IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL THROUGH COLLABORATIVE WRITING METHOD (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade of Science 3rd Students of SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar in the Academic Year of 2016/2017) - UNS Institutional Repository


  (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade of Science 3 rd Students of

SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar in the Academic Year of 2016/2017)












Herinda Ikawati. K2212035.



COLLABORATIVE WRITING METHOD (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh



Grade of Science 3 Students of SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar in the Academic Year of

2016/2017). Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret

University, January 2018.

  The objective of the research is to find out (1) the effective implementation of

Collaborative Writing method in improving students’ writing skill at the eleventh grade of

  Science 3rd students of SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar in the academic year of 2016/2017; and(2) the difficulties in implementing Collaborative Writing method at the eleventh grade of Science 3rd students of SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar in the academic year of 2016/2017

  This research belongs to Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of the research are 39 of the eleventh grade of Science 3rd students of SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar in the academic year of 2016/2017. The research was conducted in 2 cycles. Every cycle consisted of three meetings. There were four stages in each meeting, they were; planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The techniques of collecting data were observation, questionnaire, interview, field note, photograph and test. The qualitative data of the research were analyzed by using three stages, namely: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic.

  The results of the research shows that; (1) the implementation of Collaborative Writing method can be achieved effectively by applying three main stages of Collaborative Writing; making an outline, discussing the draft, and peer editing. By applying those stages, it can also improve students’ writing skill which consisted of mechanics, vocabulary, grammar, organization, and content; and (2) there are two main problems found in implementing Collaborative Writing; the implementation of Collaborative Writing spent so much time and students’ contribution was not optimal since the groups distribution was decided by the researcher.

  Keywords: writing skill, Collaborative Writing, Classroom Action Research



Herinda Ikawati. K2212035.



COLLABORATIVE WRITING METHOD (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh



Grade of Science 3 Students of SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar in the Academic Year of

2016/2017). Skripsi, Surakarta: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. January 2018.

  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui penerapan yang efektif dari metode Collaborative Writing dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa kelas XI IPA 3 SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017; dan (2) mengetahui kesulitan-kesulitan dalam penerapan metode Collaborative Writing selama penelitian di kelas XI IPA 3 SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017.

  Teknik pengumpulan data adalah observasi, angket, wawancara, catatan lapangan, dokumentasi, dan tes. Data kualitatif dianalisis menggunakan tiga tahapan: reduksi data, tampilan data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Sementara itu, data kuantitatif dianalisis menggunakan deskriptif statistik.

  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) penerapan Collaborative Writing bisa dicapai secara efektif jika tiga tahapan dalam Collaborative Writing diaplikasikan secara tepat, yaitu: membuat outline sebelum menulis naskah, mendiskusikan naskah sambil dipantau oleh peneliti, dan menyunting naskah bersama teman satu kelompok sebelum dikumpulkan. Dengan menerapkan ketiga tahapan tersebut, dapat meningkatkan situasi kelas dan kemampuan menulis siswa yang terdiri dari mekanik, kosa kata, tata bahasa, organisasi kalimat, dan konten; dan (2) ada dua masalah utama dalam penerapan Collaborative Writing; penerapan Collaborative Writing memakan banyak waktu dan distribusi siswa tidak optimal karena pembagian kelompok ditentukan oleh peneliti.

  Keywords: kemampuan menulis, collaborative writing, penelitian tindakan kelas



“Allah doesn’t burden a soul beyond that it can bear.”

(QS. Al Baqarah: 286)


“Surely there is an ease after hardship.”

(QS. Al Insyirah: 6)

“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.”

(Albert Einstein)



  This thesis is whole-heartedly dedicated to:  My Mom and Dad, who always pray and give their unconditional love to me.

   My beloved family, who always give their support to me.  All of my teachers in my life, especially for these three adorable high school teachers who always inspire me a lot: Drs. Marwito Rusdy, Dra. Prantaningrih, and Dyah Listyorini, S.Pd.

