Pemodelan Transmisi Video Pada Jaringan Wireless Local Area Network



Penelitian ini membahas proses pengiriman paket video secara realtime pada
jaringan WLAN, untuk proses pengiriman paket video ini menggunakan transport
layer protokol UDP dan membandingkan proses transmisi video secara realtime
dengan pemodelan matematis untuk trafik video yakni model Two state markov dan
model Decodable rate, karena laju kedatangan byte yang berubah-ubah agar kinerja
transmisi video dapat dianalisis secara lebih akurat, jaringan 802.11 dimodelkan
dengan Bianchi model. Hasil dari penelitian jumlah user mempengaruhui kualitas
pengiriman paket video ke server baik delay maupun jumlah packet loss. Decodable
frame rate dipengaruhi oleh nilai packet loss yang diperoleh ketika percobaan
dilakukan. Semakin besar nilai packet loss, maka jumlah frame yang decodable juga
akan semakin kecil. Selisih perbandingan proses eksperimental dan model decodable
untuk trace video akiyo GOP 24 0,176 dan video akiyo GOP 40 0,094
Kata-kata kunci : WLAN, UDP , Bianchi model, Model Decodable dan Model Two
State Markov

Universitas Sumatera Utara



The research discusses about the process of sending video package in real
time on WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network). To process the sending of video
package, the transport layer of the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is used, and
compared the video transmission process in real time with mathematical model for
video traffic, namely Two-State Markov model and Decodable Rate model because
the rate of bytes is changeable. In order to analyze the video transmission
performance accurately, 802.11 network is modeled by the Bianchi model. The result
of the research showed that the number of users influenced the quality of sending
video package to server either delayed or the number of packet lost. The Decodable
Frame Rate was influenced by the packet loss value obtained when the experiment
was done. The bigger value of the packet loss was, the smaller number of the
Decodable Frame was. The difference between the experimental process and the
Decodable Model for the Akiyo Video Trace GOP 24 (The Group of Pictures 24) was
0.176 and Akiyo Video GOP 40 was 0.094.
Keywords: Wireless Local Area Network, User Datagram Protocol, Bianchi Model
Decodable Model, and Two State Markov Model

Universitas Sumatera Utara