Visual research and development docx

Qualitative Research

Kevin Meethan


• There is a long tradition of using
photography and film in
ethnographic research.
• There is a tradition of using
photography in documenting social
• Even so, the use of photographs and
film (and later video) remained as
rather marginal research methods.

• Digitisation means taking

photographs and videos, storing
them and sharing them has never
been easier.
• The global spread of the mobile
phones with cameras has also
changed the way we record and
engage with the world.
• We can share our pictures through
networking sites and via email.

• The realist assumption: the camera does
not lie.
• Photographs and videos are often
assumed to be a way around the
problem of ‘observer bias’.
• Photographic images have always been


Take for example this picture of Lenin …

• A photograph both includes, as well
as excludes
• A photograph is always selective
• The optics of a camera do not mimic
human eyesight
• They convert three dimensions into a
two dimensional plane


• When we take a picture we are
making decisions that may involve

aesthetic concerns as much as
anything else.
• Images are produced and interpreted
through forms of tacit knowledge
• There are many different kinds of
• Certain things may be ignored as


Assumption that photography
bypasses human agency and removes
subjectivity because it is a purely
mechanical process
• It is convention that enables us to see
photographs as a ‘true’ representation
of the world
• As well as rendering three dimensions

into two, they also ‘freeze’ the fourth
dimension of time


• Nonetheless photographs have the
capacity to document in a way that
writing cannot
• As such they isolate specific events
from the flux of our experiences
• And by doing so, allow us to
scrutinise a particular place, or
incident many times over.

Preparing Green
The following photographs were taken in
the Gambia. They are part of a sequence

that shows someone preparing green tea.
This is a widespread and semi-ritualised
custom, green tea is boiled up with sugar,
and drunk from small glasses, and is
shared between family and friends.

Preparing Green

These photos enabled us to see the process in some
detail without having to write down detailed descriptions
of the process

• Nonetheless photographs have the
capacity to document in a way that
writing cannot.
• As such they isolate specific events
from the flux of our experiences

• And by doing so, allow us to
scrutinise a particular place, or
incident many times over.


• Problem of decontextualisation
Baetens (2009) writes that photographs
are ‘…considered to be good at
‘showing’ but not very good at
‘telling’’ (p143)


• Gold (2007) uses photography as one
aspect of his research methods in the
study of immigrant communities.
• Pictures can be used as the basis for

interaction with his informants
• How they view the images can reveal
information that interviews might not
• This technique is known as ‘photo

User generated

User generated images: where the
research subjects are asked to take
Guillemin and Drew (2010) used what
they termed ‘photovoice’ to examine the
experiences of young people with
chronic medical conditions.
Such an approach requires the active
involvement of participants and as such
can be empowering.

• Problems with anonymity and
confidentiality are not really any
greater with visual data than written
• Often confused with ideas of
ownership and permission
• Under UK law the person who takes
the photograph owns it

• You do not need permission to take a
photo in a public place, to take a
photo of a building or to take a photo
of private property from a public
• You need permission if you are on

private property e.g. shops, shopping
• Some public buildings such as
museums and art galleries do not
allow photography, but some do

Visual research:
• Photos and videos are useful but
underused research tools within the
social sciences
• We need to be aware of the
conventions of both taking and
interpreting images such as the
problem of ‘showing’ and not ‘telling’
• Ethical issues are less understood but
no greater than those involved with
other forms of recording


Photographs of Lenin courtesy of Wikimedia
Accessed 11/8/11
Photographs from Gambia courtesy of Kevin

Baetens, J. (2009) Is a Photograph Worth a Thousand
Films?. In Visual Studies 24, 2, 143 – 148
Gold, S. (2007) Using Photography in Studies of
Immigrant Communities. In Stanczak. G. (ed) Visual
Research Methods: Image, society and representation.
Sage: London.
Guillemin. M. and Drew, S. (2010) Questions of Process
in Participant Generated Visual Methodologies. In Visual
Studies 25, 2, 175 - 188
Heath, C., Hindmarsh, J. and Luff, P. (2010) Video in
Qualitative Research. Sage: London

L. Macpherson (2009) The UK Photographers Rights
Guide V2.
Accessed 11/8/11
Rose, G. (2007 2nd edition) Visual Methodologies: An

This resource was created by the University of Plymouth, Learning from WOeRk project. This project
is funded by HEFCE as part of the HEA/JISC OER release programme.
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1. The name of the University of Plymouth and its logos are unregistered trade marks of the University. The
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Kevin Meethan


Plymouth University


Visual Research


Presentation – Qualitative Methods – Visual Research

Date Created

November 2010

Educational Level

7, Masters
UKOER ,LFWOER ,UOPCPDRM, Learning from WOeRK ,WBL ,WorkBased, Learning, CPD ,Continuous Professional Development
,Research Skills, Qualitative Research Methods ,Visual Research

©University of Plymouth, 2010, some rights reserved

Back page originally developed by the OER phase 1 C-Change project

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