Using Instagram to motivate students' Writing Descriptive Text at Second Grade in SMAN 1 Gresik Academic Year 2016-2017.






Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in Teaching English


Arzaqillah Mubarokah

NIM D95213114











Arzaqillah Mubarokah, 2017, “Using Instagram To Motivate Students’ Writing Descriptive Text At Second Grade In SMAN 1 Gresik Academic Year 2016-2017”, Thesis of English Education Department, Tarbiyah Faculty of State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Key Words:Instagram, Motivate, Response, Writing Descriptive Text.

Improving student’s writing achievement is very important for writing

that is considered as one of the most difficult language skill. Since English is used as a foreign language, some of students have difficulties in generating ideas, organizing sentence structures, choosing appropriate vocabulary, and using effective styles. Besides, some of them always use their mobile phone in the class when teaching learning process. This situation leads teacher to be more creative in teaching writing English. Referring to those problems, teaching aids are needed in teaching and learning process in order to make learning more fun and interesting. Here, the using Instagram is effective tool in helping students to get idea in writing. Instagram seems to be appropriate media for a genre such as Descriptive text. Based on the interview with the teacher, it is assumed that the students of ten grades in SMAN 1 Gresik have writing difficulties and are not motivated to learn English writing. The objective of the present research is to explore and describe the use of Instagram to motivate students in writing descriptive text in students of ten grades in SMAN 1 Gresik. This study is qualitative using descriptive approach. Then, this study uses a qualitative analysis that emphasize on methods of collecting, analyzing data, and describing the results of the analysis. To conduct this research, the researcher does a library research before implementing Instagram mediated teaching in the class to observe

students’ response. The researcher also uses the lesson plan for each meeting in the class. As supporting data, the researcher uses interview guide to take the data. Based on the result of interview, it can be concluded that using Instagram can motivate students in writing descriptive text to the ten grade students of SMAN 1 Gresik in academic year 2016/2017.



Arzaqillah Mubarokah, 2017, "Menggunakan Instagram Untuk Memotivasi Siswa Menulis Teks Deskriptif Pada Kelas II Di SMAN 1 Gresik Tahun Ajaran 2016-2017", Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Kata Kunci: Instagram, Motivate, Response, Writing Deskriptif Teks. Meningkatkan prestasi menulis siswa sangat penting untuk penulisan yang dianggap sebagai salah satu keterampilan bahasa yang paling sulit. Karena bahasa Inggris digunakan sebagai bahasa asing, beberapa siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menghasilkan gagasan, mengatur struktur kalimat, memilih kosakata yang sesuai, dan menggunakan gaya yang efektif. Selain itu, beberapa dari mereka selalu menggunakan ponsel mereka di kelas saat proses mengajar belajar. Keadaan ini membuat guru menjadi lebih kreatif dalam mengajar menulis bahasa Inggris. Mengacu pada masalah tersebut, alat bantu pengajaran sangat dibutuhkan dalam proses belajar mengajar agar pembelajaran menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan menarik. Disini, menggunakan Instagram adalah alat yang efektif dalam membantu siswa mendapatkan ide secara tertulis. Instagram tampaknya merupakan media yang tepat untuk genre seperti teks deskriptif. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan guru, diasumsikan bahwa siswa kelas sepuluh di SMAN 1 Gresik mengalami kesulitan menulis dan tidak termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi dan mendeskripsikan penggunaan Instagram untuk memotivasi siswa dalam menulis teks deskriptif pada siswa kelas sepuluh di SMAN 1 Gresik. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Kemudian, penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kualitatif yang menekankan pada metode pengumpulan, analisis data, dan penggambaran hasil analisis. Untuk melakukan penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan penelitian kepustakaan sebelum menerapkan pengajaran berbasis Instagram di kelas untuk mengamati tanggapan siswa. Peneliti juga menggunakan rencana pelajaran untuk setiap pertemuan di kelas. Sebagai data pendukung, peneliti menggunakan panduan wawancara untuk mengambil datanya. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan Instagram dapat memotivasi siswa dalam menulis teks deskriptif kepada siswa kelas sepuluh SMAN 1 Gresik pada tahun akademik 2016/2017.








