  The words we recognize vaguely, but are not sure of the meaning, we never use them in neither speking or writing.

  According to Nuttal in Nikmawati (1993: 6 ), active vocabulary consists of words that we use and know well by ourselves and passive vocabulary consist of words that we understand approximately when we meet them, but can not use them.

  Donoqhgue (1973) in Mardiah (2002: 7) divides vocabulary into four types, they are; 1. listening or hearing vocabulary, it refers to the words a person understand when he hears them.

  2. speaking vocabulary includes the words a person uses in expressing himself orally.

  3. reading vocabulary, embraces the words that person understand when he sees them in printing or in writing.

  4. writing vocabulary is chronologically acquired last and only includes the words a person uses or can in writing composition.

  Furthermore types of vocabulary (;

  1. Reading vocabulary, a person’s reading vocabulary is all the words he or she can recognize when reading. This is largest type of vocabulary simply because it includes the other three

  2. listening vocabulary, a person’s listening vocabulary is all the words he or she can recognize when listening to speech. This vocabulary is aided in size by context and tone of voice. 3. writing vocabulary, a person’s writing vocabulary is all the words he or she can employ in writing. Contrary to the previous two vocabulary types, the writing vocabulary is stimulated by its user. 4. speaking vocabulary, a person’s speaking vocabulary is all the words he or she can use in speech. Due to the spontaneous nature of the speaking vocabulary, words are often misused. This misuse-though slight and unintentional- may ne compensated by facial expressions, tone of voice, or hand gestures.

  b. Harmer (1991:159) divides vocabulary into two types, which are:

  1. Active vocabolary revers to vocabulary that students have learned and which they expected to use.


  2. Passive vocabulary revers to words that students will recognizewhem they meet them, but which they will probably not be able to produce.

  c. Legget (1982: 148-149) point out that there are two types of vocabulary :

  1. Passive of recognize vocabulary which is made up words, one recognize in the context of reading material but he does not actually use him self.

  2. Active vocabulary which consist of working words used daily in writing and speaking.

  In eddition, Page and Thomas (1971:461-462) devides vocabulary into four kind, namely:

  1. Oral vocabulay, consist of words actively in speech. They are the words that come readily to the tongue in conversation, the more often the person utters a words, the more readily it will come to his tongue.

  2. Writing vocabulary, consist the words that come readily to ones finger vocabulary.

  3. Listening vocabulary is the stock of words to whoch one responds with meaning and which

  4. Reading Vocabulary is the stock of words to one respond with and which are understood in the writing of others.


3. What the students need to know about vocabulary

  Harmer (1991) explines four aspect of vocabulary that students need to know about. The four aspect are word meaning. Word use, word formation and word grammar.

  a. Word meaning One word may have than one meaning. The meaning of the word depends on the context in whict that word occurs. Therefore, in the teaching of vocabulary, word taught to the students shoud be presented in a variety of context to show various meanings.

  b. Word use The meaning of the word can be changed. Stretcher or limited by how it is used and this is something that students need to know about. In relation to the word use, Harmer (1991) states that students need to recognize such thing, such as word collocation that is which words go with each other. For example, such a word as ‘wrist’, but it cannot collocate with the word ‘head’. So we have such a collocation as ‘sprain head’. On the contrary, the word ‘ache’ can collocation with ’head’ as in ‘headeche’, but it cannot get such a collocation as ‘ wrist ache’ c. Word formation Word formatiom refers to word form and how they formed. Some words are noun, some word are adjectives, some word are verb, etc. the students need to know about how to form adjective from noun to adjectives, how to form verb to nouns, or from adjective and etc. for example, beauty (noun) changed to beautiful (adjective), or beautiful (verb). (Chew and Kaur in sahabuddin, 2000: 159)

  d. Word grammar Word grammar refers to such things as the way words are used grammatically. In English, for instance, some verbs are used with to

  (want to, walk to), but some other verbs are used without to (can, way, etc).

