Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of The

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)



Lailatul Maghfiroh










  In the name of Allah, The most gracious and merciful Hereby, the researcher declares that this graduating paper is written by the writer her self. This paper doesn’t contain any materials which have been published by other people and it doesn’t cite any other people’s ideas except the information from the references. In addition, this declaration is written by the writer to be understood. The Researcher is capable to accounts her graduating paper if in the future it can be proved of containing others’ idea or in fact thet the researcher imitates the other’s graduating paper . Likewise, this declaration is written by the researcher, and she hopes that this declaration can be understood. The researcher will also agree if the library of IAIN Salatiga publish this graduating paper.


  13 September 2018 The writer Lailatul Maghfiroh


  Salatiga, September 13 , 2018

  Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I., M.A

  The Lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE Case: Lailatul Maghfiroh

  ’s Graduating Paper

  Dear, Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

  Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb After reading and correcting

  Lailatul Maghfiroh’s graduating paper entitled AN




ATHRUS, I have decided and would like to propose that this paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education Faculty I hope this paper will be examined as soon as possible.

  Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb Counselor, Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I., M.A.

  NIP. 19810911 201101 2007







   


  My God Allah SWT who always beside me, blessing me, listen all my prays, take care me, and give me all the best thing in this whole world.

  2. My parents, especially for my beloved mother (Sri Rahayu) and my beloved father (Muhammad Ghozali) thanks for your pray, your supports, your love and anything. Without you, my live faded.

  3. My beloved brother (Irfan Ghozali) and my beloved sister (Tasniatul Mughibah) who always give me support and anything about my study.

  4. Almarhum K.H Zoemri RWS and Nyai Latifah Zoemri as the founder of Islamic Boarding School Al Falah Salatiga, who always gives me advise and motivation to be a good person.

  5. My counselor, Mrs. Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I.,M.A. who always gives me guidance, suggestion and motivation to finish my graduating paper.

  6. My Big Familiy Bani Ghozali who become my best motivator.

  7. Someone who always give lot of spirit and support.

  8. My best friends all member of PPTI Al Falah 14, especially Erika, Ummah, Malikah, Ulfah, and Hanifah who always support me and always inside me.

  9. All of My TBI F class IAIN Salatiga, whom I can’t mention one by one.

  Thank for become my friend in IAIN Salatiga .

  10. My best friend ever “Waduk Sempor” ( Agus, Awalia, Iis, Arif, Nidya) who always beside me whenever I need, always giving me a lot of supports, smile, laugh, and anything which can make my study more colorful.

  11. PMII Kota Salatiga who always give lot of knowledge.

  12. My Friends of TOEFL CLUB who always help me to finish this graduating paper.

  13. PPL Grissa Squad who give me motivation and knowledge, 14.

  KKN Posko 23 who become my new family, thank for your support.


  Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, All praise due to Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful because of His wonderful blessing and His mercy, the writer can finish this graduating paper successfully. The incredible blessings make realize that nothing is impossible in the eyes. Thanks for Your will and endless blessing in my life.

  Peace and salutation always be given to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW that we hope his blessing in the Judgment day. However, this success would not be achieved without the support, guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individuals and institutions. Therefore, the writer would like to express the deepest gratitude to: 1.

  Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd., Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, M. Pd., Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga 3. Noor Malihah, Ph. D., as the Head of English Education Department.

  4. Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I., M.A , as the consultant of this research thanks for suggestion and recommendation for this research from beginning until the end.

  5. All lecturers of English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga, thank for your advice, knowledge, and kindness.

  6. All of the staff that helped the writer in processing of graduating paper administration.

  7. My beloved family who always support and advise me.

  8. All of my friends in IAIN Salatiga, especially for English Education Department’14, from A class until F class whose names cannot be mentioned one by one, thank for being my friends.

  Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers.

