Revealing the christian values of Elijah as seen in Paulo Coelho`s the Fifth Mountain - USD Repository


  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

  By Christina Rindang Kurniasari

  Student Number: 051214102



  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

  By Christina Rindang Kurniasari

  Student Number: 051214102









  Kurniasari, Christina Rindang. (2009) Revealing the Christian Values of Elijah


as Seen in Paulo Coelho’s The Fifth Mountain Yogyakarta: English Language

  Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University This thesis discusses the Christian value conveyed by Elijah as the main character of Paulo Coelho’s The Fifth Mountain. Through his life experience in the City of Akbar, Elijah learns how to survive from the shattering and unavoidable circumstances. Due to that fact, Elijah shares some values that he affirms along his course of life.

  This study aims to find out how Elijah, as the major character of this story, is characterized and what the Christian values are revealed by Elijah in this story. The problems are formulated as follows: 1). How is Elijah characterized in Paulo Coelho’s The Fifth Mountain? 2). What Christian values are presented by Elijah in Paulo Coelho’s The Fifth Mountain?

  This study is a library research. There are two main sources, namely primary and secondary sources. The primary source is taken from the novel itself, The Fifth Mountain. The secondary sources are obtained from some relevant books related to literary theory such as the literary approach theory, theory on character and characterization, Christian values such as faith, hope, love, and the positive values of the tragedy in order to support the analysis. This study employs the moral-philosophical approach to examine the novel so as to relate the moral teaching conveyed in this story.

  Based on the analysis, the result of the study can be divided into two major parts. First, Elijah is portrayed as a wise prophet. He tries to help other people who cry out for help and his wisdom is reflected from his wise saying scattered throughout the story. Involving himself in the political turmoil and war, he shows his courage and kindness in overcoming all the unavoidable events. Despite the fact that he is still young and talented, Elijah often feels depressed or doubtful about the purpose of his own life. Second, as a human being, sometimes he wants to give up but his faith ultimately triumphs over all his doubts and fears. The Christian values such as faith, hope and love are presented by Elijah along the story to show that the tragedy should not be treated as a punishment but the challenge for one’s spiritual growth.

  Some suggestions for the future researchers and the teaching learning activities are presented. First, this thesis can be used as a reference or additional information for the future researchers who are willing to analyze the same novel. Second, this thesis proposes the suggestions for the implementation in teaching Intensive Reading II Class in English Language Education Study Program (ELESP), Sanata Dharma University.

  Keywords: character, personality, Christian value, moral-philosophical.




  Kurniasari, Christina Rindang. (2009) Revealing the Christian Values of Elijah


as Seen in Paulo Coelho’s The Fifth Mountain Yogyakarta: Program Studi

  Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Skripsi ini membahas nilai-nilai Kristiani yang dibawakan oleh Elijah sebagai tokoh utama dalam The Fifth Mountain karya Paulo Coelho. Melalui pengalaman hidupnya tinggal di Kota Akbar, Elijah belajar bagaimana bertahan hidup dari situasi yang kacau dan tak terelakkan. Atas dasar itu, Elijah membagikan beberapa nilai-nilai moral yang dia pegang teguh selama perjalanan hidupnya.

  Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Elijah sebagai tokoh utama dalam cerita dikarakterisasikan dan nilai-nilai Kristiani apa saja yang dia ungkapkan dalam cerita ini. Permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut dirumuskan sebagai berikut 1). Bagaimana Elijah digambarkan dalam novel The Fifth Mountain karya Paulo Coelho? 2). Nilai-nilai Kristiani apa saja yang Elijah sajikan dalam novel The Fifth Mountain karya Paulo Coelho?

  Skripsi ini adalah sebuah penelitian perpustakaan. Ada dua jenis sumber yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini yaitu sumber utama dan sumber kedua. Sumber utama berasal dari novel itu sendiri, The Fifth Mountain. Sumber kedua diambil dari beberapa buku yang relevan dan berhubungan dengan teori kesusasteraan seperti teori pendekatan karya sastra dan teori karakter dan penokohan, nilai-nilai Kristiani seperti iman, harapan dan cinta, dan teori tentang nilai-nilai positip dari suatu tragedi untuk mendukung analisis. Skripsi ini menerapkan pendekatan moral-filosofis untuk menguji novel, sehubungan dengan ajaran moral yang disampaikan dalam cerita ini,.

