Analisis Pemeriksaan Darah Lengkap SGOT

Analisis Pemeriksaan Darah Lengkap, SGOT, SGPT, TNF-α pada
Penderita Demam dan Penderita Demam Dengue/ Demam Berdarah
Rahayu Anggraini*, Nasronudin*, Suharto**, Maria Inge Lusida*, Usman Hadi**,
Bramantono**, M. Vitanata A**, Evhy Apryani*
*Lembaga Penyakit Tropis Universitas Airlangga **Divisi Penyakit Tropik Infeksi
Departemen Ilmu Penyakit RSU Dr. Soetomo-Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga

Prevalence of Dengue Fever in Indonesia comes from the four dengue serotypes DEN-1,
DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4. This causes dengue disease management becomes difficult,
because people infected with dengue may be present with different clinical profiles
depending on the serotype and genotype of the infecting dengue virus, as a consequence of
diagnosis and treatment will become increasingly difficult. Treatment with paracetamol may
increase the risk of liver damage, but actually need to understand what distinguishes the
disease instead of dengue fever with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. The purpose of research to
know there are differences between the laboratory results rather than dengue fever with
dengue fever / Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. This is an observational research with cross
sectional design. Each sample a number of fifteen patients diagnosed with dengue fever and
fifteen negative samples Dengue hemorrhagic fever. Laboratory tests are Cells Blood Count,
AST, ALT, and TNF-α was first examined when the patient came to the hospital. The

collected data were analyzed "Independent Sample T test" with SPSS version 13 for
Windows. Results of the study the two groups on the gender, age, days of fever, grade, levels
of hemoglobin, leucocytes count, platelet count, hematocrit percentage, the levels of AST,
ALT, and TNF-α were not significantly different with P values> 0.050, while the levels of
ALT in dengue fever is increased 1-3x of the normal value of 66.7%, n = 10/15 and Dengue
Fever / Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever ALT levels are still in normal of 60%, n = 9/15, so that
there are significant differences with p = 0.035 (P

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