Isabella Swan`s motivation in sacrificing herself in Stephenie Meyer`s Twilight - USD Repository


  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



  Student Number: 06 4214 100



I dedicate this undergraduate thesis to

! ! "


  First of all, I would like to thank ALLAH SWT, as I have accomplished my undergraduate thesis, for any help, guidance throughout my life and for never leaving me in my hard time. I dedicate this thesis to my beloved father,

  Ir. H. Mustajab, who has been so patient waiting for my thesis and my beloved mother, Hj. Daliem Reso Satiyem, who has prayed for me and supported me.

  Without them I cannot be what I am now. I thank my two sisters, Septina

  Endang Muspita Sari and Nuarita Ariani Mustika Sari for the happiness, love,

  and support to finish my study, even for the fighting all over the time we have spent all along together. I love you all so much.

  I would like to give my greatest gratitude to my great advisor Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd., M. Hum., and co-advisor Elisa Dwi Wardani, S.S., M. Hum. for their advice, time, patient guidance, and revision of this thesis from the beginning of my thesis writing until now. Without their help, I would not be able to finish this thesis. I also thank all the lectures in English Letters Department for helping me and supporting me during my study.

  I need to thank “F-4”, Ki, Yu, Yon and Nas who always accompany me in my difficult time, and for giving me a place to be happy since the first semester.

  To all my friends in D class that I cannot mention all of them, my female friends, my teammate in football game, Tom, Dik, Cong, Dit, and Dri. I just want to say that I love you all and thank you for everything.

  I would like to give my gratitude to I-Frida who accompany me to pass a sweet and hard time, I learn so many things from her all especially about love. She is my “special person” and I will never forget her, because she is the best gift of my life.

  I am grateful to my incredible “10Brajamusti” friends, Wox, Pan, Don,


Lex, Dri, Yan, Vin, Rix, and Tra who always support me to write my

  undergraduate thesis. They are my crazy friends to share my time and problems with, that I can keep on laughing all the time.

  I thank my old best friends, Tik, Dee, Leng, Yul, Yak and Lang, who become my best friend since my first time to visit Yogyakarta. You have been so patient in guiding me and helping me in my study, and give me their best support and care until I can finish my thesis. I will always remember you, because you become such a special motivation for me to success.

  I am also grateful to all my close friends, De, Dim, Boed and Pang, who accompany me during my last semester. You have spent many experiences and stories with me. The memories will never be forgotten at all. We still have many chances to share with. I hope that we will be friend forever.

  The last but not least I would like to thank my best partners in “beemwe Dream Band”, Bill, Lun, Rick and Nal, who always give me some support and inspiration. Although many people say that we are a small thing, but I am sure that we will be a great thing in the future.




TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………….. i

APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................................ ii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ................................................................................... iii


MOTTO PAGE …………………………....................................................... v

DEDICATION PAGE ..................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ………………………………………………… vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………… ix

ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………. xi

ASBSTRAK …………………………………………………………………. xii

  B. Isabella Swan’s Sacrifice to Love Edward Cullen …………………… 40

  3. Love and Feelings of Belonging ………………..………………... 57

  2. Safety and Security ………………………………………………. 55

  1. Physiological Need ………………………………………………. 54

  C. Isabella Swan’s Motivation to Sacrifice herself………………………. 52

  3. To Sacrifice Bella’s Life ………..………………………………... 48

  2. To Tell a Lie for a Goodness …………………………………….. 45

  1. To be Isolated from Normal Life …..………………...................... 42

  2. Edward Cullen ……………………………………………………. 33


CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ………………………………………….. 1

A. Background of the Study …………………………………................... 1 B. Problem Formulations ………………………………………………... 2 C. Objectives of the Study ………………………………………………. 2 D. Definition of Terms …………………………………………………... 3


A. Review of Related Studies …………………………………………… 5 B. Review of Related Theories ………………………………………….. 7

  1. Isabella Swan ….…………………………………………………. 26

  A. Description of the Characters ………………………………………… 26

  22 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ………………………………………………... 25


CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY………………………………………... 19

A. Object of the Study …………………………………………………... 19 B. Approach of the Study ………………………………………….......... 20 C. Method of the Study ………………………………………………….