  Hasil analisis skripsi ini dapat dibagi menjadi dua bagian utama. Pertama, Elijah digambarkan sebagai nabi yang bijaksana. Dia membantu orang lain yang meminta pertolongan kepadanya dan kebijaksanaanya terpancar dari kata-kata bijaknya yang tersebar di seluruh bagian cerita. Tersangkut dalam huru-hara politik dan perang, dia menunjukkan keberanian dan kebaikan hatinya dalam mengatasi hal-hal buruk yang tak terelakkan. Meskipun dia masih muda dan berbakat, Elijah sering merasa tertekan atau ragu terhadap tujuan hidupnya.

  Kedua, sebagai manusia biasa, dia kadang ingin menyerah tetapi pada akhirnya imannya menang atas segala keraguan dan ketakutannya. Nilai-nilai kristiani seperti iman, pengharapan, dan kasih disajikan oleh Elijah melalui cerita ini untuk menunjukkan bahwa tragedi tidak seharusnya diperlakukan sebagai suatu hukuman melainkan sebagai suatu tantangan atas perkembangan spiritual seseorang.

  Beberapa saran disajikan bagi para peneliti di masa yang akan datang dan aktivitas pengajaran. Pertama, skripsi ini dapat digunakan sebagai referensi atau informasi tambahan bagi para peneliti di masa yang akan datang yang berniat untuk meneliti novel yang sama. Kedua, skripsi ini memberikan beberapa saran


  pengajaran Intensive Reading II, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Kata-kata kunci: tokoh, kepribadian, nilai-nilai Kristiani, moral filosofis.



  “It’s not the goal you set; it is what you need to achieve it”. This proverb has illustrated the circumstances in which I, as a university student, have worked to finish this thesis. Along the process of accomplishing this study, I have received the enormous assistance and support from many people. Therefore, I am obliged to express my greatest gratitude to those who have made the writing of this thesis possible and led me up to this far.

  First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Our Almighty


God and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. I am so blessed with Their love and

grace that everything can be accomplished in time. I am most grateful to V.


Triprihatmini, S.Pd., M.Hum., M.A. as my thesis sponsor, for having spent

  myriad hours reading and checking my thesis and also for her generous guidance and support. Left on my own, I am not convinced to accomplish this thesis. Her dedication has made me accomplish this thesis satisfactorily.

  Next, I would like to appreciate all the lecturers and the teaching staff in the English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University for the guidance, knowledge, teachings, and everything given to me during my study here. Also, my gratitude goes to all the Sanata Dharma University’s library


staff. This library has become my second campus to dig out the knowledge and

  information for the sake of my study and my course of life. I love to become the member of the homiest and coziest library in Yogyakarta.


  I would like to show my appreciation to all my family (Bapak Henricus


Suyamto, Ibu M.I Marilah, Mba’ Linda and Bang John, Mas Andry, Mas

Benny, Lil’ Tom, and our beloved niece Nonina) in both Klaten and Jakarta for

  their support, cares, and love; especially to my beloved mother and father who keep saying their wish and prayers for my successful study and life. Not to mention, my thankfulness goes to my beloved friends Antris, Berlin, Mayang,


Ruma, Patrice, Esthi, Andre, and Indro. I am so glad we can check and

  comment on one to another’s work. May all the best things come to our lives. Last but not the least, I would like to appreciate the support of all my friends and colleagues for their understanding and helps so that I could finish my thesis.

