s ing 056155 chapter3(1)


This chapter presents the methodology of the research. The chapter contains of research
design, object of the research, data source, techniques of collecting data, and technique of
analyzing data.

3.1 Research Design
The researcher employed a descriptive and qualitative method as the method of the
research. The descriptive and qualitative methods are considered to be relevant to the research
because the research involves the collection and analysis of the data for the purpose of
explaining the existing occurrence. Fraenkel and Wallen (1993:380) states, “The qualitative
research is a research study that investigates the quality of relationships, activities, situations, or
materials.” Therefore, this method is considered to be relevant to this research because it can be
used to understand and to interpret the existing occurrence on the object of the research.
There are five characteristics of qualitative research according to Fraenkel and Wallen
1. The natural setting is the direct source of data, and the researcher is the key instrument in
qualitative research.
2. Qualitative data is collected in the form of words or pictures rather than numbers.
3. Qualitative researchers are concerned with process as well as products.

4. Qualitative researchers tend to analyze their data inductively.
Muhammad Iqball Allatief, 2012
The Analysis Of Translation Methods And Procedures In Facebook
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu

5. How people make sense out of their lives is a major concern to qualitative researchers.
According to Maxwell (cited in Pratama, 2006:32-33) there are five purposes of qualitative
1. Understanding the meaning of the participants in the study, the events, situations, and
actions involved with and the accounts of their life and experiences.
2. Understanding the particular context within which are participants’ acts and the
influences that this context has on their actions.
3. Identifying unanticipated phenomenon and influence and generating new grounded
4. Understanding the process by which events and actions take place.
5. Developing casual explanations.
The researcher assumes that descriptive qualitative method is relevant to this research. In
addition, the researcher identified the translation methods and procedures in Facebook by
collecting the phrases and categorizing them by their types.

3.2 Object of the Research
The data used in this research were the translation of Facebook web pages saved on
March 8th 2012. In January 2012, Indonesia already had 41,777,240 Facebook users and it was
ranked at 2nd position of the top ten Facebook-user countries in the world and the first position in
South East Asia (www.checkfacebook.com). The results of this research will be useful to improve
the quality of English translators or students interested in translating on-line texts.

Muhammad Iqball Allatief, 2012
The Analysis Of Translation Methods And Procedures In Facebook
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu

3.3 Data Source
The object of this research was Facebook web pages, and the researcher limited the pages
into 20 pages. The analyzed pages were Account Settings page, Activity Log page, Advertise on
Facebook page, Basic Information page, Contact Information page, Create a Page page,
Education and Work page, Find Friends page, Friends and Family page, General Account
Settings page, Help Centre page, Home page, Payments page, Privacy Settings page, Profile
page, Profile Picture page, Request page, Security Settings page, Sports page, and Welcome
page. The analyzed pages were the first pages of each menu.

3.4 Techniques of Collecting Data
In this study, the researcher employed some techniques of data collection. They are as
1. The researcher saved the transcript of English and Indonesian versions of Facebook
webpages on March 8th 2012.
2. The researcher observed and compared the English and the Indonesian versions.
3. The researcher collected and listed the phrases of each page on Facebook web pages.
4. The researcher categorized the phrases based on each type.
5. The researcher identified the English and Indonesian versions.
6. The researcher compared the English and Indonesian versions.

3.5 Techniques of Analyzing Data
The data of this research are 20 pages of Facebook website. The data was classified by a
simple table of each page. The component analysis of the translation was sentences for

Muhammad Iqball Allatief, 2012
The Analysis Of Translation Methods And Procedures In Facebook
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu

translation methods and phrases for translation procedures. The researcher identified the

translation methods and procedures applied in translating each sentence and phrase by using
translation theory by Newmark (1988). The methods and procedures commonly used in
translating the phrases and sentences then were calculated. Below are the examples of the

Muhammad Iqball Allatief, 2012
The Analysis Of Translation Methods And Procedures In Facebook
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu

1. Analysis of translation methods
Profile Picture Page
Profile Picture page is a page where the members can select or change their
profile picture, which will be displayed on Facebook Home Page.

English version

Indonesian version

You can also visit Anda juga dapat mengunjungi pengaturan privasi
privacy untuk menyesuaikan pengaturan lain.
settings to adjust
other settings.

Based on the data above, the source language (English version) is translated within literal
translation. In literal translation method, the SL grammatical constructions are converted to their
nearest TL equivalents but the lexical words are again translated singly and out of context. This
sentence is categorized as declarative sentence, and translated by using literal translation.

2. Analysis of translation procedures

English version

Indonesian version


Profile picture

Foto profil


Edit thumbnail

Sunting foto mini

Based on point number 1, the source language is translated into couplets. Couplets,
triplets, and quadruplets combine two, three, or four procedures for distributing the single
problem. “Profile picture” becomes Foto profil is couplets that combine literal and naturalization

Muhammad Iqball Allatief, 2012
The Analysis Of Translation Methods And Procedures In Facebook
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu

translation procedures. On point number 2, the source language is also translated into couplets.
“Edit thumbnail” becomes Sunting foto mini is couplets that combines literal and transposition

translation procedures. There are two kinds of phrases in this page that are noun phrase and verb
phrase, and both of the phrases use couplets translation procedure.

Muhammad Iqball Allatief, 2012
The Analysis Of Translation Methods And Procedures In Facebook
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu