Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: A Feminist Analysis of Juana’s Attitude and Voice in The Pearl

A Feminist Analysis of Juana’s Attitude and Voice in The Pearl

The Pearl exposes a patriarchal role in an indigenous Indian-Mexican family, assuming Kino as
a leader who holds the large control of the family and Juana as the less powerful. However, when
he fails, Juana is able to handle the family. Even, she is described as a different figure who
transforms from an obedient and passive woman to a braver and assertive one, particularly in
expressing her view. Juana‟s contrasting portrayal has triggered this study to analyze her attitude
and voice in the family by a guiding question “What are Juana‟s actual role and position in the
family?” To find the answer, this study used Existential Feminist which is discussed in Simon de
Beauvoir‟s Second Sex. The findings reveal that Juana‟s actual role and position in the family do
not reflect a real empowerment. Instead, they supports the idea that woman is under the control
of man as his „others‟.
Keyword: Existential Feminism, „others‟, control, attitude, voice