S ING 0906444 Chapter 5

This chapter describes the research conclusion and offerssuggestions based
on the results of this study. This chapter consists of two sections; the first section
is the conclusion and the second is the suggestions.
5.1 Conclusions
Based on the research question, there are three conclusions to be drawn
from this research. First, thepaper-based feedback technique improves students'
ability in writing descriptive text. Second, theelectronic feedback technique
improves students’ ability in writing descriptive text.Third, paper-based feedback
is more effective in improving students’ ability to write descriptive text. The
elaboration of each point is given below.
First, the paper-based feedback technique improves students' ability in
writing descriptive text. This result was supported statistically by the t-test
computation in the posttest scores since the score of theexperimental group
improved significantly. Furthermore, based on the students’ papers,it is evident
that students’ understanding of the element of quality writing improved,
especially in theorganization and language use aspects.
Second, the electronic feedback technique improves students’ ability in
writing descriptive text This result was supported statistically by the t-test
computation in the posttest scores since the score of theexperimental group

improved significantly. Furthermore, based on the students’ papers,it is evident
that students’ understanding of the element of quality writing improved,
especially in theorganization and language use aspects.
Third, the comparison between paper-based and electronic feedback shows
that paper-based feedback is more effective in improving students’ ability to write
a descriptive text. This result was supported statistically by the comparison of the
meanscores of both feedback techniques. The result shows that paper-based
Dayu Pravitasari, 2016
The Impact Of Paper-Based Feedback And Electronic Feedback On Students’ Ability In
Writing A Descriptive Text
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

feedback was able to improve the students’ score morethan electronic feedback.
Furthermore, the questionnaire results demonstrated that paper-based feedback
was preferred by the students for legibility and timeliness reasons. On the other
hand, electronic feedback was preferred by the students as more accessible and
5.2 Suggestions
There are several suggestions which offer recommendations for other
studies in the future. These suggestions will be focused on two areas: suggestions

for English teacher, and suggestionsfor researchers who are interested in further
study of these feedback techniques.
In view of the positive results frompaper-based feedback in the study, the
researcher advises teachers to use thepaper-based feedbacktechnique in their
writing classrooms because the benefits are considerable for senior high school
students. Although giving paper-based feedback is not without problems, the time
and effort required areworth expending, in order to decrease difficulty for the
students. Experience reveals that students should be given clear instruction before
they do the writing task to avoid plagiarism, especially when teachers would like
to apply electronic feedback in the classroom.
To ensure success, the teacher could bringawareness of the advantages
inherent from paper-based feedback to the students by explicitly presenting all the
benefits of paper-basedfeedback sessions in class. When conducting the
sessions,it is also advisable for the teacher to vary some of the components of the
sessions from time to time.
There are also some suggestions for researchers who are interested in further
investigation of of paper-based feedback and electronic feedback techniques.
First, for a researcher who wants to study this kind of technique, it would be
advisable to plan and manage time allocation effectively to optimize the learning
process. Second, theresearcher should observe the students to make sure that they

are able to connect to the internet anytime and anywhere. Third, researchers are
Dayu Pravitasari, 2016
The Impact Of Paper-Based Feedback And Electronic Feedback On Students’ Ability In
Writing A Descriptive Text
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

recommended to divide the students into groupsoflarger numbers, more than two
students in each group. Fourth, future researchers are recommended to study
thepaper-based feedback and electronic feedback techniques not only in
descriptive text but also in other genres. Lastly, researchers are recommended to
investigate the techniques’success in improving students’ writing in other
aspectsbesides the organization and language use aspects.

Dayu Pravitasari, 2016
The Impact Of Paper-Based Feedback And Electronic Feedback On Students’ Ability In
Writing A Descriptive Text
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu