Overcoming My Difficulty in Explaining Medical Equipment Products To Clients at Rajawali Medika Mandiri.


Tugas akhir ini membahas permasalahan yang saya hadapi selama
saya melakukan kegiatan magang di PT. Rajawali Medika Mandiri mulai
tanggal 2 Juli sampai 10 Agustus 2012. Saya mendapatkan posisi sebagai
administrasi di dalam perusahaan tersebut. Saya mengalami kesulitan
pada saat menerima pertanyaan dari konsumen mengenai produk- produk
yang dijual. Dalam tugas akhir ini saya mencari penyebab- penyebab dan
efek- efek dari permasalahan tersebut, dan mengajukan beberapa solusi
yang dapat memecahkan masalah tersebut. Metode yang saya gunakan
dalam pengumpulan data adalah melalui observasi pada waktu
melakukan kegiatan magang, dan studi pustaka untuk menemukan teori
pendukung dari buku, dan artikel dari internet.
Saya menemukan dua penyebab masalah. Yang pertama, saya
adalah pemagang baru di perusahaan tersebut dan pengetahuan akan
produk-produk yang dijual itu sangat kurang. Dan yang kedua adalah
pengetahuan akan istilah- istilah dalam dunia kesehatan itu kurang. Halhal tersebut, menyebabkan saya menjadi terlihat tidak profesional dalam
menjual barang kepada konsumen, dan mengurangi nilai jual dari produk
yang ditawarkan. Selain itu saya juga mengalami stress dalam masa
magang saya.
Berdasarkan teori, saya menemukan tiga solusi untuk

memecahkan masalah yang saya hadapi. Pertama, saya akan membuat
catatan mengenai produk tersebut secara rinci, yang kedua saya akan
membaca buku- buku dan brosur- brosur yang tersedia di kantor, dan
yang terakhir saya akan bertanya dan berkonsultasi kepada supervisor
saya akan produk- produk tersebut. Menurut pendapat saya solusi terbaik
untuk memecahkan masalah saya adalah dengan mengkombinasikan
ketiga solusi tersebut.

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ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………… i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……….………………………………………. iii
TABLE OF CONTENT …………………………………………………. v
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………....1
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION …………………………………………...16

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I was lacking in
product knowledge
I lack of knowledge
of medical jargons

Potential Negative Effects:

I will have to spend
some time.
I will get tired.

Potential Negative Effects:

I will be sleepy
and cannot
concentrate well.

My Difficulty in Explaining the
Medical Equipment Products to
the Clients


Potential Solution I:
I will make notes about
the specific products.
(Brands, benefits,
specification, and price

Potential Solution II:

I became an
unprofessional worker
I decreased the value of
the product for the clients
I got stressed as a new

Potential Positive Effects:

It will be easy for me
to access information.
I will be familiar with
the usage of the

Potential Positive Effects:

I will read text books or
brochures about the medical
equipment products.



Potential Negative Effects:

I will disturb my
supervisor’s job.

2. I will not be
independent to do the

Potential Solution III:
I will ask my supervisor
about the medical

equipment products.

I will have more
I will get new

Potential Positive Effects:

I will get the answer.

2. I would answer the
client’s question

Chosen Solution:
I will make notes, read brochures

and books, and ask the


A. Background of the Study
These days, health is a very popular and important issue in our
society. A lot of people look for professional doctors to consult, do their health
check-up, surgery, USG and other means to be healthy. Both hospitals and
doctors try to provide the best services and facilities for their patients.
Therefore, medical equipment products become a major factor in the health
sector to support professional healthcare both in hospitals and doctors’
I being interested in the health sector, I did an internship in Rajawali
Medika Mandiri, a company which provides medical equipment products.
There are many varieties of the products provided by the company. During
my internship, I held the position as an administration staff. One of my duties
is to explain the products to the clients. However, I find it difficult to do it.
Besides, to study each product is not easy. There are more than one hundred

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products offered by the company. Almost all of the products are unfamiliar to
I choose my difficulty in explaining the medical equipment product to
the clients to be my term-paper topic because it is the most difficult thing I
faced during my internship. I am interested in finding out the solutions to the
problem because this problem can be a big problem for a company. It can
make the value of trust and expertise of the company become bad due to
their having an unprofessional worker who cannot explain the medical
equipment products to the clients well. If the problem is not solved, the
company will experience setbacks, and certainly will suffer a loss. Thus, the
problem is analyzed critically and systematically so as to find out the causes
of the problem. For finding the causes, I try to propose some solutions to
overcome the problem so that the causes can be eliminated.

B. Identification of the Study
The problems I am going to analyze in this paper are:
1. Why do I find difficulties in explaining medical equipment products?

