Call Me Mommy Book Review

Call Me Mommy ~ Book Review
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Retired police captain, Marshall Frank, has written another excellent read in his latest work,

tragic, suspense, saga, facts and fiction

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Retired police captain, Marshall Frank, has written another excellent read in his latest work,

I would classify Call Me Mommy as a tragic suspense saga. Marshall succeeds in making the book

The main character, Laura is fooled into having sex with a callous and selfish boy while she w

This well-written novel is an emotional story of a mother with a deep level of compassion, com
Call Me Mommy is tastefully written; full of action and suspense with elements of underground
ISBN#: 0974727865

Author: Marshall Frank
Publisher: Harlan Publishing

~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone conce

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