  English verbs have tenses such as verb ‘want’ may changed to ‘wanted’, ‘speak’ may change to ‘spoke’ or ‘spoken’. The students need to know when they are use properly.

C. The principle of teaching and learning vocabulary

  Wallace (1989 )infoms that there are various main principles of teaching vocabulary. They are: a. Aims The teaching vocabulary, we have to be clear about our aims, how many of vocabulary listed we expect learners to do. If it is not clear on this point, it is difficult to assess how successful the vocabulary learning has been attained.

  b. Quantity Having decided on what involved in vocabulary learning, we may then decide on the quantity of vocabulary to be taught, the number of new words that our students can learn. If we expect the words that will be taught become part of students’ active vocabulary, then put the number of words as low as round ‘five until seven new words. Clearly, the actual number will depend on a number of factors varying from class to class and learner to learner. When there are too many words, the students may become confused, discourage, and frustrated.

  c. Need In most cases, the choice of vocabulary taught to the students, the teacher uses books course books is syllabuses. In any case, the teacher in choosing the vocabulary that is going to be taught will relate to the aim of course and the objectives of individual lesson. It is also possible for the teachers, in a sense, to put the responsibility of choosing vocabulary to be taught to the students. In other words, the students are put in the situation where they have to communicate the words they need, as they need then, using the words as the information.

  d. Frequent exposure and repetition Teaching and learning vocabulary there have to be certain amount of repetitions until there is evidence that students can recognize the target words.

  The simplest way to chacking that the learning has been done is by seeing whether the students can recognize the target words and identify their memory. If the words to part of the students productive vocabulary, they must be given an apportinity to use them, as often as neccesary for them to recall the words, with the correct stress, pronunciation and identify their meaning.

  e. Meaningful presentation Presenting the vocabulary lesson, the students must have a clear and specific understanding of what words denotes or refers to. The requires the referance and denotation of the words that are presented in such a way afre correcly and unambiguous.

  f. Situational presentation The words presented are appropriate to the students’ situation. With a favorable condition, enough time consuming and convenient method, the students will automatically succeed in learning vocabulary. g. Presenting in context Words very seldom occur in isolation, so is important for the students to know the usual collocation that words occur in. so, from the very beginning the must appear in its natural envirinment as it were among the words naturally collocates with. Collocations are words which are commonly assosiated.

D. The definitoin of direct method

  The direct method is not new. Its principles have been applied by language teachers for many years. Most recently, it was revived as a method when the goal of intruction became learning how to use a foreign language to communicate. Since the Grammar-Translation Method was not very effective in preparing students to use the target language communicatively, the Direct Method become popular.

  Diller (1978) the Direct Method has one very basic rule: No translation is allowed. In fact, the Direct Method receives its name from the fact that meaning is to be conveyed directly in the target language through the use of demonstration and visual aids, with no recourse to the students’ native language .

  L. Sauveur (1826-1907), who used intensive oral interaction in the target language, employing questions as a way of presenting and eliciting language.

  We will now try to come to an understand of the direct method by observing an English teacher using it in a scuole media (lower secondary school) class in Italy. The class has thirty students who attend English class for one hour, three time a week. The class observe is at the end of its first years of English language intruction in a scuola media.

  Sauveur and other belivers in the Natural Method argued that a foreign language could be taught without translation or the use of the learner’s native tongue if meaning was conveyed directly through demonstration and action.

E. Tecniques in teaching and learning vocabulary

  Allen (1983:21) classifies the tecnique in teaching vocabulary for beginner classes as follows:

  1. Let the students look at several words that are introducet in the first yaers textbook, words representing nouns, verbs, adjectives and other kinds of word. For the young learners are emphasized in simple words such as the animals, fruit, etc, in noun. Simple verbs that they are usually used in everyday, name of colors, characteristics of persons in adjectives and many other that are easy to children comprehending.