  Christina Rindang Kurniasari





  TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………… i APPROVAL PAGES……………………………………………………… ii STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY…………………………… iv



KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS ...................................................................... v

  ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………… vi


ABSTRAK………………………………………………………………………… vii

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………… ix TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………… xi LIST OF APPENDICES…………………………………………………. xiv

  CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION………………………………………… 1 A. Background of the Study………………………………… 1 B. Problem Formulation………………………………………. 5 C. Objectives of the Study……………………………………. 5 D. Benefits of the Study……………………………………… 6 E. Definition of Terms…………………………………………6 CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE………………… 9 A. Theoretical Review……………………………………….. 9

  1. Theory of Critical Approach……………… …………… 9


  2. Theories of Character and Characterization……………. 11

  3. Theory of Love………………………………………… 15 4. Theory of Faith……………………………………..


  5. Theory of Hope……….……………………………….. 19

  6. Theory of Positive Value of Tragedy…………….……. 21

  B. Theoretical Framework…………………………………… 22

  CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY………………………………………. 24 A. Object of the Study...……………………………………… 24 B. Approach of the Study…………………………………….. 25 C. Method and Procedure of the Study………………………. 26 CHAPTER IV. ANALYSIS……………………………………………… 28 A. The Character of Elijah in The Fifth Mountain…………… 28

  1. Gifted…………………………………………………… 28

  2. Obedient………………………………………………… 30

  3. Courageous…………………………………………….. 31

  4. Kind……………………………………………………. 33

  5. Wise….………………………………………………… 34

  6. Young………………………………………………….. 36

  7. Free…………………………….………………………. 36

  8. Depressed……………………………………………….. 37


  B. The Christian Values Revealed by Elijah through the Story 40

  1. Love…………………………………………………… 40

  2. Faith…………………………………………………… 45

  3. Hope…………………………………………………… 49

  CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS………………… 54 A. Conclusions……………………………………………….. 54 B. Suggestions……………………………………………….. 56

  1. Suggestions for the Future Researchers……………….. 56

  2. The Implementation of The Fifth Mountain in Teaching Intensive Reading II……………….. ………………… 57

  REFERENCES….………………………………………………………… 59 APPENDICES……………………………………………………………. 61




  APPENDIX 2: THE BIOGRAPHY OF PAULO COELHO…………...… 64 APPENDIX 3: LESSON PLAN ………………………………………... 66 APPENDIX 4: LEARNING MATERIAL……………………………….. 71 APPENDIX 5: THE FIFTH MOUNTAIN p.174-183…………………… 73


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter consists of five parts. Those are background of the study,

  problem formulation, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and definition of terms. The first discussion is background of the study. It presents a description of the topic and the reasons for its selection. The second part is problem formulation, which formulates the problems to be discussed or analyzed in the form of question-word questions. The third part states the objectives of the study. Here, the purposes of the study undertaken in relation with the problem formulation are stated. In benefits of the study, it will be identified which parties will gain from the conducted study and what kinds of benefit they will get from this study. Lastly, in definition of terms, the keywords used in the study will be elaborated so as to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation. As a note, the definitions presented must then be related to the study.

A. Background of the Study

  For some people, it seems easy to lose their common sense when they are put in the worse or uncontrollable condition. Bearing in mind, they tend to lose their endurance and their fighting spirits since they keep stressed for some time. Peale states “one thing that they usually do is having someone or something to blame whereas the rest choose not to do something as they put in their mind that they cannot fix the situation” (63).


  Related to the uncontrollable condition, there is an interesting example of Major H.P.S Ahluwalia from India. When he was young, he ever climbed the highest mountain, Mount Everest. At that time, he felt pleased with the result of his own achievement. Suddenly, a Pakistan Army shot him in Kashmir. Further, it happened when both India and Pakistan dealt to have a cease-fire. This brought about a serious injury to him. After being paralyzed he ran his life on the wheel chair. Nonetheless, Mr. Ahluwalia could get through this tough situation. He always put his faith in God and believes in his ability to survive. In my perception, although it is not easy for him at the very first time, along the way he can prove that he can stay strong as always.

  Regarding what Major H.P.S Ahluwalia has experienced, faith plays an important role in someone’s life. Dealing with such a hard situation, people should keep their faith in God as the supreme power and earn the positive value like love as the motivation of life. Inevitably, in the real life there are so many people dealing with failures and lost, still they remain strong and survive. By earning the growing faith and love of God, people will choose to keep struggling with positive thinking and find the way out of the commotion.

