THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING IN TEACHING SPEAKING VIEWED FROM STUDENTS‘ SELF-ESTEEM (An Experimental Research in the Second Semester Students of English Department–Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya in the Academic Year of 2011/2012


(An Experimental Research in the Second Semester Students of

English Department


  • –Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)

    A Thesis


Nita Sari Narulita Dewi S 891008062

  Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Graduate Degree of English Education ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT GRADUATE SCHOOL SEBELAS MARET UNIVERSITY SURAKARTA



  This is to certify that I myself write this thesis, entitled THE EFFECTIVENESS




VIEWED FROM STUDENTS’ SELF-ESTEEM (An Experimental Research at the

Second Semester Students of English Department

  • – Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)

  . It is not a plagiarism or made

  by others. Anything related the other‘s work is written in quotation, the source of which is listed on the bibliography. If then this pronouncement proves wrong, I am ready to accept any academic punishment, including the withdrawal or cancellation of my academic degree.

  Surakarta, December 2013 Nita Sari Narulita Dewi


  APPROVAL THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING IN TEACHING SPEAKING VIEWED FROM STUDENTS’ SELF-ESTEEM (An Experimental Study at the Second Semester Students of English Department – Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya in the Academic Year of 2011/2012) Nita Sari Narulita Dewi S 891008062 November 29, 2013

  IN TEACHING SPEAKING VIEWED FROM STUDENTS’ SELF-ESTEEM (An Experimental Study at the Second Semester Students of English Department – Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya in the Academic Year of 2011/2012) Nita Sari Narulita Dewi S 891008062 December 11, 2013



  Nita Sari Narulita Dewi. S891008062. 2013. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING IN TEACHING SPEAKING VIEWED FROM STUDENTS‘ SELF-ESTEEM (An Experimental Research at the Second Semester Students of English Department

  • – Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya in the Academic Year of 2011/2012). THESIS. Consultant 1: Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd.; Consultant 2: Drs. Martono, M.A. English Education Department, Graduate School, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. The objectives of the research are to prove whether: (1) Contextual Teaching and Learning is more effective than Audio-Lingual Method in teaching speaking at the second semester students of English Department – Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya in the

  Academic Year of 2011/2012; (2) the students who have high self-esteem have better speaking ability than those who have low self-esteem at the second semester students of English Department

  • – Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya in the Academic Year of 2011/2012; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching methods and self-esteem in teaching speaking at the second semester students of English Department – Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya in the Academic Year of 2011/2012. The research is an experimental research conducted at Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya in the Academic Year of 2011/2012. The population was the second semester students of English Department – Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya which consisted of 235 students coming from seven classes. The sample, II F as the experimental group and II B as the control group, was taken by using cluster random sampling. The number of students of each class is 30 students, so there are 60 students used as sample. To collect the data, the writer used questionnaire of self-esteem and speaking test. To know the readability of speaking test and to know validity and reliability of the questionnaire of self-esteem, a try-out was done beforehand. The writer used normality and homogeneity test in order to check normality and homogeneity of the sample distribution. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey test. The research findings show: (1) Contextual Teaching and Learning is more effective than Audio-Lingual Method in teaching speaking; (2) The students having high self-esteem have better speaking ability than those having low self- esteem; and (3) There is inter action between teaching methods and students‘ self-esteem.

  Based on the findings, it can be concluded that Contextual Teaching and Learning is an effective method to teach speaking because it offers challenging learning activities. To get maximum result an d effect on students‘ speaking ability, English teachers are suggested to apply appropriate methods by considering students‘ characteristics especially based on their self-esteem.

  Key words: Contextual Teaching and Learning, Audio-Lingual Method, self-esteem,




  • - Thomas Edison -


  This thesis is dedicated to: My beloved husband, sons, and daughter

  My lovely family

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillahirabbil‘alamin. Praise is to ALLAH SWT who blesses the writer so

that she can complete the writing of this thesis. In addition, this thesis can never be

finished without the help of others during the process of writing. Therefore, she would

like to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following:

  1. The Director of Graduate Program of Sebelas Maret University for his permission to write this thesis.

  2. The Head of the English Education Department of Graduate Program for his advice.

  3. Dr. Ngadiso,M. Pd., the first consultant, for all his invaluable guidance, advice, encouragement, and patience during the writing process of this thesis.