  Salatiga, 13 September 2018 The writer Lailatul Maghfiroh NIM. 11314200


  Maghfiroh, Lailatul. 2018. An Analysis on Form, Function and Reason of Code- Switching and Code-Mixing Used in Vlog of Shirin Al Athrus. A Graduating Paper . English Education Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  Consultant: Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I., M.A This research focuses on form, function and reason of Code-Switching and Code- Mixing used in Vlog of Shirin Al Athrus. This research is aimed to answer the following problem: 1.What are the forms of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing used in Vlog of Shirin Al Atrus. 2.What are the functions of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing used in Vlog of Shirin Al Atrus. 3.What are the reasons of Code- Switching and Code-Mixing used in Vlog of Shirin Al Atrus. To answer the problem, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research and validated through theoretical triangulation. The total data 133 unit of analysis of Code- Switching found that 26 data used tag switching, 24 data used inter-sentential switching and 73 datas used intra-sentential switching. Furthermore, the total data of Code-Mixing was 138 unit analysis which found 73 insertion of words, 38 insertion of phrases, 23 insertin of hybrid, and 4 insertion of reduplications. The result of the functions performed Code-Switching were 28 addressee specifications, 7 repetitions, 8 interjections, 14 message qualifications, 38 personalizations and objectivizations, and 38 facility of expressions. Moreover, the result of the functions performed through Code-Mixing were 4 addressee specifications, 3 repetitions, 10 interjections, 4 message qualifications, 0 personalizations and objectivization, and 117 facility of expressions. This research also found that there are 4 reasons of using Code-Switching. Those are 7 data talking about particular topics, 8 data interjections (Inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors), 7 data repetition used for clarifications, and 111 data intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutors.While the researcher found that there are 5 reasons of using Code-Mixing. Those are 2 data talking about particular topics, 10 data interjections (Inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors), 3 data repetition used for clarifications, 29 data intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutors, and 94 data because of real lexical needs.

  Keyword: Code-Switching, Code-Mixing, Vlog


  TITLE ...................................................................................................... i DECLARATION .................................................................................... ii ATTENTIVE CONSELOUR ................................................................ iii CERTIFICATION PAGE...................................................................... iv MOTTO ................................................................................................... v DEDICATION....................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................... viii ABSTRACT .......................................................................................... xi TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................... x LIST OF THE TABLE .......................................................................... xv

  CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the study ............................................................................ 1 B. Problem of the Study ................................................................................. 5 C. Objective of the study ................................................................................ 6 D. Limitation of the study ............................................................................... 6 E. Significance of the study ............................................................................ 6 1. Theoretical Benefit ................................................................................ 6 2. Practical Benefit .................................................................................... 7 a. For lectures ....................................................................................... 7 b. For teachers ...................................................................................... 7 c. For students ...................................................................................... 7 F. Definition of Key Terms ............................................................................ 7 1. Code-Switching ..................................................................................... 8 2. Code-Mixing ......................................................................................... 8 3. Vlog ....................................................................................................... 9 G. Graduating paper Outline ........................................................................... 9 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Previous Study ......................................................................................... 11 B. Review of related Theory......................................................................... 14 1. Sociolinguistics ................................................................................. 14

  2. Code-Switching ................................................................................ 15 3.

  4) Insertion of Reduplication ....................................................... 28

  Talking about a particular topic ................................................. 35 b. Quotation somebody else ........................................................... 36 c. Being emphatic about something (Express Solidarity) ............. 36 d. Interjection (Inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors). 37 e. Repetition used for clarification ................................................ 37 f. Intention of clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor .. 38 g.

  Facility of Expression ................................................................ 35 6. Reason of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing .................................. 35 a.

  Quotation ................................................................................... 30 b. Addressee Specification ............................................................. 31 c. Repetition ................................................................................... 32 d. Interjection ................................................................................. 32 e. Message Qualification ............................................................... 33 f. Personalization and Objectivization .......................................... 34 g.

  Function of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing ................................ 30 a.

  6) Insertion of Caluse ................................................................... 29 5.

  5) Insertion of Idiom .................................................................... 29

  3) Insertion of Hybrid .................................................................. 27

  Code-Mixing ..................................................................................... 16 4. Form of Code-Switching .................................................................. 19 a.

  2) Insertion of Phrase ................................................................... 24

  1) Insertion of Word .................................................................... 22

  Intra-sentential Switching ........................................................ 21 b. Form of Code-Mixing .................................................................. 22

  Inter-sentential Switching ........................................................ 20 3)

  Tag Switching .......................................................................... 20 2)

  Form of Code-Mixing .................................................................. 19 1)

  Expressing group identity .......................................................... 38 h. To soften or strengthen request or command ............................ 38


  Because of real lexical need ...................................................... 39 j. To exclude other people when a comment is intended for only a limited audience ......................................................................... 39

  7. Video-Blogging (Vlog) ..................................................................... 40

  CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Type of the Study ..................................................................................... 42 B. Object of the Study .................................................................................. 43 C. Source of the Data .................................................................................... 43 D. Technique of Data Collections................................................................. 43 E. Technique of Data Analysis ..................................................................... 44 1. Identification ....................................................................................... 44 2. Coding ................................................................................................. 44 3. Categorizing ........................................................................................ 48 4. Classifying ........................................................................................... 48 5. Producing an Account ......................................................................... 49 F. Validity of Dhe Data ................................................................................ 49 CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDING AND DATA ANALYSIS A. Research Finding ......................................................................................... 51 B. Data Analysis .............................................................................................. 55 1. Code-Switching ..................................................................................... 54 a. Tag Switching ................................................................................... 55 b. Inter-sentential Switching ................................................................. 56 c. Intra-sentential Switching ................................................................. 58 2. Code-Mixing .......................................................................................... 59 a. Insertion of Word ............................................................................. 59 b. Insertion of Phrase ........................................................................... 61 c. Insertion of Hybrid ........................................................................... 62 d. Insertion of Reduplication ............................................................... 64 3. Function of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing .................................... 65


  Addressee Secification ...................................................................... 65 b.

  Repetition .......................................................................................... 66 c. Interjection ........................................................................................ 67 d.

  Message Qualification ...................................................................... 68 e. Personalization and Objectivization ................................................. 68 f. Facility of Expression ....................................................................... 69 4. Reason of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing ....................................... 70 a.

  Talking about particular topic ........................................................... 71 b.

  Interjection ........................................................................................ 72 c. Repetition used for clarification ....................................................... 72 d.

  Intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor .............. 74 e. Because of real lexical need .............................................................. 74

  CHAPTER V: CLOSURE A. Conclusion ............................................................................................... 76 B. Suggestion ................................................................................................ 79 1. For the researcher ................................................................................ 78 2. For the readers ..................................................................................... 78 REFFERENCES APPENDICES


Table 2.1 Table Differences between Code-Switching and Code-Mixing 18Table 2.2 Table Part of Speech .................................................................. 23Table 2.2 Table Phrase .............................................................................. 24Table 2.3 Table Hybrid .............................................................................. 28Table 3.1 Table Coding of Videos............................................................. 45Table 3.2 Table Coding of Form Code-Switching .................................... 45Table 3.3 Table Coding of Form Code-Mixing ......................................... 46Table 3.4 Table Coding of Function of Code-Swtching and Code-

  Mixing...... ................................................................................................. 46

Table 3.5 Table Coding of Reason of Code-Switching and Code-

  Mixing ....................................................................................................... 47

Table 4.1 Table The Frequencies Form of Code-Switching and Code-

  Mixing ...................................................................................................... 52

Table 4.2 Table The Frequencies Function of Code-Switching and

  Code-Mixing .............................................................................................. 53

Table 4.3 Table The Frequencies Reason of Code-Switching and Code-

  Mixing ....................................................................................................... 54

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The researcher tries to present the introduction related to the study. It

  consist of background of the study, problem of the study, object of the study, limitation of the study, benefits of the study, definition of key term and graduating paper outline.

A. Background of the Study

  In daily interaction, people use a language or more either written or spoken to do their communication. Brown (2000, p.17) explained “Language is a system of arbitrary conventionalized vocal, written and gesture symbols that enables members of a given community to communicate intelligibly with one another

  ”. Human as social creature, they live in their community within language, culture and also tradition.

  Therefore, it is impossible to communicate with others without language. People use language to gain understanding their willingness, needs or intention. In the way to communicate, there are many languages are use in the world. One of them is English.

  English is a global language (Crystal, 1997). Many countries use English to communicate and convey message or idea to others. According to Edward Sapir (1921, p.8)

  “English is purely human a non instinctive method of communicating ideas, emoticons, and desires by means of a system of voluntarily pro duced symbol”. Thus, it is an international language that has to be mastered to know the information in the different countries in the world. In Indonesia, English is considered at the first foreign language and become compulsory subject learned by all students from the elementary school to university level.

  In our daily life, we will be faced with different society who has the different language. Language and societies are two things that cannot be separated. Both of them have a close relation. It refers to human role as a social creature in the world which needs to keep in touch with another human being. In linguistic, it is known as sociolinguistics. According to Holmes (1992, p.1) “Sociolinguistic studies the relationship between language and society, speak different social context, concerned with identifying the social function of language and the way it is used to convey social meaning, examining the way people use language in different social contexts provides a wealth of information about the way language works, as well as about the social relationship in a community

  ”. While according to Wardhaugh (2006, p.1),

  “sociolinguistic is the study of language use in society that did not focus on the composition of sentence structure but focuses on differences in language use and language development in society

  ”. Thus, sociolinguistics provides the insight about the language change during the communication in a society.

  People make a conversation not only use their own language, but also generally people often use more than one language in communication.

  It is very common that people develop some knowledge and ability in bilingual languages. It is to establish a good communication based on the social factors in communication, such as the participant, the setting or social context of the interaction, the topic, the function and the reason of the communication. According to Lado (1964, p.214) argues that bilingualism is the ability to use 2 languages by someone with as good or almost as good, which is related to the knowledge of two languages regardless of level. It can be concluded that bilingualism is the use of two languages by speaker in the interaction with other speakers in different language. Bilingualism is related to Code-Switching and Code Mixing since all of them get in touch with two different languages. Many Code-switching and Code-

  Mixing’s events occur both in Indonesian people conversation to make the interlocutor understand, sometimes they do it with the same language background and it may do so many times.

  Hymes (1974, p.103) defines “Code switching is common term for alternative use of two languages, varieties of a language or even speech styles”. While Bokamba (1989) explains “Code Switching is mixing word, phrases and sentences from two distinct grammatical (sub) system across sentence boundaries within the same speech event. In another way, people may speak by mixing one language to another language to make the conversation running well. Code mixing occurs when conversants use both language to the other in the course of a single utterance (Wardhaugh, 1992, p.106). The speakers do not necessary need to change the language but they mix the languages and use together in a statement. Both of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing are usually used by Indonesian to attain a good communication in a society. Code-Switching and Code-Mixing not only used in direct interaction but also in a social media.

  In globalization era, internet develops many aspect of life. Most of people in the world alike are seeing new ways to express their art though technological means. YouTube has become the fourth most visited website in the world (Lewis, 2018)- behind emails sent, messages and text messages. Since its creation on February 2005, YouTube saw repid growth, sixteen months after its creation, 100 million clips were being view per day (comScore, 2006). Many famous sites are on YouTube, one of them is Vlog. Vlog or Video-Blogging is a form of blogging activity by using video medium and text or audio as a media source device. Vlog can be refereed as another form of internet television. In Indonesia, Vlog began to be realized in 2009 when appeared a private recording video of famous actress and singer. Nowadays, not only private video but also Vlog is used to market a product or brand. Many Indonesian actress use Vlog, because they realize that Indonesian people begun to leave television and it more interesting to find more fans.

  It was discovered when the researcher watched actress’s Vlog in YouTube. The researcher found the phenomena about Code-Switching and Code-Mixing usage in the Vlog of Shirin Al Athrus. For Example:

  Hi... hari ini aku pingin ngebuat video about how I . Tapi aku udah nge post di instagram

  start my career

  aku itu poling you are and most of you. Okay before

  that, I want to do a disclaimer . Aku bakal mix bahasanya because I much more comfortable speaking

  at that way . Dimulai dari 2007 aku umur 6 tahun, aku

  inget banget ke rumah om aku, dia sok iseng2 bikinin aku Facebook account, dia asal bikinin aja padahal aku belum pernah mainin sampe 1 tahun 2 tahun kedepanya dimana facebook itu lagi booming banget di Indonesia. In that utterance, Shirin was speaking using both bahasa Indonesian as her mother tongue and English as the second language. That utterance is contained Code-Switching and Code-Mixing phenomenon. It is because there are some switches within sentence boundary and some insertion of English words within bahasa Indonesia sentences.