  C. Theoretical Framework ………………………………………………. 17

  3. Theories on Love …..…………………………………………….. 15

  2. Theories on Motivation and Behavior ……….…………………... 11

  1. Theories on Character and Characterization ……………………... 8

  4. Competence, Prestige, and Esteem ………………………………. 59

  5. Self-Fulfillment and Self-Actualization ………………………….. 60

  6. Curiosity and the Need to Understand …………………………… 62


CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION …………………………………………….. 65

BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………………... 69

APENDICES……………………………………………………………......... 71

Appendix1: Summary of the Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight……………. 71 Appendix2: Stephenie Meyer’s Biography and Her Works….…......... 72



  NUR HASSAN. Isabella Swan’s Motivation in Sacrificing Herself in


Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty

of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2011.

  This thesis examines one of Stephenie Meyer’s novels, Twilight. This novel is about a teenage girl of 17 years old named Isabella Swan. It starts from the moment when Bella moves to Forks, a place where her father, Charlie Swan, lives in. In that small town, Bella begins to recognize a handsome and mysterious boy, Edward Cullen. He is an interesting young boy that make Bella to be interested. At the beginning of the story, he is able to hide her real identity as a vampire. And then, Bella can know his factual identity as a cold ones. From that moment, Bella’s power of love starts to grow and it starts to show. She has to realize for the dangerous that would come to her if she tries to love him. Fortunately, Bella was described as strong young girl who never gives up to struggle, because she has great intention and motivation to be with Edward forever.

  The study raises three problems to be examined. The first problem is how the main characters of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen are described in the story. The second is to find what Isabella Swan sacrifices to love Edward Cullen. The third is to know a form of Isabella Swan’s motivations to sacrifice herself.

  In order to reach the objectives of the study, the study uses the library research method to collect data. The primary data are taken from Stephenie Meyer’s novel entitled Twilight. The secondary data are taken from sources related to the novel and the topic of this thesis.

  The study finds that Bella has a great motivation to reach her dream to be with Edward. She will do anything to make it true. Bella is described as a caring character who cares and concerns to all people around her, especially Edward. This is the major thing that motivates her to love him even though he has a background as a vampire. There are so many actions that she has done such as, to be isolated from normal life, telling a lie for a goodness, and sacrificing her life to be food for bad vampire. Because of the great intention and motivation that she has, she never surrenders to take some consequence from her action. There are several factors that support Bella’s motivation such as, physiological need, security and safety, love and feelings of belonging, competence, prestige, and esteem, self-fulfillment or self-actualization, and curiosity and the need to understand. If those six factors are already fulfilled, it would be a big power that motivate Bella in reaching her strong intention to be with the boy that she loves.



  NUR HASSAN. Isabella Swan’s Motivation in Sacrificing Herself in


Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra,

Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2011.

  Novel ini mengisahkan seorang gadis remaja berumur 17 tahun yang bernama Isabella Swan. Cerita bermula ketika Bella pindah ke Fork, tempat dimana ayahnya, Charlie Swan, tinggal. Dikota itulah dia mulai mengenal cowok misterius yang tampan bernama Edward Cullen. Edward adalah sosok yang teramat menarik yang membuat Bella terpikat. Awalnya Edward berhasil menyembunyikan identitasnya dari semua orang sebagai seorang vampire. Namun pada akhirnya Bella berhasil mengetahui jati diri Edward yang sesungguhnya. Dari situlah kekuatan cinta Bella terhadap Edward mulai bertumbuh dan diuji. Dia harus menyadari bahwa akan ada banyak bahaya yang menghampiri jika mereka terus bersama. Untungnya Bella adalah sesosok tokoh yang tak pantang menyerah memperjuangkan cintanya, karena ia memiliki motivasi yang begitu besar agar mereka tetap bisa bersama selamanya.

  Penelitian ini menyajikan tiga masalah untuk dibahas. Masalah pertama adalah bagaimana karakter Isabella Swan dan Edward Cullen di lukiskan dalam novel. Masalah kedua adalah mengetahui apa saja yang Bella lakukan sebagai bentuk pengorbanan memperjuangkan cintanya untuk Edward. Masalah ketiga adalah mengetahui apa saja bentuk-bentuk motivasi yang melandasi pengorbanan yang Bella lakukan.

  Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini, digunakanlah studi pustaka untuk mengumpulkan data. Data primer yang diambil dari novel karya Stephenie Meyer,


Twilight dan data sekunder yang diambil dari sumber-sumber yang berhubungan

dengan novel dan topik penelitian.

  Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Bella memiliki motivasi yang kuat untuk mempertahan cintanya untuk tetap bisa bersama Edward. Apapun akan dilakukannya asalkan dia berhasil mencapai tujuan utama dalam hidup percintaannya. Bella digambarkan sebagai pemudi yang sangat peduli terhadap semua orang disekitarnya terutama Edward. Ini yang melandasi hasyrat terbesarnya untuk bisa bersama pemuda yang ia cintai, meskipun dia adalah sesosok vampire. Berbagai macam cara yang telah ia lakukan sebagai bentuk pengorbanan diantaranya seperti, terisolasi dari kehidupan normalnya, berani berbohong kepada semua orang disekelilingnya, mengorbankan dirinya sendiri sebagai santapan vampire jahat yang mencoba mengincarnya. Ini dikarnakan oleh sosok Bella yang mempunyai motivasi besar dalam dirinya, dia tak pernah gentar untuk menerima segala bentuk resiko yang akan diterimanya. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang melandasi motivasi yang Bella miliki diantaranya seperti, kebutuhan fisiologis yaitu kebutuhan yang mendasar, kebutuhan akan rasa aman, kebutuhan sosial yaitu kebutuhan akan cinta dan dicintai, kebutuhan untuk dihargai, kebutuhan akan pencapaian potensi, dan kebutuhan untuk mengerti dan memahami. Jika keenam faktor tersebut terpenuhi maka ini menjadi modal kuat yang memotivasi Bella untuk terus memperjuangkan cintanya sebagai bentuk pengorbanan untuk tetap bersama pemuda yang dikasihinya, yaitu Edward Cullen.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study The novel that the writer is going to analyze tells about the story of a teen-

  ager vampire-romance that is shown on the novel that is written by an author Stephenie Meyer. This is the first book of the Twilight series that she wrote. The beginning of the story is introducing seventeen-year-old Isabella "Bella" Swan, who moves from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington. Bella realizes her life is in danger when she falls in love with a vampire, named Edward Cullen.

  In Twilight, there are several attractive and fantastic moments created by Stephenie Meyer such as when readers discover a couple of lovers who are supremely star-crossed and many other romantic stories describing both Bella and Edward. Bella admires a daring handsome man, Edward, and he returns her love. While Edward is having a hard time controlling the blood lust, she arouses in him, because he is a vampire. At any moment, the strong power of their passion could drive him to kill her, and he agonizes over the danger. On the other hand, Bella would be rather to die than to be close to Edward. Because of the intensity of love that Bella has that support her to risk her life to stay near him, and the novel burns with the erotic tension of their dangerous and necessarily chaste and pure relationship.

  This thesis focuses on Isabella Swan and her desire and sacrifice to be with her soul mate that is hard to forget, Edward Cullen. The topic is quite interesting because we can see the motivation of Isabella Swan, who played an important role, to sacrifice herself. Bella Swan’s main development as a character is her movement through adolescence to emotional and sexual maturity by finding her first love, Edward Cullen.

  Bella is described as a strong emotionally character, as seen by the tears she cannot hide and control. However, she also has a strong intellectual side and takes on great determination when she reaches a specific decision in her life.

  B. Problem Formulation

  Based on the background of study, the writer wants to analyze about the character of Bella’s swan through her sacrifice for Edward. There are three major problems formulated as follows.

  1. How are Isabella “Bella” Swan and Edward Cullen described?

  2. What does Isabella Swan sacrifice to love Edward Cullen?

  3. What is Isabella Swan’s motivation to sacrifice herself?

  C. Objectives of the Study

  To answer the problem formulation revealed in the previous part of this chapter, it is necessary for the writer to give some clarifications about what objectives of the study are. The first of the objective of the study is to find out how Stephenie Meyer describes the main character, Isabella Swan, in Twilight novel. This objective of the study will analyze the characteristic of the main character discussed. It can be used as an instrument to understand that the author, Stephenie Meyer, tries to tell a unique romance story that happens between a human being and a vampire. The purpose of this study is to know more about Bella’s motivation to sacrifice herself and her effort to gain her true love. Therefore, to support the analysis the evidence must be found through the novel such as to know the characteristic of the main character, Isabella Swan, and to understand her role that is described in the novel.

