TEACHING READING THROUGH GALLERY WALK (An Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto in Academic Year 20142015)



(An Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade Students of SMK

Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto in Academic Year 2014/2015)



  Submitted to English Department as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for S. Pd. Degree


By :








  MOTTO “ Good communication comes from people to people, but great communication comes from people to Allah. ” “ Think big, feel strong, and pray hard for deep heart. ” A successful comes to the one who tries to get it, But not for the one who only expects it “ Keep going and never quit! The champion is never quit. ” “ Sincere is an invaluable wealth. ”



All praised to Allah SWT. Shalawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW. This thesis is dedicated to:

   My beloved parents, who always pray all the time for his success, motivation and


   My beloved brother, who give motivation

   My beloved wife and son who always support and help me in finishing this thesis

  and for my beloved son who always make the me smile to face anything

   My beloved lecturers for valuable knowledge, guidance, and advices during the study

   My beloved counselor, Lutfi Istikharoh, M. Pd, for her patience in providing careful

  guidance, helpful, corrections, very good advice as well as suggestion and encouragement during the consultation

   All my friends, especially all of English students of Muhammadiyah University of


   English teacher of SMK Muhamadiyah 1 Purwokerto, Dra. Widiati, for her kindness

  and support

   The students of X grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto, thanks for the


   and the school administration staff.

PREFACE Assalamu’ alaikum Wr. Wb

  Alhamdulillahirabbil’ alamin. First and foremost, the researcher would like to express gratitude to Allah SWT, the Almighty God for the blessing, kindness, and inspiration in lending the researcher to accomplish this thesis untitled “Teaching Reading Through Gallery Walk (An Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto in academic year 2014/2015)”. Without Allah, the researcher would have no chance to compose this complete thesis. May peace and salutation always be given to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the last messenger of God who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness.

  The researcher realizes that this thesis can not be accomplished without help of others. Therefore the researcher needs to express gratitude and appreciatio to: 1.

  Drs. Ahmad, M. Pd., the Dean of FKIP (Teacher Training and Education Faculty) Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

  Training and Education Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

  3. Lutfi Istikharoh, M. Pd, as the advisor for her patience in providing careful guidance, helpful, corrections, very good advice as well as suggestion and encouragement during the consultation.

  4. Lectures in English Department for valuable knowledge, guidance, and advices during the study.

  5. Agus Suyono, S. Pd as the headmaster of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto who had allowed the researcher to carry out the research in his school.

  6. Dra. Widiati, as english teacher of SMK Muhamadiyah 1 Purwokerto for her kindness, supporting and believing the researcher to teach in her class,.

  The researcher is not a perfect person, that many things he wishes is being right. Thus, the researcher realizes that will be many mistakes that needs to improve. The researcher will be grateful for critics and correction to make this thesis better and useful for reader, education and the researcher himself in the future.

  Finally, the researcher hopes this thesis will be one of the big contributions in teaching learning English especially in reading. Amin.

  Wassalamu’ alaikum Wr. Wb.

  Purwokerto, February, 2015 The Researcher Hutomo Prasto Yuwono NIM. 1201050048




(An Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade Students of SMK

Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto in Academic Year 2014/2015)




  The aim of this research was to find out the effectiveness of gallery walk in teaching reading comprehension achievement at the tenth grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purwokerto. This research employed Quasi-experimental method with two different classes, experimental class and control one. Class X accountancy 1 became the experimental class and class X accountancy 2 became the control one. The number of each class was 25 students. The instrument used in this research was test, both pre-test and post-test. The kind of test that was used is multiple choices combined with true-false. Having calculated the data, the researcher got the t-test value (3.03898) that was greater than t-ta ble (α = 0.05: 48= 1.6772). This means that, there is a positive effect in teaching reading through gallery walk. In short, gallery walk is effective for teaching Reading.