  This research focuses in analyzing Code-Switching and Code- Mixing phenomena in Shirin’s Vlog an entitled How I Start My Career,


First Magazine Cover, Dubai Cloting haul, and My Lombok Trip which are

  uploaded on Shirin’s YouTube account. They are chosen for this research, because these videos are contained Indonesian-English language. This research selects Shirin Al Athrus because she is one of Indonesian public figure and models who is fluent in speaking both bahasa Indonesia and English, even though she is not a native speaker.

  The use of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing in Vlog is done by people who have experience in abroad or people who take English as their second Language. It has specific form, function and reason in communication. Based on the phenomena above, the researcher is interested in comprehending more about Code-Switching and Code-Mixing. The researcher focuses on analyzing form, function and reason used in Vlog of Shirin Al Athrus. Therefore, the researcher formulates a research study entitled “AN ANALYSIS ON FORM, FUNCTION AND REASON OF


B. Problem of the Study

  Based on the background of study, the researcher formulates some statements of the problems as follows:

  1. What are the forms of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing used in Vlog of Shirin Al Athrus? 2. What are the functions of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing used in Vlog of Shirin Al Athrus?

  3. What are the reasons of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing used in Vlog of Shirin Al Athrus? C.

   Object of the Study

  Dealing with the statement of the problems above, the researcher intends to achieve some objectives through the study as follows:

  1. To identify form of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing used in Vlog of Shirin Al Athrus.

  2. To examine the function of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing used in Vlog of Shirin Al Athrus 3. To examine the reason of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing used in Vlog of Shirin Al Athrus.

  D. Limitation of the Study

  This research focuses on form, function, and reason of Code- Switching and Code-Mixing used by Shirin Al Athrus in her Vlog. The researcher only analyzes the Indonesian-English Code-Switching and Code- Mixing.

  E. Significant of the Study 1.

  Theoretical Benefits This study is expected to enrich theoretical prespective on code-

  Switching and Code-Mixing used by Shirin Al Athrus, especially, how to analyze the utterance of language research in Code-switching and Code- Mixing theory as that shown by Shirin’s Vlog.

2. Practical Benefits a.

  For lecturers This study not only contains the theory about Code-Switching and Code-Mixing, but also the usage in the interaction based on form, function and reason. Therefore, the English lectures are able to use the data to provide the real usage of switching and mixing codes in the interaction for teaching and learning activity, especially in speaking skill.


  For teachers The study provides detailed theory, example, and data related with Code-Switching and Code-Mixing. The English teachers are able to use this study as the reference to comprehend about switching and mixing codes. Moreover, the teachers can practice to switch and mix the codes to interact with the students who are not fluent yet in speaking English.


  For students This research aims as the one of the references for the students while studying about Code-Switching and Code-Mixing. In addition, this study is made as the bridge to fill the gap between the previous study to the further study about Code-Mixing and Code-Switching in the development of the future communication technology.

F. Definition of Key Terms

  The researcher defines some of key terms used in the study, in order to avoid miss understanding about those terms, here is the list of definition which has been conducted by the researcher.

1. Code-Switching

  Code switching is the one of alternative way to bilingual of two or more languages in the same conversation. According to Likhitphongsathorn and sappapan (2013) as quoted by Sihite (2016, p.9) define that Code Switching as a means of communication involving a speaker alternating between one language and another at the level of sentence. While Alcnauerova (2013, p.6) defines that Code-Switching is a communicative strategy widespread in bilingual communities where the people are able to speak two languages comparably well and thus they choose a code to transmits their intentions in the best way. Code- Switching used between bilingual or multilingual communities who are fluent in each used language. The reasons people code switch are complex, but it is often the case that people use a particular language or dialect to announce their identity (Brown & Attaardo, 2000, p.91). Indeed, switching codes used on its reason to inform their identity.