  2. Showing some pictures, expecially the pictures that students draw

  3. Showing the real object 4. Definition in English, using vocabulary that students knew already.

  Wallace (1989:30) states five steps to learn or to achieve vocabulary in the mother tongue and the target language as follows:

  1. There is a felt need.

  2. The learner is exposed to an enermous quantity of his own Slanguage with tremendous scope for repetition of what he learns.

  3. The learner control his own rate of learns.

  4. The target language is nearly always encountered in appropriate situation and appropriate context.

  5. Since the words are the learned as they arise out of a felt need in a particular situation they usually clear denotation.

  Davies in Richards and Rodger (1986:42) give sample lesson plans for use with situational language teaching. The structure being taught in the following lesson are “This is a…” and “that ‘s a…”

  Teacher. (holding up a watch) look. This is a watch. (2X) (pointing to aclock on wall or table) That’s a clock. (2X) This a watch. (putting down watch and moving aross to touch the clock or pick it up) This is a clock. (2X) (pointing to watch) That’s a watch. (2X) (picking up a pen) This is a pen. (2X) (drawing large pencil on blackboard and moving away) That’s a pencil. (2X) take your pens. All take your pens (students all pick up their pens). Teacher Listen. This is a book. (3X) This.(3X) Student This. (3X) A student. This (5X) Teacher. This is a pen Student. This is a pen. (3X) A student (moving pen) this is a pen. (6X) Teacher. (pointing to blackboard) That a pencil. (3x) That. (3x) Student. That (3x) A student. That (6x) Teacher. That’s a pencil Student. (all pointing at blackboard) That’s a pencil.(3x) A student. (pointing at blackboard) That’s a pencil.(6x) Teacher. Take your books. (talking a book himself) This is a book. (3x) Student. This is a book. (3x) Teacher. (Placing notebook in a visible place) Tell me… A student. That’s a notebook.

  You can now begin taking objects out of your box, making sure they are as far as possible not new vocabulary items. Large objects may be placed in visible places at the front of the classroom. Smaller ones distributed to students.

  Davies et al (1986:43) likewise give detiled information about teaching procedures to be through direct method. Teachging sequence of activities they propose consist of :

  1. Listening practice in which the teacher obtains his student”s attention and repeats an example of the patterns or a word in isolation clearly, several times, probably saying it slowly at least once (where is the pen?),separating the words.

  2. Choral imitation in which students all together or in large groups repeat what the teacher has said. This works best if the teacher gives a clear instruction like “repeat” , or “Everbody” and hand signal to mark time and stress.

  3. Individual imitation in which the teacher asks several individual students to repeat the model he has given in order to check their pronounciation.

  4. Isolation, in which the teacher isolates sound, word or groups of words which cause trouble and goes through techniques 1-3 with them before replacing them in context.

  5. Building up to a new model, in which the teacher gets students to asks and answer questions using patterns they already know in order to bring about the


  6. Elicition, in which the teacher, using mime, prorapt words, gestures, etc, gets students to ask questions, make statements, or give new example of the pattern.

  7. Substitution drilling, in which to the teacher uses cue words (words, pictures, numbers, names, etc) to get individual students to mix the example of the new patterns.

  8. Question - answer drilling, in which the teacher gets one students to ask a question and another to answer until most students in the class have practiced asking and answering the new question from.

  9. Correction, in which the teacher indicates by shaking his head, repeating the error, etc, that there is a mistake and invites the students or a different student to correct it. Where possible the teacher does not simply correct the mistake himself. He gets students to correct themselves so they will be encourage to listen to each other carefully.

F. Theoretical framework

  The mastery of vocabulary becomes very essential since it plays an important role to make language work. The teaching and language learning technique should be varied with and technique that enables students obtain new vocabulary more than by using some common techniques.


  The main focus in this research is to application of direct method in teaching vocabulary to what extents the direct method to improve the students’ vocabulary command. Language teacing invokers may kinds of activities are expected to engage students’ attention in learning. It also helps to ensure that there is input before output.

  Therefore students can be profited with a suitable input before they produce the word trough four skills for instance : listening, writing, reading, speaking, and output will be the students’ mastery on vocabulary by using some command teachniques.

  The theoretical framework underling this research is given in the following diagram :

   Input Process Output

  Vocabulary material Through Direct Method Vocabulary (some new students’ material

  Vocabulary) There are three variable: imput, process and autput are rely classified as follow:

  • Imput to the some new vocabulary
  • Process refers to teaching activity through direct method - Output refers to the students’ memorizing vocabulary.

G. Hypothesis

  1. . : There is no significant difference between increasing students ܪ

  ଴ vocabulary before and after being taught through direct method.

  2. : There is significant difference between increasing students vocabulary ܪ

  ଵ before and after being though through direct method.

CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE RESEARCH The chapter deals with research design and variable, population and

  sample, instrument of the research, procedure of collecting data and technique of data analysis.

  A. Design of the research

  The research, used pre-experimental method with one group pre-test and post-test. In this research to see the teaching through Direct Method whether can increasing vocabulary of the student, at MTs Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa Gowa. The design is formulated as follow:

  O1 X O2 Pre-test Treatment Post-test

  B. Population and Sample

a. Population

  To know about the condition of population in composong this thesis, the writer axplains condition of population. Arikunto (2006) has viewed that population is the total of the research subject. the population of this research is the second years students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Syekh Yusuf Sungguminsa Gowa. The total of the research consist of 100 from two classes.

b. Sample

  in taking sample, the researcher is going to use random sampling techique. The researcher randomly chose 10 student from each two class so that the total number of sample is 20 from two class.

C. Variable and Instrument

a. Variables

  There are two variables involved in this research namely dependent variable and independent variable.

  1. The dependent variable : The students’ vocabulary mastery, and the student attitide toward the use of vocabulary masrery in teaching Einglish vocabulary.

  2. The independent variable : the use of vocabulary mastery in teaching vocabulary.

b. Instument of the research

  This research use just one instrument that is test. The test would consist of pre-test and post-test. The pre-test would administrate before the streatments to get data on the students’ priore knowledge, while post-test we would give to the student after the last streatments to get data in the impact of direch method.

D. Data Collecting Procedure

  In collecting data the researcher will using the following procedure:

  1. Giving a Pre-Test The pre-test would be given to the students before streatments by testing; the purpose is to know ability students’ mastery vocabulary trough direct method.

  2. Giving Streatment The streatment would be given to the student by teaching trough direct method for four meeting. For detail informarion, the researcher would explain the streatments in every meeting in the following:

  a. The first meeting: the researcher introduces and explain about element of language. One of them is vocabulary.

  b. The second and third meeting: the student are given some English material. Each material has some new vocabulary taugh by oral and written processes.

  c. The four meeting: the researcher ask them one by one about vocabulary given at the previous meeting.

  3. Giving a Post-Test The Post-Test will be given to the students after streatment to know the students’ achievement in memorizing English vocabulary after aplying direct method.

E. Data Analyzing Tecnique

  The analyzin data collected is through the pre-test and post-test. The researcher analyzing the data by using the following procedures:

  1. Scoreing the students’ correct of pre-test

  2. Clasifying the score of the students’ pre-test and post-test

  a. Score 90-100 : Very good

  b. Score 70-89 : Good

  c. Score 50-69 : Fair

  d. Score 30-49 : Poor

  e. Score 10-29 : Very poor

3. To find out students mean score, the writer will apply formula:

4. Standard deviation


5. Fending out significant differences between pre-test and post-test by using


CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION This chapter consist of two section, namely the finding of the research and

  discussion. In the discussion section, there were futher explanations of the finding given.

A. Findings

  In collection data, the writer administered test. The test rewe done two times. Pre-test was given before the treatment and pos-test were given after the treatment. The test results are used as data to be analized in this research.

a. The classification of the student score before the treatment or pre-test is

  presented in tale 1 bellow: Table 1

  No Classification Score Frequency Percentge


  • - -
  • - -

  5 Very good Good

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