  The issues that are mentioned above lead me to analyze a novel related to the noble aspects of human life. Koesnosoebroto states “enjoyment alone is not sufficient” (2). Furthermore, he states that unless literature gives the readers something more than pleasure, it hardly justifies itself as something important in our life. Also, he believes that literary works will expand or refine the readers’ minds or quicken their sense of life. Connolly proposes, “men read to discover


  themselves and their world, to assess their special roles in the universe, to learn the meaning of the personal struggles in which they are engaged” (1). In other words, they want to share experience. The work of literature becomes the means for men to learn about others’ experience of life.

  I am mostly interested in novel among any other literary works because of its special characteristic. Stanton says “novel can and usually does present in detail the development of a character, or a relationship involving many characters, or a complicated event covering many years, or a complex relationship among a few characters” (44)

  I choose to dive and search the positive values in the novel of Paulo Coelho’s The Fifth Mountain, since the values in this story are apparently advantageous for everyone who reads it. Although the situations are not familiar, as they happened many centuries ago in the far country, those give comparatively challenging and meaningful insights that it takes me to take careful reading and re-reading. Based on those brief explanations, it is worthwhile to give this fascinating novel a full analysis.

  In my opinion, this novel is relatively inspiring and profound. It can be proved by some good points throughout the story. First, as the major character, Elijah must struggle to find his course in life amidst the confusion of war and political turmoil. The way he leads his ability and associates to the glory may remain for a long time in the readers’ mind. In fact, he earns some beneficial values like love and faith which are good for the readers of this novel to have.


  Related to values, Elijah affirms some values that he tries to put in his own action and words. Although the circumstances do not always treat him well and he often faces failures, Elijah wrests from the unavoidable a new beginning, an opportunity to give meaning tragedy and direction to a shattered life. Compared to his life that has been written in the Old Testament, here in the novel, Elijah is presented a little bit dissimilar. Elijah is sometimes torn between the desire to serve God and the needs of those he has come to love. In details, Paulo Coelho depicts Elijah’s thought and doubts beautifully.

  Experienced something unavoidable like Elijah, Paulo Coelho tries to share a rationale point of view in growing faith of God and love in his personal life. The readers are inquired to have what so-called questioning attitudes. It is expected that they possess the critical thinking in facing every problem and growing their faith in the light of knowledge. Paulo Coelho invites all of his readers to have a new way of thinking in dealing with “something unavoidable” such as failure, sickness, death, and loss. What should be lasting in one’s life are the lessons of the unavoidable instead of the unavoidable itself. In other words, people should always have a positive way of thinking and earn positive values within.

  Also, there are many interesting quotes to take notes. Those who have read this novel will have the same opinion that the author of this book is able to merge the beautiful language, deep philosophical contemplation, and strong religious values. Among some important points that have been stated above, the positive values that grow within the story are worthwhile to be analyzed. There are some


  important lessons about fate and life that will be interesting to find out. Along with my curiosity, I will analyze the elements of this story to reveal the moral values of this spiritual fiction.

  In Christian teaching, values such as faith and hope are regarded as the supreme values among any other values (Corinthians 13:13). Therefore, the essence of The Fifth Mountain would be relevant to the Christian value. Taken from the life story of Elijah in the Bible, the author successfully composed another style of enjoying God’s words.

B. Problem Formulation

  Based on the background above, I would like to formulate the problems of this study as follows:

  1. How is Elijah characterized in Paulo Coelho’s The Fifth Mountain?

  2. What Christian values are presented by Elijah in Paulo Coelho’s The Fifth Mountain? C.

   Objectives of the study

  The objectives of this study are to answer the questions formulated in the problem formulation above. Therefore, it aims to find out how Elijah is described in the story. Undoubtedly, as the main character in this story, Elijah undergoes some important Christian values conveyed by his profound personality. Further, this study is intended to identify what Christian values are presented by Elijah in Paulo Coelho’s The Fifth Mountain.


  D. Benefits of the Study This study tries to give some beneficial contributions to many parties.

  First of all, this study is expected to give the contributions to the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP)’s students. Hopefully, this study can give a better understanding and some insights about Paulo Coelho’s works, especially the novel entitled The Fifth Mountain. This study can be used as a good reference in appreciating Christian values conveyed in the literary works.

  Secondly, this study is purposed to give the best benefits for English Education Study Program. It is expected that this study can serve as a collection that enriches English Language Education Study Program’s library.

  For the readers of my thesis, I would like to extend their interests on literature especially novel. They should know that novel couldn’t only be perceived as a pleasurable reading but also a means to purify their thought of human experience. Lastly, this study can be used by other researchers for their further researches as the additional resources in studying the Christian values in any literary works. The results of this study can be used as the references or considerations in exploring more values that are conveyed in literary works.

  E. Definitions of Terms

  In order to help the readers of this thesis to understand further about the content of this study and avoid any kinds of misunderstanding and misinterpretation, some terms that are considered as the keywords in this study


  will be explained. It is done because some terms might have some different meanings to different circumstances.

  1. Character

  According to Abrams, character is defined as The persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say – the dialogue – and by what they do – the action. (20) In other words, characters here can be described through their moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities and those can be seen verbally and by the action.

  In this study, character is defined as the person with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that is presented by the author to recognize, understand, and deal with the tragedy of life experience.

  2. Personality

  Barnet et al. propose that character, also means personality, is “the mental and moral quality of a figure, as when we say that X’s character is strong, weak, or immoral” (71). According to Warren, as cited by Kartono, it is said that personality is “the entire mental organization of a human being at any stage of his development” (16). In other words, personality embraces every phase of human character intellect, temperament, skill, morality, and every attitude that have been built up in the course of one’s life.


  In this study, personality is every human character intellect, temperament, skill, morality, and every attitude that have been built by Elijah in the course of his life.

3. Christian Value

  According to Kauffman, the word “Christian” can be defined as “one who believes in Christ and follows Him” (112). Also, as an adjective, Christian means, “relating to Christ or Christianity or the church” (112). Surely, the second meaning is more relevant to use. According to Rahner and Vorgrimler, the term value, or better to be seen as ethics, is defined as “the science of moral; it seeks to analyze and explore the moral facts from which the norms of human behavior may derive” (151-152). Here, value relates to the moral standard.

  In this study, Christian values are defined as the moral standard related to Christian teaching.


CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter consists of two big parts. Those are theoretical review and

  theoretical framework. Theoretical review examines the theories applied in conducting the study. Definitely, only those which are directly relevant to the study are included. The next part is the theoretical framework. It clarifies the contribution of the theories in solving the problem formulations. Those theories must be synthesized so as to make them operationally applicable to the problem formulations. In other words, it depicts a guidance to analyze the problems formulated in the problem formulation.

A. Theoretical Review

  Here, theoretical review consists of literary theories and any other relevant theories. The first problem formulation will be answered by acquiring literary theories that consist of theory of critical approach and theory of character and characterization. Afterwards, the problem formulation about the Christian value will require theory of love, theory of faith, theory of hope, and the theory of the positive values of tragedy.

1. Critical Approach

  According to Guerin et al. there are five types of literary approaches,


  approaches, the formalist approach, the psychological approach, and mythological and archetypal approaches (51-218).

  According to Guerin, in historical and biographical approaches people see a literary work as “a reflection of its author’s life and times or the life and the times of the characters in the work” (51). The most common and well known of the use of the historical and biographical approaches is Huckleberry Finn from Mark Twain. It is believed that the most sensational happenings and colorful characters in Huckleberry Finn are based on actual events and persons Twain saw in Hannibal, Missouri, where he grew up, and in other towns up and down the Mississippi.

  Next, it is the moral and philosophical approaches. According to Guerin et al. moral-philosophical approach is “the approach which insists to teach morality and probe philosophical issues. If the work is in any degree significant or intelligible, the meaning of its literary works will be there” (78). The chief impact of Huckleberry Finn derives from its morality. The major theme of this story is “man’s inhumanity to man and it is exemplified in both calm and impassioned accusation and satire” (78). Due to that fact, this study determines to use the moral philosophical approach. This approach will give much help to find the moral teaching within the story. Beyond the course of his life, Elijah undergoes some valuable philosophical issues.

  In the formalist approach, Guerin proposes the assumption that “a given literary experience takes a shape proper to itself, or at least that the shape and the experience are functions of each other” (103). Therefore, most of the time, the


  formalist approach is relevantly used to analyze poems. This is because poem is usually identified from its lines of iambic, lines, and rhymes.

