TOR Capacity Building and Training Specialist

Terms of Reference: Capacity Building and Training Specialist


Terms of Reference

I. Background
The Ministry of Finance has established Public Private Partnership (PPP) Unit named
Directorate of Government Support and Infrastructure Financing Management, DGFRM –
MOF in 2015 aiming to support infrastructure development in Indonesia through private
participations. PPP Unit will work closely with the Government Contracting Agency (GCA)
on the PPP project development and with other agencies on the provision of Government
support. In addition, the unit also plays important roles such as undertake PPP awareness
campaign and providing the capacity building to the GCA and other relevant stakeholders.
In order to fulfil its roles, PPP Unit requires an extensive support at the initial operation
stage. The support will comprises of technical assistance and advisory functions in
managing the Project Development Facility and Government Support provision as well as
performing other roles. The assistance and advisory services are also required to help PPP

Unit in developing its strategic plan and resolve PPP related issues facing the unit.
Against this backdrop, the Infrastructure Finance and Development (IIFD) Project, which
is funded by the Government of Canada (GOC), presents a comprehensive approach to
financing infrastructure development in Indonesia that is well aligned with its current
development imperative as a Middle Income Economy (MIC) of driving robust and
inclusive growth amid global economic uncertainties. Making public institutions interface
effectively with private capital is a key priority for Indonesian infrastructure and directly
i pa ts the a ility of GOI to dri e PPPs. The World Ba k’s Cou try Part ership Fra e ork
CPF for I do esia ide tifies a d dis usses this i terfa e a d it’s e trality i I do esia’s
developmental strategies. The work identified for the Project are grounded in the
priorities ide tified ithi the World Ba k’s CPF, hi h fo uses o the Deli ery of
I frastru ture as a e tral target for the World Ba k’s e gage e t i I do esia, a d
how PPPs can be used to reduce the country’s i est e t defi it.
The Project Development Objectives (PDO) is to assist Indonesia in closing its large public
infrastructure gap by supporting the flow of private capital into infrastructure

Terms of Reference: Capacity Building and Training Specialist

development and improving the institutional, legal and regulatory framework to enhance

the ability of private capital and public institutions to work together for infrastructure
development. The Project is designed to develop operational, ready-to-implement nextsteps toward a robust infrastructure and PPP financing market in Indonesia. Among other
things, the Project will clarify specific legal and regulatory provisions and corresponding
operational policies and procedures; enhance inter-agency coordination and develop
skills and capacity of national level agencies (MOF; KPPIP; Bappenas; Coordinating
Ministry of Economic Affairs (CMEA) and Government Contracting Agencies (GCAs) vis-àvis public sector and PPP financing of infrastructure; and help prepare a small number of
well-structured PPP projects for market bidding.
Through IIFD-TF, the PPP Unit will hire experts and specialists that have expertise in areas
related to PPP Unit roles. One of the specialist is the Capacity Building and Training
Specialist. The consultant will assist and advise PPP Unit in the strategic aspects of PPP
Unit operation including the management of Project Development Facility and
Government Supports.
This Terms of Reference describes the objectives and scope of the required services, the
envisaged outputs, and consultancy inputs, the reporting requirements and the
arrangements of the Capacity Building and Training Specialist.
II. Objectives of the Services
The objectives of the Capacity Building and Training Specialist services are as follow:
1. Design and implement an effective, efficient and sustainable capacity
building/training program for the PPP Unit staffs to be able to perform their respective
tasks in the PPP Unit satisfactorily;

2. Design and implement an effective and efficient capacity building/training program
for the GCA or other key stakeholders to be able to perform their respective tasks
3. Advise and support the PPP Unit on matters related to the capacity building such as
development of materials, identify relevant courses/workshops/conferences/events
or training providers that can help strengthen the PPP Unit capacity.
4. Provide support in the capacity building implementation and logistics if requested by
III. Scope of Work
The Capacity Building and Training Specialist will be part of the Core Consultant Team
under coordination of The Senior Infrastructure Consultant. The scope of work will be as
1. To undertake training needs assessment as the basis for capacity building program.
This will be both for internal PPP Unit and other PPP stakeholders institution;

Terms of Reference: Capacity Building and Training Specialist

2. to develop implementation strategy of the Capacity Building Program for internal
PPP Unit and other PPP stakeholders institution;

3. to develop and implement the Capacity Building Monitoring & Evaluation system for
internal PPP Unit and other PPP stakeholders institution. This includes evaluation
and review of the results of the courses and learning programs and fully observe the
implementation of each training program;
4. to develop PPP Training Materials and a material dissemination strategy to raise PPP
awareness and PPP knowledge sharing to key stakeholders, including the potential
to develop electronic based training (e-learning);
5. to assist in the preparation of the specific capacity building and training needs and
required documentation for Capacity Building and Training programs and other
related course topics for implementation in-country and overseas;
6. to assist in preparing and organising the implementation of the individual or group
short course programs, seminars, workshops, conferences, study tours, etc.;
7. to collect and compile post training reports prepared by the individual or training
provider for each of the individual course or training program, including proceedings
for each in-house training and documentation/material of each training conducted
in-country and overseas;
8. to provide feedback to the PPP Unit based on the post event evaluation and
recommend ways for improvement as well as possibility to develop revolving
training programs;
9. to prepare Terms of Reference for the revolving training programs;