  TITLE ............................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ..................................................................................................... ii EXAM LEGALITY ......................................................................................... iii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................. iv MOTTO ........................................................................................................... v DEDICATION ................................................................................................. vi PREFACE ........................................................................................................ vii ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. x LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... xiii LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................... xiv LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xv CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................

  1 A. Background of Research ...................................................

  1 B. Reason for Choosing Topic ..............................................

  4 C. Problem of Research .........................................................

  5 D. Aims of Research ..............................................................

  5 E. The Scope of the Research ................................................

  5 F. Clarification of Terms .......................................................

  6 G. Contribution of Research ..................................................

  6 CHAPTER II. TEORITICAL REVIEW ..................................................

  8 A.

  8 1. Definition of Reading ..................................................

Reading ...........................................................................


  2. Reading Comprehension .............................................

  9 a. Skimming ..................................................................

  10 b. Scanning ....................................................................

  11 B.

Teaching Reading.............................................................. 11 1. The Principle of Teaching Reading.............................

  13 3. Macro and Micro Skills of Reading .............................

  The Place and Time of Research............... ........................ 30 C. Subject of Research ........................................................... 31 D.

  1. Scoring of Each Student ............................................... 34 2. t-test .............................................................................. 35

  33 E. Technique of Analyzing Data .......................................... 34

  32 b. Reliability .....................................................................

  32 a. Validity .........................................................................

  31 2. Post-test ........................................................................

  Technique of Collecting Data ........................................... 31 1. Pre-test .........................................................................

  29 A. Method of Research .......................................................... 29 B.

  15 4. Genre-Based in Teaching Reading...............................

  3. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Gallery Walk.. 26 D. Basic Assumption ............................................................. 28 E. Hypothesis ......................................................................... 28 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...........................................

  11 2. Step in Teaching Reading ............................................

  23 2. The Step of Gallery Walk ............................................

  21 C. Gallery Walk ..................................................................... 23 1. Definition Of Gallery Walk .........................................

  20 6. Reading Assessment ....................................................

  17 5. Problem in Teaching Reading ......................................


  CHAPTER IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION ...............................................

  38 A. Result ................................................................................ 38 1.

  The Result of Experimental Class ............................... 38 2. The Result of Control Class ........................................ 40 3. The Comparison of Pre-test Result ............................. 43 4. T-test ........................................................................... 45 B. Discussion............... .......................................................... 48 CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................

  50 A. Conclusion ........................................................................ 50 B. Suggestion............... .......................................................... 50 REFERENCES .........................................................................................




Table 1 T-Test Table ........................................................................................

  48 Table 2 The Percentages of Students’ Competence Of Experimental Class ...

  58 Table 3 The Percentages of Students’ Competence Of Control Class .............

  59 Table 4 The Result of Students’ Test In Experimental Class ..........................

  60 Table 5 The Result of Students’ Test In Control Class ....................................

  61 Table 6 Pre-Test And Post-Test Score .............................................................

  62 Table 7 T- Table ...............................................................................................

  63 Table 8 R- Table...............................................................................................




Figure 1- The Result of Pre-Test in Experimental Class .................................

  38 Figure 2- The Result of Post-Test in Experimental Class ................................

  39 Figure 3- The Result of Pre-Test in Control Class ...........................................

  41 Figure 4- The Result of Post-Test in Control Class .........................................

  42 Figure 5- The Comparison of Pre-Test Result .................................................

  43 Figure 6- The Comparison of Post-Test Result ...............................................



  Appendix 1: Validity, Item Difficulty, and Reliability of Pre-test and Post-test ....... 56 Appendix 2: The Percentage and Result of Students Test ........................................ 58 Appendix 3: r-table and t-table .................................................................................. 63 Appendix 4: Lesson Plan of Experimental Class ....................................................... 65 Appendix 5: Lesson Plan of Control Class ................................................................ 89 Appendix 6: Pre-test and Post-test ............................................................................. 107 Appendix 7: Official Letter ........................................................................................ 122

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