  4. Drs. Martono, M.A., the second consultant, for all his invaluable guidance, advice, encouragement, and patience during the writing process of this thesis.

  5. The Head of English Department – Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya, for the permission and advices for doing the research.

  6. The second semester students of English Department – Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya who have participated well in the research.

  7. Her family for their supports, caring, and prayer.

  The writer hopes and accepts gratefully every comment and suggestion. Finally,

  she has a great expectation that her research will be beneficial and useful for anyone who is interested in reading this thesis.

  Surakarta, December 2013 NSND


  Page TITLE PAGE ..................................................................................................... i PRONOUNCEMENT ......................................................................................... ii APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................................ iii LEGITIMATION OF EXAMINERS ................................................................. iv ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... v MOTTO ............................................................................................................. vi DEDICATION .................................................................................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... ix LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................ xii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATION ............................................................................... xiv LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... xv

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ............................................................. 1 B. Identification of the Problem ....................................................... 5 C. Limitation of the Problem ............................................................ 6 D. Statement of the Problems .......................................................... 6 E. The Objectives of the Research ................................................... 7 F. The Benefits of the Research ....................................................... 7 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL BACKGROUND A. Theoretical Review ............................................................. 9 1. Review of Speaking ...................................................... 9 a. Definition of Speaking ............................................ 9 b. Components of Speaking ........................................ 10 c. Basic Concepts in Speaking to Communicate ........ 13 d. Functions of Speaking ............................................. 17 e. Three Influential Factors in Speaking ..................... 22 2. Teaching Speaking in the Classroom ............................ 23 a. Types of Speaking Activities .................................. 24 b. Testing Speaking ..................................................... 28

  3. Review of Contextual Teaching and Learning ............ 31 a.

  Definition of Contextual Teaching and Learning ... 31

  b. The Implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning

  ................................................................... 32 c.

  The principles of Contextual Teaching and Learning ..... 37 d.

  The Characteristics of Contextual Teaching and Learning .................................................................. 40 The Advantages of Contextual Teaching and Learning ..


  42 f. The Disadvantages of Contextual Teaching and

Learning .................................................................. 42 4

  Review of Audio-Lingual Method ................................ 43 a.

  Definition of Audio-Lingual Method ...................... 43 b.

  The Implementation of Audio-Lingual Method ...... 44 c. The principles of Audio-Lingual Method ............... 47 d.

  The Characteristics of Audio-Lingual Method ....... 50 e. The Advantages of Audio-Lingual Method ............ 51 f. The Disadvantages of Audio-Lingual Method ........ 52 5. Review of Self-Esteem.................................................. 53 a.

  Definition of Self-Esteem ....................................... 53 b.

  The Components of Self-Esteem ............................ 54 c. Types of Self-Esteem .............................................. 59 d.

  The Characteristics of Students‘ Self-Esteem ......... 61 B.

  Review on Related Research ....................................................... 68 C. Rationale ...................................................................................... 73 D. Hypothesis .................................................................................... 79

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. The Setting of the Research ......................................................... 80 1. Place of the Research .................................................... 80 2. Time of the Research .................................................... 80 B. The Research Method .................................................................. 81 C. Research Variables ....................................................................... 82 D. Subject of the study ...................................................................... 82 1. Population ..................................................................... 82 2. Sample ........................................................................... 83 3. Sampling ...................................................................... 83 E. Technique of Collecting the Data ............................................... 84 F. Technique of Analyzing the Data ................................................ 88 1. Descriptive Statistic ...................................................... 88 2. Normality Test .............................................................. 90

  4. ANOVA Test ................................................................ 91 5.

  Tukey Test..................................................................... 94 G.

