IMPROVING STUDENTS’ PARTICIPATION IN LEARNING DEGREE OF COMPARISON USING PICTURES (A Classroom Action Research at Class VIIIA Students of SMP Purnama Kesugihan Academic Year 20112012)

IMPROVING STUDENTS’ PARTICIPATION IN LEARNING DEGREE OF COMPARISON USING PICTURES (A Classroom Action Research at Class VIIIA Students of SMP Purnama Kesugihan Academic Year 2011/2012) A THESIS

  Submitted to English Department as a partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements S.Pd Degree




Don’t think about our unableness

but think about the almighty power of God


The feature belongs to those who

believe in the beauty of their dreams





  This thesis is dedicated to Alloh SWT,,, for his live, merciful, peacefulness and kindness ♥

  My beloved parents Ibu n bapak, ♥ thanks’ for your patience, prayer and spirit given to me,, love you full,,,

  My beloved sister n brother (Nenk Nei n Unyan) thanks for ♥ your love, I love you 4ever ………… My B


  IG family (embah uti, embah a’ung, lik’e, budhe, padhe, and all of my big family. I love U all………….

  My Lova,, thanks for all of your love, care, help, support and ♥ time given to me ….

  Bapak, ibu kozt n family, eeeenn a ♥ ll of Fanel kost’s sisters (Nunk, Indah, Memey, Intan, Ratri, Mb Rin, Mb Lis, Adin) thanks for your everything………..

  My Sob’ (Mintul, Jenk Adin, Simar, Cipet, Te’ Cuwil, Pheny, ♥

  Ndut Cepty) thanks for the spiriiitt,,, c0z of you, I can break my lazyness ,, I w0n’t 4get you all…, love you Sob’


♥ My “Beat” that always accompany me, wherever I go, thanks

very much



All of my friends in English Department especially class B2,

  Thanks for your help, support and your friendship,,,,,,,,,


  PREFACE First off all, praise be to Allah SWT, almighty, who has given blessing and mercy so the researcher is able to finish the thesis as a partial fulfillment of the requirement of S.Pd degree at the English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

  In this opportunity, the researcher would like to express her great appreciation and special thanks to:

  1. Drs. Joko Purwanto, M.Si., as the Dean of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

  2. Endang Kusrini, S.Pd., M.Hum, as the Head of English Department for giving permission the researcher to conduct the research..

  3. Drs. Suwartono, M.Hum., as the first consultant who had guide and corrected the manuscript of the thesis .

  4. Dra. Endar Yuniarti, M.Hum., the second consultant who had guide, given suggestion to the researcher patiently, and corrected the manuscript of the thesis.

  5. All lecturers who have delivered their knowledge that is very useful for my life. viii

  6. Joko Paryono, S.Pd., the headmaster of SMP Purnama Kesugihan who had allowed permission to the researcher to conduct the research

  7. Siti Ngaliatun, S.Pd., who worked collaboratively with the researcher in conducting the research.

  8. All the students of class VIII A students of SMP Purnama Kesugihan who had participated in the research.

  9. All who helped the researcher to finish the thesis.

  Finally, the researcher believes that there are still many mistakes and weaknesses in this thesis. Therefore, the researcher hopes that the readers would give any suggestion for the improvement of this thesis. The researcher also hopes this thesis will be useful for the English Department and for those who are interested.

  Purwokerto, April 2012 The researcher ix

  TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE ......................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ................................................................................................ ii MOTTO ...................................................................................................... iii DEDICATION ............................................................................................ iv PREFACE ................................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ viii LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................ xi LIST OF FIGURE ...................................................................................... xii ABSTRAC ................................................................................................... xiii

  8 4. Some Ways to Increase Students‟ Participation in a Classroom....

  20 x

  19 2. The Function of Picture ...............................................................

  16 D.

  14 3. Superlative Degree ......................................................................

  12 2. Comparative Degree ....................................................................

   Learning........................................................................................... 10 C. The Nature of Degree of Comparison 1. Positive Degree ...........................................................................

  9 B.

  7 3. Factor of the Students‟ Low Participation ....................................

  CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research ...........................................................

  5 2. Indicator of Participation .............................................................

  4 CHAPTER II. THEORITICAL REVIEW A. Students’ Participation 1. Definition of Participation ...........................................................