2. Code-Mixing

  Code-Mixing is ability to use or mixing two or more languages in a conversation. Sridhar as Quoted by Risdianto (2013: 43-44) explained “Code mixing as the transition from using linguistic units (word, phrase, clause, etc) of one language to using those of another within a single sentence

  ”. Differs from Code-Switching which emphasizes a bilingual or multilingual movements from one grammatical system to another, Code- Switching is formed by grammatical distiction and emphasizes the formal aspects of language structures or linguistic competence. In another hand, Hoffman (1991: 104) said t hat “Code-Mixing refers to switch occurring at the lexical level.” 3. Vlog

  Social media as an internet-based application group that build on an ideological a technology web 2.0 which allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content (Kaplan&Haenlein, 2010). Social media have provided new opportunities to consumers to engage in social interaction on the internet. Costumer use social media, such us online communities, to generate content and to network with other users. YouTube is one of social media based on video. Many contends of various video can be accessed in YouTube, as like music, film, news an information, sport, style, game and Vlog. Vlog is video that contain an opinion, story or daily activity that usually written on a blog.

G. Graduating Paper Outline

  The researcher wants to arrange the graduating paper in order to be understood by the reader easily. It is devising into five chapters.

  Chapter I presents the background of the study, problem of the study, objective of the study, limitation of the study, significant of the study, definition of the key terms and graduating paper outline.

  Chapter II is the theoretical framework. It consists of the previous studies and review of related theory in order to strengthen the theory of the research.

  Chapter III is research Methodology. It consists of type of the research, object of the research, data sources, technique of data collection, data analysis, and procedure of the research.

  Chapter IV is research findings. It is consist of finding about the form used in Code Switching and Code Mixing. Furthermore, the finding talk about the function and the reason of using Code-Switching and Code-Mixing.

  Chapter V is closure that consists of conclusion and suggestion. The last parts are references and appendix.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK In this chapter the researcher intends to present the theoretical farmwork

  of the study, it consists of previous studies and literature review which related to the study.

A. Previous study

  The researcher has found some of the previous studies about improving students’ proficiency in English as follows: The first study is graduating paper journal written by Widya

  Novianti (2013). This study aims to identify and analysis of the occurrence of Code-Switching types, language used, and the reasons why the respondent switch their language in communicating in Twitter. The study involved the students of English Department who had already signed up as Twitter users as the respondent. To identify code switching types in the tweets, the writer used theory of Poplac k’s framwork (1980) and to analyze the data through description qualitative using the theory from

  Hoffman (1991) and Saville-Troike (1986). The result shows that there are three types of Code-Switching, seven languages combinations and six reason of the use of Code-Switching in Twitter. In terms of the type, intra- sentential switching tends to be the most frequent type of code switching (56.67%). In relation to language combinations used in tweets, Indonesian-

  English is likely to be the most frequent language combinations used in the tweets (73.33%). Moreover, in relation to the reason, real lexical need may be considered as the main reason to switch the language in Twitter (60%).

  The second study is graduating paper which proposed by Rosyida (2017). In this descriptive qualitative study, the research mainly focuses on grammatical items usage and the function of Code-Switching and Code- Mixing performed in the written form of Celebgram interaction. The data

  st st are collected from status updates during January 1 until March 31 2017.

  The research used theory of Moleong (2009) for analyzing the data and validated through theoretical triangulation. The result showed there are some functions on using Code-Switching and Code-Mixing, they are quotation, specifications, repetitions, interjections, qualifications, personalizations and objecivizations. Based on the data that found by researcher, the common function to be used is interjection.

  The third is a graduating paper which written by Yolla Shinta Noer Aini (2017). This research focuses in analyzing Maudy Ayunda’s utterances which are contained Code-Switching and Code-Mixing in the video as the data of the research. The aims of this research are to find out the types of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing, the reason of using it, and the occurance of interference as the impact of Code-Switching and Code- Mixing usage. The result of this research shows that there are three types of Code-Switching and two types of Code-Mixing. This result also found that there are six reasons of using Code-Switching and Code-Mixing, three types of interference as the impact of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing usage.

  Therefore, the researcher conducts a study that this different from those three previous studies. The first previous study only focuses to find out types, language used and reason why the respondent switch language in communicating in twitter whereas this study focuses to find out the form, function and reason of code-switching and code-mixing that used by the user of Vlog. This study is also different from the second previous study because it is aimed only to know the function of code-switching and code-mixing found in the written form of celebgram interaction while this study not only to know the function of code-switching and code-mixing but also to know the form and reason of code-switching and code-mixing.