  Statistical Hypothesis .................................................................. 95

  CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. The Implementation of the Research .................................. 97 B. Data Description ................................................................ 99 C. Normality and Homogeneity Test ................................................ 111 D. Testing Hypothesis ....................................................................... 115 E. Discussion ................................................................................... 121 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ........................................................................ 128 B. Implication .................................................................................. 129 C. Suggestion .................................................................................... 129 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................... 132 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................... 138

  LIST OF TABLE Table 2.1 The Foreign Services Institute (FSI) Analytic Rating Scale ..................

  29 Table 2.2 The differences between Contextual Teaching and Learning and Audio-Lingual Method ....................................................................

  52 Table 2.3 The Influence of High Self- Esteem on Students‘ Speaking Ability ...... 76

Table 2.4 The Influence of Low Self-

  Esteem on Students‘ Speaking Ability ....... 76

Table 2.5 The Interaction between Teaching Methods and Self-Esteem in Teaching Speaking .................................................................................

  79 Table 3.1 Time Schedule of the Research ……………………………………

  80 Table 3.2 ANOVA Research Design .....................................................................

  91 Table 3.3 Summary of a 2X2 Multifactor Analysis of Variance ...........................

  94 Table 4.1 The Summary of the Implementation of the Research ...........................

  97 Table 4.2 Frequency Distribution of Data A ........................................................ 100 1 Table 4.3 Frequency Distribution of Data A 2 ........................................................ 101

Table 4.4 Frequency Distribution of Data B ......................................................... 103

  1 Table 4.5 Frequency Distribution of Data B 2 ......................................................... 104

Table 4.6 Frequency Distribution of A

  1 B 1 ............................................................. 106

Table 4.7 Frequency Distribution of A B ............................................................. 107

  1 2 Table 4.8 Frequency Distribution of A 2 B 1 ............................................................. 109

Table 4.9 Frequency Distribution of A

  2 B 1 ............................................................. 110

Table 4.10 Summary of Normality Test .................................................................. 114Table 4.11 Summary of Homogeneity Test ............................................................. 115Table 4.12 Summary of a 2 X 2 Multifactor Analysis of Variance ......................... 116Table 4.13 Mean of Scores....................................................................................... 116

  Table 4.14 119 The Result of Tukey‘s Test ....................................................................


Figure 4.1 Histogram and Polygon of Data A 1 ............................................................. 100Figure 4.2 Histogram and Polygon of Data A

  2 ............................................................. 102

Figure 4.3 Histogram and Polygon of Data B 1 ............................................................. 103Figure 4.4 Histogram and Polygon of Data B 2 ............................................................ 105Figure 4.5 Histogram and Polygon of Data A

  1 B 1 ......................................................... 106

Figure 4.6 The Histogram and Polygon of Data A

  1 B 2 .................................................. 108

Figure 4.7 Histogram and Polygon of Data A

  2 B 1 ......................................................... 109

Figure 4.8 Histogram and Polygon of Data A

  2 B 2 ......................................................... 111

Figure 4.9 Interaction Line ......................................................................................... 118


  CTL Contextual Teaching and Learning 2. ALM Audio-Lingual Method




Page 1

  Lesson Plans for Experimental Class ......................................................... 140 2. Lesson Plans for Control Class .................................................................. 161 3. Blue Print of Self-Esteem .......................................................................... 205 4. The Questionnaire of Self-Esteem (Before Try-Out) ................................ 207 5. The Result of the First Validity of the Questionnaire of Self-Esteem ....... 212

  6. The Computation of the First Validity of the Questionnaire of Self-Esteem ...... 213 7.

  The Result of the Second Validity of the Questionnaire of Self-Esteem ... 215

  8. The Computation of the Second Validity of the Questionnaire of Self-Esteem .. 216 9.

  The Computation of Reliability of the Questionnaire of Self-Esteem ....... 218 10.

  The Questionnaire of Self-Esteem (After Try-Out) ................................... 219 11. Readability of Speaking Test ..................................................................... 221 12. Descriptive Statistic ................................................................................... 223 13. Normality Test ........................................................................................... 231 14. Homogeneity Test ...................................................................................... 239 15. ANNOVA .................................................................................................. 240 16. Tukey Test.................................................................................................. 242

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