  3 F. Contribution of Study .....................................................................

  3 E. Clarification of Terms .....................................................................

  3 D. Aim of the Research ........................................................................

  3 C. Problem of the Research .................................................................

  1 B. Reason for Choosing the Topic .......................................................

The Nature of Picture 1. Definition of Picture ...................................................................

  3. The Procedure of Teaching Learning of Degree of Comparison using Picture ................................................................................

  21 E.

   Basic Assumption ............................................................................ 22

  CHAPTER III. RESEARCH OF METHOD A. Method of the Research .................................................................. 23 B. Setting of Research .......................................................................... 23 C. Research Design .............................................................................. 24 D. Procedure of the Research .............................................................. 25 E. Technique for Collecting Data ........................................................ 27 F. Technique of Data Analysis............................................................. 31 G. The Criteria of Action Success ....................................................... 34 CHAPTER VI. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Before Implementing the Actions ................................................... 35 B. Result of Research 1. Implementation of Cycle 1 ..........................................................

  36 2. Implementation of Cycle 2 ..........................................................

  44 C.

   Discussion of the Data after Implementing the Actions 1. The Result of Research ...............................................................

  52 2. The Result of Observation ..........................................................

  56 3. The Result of Questionnaire .......................................................


   Conclusion ....................................................................................... 61 B. Suggestion ........................................................................................ 61 REFERENCES APPENDICES xi

  LIST OF TABLE Table 1 Contributive and Initiative Participation ...................................

  6 Table 2 The Indicator of Contributive and Initiative Participation ......

  7 Table 3 Schedule of Research ..................................................................

  24 Table 4 Observation Lis t of Students’ Activities .................................... 28 Table 5 Observ ation List of Teachers’ Activities .................................... 28 Table 6 The Quality of Students’ Participation ..................................... 34 Table 7 Result of Students’ Observation at Pre Observation ................ 36 Table 8 Observation Result of Students Activities in Cycle 1 ................

  41 Table 9 Observation Result of Teacher Activities in Cycle 1 .................

  42 Table 10 Observation Result of Students Activities in Cycle 2 ................

  49 Table 11 Observation Result of Teacher Activities in Cycle 2 .................

  50 Table 12 The Result Evaluation of Research ...........................................

  52 Table 13 The Evaluation Result of Students ’ Observation ...................... 56 Table 14 The Result of Students Questionnaire .......................................

  59 xii

  LIST OF FIGURE Figure 1 Kemmis and MC. Taggart Action Research Model .................

  25 Figure 2 Process of Analyzing the Qualitative Data ...............................

  31 Figure 3 The Graphic of Students’ Participation Improvement in Cycle ..........................................................................................

  58 xiii


IMPROVING STUDENTS’ PARTICIPATION IN LEARNING DEGREE OF COMPARISON USING PICTURES (A Classroom Action Research at Class VIII A Students of SMP Purnama Kesugihan in Academic Year 2011/2012) By:

  INDAH VITAHARDIYANTI 0701050105 This research was aimed at improving the students‟ participation in

  Learning Degree of Comparison using Pictures. The method used in this research was Classroom Action Research (CAR), which was done at the class VIII A students of SMP Purnama Kesugihan in Academic year 2011/ 2012 as the subject of the research. There were 35 students, 18 male and 17 female.

  The researcher did collaboration with the English teacher in the class. The CAR was carried out based on Kemmis and Mc. Taggart‟s design. In collecting the data, the researcher used observation, field note, interview, questionnaire, and documentation. In analyzing the data, the researcher used some steps; those are reducing the data, presenting the data, and verifying the data.

  The result of the research showed that picture could improve the students‟ participation in learning Degree of Comparison. The observation result showed the total average of students‟ participation in Cycle 1 was 34.04% and the total average of students‟ participation in Cycle 2 was 81.23%. Thus, the improvement of students‟ participation was 51.19%. It reached the indicator of action success which was 50%. The questionnaire result showed that the students gave the positive response toward learning Degree of Comparison using pictures. It showed th at from 10 questions, the students who answered “Yes” in each indicator and the result of each indicator were more than 70%. The results had proved that picture could improve students‟ participation in learning Degree of Comparison. xiv

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