   I myself, who still have a long journey ahead.



  All praises be to Allah SWT for giving His blessings and mercy to the writer, so that the writer is able to finish this thesis. The writer realizes that this thesis could not be finished completely without support, guidance, and help from some special people around the writer. Therefore, the writer would like to express her gratitude for these following people: 1.

  Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University.

  2. Teguh Sarosa, S.S., M.Hum, the Head of English Education Department.

  3. Drs. Gunarso Susilohadi, M.Ed, TESOL, as the first consultant, whose guidance, advice, and suggestions has encouraged the writer to finish this thesis. The writer owes a real debt of gratitude to him.

  4. Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd, as the second consultant who always carefully reads and gives corrections for the improvement of t he writer’s thesis. The writer is forever in his debt.

  5. Dra. Hj. Suliyastuti, MM., the Headmaster of SMA N 2 Karanganyar for permitting the writer to conduct the research there.

  6. Drs. Agus Haryatmo, M.Pd., the English teacher of SMA N 2 Karanganyar who has kind- heartedly allowed and guided the writer in conducting the research at his class.

  7. The eleventh grade of Science 3


  students of SMA N 2 Karanganyar for their contribution and well-cooperation during the research.

  8. The writer’s best friends; Diah Dwi Handayani, Masna Farihah, Hijroh Khavidhoh J.N, Dewi Fatma Wulansari, Bidayatul Hidayah, Avni Laksmi Dara, Fatma Sahalia, Frischa Cindy D.U, Dinita Anggraini, Ariska Yuliani, Denty Marga Sukma and Gedis Wiranur Putri who always give their prayer, support and help.

  9. All of the writer’s fellows in English Education Department 2012 for the togetherness for more than 4 years.

  Hopefully, this thesis can bring any contribution for English teaching learning process in the future. In addition, the writer would like to thank to the readers who would have read this thesis someday.

  Surakarta, January 2018 Herinda Ikawati


  PAGE OF TITLE ................................................................................................................ i PRONOUNCEMENT ......................................................................................................... ii PAGE OF APPROVAL ...................................................................................................... iii PAGE OF LEGALIZATION .............................................................................................. iv ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ v MOTTO .............................................................................................................................. vii DEDICATION .................................................................................................................... viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. xiii LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... xiv

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study...................................................................... 1 B. Problems Statement.............................................................................. 7 C. Objectives of the Research ................................................................... 7 D. Benefits of the Research ...................................................................... 7 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theoretical Description 1. The Definition of Writing .............................................................. 9 2. Micro and Macro Skill in Writing.................................................. 10 3. The Indicators of Writing ............................................................... 11 4. The Types of Writing ..................................................................... 13 5. The Scoring Rubric of Writing ...................................................... 15 B. Concepts of Collaborative Writing

  1. The Definition of Collaborative Writing ........................................ 17 2.

  The Procedure of Teaching Using Collaborative Writing ............. 17 3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Collaborative Writing ...... 19 C. Review of Related Research ................................................................ 21 D. Rationale .............................................................................................. 23

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Context of the Study 1. Research Setting.............................................................................. 25 2. The Subject of the Research ........................................................... 27 B. Method of The Research 1. The Definition of Action Research ................................................. 27 2. The Model of Action Research ....................................................... 28 3. The Kind of Action Research ........................................................ 29 C. The Techniques of Collecting Data 1. Observation ..................................................................................... 31 2. Interview ......................................................................................... 32 3. Field note ........................................................................................ 32 D. The Techniques of Analyzing Data ..................................................... 33 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Research Findings 1. Pre Research Situation .................................................................... 35 2. Research Implementation................................................................ 43 a. Cycle 1 ...................................................................................... 43 1)

  Planning .............................................................................. 43 2)

  Implementing ...................................................................... 43 3)

  Observation ......................................................................... 51 4)

  Reflection ............................................................................ 54 b. Cycle 2 ...................................................................................... 57

  1) Planning .............................................................................. 57

  2) Implementing ...................................................................... 58

  3) Observation ......................................................................... 66

  4) Reflection ............................................................................ 68 B.

