IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH BAMBOO DANCE TECHNIQUE (A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 4 Purwokerto in Academic Year 20142015)

  IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH BAMBOO DANCE TECHNIQUE (A Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 4 Purwokerto in Academic Year 2014/2015) A THESIS Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting S. Pd. Degree of Education in the English Education Department Arranged by: LISTIYORINI 1101050054 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF PURWOKERTO 2015

  iii iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

  Alhamdulillah, all praises are expressed to Allah for the strength and the blessing given to me in completing this thesis so that the writer could accomplish the thesis as a partial fulfillment of the requirements of S. Pd degree in Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

  The writer wishes to express great appreciation and special thanks to:

  1. Drs. Ahmad, M.Pd as the Dean of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty who has permitted me for doing the thesis.

  2. Drs. Pudiyono, M.Hum as the head of English Department.

  3. Drs. Pudiyono, M.Hum as the supervisor who had guided, given suggestion, and corrected my thesis to be better.

  4. All the lecturers in English Department for the dedication in giving the knowledge to me and suggestion for my thesis.

  5. The headmaster of SMAN 4 Purwokerto, who had allowed to me to conduct CAR (Classroom Action Research).

  6. Widiyanti Agustina, S.Pd, as the English teacher at tenth graders of SMAN 4 Purwokerto who helped me in doing CAR (Classroom Action Research).

  7. Tenth grade of MIA 2 students of SMAN 4 Purwokerto who had participated in the research. v

  Last but not least, the writer hopes that this thesis can give valuable contributions to the improvement of education. The writer believes that this thesis has still many weaknesses. Therefore, the writer accepts constructive suggestion and criticism to make this thesis better.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

  Purwokerto, 13 February 2015 Listiyorini vi DEDICATION

  From the deepest my heart, I would like to present this masterpiece to:  Allah SWT for love, mercy, blessing, and kindness. Thanks God for all the patience.

   My beloved parents,, thanks for everything that you give to me.

  I’m very proud of being your daughter. I can learn how to live you. Without you, I’m nothing here. Thanks for your strong from pray and support. I do love U.

   My supervisor, Mr. Pudiyono who gave me guidance and suggestion to finish this research. Thank you very much.

   My special one My fiance Sutikno Agus P. thank you for your support and advice, I love you.

   My friends in B class especially for Intan, Peggy, Ade, Alif, Semi, Hudri and Class in English dep artment ‘11. Thanks for our togetherness and keep spirit guys…

   Last but not least, all people who helped the writer in finishing this little creation especially to mb Dias Priyanto. Thank you for being my guidance. vii


  • Be Honest Person  Don’t wait till Tomorrow What You Can Do Today  Last Time is Never Found  Where There is a Will, There is a Way

     Whatever You Fell Sad, Turn to ALLAH Pray to ALLAH

    and Beg Forgiveness For The Sins





  Page TITLE ...................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................ ii STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP......................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT ......................................................................... v DEDICATION ........................................................................................ vii MOTTO................................................................................................... viii TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................... ix LIST OF TABLE .................................................................................... xi LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................................... xii ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ xiii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................. 1 A. The Background of the Study............................................... 1 B. The Reasons for Choosing Topic ......................................... 3 C. The Problem of Study .......................................................... 4 D. The Aim of the Study ........................................................... 4 E. The Scope of the Study ........................................................ 5 F. The Contribution of the Study .............................................. 5 G. The Clarification of the terms .............................................. 6 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................. 7 A. Speaking ............................................................................... 7

  1. The Definition of Speaking ........................................... 7

  2. The Importance of Speaking ......................................... 8

  3. The Component of Speaking ......................................... 9

  4. Teaching Speaking ........................................................ 12

  B. Bamboo Dance Technique ................................................... 13

  1. The Definition of Bamboo Dance ................................. 13

  2. The Definition of Bamboo Dance Technique ............... 14

  3. The Advantages of Bamboo Dance Technique ............. 15

  4. The Steps of Bamboo Dance Technique ....................... 15 ix

  5. The Description of Bamboo Dance Steps ..................... 16

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................ 18 A. The Method of Research ............................................... 18 B. The Setting of the Research .......................................... 18 C. The Subject of Research................................................ 19 D. The Research Design..................................................... 19 E. The Procedure of the research ....................................... 21 F. The Technique for Collecting Data ............................... 22 G. The Technique of Data Analysis ................................... 26 H. The Criteria of Action Success ..................................... 28 CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION ....................................... 29 A. Result.............................................................................. 31 B. Discussion ...................................................................... 48 CHAPTER V CONSLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................ 54 A. Conclusion...................................................................... 54 B. Suggestion ...................................................................... 55 REFERENCES APPENDICES x



  Page Table 1 Schedule of Research ................................................................. 19 Table 2

  Observation List of Students’ Activities .................................... 23 Table 3

  Observation List of Teacher’s Activities ................................... 24 Table 4 Questionnaire of the Research ................................................... 25 Table 5 The Result of Pre Observation ................................................... 30 Table 6

  The Observation Result of Students’ Activities in Cycle 1 ....... 35 Table 7

  The Observation Result of Teacher’ Activities in Cycle 1 ........ 36 Table 8 The Result of Evaluation Cycle 1 .............................................. 37 Table 9

  The Result of Students’ Activity in Cycle 2 .............................. 44 Table 10 The Observation Result of Teacher Activities ......................... 45 Table 11 The Result of Evaluation.......................................................... 46 Table 12 The Result of Questionnaire .................................................... 48 Table 13 The Result of the Test In Cycle 1 & 2 ..................................... 49 Table 14 Observat ion Result of Students’ Activities .............................. 50 Table 15 The Result of Students’ Questionnaire .................................... 5 xi



  Page Figure 1 Kemmis and Mc Taggart Action Research Model ............................ 20 Figure 2

  Students’ Test Improvement in Cycle 1 & 2 ............................ ........ 49 xii






th (A Classroom Action Research at 10 Grade of SMAN 4 Purwokerto

in Academic Year 2014/2015)






  The CAR was aimed at improving the students’ speaking ability through Bamboo Dance Technique. The Classroom Action research was done at SMAN 4



  Purwokerto with 32 students of class 10 MIA 2 in academic year 2014/2015 as the subject of the research. The research was done on Jan 2015. The writer worked collaboratively with English teacher of SMAN 4 Purwokerto. The CAR was done based on the Kemmis and Mc.

  Taggart’s CAR design. The writer took two cycles with four actions (two actions in each cycle). Then, the result of the action was reflected to determine the next step.

  The data were collected through observation, test and questionnaire. From the result of the data analysis, it could be proved that the Bamboo Dance technique could improve the students speaking ability. It could be seen from the stu dents’ result in post test one was 70.47. It improved in cycle two, in post test two: 75.78. So, the improvement from post test one to post test two was 26.30%.

  Besides that, the research result could be seen from the observation result. The result of observation showed that their activities were good. The average students’ observation in cycle 1 was 41.41%; in cycle 2 was 62.31%. So, the improvement from both was 20.90%. It indicated that Bamboo Dance technique motivated the students to join in teaching learning process. Furthermore, this research was also supported by the result of questionnaire, which was 89.29%. It indicated that most of the students gave positive response toward Bamboo Dance Technique and also showed that they were more interested in speaking class because they could speak better than they had done before CAR. xiii

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