  The second objective of the study will find what Isabella Swan sacrifices to love Edward Cullen. This can also be used as a tool to identify the main reason that Isabella Swan dares to sacrifice herself for Edward Cullen. In fact, every people have unconscious dreams which lay inside their mine. On the other hand, we cannot realize about that, but it appears in our behavior and our action.

  Every one has a strong motivation to do what he or she needs to have. Therefore, in this last objective of the study also wants to approve what is stated behind Bella’s mind and it appears in her action and mission to sacrifice herself.

  Then, the most important thing to know from this analysis is Isabella Swan’s motivation to do her choice.

D. Definition of Terms

  To give a clearer perception to the readers about the terms used in the topic, that is, The Motivation of The Main Character in sacrificing herself in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight, it is necessary to give short explanation about the terms that will be used in the analysis, so there will be no misinterpretation or misunderstanding towards the meaning of the term chosen. To give a clearer perception to the readers about the terms used in the topic, there are two terms that is needed to be known in this definition of terms:

  1. Character

  In A Glossary of Literary Terms Seventh Edition, M. H. Abrams states that the character is the name of a literary genre; it is a short, and usually witty, sketch in prose of a distinctive type of person. The genre was inaugurated by Theophrastus, a Greek author of the second century B.C., who wrote a lively book called Characters. Characters are also the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say the dialogue and by what they do the action. The grounds in the characters’ temperament, desires, and moral nature for their speech and actions are called their motivation (1999: 23).

  X. J. Kennedy in an Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, states that a character is an imagined person who inhabits a story−although that simple definition may admit to a few exceptions (1999: 60).

  2. Motivation

  According to Maslow, motivation is the concepts we use when describe the forces acting on or within an organism to initiate behavior (1970: 2). David C.

  Edward in his book General Psychology, he states that motivation is an invented construct which describes certain aspects of behavior (1997: 49)

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of Related Studies Several theories and other works are very helpful for the writer to

  accomplish the study. There are some works that are related to Meyer’s novel Twilight and others to finish the process of the study.

  Stephenie Meyer is one of the most important living American writers. She was born in Connecticut on December 24, 1973. Twilight is her very first novel. The book was published in 2005. New Moon is the second book in the series which is published in 2006, Eclipse the third, and was published in 2007. The fourth book Breaking Dawn was released in August 2008 (

  Stephenie Meyer is an American author best known for her vampire romance series Twilight. The Twilight novels have gained worldwide recognition and sold over 100 million copies globally, with translations into 37 different languages. Meyer is also the author of the adult science-fiction novel The Host.

  Meyer was the biggest selling author of both 2008 and 2009, having sold over 29 million books in 2008 alone, with Twilight being the best-selling book of the year (

  Some critics criticize Twilight novel series. Thomas Hine says that in The


Rise and Fall of the American Teenager throughout our turbulent history,

  generations of youths have stood at the forefront of social change-calculating the odds, taking the risks, and learning how to survive and thrive in the times. Thomas Hine's remarkable contribution is a focused study and a glorious appreciation of youth that challenges us to confront our stereotypes, to rethink our expectations and to consider a new the lives of those individuals-some of them living under our roofs-who are, as always, our blessing, our bane, and our future.

  Teenagers occupy a special place in life. They are envied and sold to, studied and deplored. They seem to be growing up too fast, and always immature, they are barbarians at the gate-and our only hope for a better world. What, then, is this thing called "teenager"-this strong, troubling creature caught somewhere between the rock of youth and the hard place of adulthood (Hine, 1999: 305-314). That shows Isabella Swan’s attitude toward her teenager’s life into a great starting point of her motivations and struggles. She takes the risk, learning how to survive and thrive in times.

  In the next point, Stephenie Meyer is the author of the popular Twilight series of books for teenagers. The stories tell about Isabella Swan, a high school girl in Washington who falls into a dangerous romance with Edward Cullen, the most handsome boy the most famous teen vampire. Megan Tingly states in Megan


Tingly Books that Stephanie Meyer tries to draw her personal implication to the

  young novelist’s perspective toward the teenager world is meant to draw Bella’s struggles. Stephenie Meyer is good with feelings. Mind you, she obtained a nice complicated situation. Bella is in love with a vampire who has an especially powerful thirst for her blood, but resists that urge because he loves her (

  By considering several statements of study mentioned before, several important point can be drawn. The first is that the novel Twilight does not only give much opinions and values from the author, but also her responses. The second, Stephenie Meyer uses the characters such as Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen in her novel as a tool for her to represent his criticisms. The last, even the writer agrees with all points above, but the writer has her own opinion that makes special and different with the other research such as to observe the major and minor character and experiences of an extraordinary love story presented in the novel. In comparison with other works of young teenager’s character, Meyer has some purposes by showing the major character of Bella Swan as the life’s example of teenager to accomplish the struggles in achieving the motivation in sacrificing herself. The writer chooses to find the Meyer’s intention to analyze the main character’s motivation as a different teenager that will be the point to diverge the thesis from any other studies.

B. Review of Related Theories

  In answering the problem formulation that will be discussed further, the writer needs to use some theories to support the thesis’ writing that are considered relevant to the study. There are three related theories in this research that are taken from several sources, which are theory of character and characterization, theory of motivation, and theory of love.

1. Theory on Character and Characterization

  One of the important elements in a work of literature is character. A character is an important factor in fiction. The term “character” might refer to the persons or figures in a work of literature. The theory of character states that the character brings a story in ways that conducts the emotional qualities, the moral judgment and also dispositional. Characters are also created with certain qualities. They are recognized by readers for their characteristics and characterization by the authors. The character of the work should be very useful to the work itself.

  In A Glossary of Literary Terms Seventh Edition, M. H. Abrams states that the character is the name of a literary genre; it is a short, and usually witty, sketch in prose of a distinctive type of person. The genre was inaugurated by Theophrastus, a Greek author of the second century B.C., who wrote a lively book called Characters. Characters are also the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say the dialogue and by what they do the action. The grounds in the characters’ temperament, desires, and moral nature for their speech and actions are called their motivation (1999: 23).

  From different source, X. J. Kennedy in an Introduction to Fiction, Poetry,


and Drama , also states that a character is an imagined person who inhabits a

story−although that simple definition may admit to a few exceptions (1999: 60).

  From this explanation we can know that character is not only a person presented in a dramatic or narrative work but also a person who is described can make story alive.

  According to Murphy in Understanding Unseens: an Introduction to


English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Student , there are nine ways in

which an author can present the characterization of characters in a literary work.

  Those nine ways are:

  a. Personal Description The author can describe a character by using the appearance and clothes. The reader will get only a visible look of a character, like parts of the body of the character and the clothes he or she wears (1972: 161).

  b. Character as Seen by Another The author can describe a character through the view, opinions, attitudes, and comments of the other characters. The reader will get the reflected image of the characters the author means (1972: 162).

  c. Speech The author can describe a character by giving readers an insight into the characteristics through the way he or she speaks and the language he or she uses.

  Here the reader enables to analyze from the sentences the character uses (1972: 164).

  d. Past Life The author can provide a clue to events that help to shape characteristics by giving the readers the character’s past life. This is quite helpful to analyze the motives that a character has when he has a particular characteristic or does something special (1972: 166).

  e. Conversation of Others The author can provide a clue about the character through the conversation of other people and what they say about him or her. Readers will learn that what others say about a character may reveal what kind of characters he or she is (1972: 167).

  f. Reaction The author can describe characteristics by showing how a character responds to various situations and events. The reaction may give a clue to what characteristics a character has (1972: 168).

  g. Direct Comment The author may give comments and descriptions on the characteristic of the character directly to readers. This becomes the best way to the readers to visualize the characteristics because they know what exactly the author wants to reveal (1972: 170).

  h. Thoughts The author gives readers direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about.