  The fourth approach is the psychological approach. According to Guerin, the use of psychological interpretation is “to afford many profound clues toward solving a work’s thematic and symbolic mysteries” (153). Therefore, this approach is an excellent tool for reading beneath the lines. Many critics often use Freud’s psychological theory as an interpretive tool. Freud, as cited by Guerin, proposes that psychological forces over which they have very limited control motivate most of people’s actions (153). .

  Last, Guerin states that mythological and archetypal approaches are concerned “to seek out the mysterious elements that inform certain literary works and elicit, with almost uncanny force, dramatic and universal human reactions” (182). Also it aims and wishes “to discover how certain works of literature, usually those that have become, or promise to become, “classics” image a kind of reality to which readers give perennial response” (182).

2. Character and Characterization

  Forster, as cited by Kennedy, states, “characters may seem round or flat, depending on whether a writer sketches or sculptures those” (61) Furthermore, he says that

  Round characters are presented with more facets – that is, the authors portray them in greater depth and in more generous detail. Not to mention, they often change – learn or become enlightened, grow or decline, while flat characters tend to stay the same throughout a story, they only have one outstanding trait or feature, or at most a few distinguishing marks (61)


  On the other hand, Abrams states that Characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say – the dialogue

  • – and by what they do – the action The grounds in characters temperament, desire and moral nature for their speech and action are called their motivation. A character may undergo a radical change, either through the gradual process, of motivation and development or as the result crisis. (20) Stanton defines the term “character” in two common ways: “It designates the individuals who appear in the story. Besides, it refers to the mixture of interest, desires, emotions, and moral principles that makes up each of these individuals” (17). Most of the writers of the literary works attempt to create such striking and unique characters. Nevertheless, if the story seems “true to life”, the readers can generally find that the author has provided with the characters sufficient reasons to behave as they do. Rohberger and Woods define the word characterization as “the process by which the author creates character, the devices by which he makes the readers believe a character is the particular type of person he is” (20).

  Eventually, Murphy states “characters must be understandable and come live for the readers so as to find out how the character is characterized in the story” (161). There are nine points affirmed in his theory, namely personal description, characters as seen by others, speech, past life, conversation of others, reaction, direct comment, thought, mannerism (162-173).

  First, based on the characters’ personal description, the readers are given the details of the personal appearance and clothes. By reading the story, they can


  identify the build, skin color, hair, hands, clothing or even the scar of the characters.

  Second, the characters are portrayed through the eyes and opinion of the others, for example the readers are able to know the characters from another character’s opinion or eyes. Another character helps the readers to get closer and understand many characters. They get, as it were, a reflected image.

  Next, the readers are given some insights into the character from what the persons say, whenever he or she speaks in conversation with others, and whenever he or she puts forward an opinion. Some expressions or replies such as kindness or compliments can show how the characters look like.

  Then, the readers should know and learn something about the characters’ past life to get some clues to the characters. This can be done by direct comment by the author, through the person’s thoughts, through his conversation or through the medium of another person. For an instance, if character A was bad-tempered towards his family, it seems obvious that now character A would behave bad- temperately to his grandson.

  The character is presented through the conversation of other people and thing they say about him or her. When two characters or more do talk about the other character, the things they say often give as the clue to the character of the person spoken for the readers.

  The author gives the readers a clue by letting them know how characters react to various events and situations. By learning the reasons of their reactions


  and how they act out their reactions, the readers could determine whether character A is a protagonist or antagonist character.

  The author comments or tells on a person’s character directly. Actually, this is the easiest way for the readers to understand the character. If everything is there, then the readers can easily grab and enjoy.

  The author gives the readers direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. In this respect he or she is able to do what the readers cannot do in real life, telling them what different people are thinking. Seemingly, the readers have a secret listening device plugged in the inmost thoughts of a person in a novel.

  Lastly, the author shows a character’s habits, idiosyncrastes, and mannerism, which may also tell the readers something about the character. By using their creativity and uniqueness, some authors successfully made something special for their own characters that cannot be found in the other stories or novel.

