The Negative Impacts Of Industrial Revolution On Children As Reflected In Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist

This thesis entitled The Negative Impact of Industrial Revolution on Children as
Reflected in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist is analyzing about the negative impacts
which fell upon children during industrial revolution. There were many children
which were exploited as the impact of industrial revolution. Those children are
exploited in many ways including being traded, being labored as laborer, and also
recruited as criminals. This thesis consists of five chapters including introduction,
review of literature, research method, analysis and findings, as well as conclusion
and suggestion. In chapter I, it explains about the background of the study, the
problem of the study, scope of the study, objective of the study and the significance
of the study. In chapter II, it explains about the history of industrial revolution as
well as the cause of negative impacts of industrial revolution which feel upon
children and also the theory used in this thesis. In chapter III, it explains the method
of research which was used and also the research procedure. In chapter IV, it is the
analysis about the negative impact of industrial revolution on children in the novel
Oliver Twist. In chapter V, it consists of conclusion of this thesis as well as
suggestions which can improve this thesis in the future.


: children, exploitation, industrial revolution, negative impact


Skripsi berjudul The Negative Impact of Industrial Revolution on Children as
Reflected in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist menganalisa tentang dampak-dampak
negatif yang diterima anak-anak di era revolusi industri. Banyak anak yang
dieksploitasi sebagai akibat dari revolusi industri. Anak-anak tersebut dieksploitasi
dengan berbagai macam cara seperti di perjual belikan, di pekerjakan sebagai buruh
dan juga di latih untuk menjadi kriminal. Skripsi ini terdiri atas 5 bagian yaitu
pendahuluan, landasan teori, metode penilitian, analisis dan hasil serta kesimpulan
dan juga saran. Pada bab I dijelaskan tentang latar belakang penelitian, perumusan
masalah, pembatasan penilitian, tujuan dan juga manfaat penilitian. Pada bab II akan
dijelaskan sejarah singkat revolusi industri serta penyebab dampak negatif yang
diterima anak-anak selama revolusi industri dan juga teori yang digunakan pada
skripsi ini. Pada bab III dijelaskan metode penelitian yang digunakan serta prosedur
penilitian. Pada bab IV merupakan analisa mengenai dampak negatif revolusi
industri pada anak di novel Oliver Twist. Pada bab V merupakan kesimpulan dari
analisa serta saran-saran yang dapat membangun skripsi ini kedepannya.

Kata Kunci

: anak, eksploitasi, revolusi industri, dampak negatif