  There, he or she can tell readers what different people are thinking of. Such thing cannot be seen but can be presented through the speech and attitudes. The readers then are in a privileged position; they have a secret listening device plugged in to the inmost thoughts of a character in a novel (1972: 171). i. Mannerism The author can characterize a character through the mannerism, habit or idiosyncrasies. Those things may tell readers something about the character’s characteristics (1972: 172).

  Murphy also states in Understanding Unseens: an Introduction to English


Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Student , there are several characters

  and personalities of the people in a novel. First of all let us consider how we get to know about people in real life. If for instance, we see people in the street or at a gathering we can learn something about them by their outward appearance, by the way they dress, walk, look, gesture and so on. If we are able to talk with a person at any length we can then get to know something about his opinions, the manner in which he expresses them and his voice and accent. We can also get to know a person through the eyes and opinions of other people, their wives, friends, employees, acquaintances. If we know a person for some length of time we get to know how he behaves toward us and toward others, and how he reacts to people, events and situations. Through personal contact, and also through other people, we can get to know something about the events and happenings of a person’s past life (1972: 161).

2. Theory on Motivation and Behavior

  Motivation is one thing that people actually have in their life. It stimulates to do something that will affect people life or can fulfill their desire. Psychology


in Action states that motivation refers to factors within an individual (such as

  needs, desires, and interests) that activate, maintain, and direct behavior toward a goal (Huffman and Vernoy, 1987: 364). We can know that motivation has an important point in people live because it can be a support for them to reach the goal or achievement. In the General Psychology, the motivation can pursue and supports someone to do something to achieve what he or she wants. To continue the functioning of an urge, one or two frustrating experiences is the evidence of a strong push for a person to attain a particular goal. Such kind of persistence that continues until success is achieved is the significant characteristic of motivation (Edward, 1997: 132-133). This theory confirms that a person must have a reason behind what he does. There are some urges to some actions in order to achieve their goals and fulfill the desire. They must have a desire that can be called as a motivation so that they do some struggle to achieve it.

  The American psychologist, Abraham Maslow, in his book entitled


Motivation and Personality devises a six-level hierarchy of needs that, according

  to his theory, determine human behavior. Maslow ranks human needs as follows: (1) Physiological; is the basic need, the need that is commonly known as hunger drive; (2) Security and safety; if the physiological needs are relatively well gratified, there then emerges a new set of needs, which we may categorize roughly as the safety need; (3) Love and feelings of belonging; if both the psychological and safety need are already met, then there will be love and affection and belongingness need; (4) Competence, prestige, and esteem; people who live together with others have a need or desire for a stable, firmly based, high evaluation of themselves, for self-respected, or self-esteem, and for the esteem of other; (5) Self-fulfillment or self-actualization; even if all these needs are satisfied, people may still often (if not always) expect that a new discontent and restlessness will soon develop, unless the individual is doing what he is fitted for; (6) Curiosity and the need to understand; when all the above mentioned needs are met people would have other need and that is the need to satisfy their sense of curiosity and the need to understand things (1970: 39-57). In short, people have to see rather than to be blind.

  People perform an action with a motivation. This motivation leads them to behave in their way to get some achievement. It would be impossible to discover motivation unless behavior was organized. It means that motivation cannot be observed if one does not perform series of behavior. Motivation makes people keep their effort to achieve their achievement, in order to prevent from losing the way to achieve the achievement. Motivation also makes people behave in a certain behavior that supports them in the process of getting the achievement. Therefore, motivation always influences people’s action in their life. According to David C.

  Edward in his book General Psychology, he states that motivation is an invented construct which describes certain aspects of behavior (1997: 49). To say that a certain motive is in operation, such as a need to be with others of the same species, directly implies that the behavior of that individual is directed towards satisfaction of this need state rather than others (1997: 50).

  In Motivation and Emotion, Edward J. Murray states that motivation is one of the key factors that determines how a person will behave. Motivation involves in all kinds of behavior−learning, performing, perceiving, attending, remembering, forgetting, thinking, creating, and felling. The relationship between motivation and behavior is sometimes complex. A moderate level of motivation may have one effect an extreme level another. Antagonistic motives may produce a conflict. Some motives may be unconscious. It is only when we learn more about these complex effects of motivation that we will be able to understand human behavior (1964: 20). Motivation is also inferred from other aspects of behavior. The vigor, frequency, and speed of a response are sometimes an indication of motivation. The dominance of theme in a person’s conversation, fantasies, and dreams also suggests certain underlying motives. A person who talks and thinks of nothing but making money might be said to be strongly motivated in this direction. Inferring motivation from behavior, however, is difficult and, at times, misleading. This is because behavior is determined not only by motivation, but also by the present situation and past experience (1964: 11).

  Still in his book, Edward J. Murray says that at any given time a person is motivated by a variety of internal and external factors. The strenght of each motive and the pattern of motives influence the way we see the world, the things we think about, and the actions in which we engage (1964: 9). We can understand these two varieties from the explanation mentioned before. Internal factor, it is from the inside of each individual (such as needs, desires, and interests) that activate, maintain, and direct behavior toward a goal. External factor, it is from the outside of each individual (such as pressures, demands, pursuits, and claims) that force, request and seek behavior toward goal.

  In his book, Edward J. Murray also says that It is clear that different theorists have different conceptions about motivation. Nevertheless, there is general agreement that a motivation is an internal factor that arouses, directs, and integrates a person’s behavior. It is not observed directly but inferred from his behavior or simply assumed to exist in order to explain his behavior. Motivation is distinguished from other factors that also influence behavior, such as the past experience of the person, his physical capabilities, and the environmental situation in which he finds himself, although these other factors may influence motivation (1964: 8).

  We might know that a person is motivated from his/her action to achieve what a person wants. People who are motivated usually will do a struggle and hard effort to achieve their desires, needs, and goals. This theory will be very useful to understand why a person does something. We also know the goals that a person wants by doing such things. They must have something behind their action and by this theory we can understand why people do that particular thing.

3. Theory on Love

  Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment reprensenting all of human kindness, compassion, and affection. Paul Hauck gives his interpretation about love in his book How to Love and be Loved, he states that love is one of the most desired conditions in the world. People seek it all of their lives but seldom get enough of it. It is a commodity for which people have an insatiable appetite. The more they get, the more they want. It creates feeling of the most intense delight such that, with its first encounter, people remember it forever. However, it is also one of the most painful conditions. People kill themselves and others over it. It is on the minds of the masses to such an extent that probably no other subject has been expressed in so much song, poetry, and prose. Without it the infant dies. Without it the adult becomes emotionally misshapen. It is a powerfull thing, but it is very unstable. Because of it we sometimes exhibit the very best within us, and sometimes it causes us to exhibit the very worst within us. In short, it is one of the most misunderstood subjects in the world (1983: 1).

  To love and be loved is something beautiful. To be loved people sometimes always try to do anything to prove what serious people are. To show that people are really falling in love, people will sacrifice what they have with no thinking what are the consequences of it. Erich Fromm in The Art of Loving says that love is an activity, not a passive effect; it is a “standing in”, not a “falling for”. In the most general way, the active character of love can be described by starting that love is primarily giving, not receiving. Giving here does not mean “giving up” something, being deprived of or sacrificing. Erich Fromm intends to explain giving or sacrificing is the highest expression of potency (1956: 35).

  Love is defined by Sadler in Living A Same Sex Life Before and After


Marriage as a felling of attraction and a sense of self-surrender arising out of a

  need and directed toward an object that offers hope of gratification (1944: 134- 135). Crooks and Baur cite that love is a special kind of attitude with strong emotional and behavioral components (1983: 196).

  According to M. C. D’Arcy in his book entitled The Mind and Heart of


Love , he stated that “love is a desire of the whole being to be united to something

  or some being felt necessary to its completeness, by the most perfect means that nature permits and reason dictates” (1956: 62).

C. Theoretical Framework

  Those theories above will be used to analyze the novel. This study uses library research method in collecting and analyzing the data. Besides using the novel, Twilight as the primary sources of data, this also uses the data from articles and books. The study focuses on the main character of the story. Thus, the review of theories is needed to answer the problems of the study.

  In answering the problems formulated in the previous chapter, there are several theories which are needed, such as theory on character and characterization, theory on motivation, and theory on love.

  The first theory is the theory on character and characterization is considered suitable as the means to answer the first question. By applying the theory the characterization of the main characters will be able to be described. This theory is considered significant since this study concerns on the characters in the novel.