Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Students' Anxiety Towards Toefl Test : The Caused Factors And The Effects

Students feeling anxious about TOEFL test is a common
phenomenon. Test anxiety itself is a disorder which leads to a nervousness,
fear, and worrying that can affect the way we feel or behave toward
something ( ). Test anxiety
also leads human body to different physical and mental problems.
Therefore, since it is a must for English Department students to take TOEFL
test, this issue grabs the researcher’s curiousity about what types of test
anxiety symptoms the students’ have prior the profiency test, focusing on
factors that lead them to anxiety, and the effects of it. Using qualitative
research method, which included open-ended semi structured questionnaire
and interview, the result shows they had experienced the test anxiety
symptoms such as nervousness, digestive problem, rapid heartbeats, and still
many others. It happened because of both external and internal factors.
Fortunately, as an effect of test anxiety the students become more motivated
to perform better in TOEFL test.
Keywords: Test anxiety, Factors, Effect