The detailed working plan will be developed by consultant and approved by PPP Unit on
semi-annually basis and reviewed on a quarterly basis.
IV. Expected Period of Assignment
The Capacity Building and Training specialist shall perform the services on a lump sum
based basis.
The duration for these services is 2 year commencing in September 2016 through August
V. Required Qualification and Experience
The qualification or experience of the capacity building and training specialist
required in general are as follows:
1. Master degree’s ith at least (ten) years’ experience of works and 5 (five)
years experiences in PPP or infrastructure issues in Indonesia.
2. Direct experience in developing the Capacity Building and Training program, such
as preparation of training need assessments, strategy and program, and


Terms of Reference: Capacity Building and Training Specialist

developing the TOR, implementation of the training programs, as well as review

of the results and impact of the programs.
3. Have good knowledge of Indonesia’s go er e t stru ture a d PPP
infrastructure development in Indonesia.
4. Sound English and Indonesia language capability (written and spoken) and
reporting writing skills.
5. Proven ability to work independently with limited supervision and operate
effectively in a team environment.
VI. Outputs and Reporting
The Consultant will report to Director of PPP Unit under coordination and in conjunction
with the report of Senior Infrastructure Consultant the project in an output based
report. There are two types of report:
1. The output of the service which should be delivered in five times:
Output 1
a. The implementation strategy of Capacity Building Program for internal PPP Unit and
other PPP stakeholders’ institution.
b. Capacity Building Plan for year 2016-2017 and arrangement for year 2016 including
required documentation for Capacity Building and Training programs and other
related course topics for implementation in-country and overseas.
This output represent 25% of the total output. This output expected to be delivered
three months after the contract signing date.

Output 2
PPP Training Syllabus to raise PPP awareness and PPP knowledge sharing to key
stakeholders, including the potential to develop electronic based training (e-learning).
This output represent 10% of the total output. This output expected to be delivered
six months after the contract signing date.
Output 3
PPP material dissemination to raise PPP awareness and PPP knowledge sharing to key
stakeholders, including the potential to develop electronic based training materials
This output represent 45% of the total output. This output expected to be delivered
nine months after the contract signing date.
Output 4
a. The Capacity Building Monitoring & Evaluation System report for internal PPP Unit
and other PPP stakeholders institution.


Terms of Reference: Capacity Building and Training Specialist

b. A Training Benefit Monitoring and Evaluation Report, including recommendations

for revolving training programs. Further, a concise report of each individual course
or training program prepared after the implementation of each course.
This output represent 20% of the total output. This output and the report expected
to be delivered semi-annually during the contract period with each report counted
as 5% of the total output.
The consultant will report and be responsible to the Director of PPP Unit. Bi-weekly
meeting will be arrange to monitor the progress of the consultant.

Performance & Payment

1. The consultant will be paid based on completion of each output and the report
approved by PPP Unit with percentage of payment and time for delivery of each
deliverables as explained in the table below.


Time for Delivery



Output 1

3 months after contact signing



Output 2

6 months after contact signing



Output 3

9 months after contact signing



Output 4


20% with each report
counted as 5%



2. The lump sum payment excluded of travel expenses, accommodation, per diem, etc.

for works performed outside the hiring base.
VIII. Support to be provided by GOI and other Consultants
1. GOI, through the IIFD Project, will support and assist the successful conduct of the
services, interalia by:
- Ensuring access to relevant reports and other documents as appropriate;
- Making available other needed data and information,
- Facilitating meetings, as needed, with GOI agencies, state-owned enterprises, and
other organizations as appropriate.
2. Supporting staffs and facilities such as office space, office equipment (including all
computers, printers, and other necessary hardware with appropriate software),
communications, consumables, travel expenses, accommodation, per diem etc., and
other office support required including the production of reports and documents .


Terms of Reference: Capacity Building and Training Specialist

IX. Consultant's Eligibility to Participate in Downstream Activities
The provision of these services shall be governed by the 'Conflict of Interest' provisions
set out in para 4.12 the World Bank's Guidelines for the Section and Employment of
Consultants. For this purpose, the following interpretations shall apply:
- Consultants engaged to prepare terms of reference for packages of sector and issue
specific consulting services shall not be eligible to participate in the provision of those
services (where a consultant is hired through a firm, this restriction shall apply also
to the firm). However, consultants will be eligible to participate in the provision of
other packages of services to be financed under the Project, including those of a
general advisory character where selection of consultants will be made
predominantly on the basis of individuals' expertise and relevant sector and country
- Consultants engaged to assist with the setting up of the PMU and the design of the
Project financial management, procurement and administrative systems and
procedures will be eligible to provide downstream assistance to the PMU, and
appropriate provision for this will be made in the contracts for such services.