  Discussion 1.

  The Implementation of Collaborative Writing Method ................. 73 a.

  Improving Students’ Writing Skill............................................ 73 b.

  Improving Class Situation......................................................... 76 2. The Difficulties in Implementing Collaborative Writing .............. 77

  CHAPTER V RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 78 B. Implication ........................................................................................... 78 C. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................... 82 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................... 85


Table 2.1 The Scoring Rubric of Writing …………………………………………... 15Table 3.1 The Schedule of the Research

  ……………………………………………. 26

Table 4.1 The Result of Pre Resea rch Questionnaire ……………………………….. 36

  Table 4.2 The Students’ Average Score in Pre Test ………………………………… 38

Table 4.3 The Problems Found in Pre Research …………………………………….. 41

  Table 4.4 The Students’ Average Score in Post Test 1 ……………………………… 54

  Table 4.5 The Improvement of Students’ Score in Post Test 1 ……………………… 54

  Table 4.6 The Students’ Average Score in Post Test 2 ……………………………… 68

Table 4.7 The

  Students’ Score Achievement in the Final Test ……………………… 68

Table 4.8 The Summary of Re search Findings ……………………………………… 69


Appendix 1 Questionnaire of Pre Research ...................................................................... 86

Appendix 2

  Sample of Students’ Pre Research Questionnaire ......................................... 88


Appendix 3 The Result of Pre Research Questionnaire .................................................... 90

Appendix 4

  Questions for Teacher’s Interview ............................................................... 92


Appendix 5 Transcript of Interview with the Teacher ...................................................... 93

Appendix 6

  Questions for Students’ Interview in Pre Research ....................................... 96


Appendix 7 Transcript of Interview with Students in Pre Research ................................. 97

Appendix 8 Field Note of Pre Research ........................................................................... 102

Appendix 9

  List of Students’ Name .................................................................................. 105


Appendix 10 Test Instrument (Pre Test) ........................................................................... 107

Appendix 11

  Sample of Students’ Pre Test Worksheet .................................................... 108


Appendix 12 The Result of Pre Test ................................................................................ 110

Appendix 13 Lesson Plan of Cycle 1 ................................................................................. 114

Appendix 14 Field Note of the Research in Cycle 1.......................................................... 137

Appendix 15

  Sample of Students’ Worksheet in Cycle 1 .................................................. 144


Appendix 16 Test Instrument (Post Test 1) ..................................................................... 155

Appendix 17 Sample of

  Students’ Worksheet in Post Test 1 ............................................ 156


Appendix 18 The Result of Post Test 1 ............................................................................ 158


Appendix 19 Lesson Plan of Cycle 2 ................................................................................. 163

Appendix 20 Field Note of the Research in Cycle 2.......................................................... 184

Appendix 21

  Sample of Students’ Worksheet in Cycle 2 ................................................. 190


Appendix 22 Test Instrument (Post Test 2) ..................................................................... 197

Appendix 23

  Sample of Students’ Worksheet in Post Test 2 ............................................ 198


Appendix 24 The Result of Post Test 2 ............................................................................ 200

Appendix 25

  Questions for Students’ Interview after Research ....................................... 205


Appendix 26 Transcript of Interview with Students after Research ................................ 206

Appendix 27 Questionnaire of Post Research.................................................................... 208

Appendix 28

Sample of Students’ Post Research Questionnaire ...................................... 210


Appendix 29 The Result of Post Research Questionnaire ................................................ 212

Appendix 30 Syllabus ...................................................................................................... 214

Appendix 31 Photographs ................................................................................................. 236

Appendix 32 Letters of Permission .................................................................................. 238

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