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  Thinking about guide Art Of Attention: Book One By Elena Brower, Erica Jago to check out is additionally needed. You could decide on the book based upon the preferred motifs that you like. It will engage you to like reviewing other books Art Of Attention: Book One By Elena Brower, Erica Jago It can be additionally about the need that binds you to check out guide. As this Art Of Attention: Book One By Elena Brower, Erica Jago, you could locate it as your reading book, even your favourite reading publication. So, discover your favourite publication below and also obtain the link to download and install the book soft file.

  Review "The wondrous images accompanying this invitation to practice set this book apart, conveying the beauty and adventure of contemporary yoga practice." --Kaitlin Quistgaard, Editor in Chief, Yoga Journal "I've been inspired by Elena's commitment to bring us closer to our bodies and hearts, and this book accomplishes her objective beautifully. Art of Attention is an instructive, healing homage to the practice of yoga." --Dr. Frank Lipman, Founder and Director of Eleven-Eleven Wellness Center in New York City "Every once in a while a book arrives in this world that contains magic so profound it will transform you forever, it will wake you up, turn up the light on your soul and provide an oasis of healing, rejuvenation and restoration for you to return to over and over again. Art of Attention is such a book. It will carry you gently into a deep yoga practice, while enlivening your mind, opening your heart and soothing your soul." --Mark Hyman, MD, #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Blood Sugar Solution About the Author From an early age Erica Jago has been innately interested in exploring spiritual domains in life through dance, art, music, and athleticism. She earned an industrial design degree from The Ohio State University and has been a graphic designer in San Francisco since 2001. Studying and practicing yoga for more than ten years has been an ever-evolving way to express her truth, creativity, and emotions. In her teachings, design is vital for transforming instructional concepts into artful and meaningful class experiences. Designing Art of Attention has been a profound life-changing journey. Elena Brower has been teaching yoga since 1998. After graduating from Cornell University with a design degree, she was a textile and apparel designer for six years, and has studied with several master yoga teachers for more than a decade. She offers the practice of yoga globally as a way to approach our world with realistic reverence and gratitude. Her classes are a masterful, candid blend of artful alignment and attention cues for body, mind, and heart.




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  This is an elegant yoga book designed for practice, contemplation, and creativity for students and teachers of yoga. This book is both a systematic study guide and a work of art. Detailing five of Elena's yoga classes available on YogaGlo, this book invites you to craft your own profound practices, and make your yoga your own. Explore sequencing, theming, and your interior experience; then create your own well-wrought practices. Sales Rank: #351263 in Books Published on: 2012-12-01 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: .90" h x 8.30" w x 10.80" l, 2.00 pounds Binding: Paperback 232 pages Review "The wondrous images accompanying this invitation to practice set this book apart, conveying the beauty and adventure of contemporary yoga practice." --Kaitlin Quistgaard, Editor in Chief, Yoga Journal "I've been inspired by Elena's commitment to bring us closer to our bodies and hearts, and this book accomplishes her objective beautifully. Art of Attention is an instructive, healing homage to the practice of yoga." --Dr. Frank Lipman, Founder and Director of Eleven-Eleven Wellness Center in New York City "Every once in a while a book arrives in this world that contains magic so profound it will transform you forever, it will wake you up, turn up the light on your soul and provide an oasis of healing, rejuvenation and restoration for you to return to over and over again. Art of Attention is such a book. It will carry you gently into a deep yoga practice, while enlivening your mind, opening your heart and soothing your soul." --Mark Hyman, MD, #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Blood Sugar Solution About the Author From an early age Erica Jago has been innately interested in exploring spiritual domains in life through dance, art, music, and athleticism. She earned an industrial design degree from The Ohio State University and has been a graphic designer in San Francisco since 2001. Studying and practicing yoga for more than ten years has been an ever-evolving way to express her truth, creativity, and emotions. In her teachings, design is vital for transforming instructional concepts into artful and meaningful class experiences. Designing Art of Attention has been a profound life-changing journey. Elena Brower has been teaching yoga since 1998. After graduating from Cornell University with a design degree, she was a textile and apparel designer for six years, and has studied with several master yoga teachers for more than a decade. She offers the practice of yoga globally as a way to approach our world with realistic reverence and gratitude. Her classes are a masterful, candid blend of artful alignment and attention cues for body, mind, and heart.

  20 of 22 people found the following review helpful. lovely experience By Mary T. Klotz this is book born of depth and commitment: it is not a book to read but rather a book to experience and absorb over time. Each detail of the book was clearly chosen with thought: the paper has a luscious feel, the imagery is understated and powerful, the words and their placement have the presence of awakened authors and invite you to your own awakening.

  Beyond that, its birth was gentle, not a calculated industry move (it was funded on Indiegogo), but rather the product of long love and attention. Support these women, and become one of the supported yourself. disclaimer: I do not know the authors and have no financial ties to anything regarding this book. Just a discerning fan.

  5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. These teachings are a feast for the senses. By Sarah Tomlinson, author of Nine Designs For Inner Peace (Destiny Books) Elena Brower’s “Art Of Attention” yoga workbook is a feast for the senses. The book lures the practioner; be it teacher, new-to-yoga student or yoga pro’ into the realm of receptivity. We are invited to enjoy the healing balm yoga offers during one’s practice. There are layers of information offered through largely pictorial language. This is a highly visual book and if you are attuned to the visual, this is the yoga book for you. The words offered are clear and concise, beyond the words lie the poetry the imagery conveys. Flowing inwards to meet yourself. The Art Of Attention invites you to create your own home practice. Be it in your home, or making yourself, ‘at home’ wherever you are through the vocabulary of asana and breath, and presence, or as Elena states, we start to pay “Attention”. One of the elements I most enjoyed in the book was the setting for the photographs. The Burning Man Nevada Desert juxtaposed with the yogini’s living room. One imagines the artist travels with a personal photographer as the shots feel so intimately caught. These inspiring images alongside contemplative themes and ‘how to do the asana’ sketches make this a delectable workbook and intriguing companion to hang out with again and again.

  Thank-you for integrating such beauty and artistry into this book. From the cover I was anticipating more blank pages with zen koans occupying center stage, a more heady approach if you like. I could not have been more wrong. I was delighted to immerse myself in the richly layered teaching that shines forth from this radiantly feminine shaman from cover to cover.

  5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Get thee to this book By Sara I have been so pleased that I ordered this book.

  I teach Yoga and I think for me its such a nourishing book for my own practice, but also a great inspiration for my classes. Its really bought such a healing, calming and grounding energy to my practice. Its perfect for people who want a home yoga practice, or who want inspiration for teaching, or just a beautiful companion.

  Seriously Elena and Erica are awesome, inspiring and welcoming. Its one of my favourite books, and believe me I have a passion for Yoga books and have quite the collection. Thank you E & E. Well done, cant hardly wait for Book Two. See all 27 customer reviews...




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  Thinking about guide Art Of Attention: Book One By Elena Brower, Erica Jago to check out is additionally needed. You could decide on the book based upon the preferred motifs that you like. It will engage you to like reviewing other books Art Of Attention: Book One By Elena Brower, Erica Jago It can be additionally about the need that binds you to check out guide. As this Art Of Attention: Book One By Elena Brower, Erica Jago, you could locate it as your reading book, even your favourite reading publication. So, discover your favourite publication below and also obtain the link to download and install the book soft file.