Identification of Halal Destination Criteria Fulfillment within Padang Beach Area as Tourism Attraction Icon of the City of Padang - Politeknik Negeri Padang


Identification of Halal Destination Criteria Fulfillment within Padang

Beach Area as Tourism Attraction Icon of the City of Padang

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Yudhytia Wimeina , Deni Wahyuni

Politeknik Negeri Padang

Kampus Limau Manis, Padang, Sumatera Barat Phone : (0751) 72590, Fax. (0751) 72576, deniwahyuni9@gmail.com2)


  — The city of Padang, as the capital of West Sumatera province contributes significant role in creating impression for the tourist who’s visited West Sumatera. Especially since in 2016 West Sumatera had won three categories in World Halal

  Tourism Award (WHTA) held by The Ministry of Tourism of United Arab Emirates (UAE) for World’s Best Halal Tourism

  Destination, World’s Best Halal Culinary Destination, and World Best Halal Tour Operator. Trough this research Padang Beach area, as the iconic tourism attraction of Padang, being identified its general and tourism facilities, as well as its accessibilities, whether there is significant development upon it, especially to meet the requirement of halal destination criteria. To do so, a thorough observation based on criteria check list and questionnaires that distributed to visitors were utilized as the way of collecting data needed. The research then results a conclusion that there are more improvement and development needed within the area of Padang Beach to meet the halal destination criteria. Besides, from the research there are also recommendations that feasible to execute by the local government.

  Keywords Halal tourism, Padang, West Sumatera, tourism facilities, accessibilities, halal destination criteria.

  Achyar (2015) explained halal tourism as a tourism I. system that provided for and offered to muslim tourist, which

  INTRODUCTION the practice of the system is referring to syariah law. Romli

  To increase the income from tourism sector, Indonesia as cited by Priyadi (2016) defined halal tourism as tourism government trough the Ministry of Tourism have boost the products that provide hospitality services which comply the effort to promote tourism potency of Indonesia across the syariah requirements. Moreover, the Ministry of Tourism of globe. Where the United Nations World Tourism

  Indonesia, trough Halal Tourism Development Acceleration Organization (UNWTO) have defined tourism as social,

  Team has developed criteria of halal tourism which also had culture and economic phenomena which led human to shift or been socialized to the tourism stakeholders of West Sumatera. move from their origin or environment for personal or

  Those criteria are as follow; business purposes (, 2014). Meanwhile,

  1. Territoriality Goeldner and Ritchie (2012) were explained tourism as a 2.

  Tourism Attraction composite of activities, services, and industries that deliver a

  3. General Facility travel experience, transportation, accommodations, eating

  4. Tourism Facility and drinking establishments, shops, entertainment, activity

  5. Accessibility facilities, and other hospitality services available for

  6. Investation individuals or groups that are traveling away from home.

  7. Government Support An effort that had been done by the Ministry of Tourism

  Priyadi (2016) also discuss the tourism products that of Indonesia was joining the World Travel Summit and based on syariah law as shopping, travelling, amusement

  Exhibition (WHTS) held by the Ministry of Tourism of

  park, Islam culture heritage, rain forest, or any other United Arab Emirates (UAE), which in this summit there was ecotourism, hotel and resort which implement syariah law, an accolade event for countries with tourism industry that swimming pool, spa, flight services, ramadhan travel, and any meets halal tourism criteria. Since the first year competing in other forms of tourism that separate its female and male this event named World Halal Travel Award (WHTA), guests, not offering alcohol and offering no pork food.

  Indonesia was able to won three categories within two consecutive years, 2015 and 2016.

  In 2016, West Sumatera, as one province that appointed by the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia among other eight provinces had won three categories in WHTA. Those categories are

  World’s Best Halal Tourism Destination, Best Halal Culinary Destination and Best Halal Tour Operator.

  > 45 23 31% Education < Elementary 2 3%

  Age 15 - 25 26 35% 26 - 35 16 21% 36 - 45 10 13%

  Respondents %

  Demographic Items No of



  47% of respondents were senior high graduated and another 43% were under graduates or having bachelor degree. 28% of the respondents as tourist that visited Padang beach area whiles this research is being conducted are college students, and following by civil servant by 15%. And only 4% of the respondents were visited Padang beach for the first time. For more details of the figures are shown on the following table;

  From 100 questionnaires distributed, only 75% of those questionnaires that able to be analyzed further due to the respondents who filled in the questionnaires are from Padang city. According to the definition of tourist that had been stated earlier, Padang citizens are not able to be considered as tourists. From those 75 set questionnaires that is processed, it shown that most of the respondents (35%) are those amongst 15 to 25 years old, following by those who are more than 45 years old by 31%.


  Besides distributing questionnaires, Padang beach area was also observed by using checklist that being developed based on halal tourism criteria from Halal Tourism Development Acceleration Team. Conclusion of the research was made by comparing respondent’s response with the observation result.

  The questionnaires were distributes to respondent which had been selected by using cluster sampling technique. The cluster sampling technique was utilized due to Padang beach area is lies three kilometers away. Respondents were asked to fill in the questionnaires by choosing their degree of agreement upon the statements on the questionnaires. If respondents agreed on the statement, they chose agree or strongly agree, and whenever they found the statements were not suit to what they have experienced, then they can chose disagree or strongly disagree. Those responses then being coding, processed statistically and descriptively elaborated.

  Travel Bureau e. Entertainment and Attraction Services 3. Accessibilities

  Food and Beverage Services c. Services in Tourism Area d.

  Accommodation b.

  Mosque 2. Tourism Facilities a.

  Toilet b.

  In order to find out whether the facilities and accessibilities within Padang beach area has meet the criteria of halal tourism, this research first aiming on the identification of general facilities, tourism facilities and accessibilities. To conduct the research, method that being deployed was descriptive research, a research that explain event or phenomena descriptively (Neolaka, 2014). The identification will be beneficial to conduct next research. The data were collected by distributing 100 questionnaires to the tourist in Padang beach area, in which the questionnaires were developed base on the following categories;

  should be able to provide the needs of tourist especially those who are muslim. It means, within the area of Padang beach there supposed to have facilities, as well as accessibilities that meet the criteria of halal tourism. Therefore, trough this research, those facilities both general and tourism, as well as the accessibilities of Padang beach were identified whether it has meet the halal criteria or there are homework that should be done.

  Tourism Destination , Padang beach as an iconic attraction

  An attraction that is iconic in Padang is the Padang beach. To be able to cope with the predicate as World’s Best Halal

  As the capital of West Sumatera Province, Padang is the main entrance for tourist to visit West Sumatera as a whole. In this regards, Padang then plays significant roles to create impression for the tourists. Tourist is a person who travels from place to place for non-work reasons (Goeldner and Ritchie, 2012). Indonesia government has also defined tourist as those who are conducting tourism (Government regulation No. 10 Yr. 2009).

  West Sumatera able to won the awards due to the system of choosing the winner was trough voting via short massage system (SMS) (National, 2016).



1. General Facilities a.

  Elementary 3 4% respondents also confirm that there is kiblah, praying Junior High 1 1% schedule, praying kit and waste bin are available in the

  Mosque. Within the Mosque, the water is available and Senior High 35 47% adequate for wudhu, the sewer is not clogged and there is

  Under Graduates 32 43% access from wudhu area to praying area. For more details Post Graduates 2 3% upon respondent’s response, the following table showed the

  Students 1 1% figure of the calculation; Civil Servant 11 15%

  State Owned 2 3% Employee




  Labor 4 5%

  Questionnaire Statements Agree Disagree

  College Student 21 28% Mosque direction in Arabic 37% 63%

  Employee 9 12% Mosque availability in every 500

  Trader 7 9% 67% 33% meters

  Entrepreneur 16 21% Mosque cleanliness 91% 9%

  1st time 3 4% Mosque lighting is adequate 91% 9% 2 - 5 times

  24 32% Frequency 6 - 10 times

  14 19% Mosque air circulation is good 80% 20% > 10 times 34 45%

  Kiblah directions is available 99% 1%

  Source; Data Processing

  Prayer schedule is available 83% 17% Prayer kit is available 80% 20%

  Moreover, the respondents had adduced that toilets, as Water adequacy for wudhu 85% 15% general facilities in Padang beach area, are well functioning.

  Easy access from wudhu area to This finding is based on the following calculation;

  91% 9% praying area Wudhu area sewer is not clogged 84% 16%


  II Waste bin availability in Mosque RESPONSE FOR TOILET CONDITION

  75% 25% area

  Questionnaire Statements Agree Disagree Source; Data Processing

  Toilet directions in Arabic 35% 65% Comparing to observation result, respondents response

  Toilet availability 63% 37% upon toilet condition is on the contrary. Referring to the Toilet cleanliness 47% 53% criteria developed by Halal Tourism Development Water adequacy for Wudhu 79% 21%

  Acceleration Team, the toilets among Padang beach area are Toilet sewer is not clogged 68% 32% not able to meet the standard. The condition of the toilets are concerning since the water is not adequate, some toilets are Available toilet custodian 77% 23% smelly and the lighting is bad. Apart from that, the water

  Source; Data Processing

  reservoir is very close to the closet, this may caused the water will be polluted. Other thing that being captured trough the Somehow, the response upon toilet cleanliness showed

  53% of disagreement. This figure can be interpreted as low observation was the limited waste bin availability on the toilets, as well as the water sewer that clogged here and there. cleanliness of the toilets in Padang beach area. Beside toilets,

  Though there were custodian or officer available by the toilets mosques are also one criterion for general facilities of halal building, but still it is an unfortunate that the toilets are not tourism. The respondents of this research opined that Mosques suit to the standard of halal tourism criteria, even though within Padang beach area are well maintained. Even though domestic tourist thought it is adequate enough.

  As mentioned earlier, beside general facilities, tourism there were no directions to the Mosque in Arabic language. facilities among Padang beach area also should be identified

  67% of the respondents considered easiness in finding its compatibility with the criteria of halal tourism. The Mosque in Padang beach area, since it is available in every 500 meters. 91% assured that the Mosques are clean as well following table will show the result of respondents’ response towards the questionnaire statements; as having adequate lighting. 80% of the respondents stated that the air circulation is also good in the Mosque. The



  to find or get services from the tourism officers that supposed


  to be available along Padang beach area. 60% of the respondents agreed that they cannot find any superintendent

  Questionnaire Statements Agree Disagree

  in Padang beach area. 59% agreed that there was no tourism Halal certified travel agent/bureau

  39% 61% police, and 72% assured that there was no tourist guide as well in Padang beach along Padang beach area. The figures are as follow;

  Halal certified accommodation in 61% 39%

  Padang beach Halal certified restaurants in Padang



  40% 60% beach


  Halal certified hotel restaurants in 41% 59%

  Padang beach

  Questionnaire Statements Agree Disagree

  Halal certified cafes in Padang Padang beach superintendent

  44% 56% 40% 60% beach availability

  Halal certified food stalls in Padang Padang beach tourism police

  44% 56% 41% 59% beach availability

  Halal certified gift shops in Padang Padang beach tourist guide

  36% 64% 28% 72% beach availability

  Source; Data Processing Source; Data Processing

  From table IV above, we can see a big difference of As result of processed data shown on table IV, results respondents’ response towards tourism facilities comparing to shown by table V also confirmed by the observation results, general facilities. In responding to general facilities, majority where it is hard to find service providers such as Padang beach of the respondents agreed that the toilet and Mosque in superintendents, tourism tourist and tourist guide along Padang beach area are well maintained and able to support

  Padang beach. Moreover, another part of tourism facilities their basic needs for praying. Even that so, still cleanliness is is entertainment and attraction services. In halal tourism the the issue for toilets and Mosques in Padang beach area. entertainment or other amusement activity also being

  Somehow, for tourism facilities most of respondents regulates to meet the syariah provision. Somehow, in this agreed that the facilities are not adequate in supporting their research the availability of entertainment and amusement activities while they are traveling or spending time as tourist activity for tourist along Padang beach are being identified. in Padang beach area. From table IV we can see that

  The following table will show the respondents response upon respondents of this research are not able in finding halal the availability of several entertainment and amusement certified food and beverage providers, certified halal activity in Padang beach. restaurants, hotel restaurants nor cafés and food stalls. Respondents as tourists in Padang beach restaurants also



  unable to find halal certified travel bureau along Padang


  In contrary, respondents agreed that they were able to find Questionnaire Statements Agree Disagree a halal certified accommodation along the Padang beach area.