  The third previous study differs from this study, although it is similar in using video as the media to collect the data, because the third study focuses on the types, reason and interference of code-switching and code- mixing used by Maudy Ayunda. Furthermore, this study differs from those three studies because this study focuses in form, function and reason of code-switching and code-mixing used by user of Vlog.

B. Review of Related Theory 1. Sociolinguistics

  Noam Chomsky in Romaine (2000, p.1) stated that sociolinguistics focus on differences in the use of language in society so that an object can be the object language learning another language. Then Chomsky said that the question of language is the fundamental question of power. From the statement, it is clear that sociolinguistic is the study of language use in a society that does not focus on the composition of sentence structure but focuses on differences in language use and language development.

  Holmes (1992, p.2) defines sociolinguistic study the relationship between language and society. They are interested in explaining why we speak differently in different social contexts, and they are concerned with identifying the social functions of language and the ways it is used to convey social meaning. The statement implies that sociolinguistic focuses on speaking in different social context, and it is concerned with identifying the social function and the social meaning when it is used.

  In addition to the above statement, Wardaugh (1992) stated “sociolinguistic is concerned with investigating the relationship between structure language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and of how languages function in communication”. It deals with the aim of the language function in a social context and the development of language in society. Sociolinguistic studies about social and language. It goals to do research about social function based on what kind of thing language that used.

2. Code Switching People use language as a code to communicate with others.

  Usually, the code is useful for speakers to get better understanding with others. Wardhaugh (2006, p.101), " people then, are usually required to select particular code whenever they choose to speak, and they may also decide to switch from one code to another or to mix even within sometimes very short utterances and create a new code in a process known as code-switching". Code-Switching is possibly common by bilingual or multilingual users from one language to another language.

  Code-Switching happens mostly in bilingual communities. A person who is bilingual may be said to be one who is able to communicate alternately to a varying extent in two languages (Weinreich,1974 cited by Offiong and Okon, 2013). In addition, Gal (in Wardaugh 2006, p.101) points out that code-switching is a conversational strategy used to establish, cross or destroy group boundaries; to create, revoke or change interpersonal relations with their right and obligation. It can be concluded that code-switching is a strategy that is used in bilingual or multilingual communities by using more one language.

  Code-Switching is the use of multiple languages in the words, phrases, and sentences even in a paragraph. According to Offiong and Okon (2013) state that code-switching is a practice of parties in discourse to signal changes in context by using alternative grammatical system or subsystem or codes. While according to Bokamba (1989) defies that code-switching is the mixing of words phrases and sentence from two distinct grammatical (sub) system across sentence boundaries within the same speech event. Based on these statements, code-switching occurs when there is a combination of two or more languages and it combines word, phrases, and sentences. The switches are often very short and they are made primarily for the social reasons-to signal the speaker's ethnic identity and solidarity with the address (Holmes, 1992, p.41). Furthermore, some switching is used as a conversational strategy to express solidarity with an addressee.

3. Code Mixing

  Code-mixing occurs in a single sentence or utterance without breaking the grammatical rules of the mind language. According to Muysken (2000) as quoted by Jendra (2010, p.78) "Code-Mixing is referred to all cases where lexical items and grammatical features from two languages appear in one sentence". Kachru in Nusjam (2004) as quoted by Ansar (2017) defines code mixing as the term refers to the use of one more languages for consistent transfer of linguistic units from one language into other, and by such a language mixture developing a new restricted or not so restricted code of linguistic interaction.

  From the definition above, it can be concluded that code- mixing refers to mixing some parts of another language such as word or phrases in a certain topic without breaking grammatical rules and it can involve the various level of language. In some situation, the speakers mix the language because they cannot find the exact term or idiom from the other language. Therefore, it is possible to mix another term or idiom from the other language. For example:

  Sekarang aku pengen ganti baju, tadi sudah lihat kan? snick pic nya warnanya tuh kaya earthy terus ada yang rose gold juga dan menurutku si warnanya aku banget. The example above is a Shirin’s utterance. She spoke