  Furthermore, Little proposes that there are some ways to analyze a character (93). It can be studied from a. His or her basic characterization. This can be analyzed from: 1). The psychical condition of the characters, including his or her age.

  2). The social relationship, which means the personal relationship with other characters, or wider social relationship, such as social class and occupation.

  3). The mental qualities that are the typical way of thinking, feeling, and acting.

  b. His or her appearance from various point of view, included: 1). How a character sees him or her.

  2). How various characters see him or her.


  3). How he or she develops, or fails to develop during the course of the story.

  c. His or her place in the work, namely: 1). The treatment of the author (sketched or fully rounded portrayed descriptively or dramatically, treated sympatically or unsympatically).

  2). His or her place in the story (a leading character or a minor one) 3). His or her relation to the theme, for example: whether the character embodies something important the author has to say.

3. The Theory of Love

  Fromm defines the term “love as an attitude, an orientation of character which determines the relatedness of a person to the world as a whole, not toward one “object” of love” (46). There are four basic elements of all forms of love, namely care, responsibility, respect, and knowledge (22).

  Dealing with the element of care, love is the active concern for the life and the growth of that which one loves. It is best described as the mother’s love for her child. In Christian teaching, the essence of love is to “labor” for something and “to make something grow” (23). Therefore, love and labor are inseparable.

  People love for they labor and they labor for that which they love.

  Responsibility, in its true sense, is an entirely voluntary act (23). To be “responsible” means to be able and ready to “respond”. Respect is not the same as fear or awe. Derived from the word ”respicere” which means, “to look at” it denotes the ability to see a person as he is, to be aware of his unique individuality (23). Respect means the concern that the other person should grow and unfold as


  he is. Respect, as well as love, liberates people for their own sake in their own ways.

  To respect a person is not possible without knowing him. There is the knowledge which is an aspect of love is one which does not stay at the periphery, but penetrates to the core (24). Further, based on the kind of object which is loved, there are five types of love, namely Brotherly Love, Motherly Love, Erotic Love, Self-Love, and Love of God.” (47-71)

  Brotherly love is the most fundamental of love. It is defined as the sense of responsibility, cares, respect, knowledge of any other human being, the wish to further his life. It is love for all human beings and characterized by its very lack of exclusiveness. In short, brotherly love means love among equals.

  Motherly love is the unconditional affirmation of the child’s life and his needs. Dealing with the affirmation issue, there are two aspects of motherly love.

  The first one is the care and responsibility that is absolutely necessary for the preservation of the child’s life and his growth. Secondly, it is the attitude which instills in the child a love for living. In this kind of love, it is shown that two people who were one become separate.

  The mother must not only tolerate, but also wish and support the child’s separation. Therefore, it requires unselfishness, the ability to give everything and to want nothing but the happiness of the loved one by its very nature one of inequality, where one needs all the help the other gives it. For this altruistic, unselfish character, motherly love is considered as the highest kind of love and the most sacred of all emotional bounds.


  Erotic love means “the craving for complete fusion, for union with one other person” (46). It is characterized by its very nature exclusive and not universal. As a result, this kind of love becomes “the most deceptive form of love” (46). Erotic love grows since someone experiences the separateness of the other person primarily as physical separateness. Therefore physical union means overcoming separateness. Erotic love has one premise “That I love from the essence of my being – and experience the other person in the essence of his or her being” (47)

  Love should be essentially an act of will of decision to commit one’s life completely to that of one other person (47). To love somebody is not just a strong feeling – it is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise (47). If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling comes and may go.

  The next one is self-love. Self-love is not the same as selfishness. A selfish person is interested only in himself, wants everything for himself, feels no pleasure in giving, but only in taking. For that reason, he lacks interest in the needs of others, and respect for their dignity and integrity. He can see nothing but himself, he judges everyone and everything from its usefulness to him.

  Meanwhile, dealing with self-love, the idea expressed in the Bible is “Love thy neighbor as thyself”. It implies respect for one’s own integrity and uniqueness love for and understanding of one’s own self, cannot be separated from respect and love and understanding for another individual. It is inseparably


  connected with the love for any other being. The affirmation of one’s own life, happiness, growth, and freedom is rooted in ones capacity to love.