  Water sport rides availability 37% 63% Moreover, beside travel agent or travel bureau,

  Playground for children 88% 12% accommodation and food and beverage providers, tourism Playground for adults 45% 55% facilities also supported by tourism area service provider and Commemoration monument 87% 13% entertainment and attraction services. The data processed that Museum or historical site

  17% 83% shown in table IV were compatible with the observation availability results, where the is only one hotel and hotel restaurants that Art and cultural performance 60% 40% already certified halal by halal certification organization of Sport arena availability 77% 23%

  Indonesia, while there is no other restaurants, cafes, food Shopping center availability 20% 80% stalls, gift shops and travel agent or travel bureau that hold

  Questionnaire Statements Agree Disagree any halal certification.

  Halal certified spa 17% 83% Unfortunately, as previous criteria of tourism facilities,

  Retailer shop/ mini market tourism area service provider in Padang beach also graded 37% 63% availability poor by the respondents. From the data processed, it is clearly

  Information of forbidden sexy shown that respondents as Padang beach tourist were not able 24% 76% attire/ bathing suit Adzan is able to be heard by the beach 92% 8%

  Source; Data Processing

  40% 60% Traveling prayer information on the public transport availability

  Menteri Pariwisata R.I. Pada Peringatan World Tourism Day dan Hari Kepariwisataan Nasional. (22 Oktober 2016, 15.00). Kolb, B.M. 2006. Tourism Marketing for Cities and Town.

  Practices, Philosophies. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia. 2015. Sambutan

  Paramadina Graduate School. Jakarta. Goeldner, C.R., Ritchie, J.R.B. 2012. Tourism Principles,

  REFERENCES Achyar, M. 2016. Indonesia Sebagai Tujuan Halal Tourism.

  The development can be started by improving the quality of sanitation or toilets and Mosques along Padang beach area prior to the implementation of the syariah law. In addition, the local government also should speeding up the issuance of local regulation about halal tourism in West Sumatera.

  Therefore, the local government of Padang especially and West Sumatera, in general, should take more serious consideration to speed up development needed upon the facilities and accessibilities. Especially to make swift effort in escalading the facilities and accessibilities to meet the basic requirements of muslim tourist which being targeted by joining the Worlds Halal Tourism Summit and Exhibition.

  CONCLUSION From the discussion preciously, it can be concluded that the city of Padang has not ready yet to be the host of halal tourism destination. The results of the research had proved this by identified facilities and accessibilities in Padang beach area, an iconic tourism attraction in Padang city. The relevance between Padang beach area and the capability of Padang as the capital city of West Sumatera, the World Best Halal Tourism Destination, is that after a year since the award received; there were still no significant improvement within the most visited area in Padang.

  Source; Data Processing IV.

  27% 73%

  31% 69% Directions in English and Arabic 21% 79% Free transport provided by the local Government

  Variations of public transport availability from and to Padang beach area

  From above table we can see that the respondents were agreed on the following;

  Questionnaire Statements Agree Disagree

  Public transport availability from and to Padang beach area 29% 71%

  VII ACCESSIBILITY TOWARD PADANG BEACH AREA Questionnaire Statements Agree Disagree


  Following to general and tourism facilities, the accessibilities towards and from Padang beach area also should be identified. The identification of accessibilities will share insight of how tourist able to reach this iconic attraction in padang. Both observation and questionnaires return in same information, where there is lack of public transportation provision in Padang beach area. Table below shows the questionnaires processed data results;

  This response are confirms by the observation result, in which there are numbers of playgrounds for children but lack of water activities and activities for adults. There are two commemoration monuments in Padang beach area that becoming tourist favorite photo spots, but unfortunately there is no museum or any other historical site within this beach area. During visiting Padang, tourist may also do some sport in Padang beach area, because there are pavement that wide enough to be used as jogging track. There are also other sport facilities as such basketball and volley-beach ball field. In addition, even though by the Padang beach area according to the respondents it is lack of halal certified spa, malls or shopping centers, retail shops and no information of sexy wardrobe forbid available, almost all of the respondents agreed that they can hear adzan very well while they were on Padang beach area.

  5. And adzan is well heard along the Padang beach area.

  4. There are sport arenas available in Padang beach area.

  3. There are art and cultural performance available in Padang beach area.

  2. There are commemoration monuments available in Padang beach area.

  1. There are playgrounds for children available in Padang beach area.

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