2. How do the difficulties affect my working performance?
3. How should I solve the problem in explaining medical equipment

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C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objectives of the study are to know why I find difficult in explaining
medical equipment products and how the difficulties affect my working
performance. Besides, the study also aims to find out the solution to the
By doing the study, I get some information on how to improve my
product knowledge. I believe this will be beneficial when I have a job later on.
The information will also be beneficial for readers, especially those having the
same problem. I also hope that this study can be a helpful suggestion for PT.
Rajawali Medika Mandiri, which is the object of my study, about the way to
give some training to interns so that the interns can do the job well.

D. Description of the Institution

Based on the Company Profile of PT. Rajawali Medika Mandiri in the
company profile folder provided in the office, PT. Rajawali Medika Mandiri
was first established in 1995 under the name CV.Trimulya. The company
started the business by selling imported medical equipment products.
CV.Trimulya did a good job at providing supplies of qualified medical
equipments. In the first 2 years, the company showed increasing number of
clients, because of that, CV.Trimulya developed many branches in other

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cities. In 2006, CV.Trimulya changed the name became PT. Rajawali Medika
The company has a vision, “To be a leading company with a
commitment to serve customers in providing total solution in medical
equipment & software system for hospital & health system.” Whereas their
missions are to:
Provide sales service & after sales service with sophisticated technology;
build a solid organization by developing professionalism, dedication,
commitment, integrity, and human resources competency, as well as a
comfortable working environment; fulfill our determination to deliver what
we promise & satisfy customer needs (par.3).
Nowadays, PT. Rajawali Medika Mandiri has more than 20 staff in
many departments in the office. PT. Rajawali Medika Mandiri is very trustable
in expertise and experiences, proven by the many clients they have.

E. Method of the Study
In the process of making this term paper, I use two methods of the
study. The first is observation which is done when I did internship in PT.
Rajawali Medika Mandiri for 30 days. The observation data is recorded in my
internship journal. The second method is library research, in the library

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reseacrh which I searched for theories to support my study from books which
are related to my topic, and also from articles on the Internet.

F. Limitation of the Study
The problem I analyze in this term paper is about my difficulty in
explaining medical equipment products to clients at PT. Rajawali Medika
Mandiri. The problem is based on my experience when I did my internship
from 2nd July 2012 until 10th August 2012.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
Chapter I, the Introduction of the Term Paper, contains information
about the problem analyzed. Chapter II discusses the problem analysis; in
which the causes and effects of the problem are analyzed. Chapter III
discusses the potential solutions to solve the problem. Besides, not only
potential solutions, but the potential positive and negative effects from the
potential solutions are also analyzed. Chapter IV is the Conclusion, which
shows the best solution to solve the problem. The paper ends with the
Bibliography, which contains information about the sources that I use to write
the term paper. The last is Appendices that contains a flowchart and products

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During my internship at PT. Rajawali Medika Mandiri I have some
difficulties when I have to explain the products to the client because I was
lacking in product knowledge. Having a duty similar to a sales person, I have
to know the products well, so that I can satisfy the customers who ask for
information. I also find the task difficult because I lack of knowledge of
medical jargons, which are unfamiliar to me and I could not fully understand.
The problem affects my working performance as I became unprofessional in
doing my duties, decreased the value of products for clients and I got
stressed during my internship.
I find three potential solutions to cope with the problem. First, I should
make notes as well as I can about the products. With the notes I can know
the products that are sold from the books and brochures in the office.
Second, I should read the books and brochures about medical equipment
products diligently to get more knowledge about the products and know the

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specifications, functions, brands, and prices well. Third, I should ask the
supervisor about the product to get the fast and accurate information.
Based on the analysis of the three potential solutions, I think a
combination of the three potential solutions is the best solution to handle my
problem. Those three potential solutions can help me face my difficulty when
explaining medical equipment products to clients. Making notes can push me
to read the brochures about medical equipments, so I can get the information
about the products which can improve my product knowledge. The notes can
be very helpful when I have to answer questions from the clients. However,
while reading I will come across some medical jargons that I do not
understand. When that happens, I will ask my supervisor. By doing so, I will
not take too much time of my supervisor, and I can show my responsibility
with my duties. I also believe applying the three potential solutions can make
me more confident to answer the questions from clients.
PT. Rajawali Medika Mandiri has given a lot of experiences and
knowledge to me, even though I get some difficulties during my internship. I
can get new experience too and working there teaches me to be a better
person. However, I would like to suggest to the new intern who wants to do a
job in the same field as I did. In my opinion, the new intern has to learn about
the vocabulary about the medical jargons before they start the internship.
They can do research through the Internet or books to familiarize themselves

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with medical equipment products. This way can help the new intern to do their
duties in the office. Besides, it can decrease the risk of making mistakes.

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Nelson, Bob. 1001 Ways to Take Initiative at Work. New York: Workman
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