MOTTO... ix







A. Background of Study……….1

B. Research Question……….5

C. Objectives………..5

D. Significance of The Study……….5

E. Scope and Limitation……….6

F. Definition of the Key Term………... 6

1. Instagram………6

2. Motivation………..7

3. Response………...……….. 7

4. Writing……….…...8

5. Descriptive………..8


A. Instagram………...9

1. Instagram………9

2. Instagram as Media in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text………... 10

B. Motivation………...13

1. Students’ Motivation……….13


3. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation………14

4. The factors that influence the motivation……….15

5. Benefits of Educational Media Technology in learning………16

C. Response……….17

D. Writing………18

1. Nature of Writing……….18

2. The Important Element of Writing………...18

3. The Purpose of Writing………19

E. Teaching and Learning of Writing……….. 20

F. Descriptive Text………... 20

1. Descriptive Text………20

2. The Purpose of Descriptive Text………..21

3. Kinds of Descriptive Text………21

4. The GenericSructure of Descriptive Text………….. 23

G. The Use of Instagram to Teach Student Descriptive Text……….24

H. Previous Study………25


A. Research Design………... 28

B. Subject and Setting of The Study………28

C. The Data Collection Procedure and Instrument of The Study………..28

D. Instagram Posting Data Collection Cycle………...33

E. Data Analysis Technique………34


A. Description of Research Site……….. 35

B. Data Presentation……….36

C. The Students Response of Using Instagram in Writing Descriptive Text……….42

D. Implementation of Using Instagram on the Student’s Ability to Write Descriptive Text………..44



A. Conclusion………...56

B. Suggestion………57



This chapter presents the background of the study that describes the reason why the writer conducts the study. It also contains the problem of the study, objective of the study, scope, and limitation of the study and significance of the study. Next, significance of this study is provided. Finally, the definitions of the key term are given to avoid misunderstanding of those terms.

A. Background of Study

English has the important role because it is international language. According to McKay as an international language, English is used both in a global sense for international communication between countries and in a local sense as a language of wider communication within multilingual societies.1 Many countries are using English as their second language. We cannot deny those fact, moreover in globalization era, the ability in English becomes one of a necessity to make one still be exist to confront the high of global competition among the countries. Considering the important of English ability, so English becomes one of subject must be taught to the students.

“Based on Standard Competence”stated in Peraturan Pemerintah No. 22 Tahun 2006, the goal of English teaching and learning in

Indonesia is to develop students’ discourse competence. It concerns

on producing both oral and written texts conveying in four integrated skills, consisting oflistening, speaking, reading, and writing”2. In the teaching and learning of English in secondary schools in Indonesia, all the four language skills are included in the national curriculum. Writing is one competence in English besides reading, speaking, and

1Michael Clyne and Farzad Sharifian,English As an International

Language, (monash university epress: 2008), 28.3

2Febriyanti Nurcahyasari and Enny Irawati, Using Music Videos to

Improve The Ability in Writing Narrative Texts of The Eleventh Graders in Sma Negeri 4 Malang, (State University of Malang),1.



listening. Writing is also a part of the language learning process.3 Because it needs some processes, the students need other competences in English before they can produce some English writings; such as the English vocabulary in both the meaning and the form.4In addition, writing is said as difficult skill because the main causes is lacking of time used to teach and practice writing. Moreover, less of practice raises another problem. Another problem are students face difficulties in exploring their ideas or even finding the appropriate words to what they want to write about. Consequently, teacher is forced to overcome this problem. They have to find out a way to motivate their students to write. It is supported by Byrne in his book who states that writing is regarded as the most difficult activity. The teacher has to give assignment to create the teaching of writing in such a way that students can see the goal of it and make measurable progress through the performance of realistic and relevant task.5Teacher should know that the most important factor in writing is student’s involvement. The students need to be personally involved to make the learning process has lasting value, interesting and fun to make the learning process be fun and interesting, it should be supported by good and interesting teaching style and media used in the learning process.

There are so many kinds of media that can be used to improve

student’s motivation and less students’ boredom. It is supported by Cahyono in his book he states that media is the carrier of message or information between source and the receiver of information.6Good media can help the teacher transfer the goals of teaching to the students effectively. On the other hand, in this new era of technology, Social Network Sites has become a fashionable tool in teaching and

3Cora Lindsay and Paul Knight,Learning and Teaching English Course

for Teacher, (Oxford:

Oxford University Press, 2006), p.87

4Nancy Arapoff Cramer,The Writing Process 20 Project for Group,

(USA: Newbury House Publisher Inc, 1985), p.i

5DonnBryne, teaching writing skill, (Hongkong : Longman Group Ltd, 1988), p. 47.

6Cahyono, Yudibambang,technique in teaching EFL writing,(Malang: State University of Malang Press, 2009), p.22.



learning for example, Students are interacting in such social media

with or without their teachers’ consent or knowledge through study

groups.7Discussions between friends are carried out heavily among adolescents and resources are shared through online social networks.8 These networking sites are also a means for student’sopportunity for shy students to Interact more with each other.

However, Instagram is currently one of the most popular SNSs in the world with over 300 million active users.9The focus of Instagram is for users to post individual images or videos with a description on their profile, some 70 million images and videos are posted daily. Almost every student uses this kind of Social Network Sites. They are extremely post everything, every moment that are interesting according to them in their Instagram. Therefore, Instagram seems to provide an ideal environment for students to produce descriptive writing.

In this research, the researcher will focus on the use of Instagram

as one of the media to motivate the students’ writing ability especially

in writing descriptive text. In teaching descriptive text, Instagram is considered as an appropriate media, because by using Instagram it is supposed that students will more enthusiast and more motivate in writing about descriptive text. Moreover, the teacher has to be creative in developing and using the Instagram itself. The teacher can

minimize student’s difficulty by leading them to write descriptive text

using Instagram. Therefore, students will feel that it is something new in learning English.Moreover, using Instagram seems like student’s

favourite daily activity in this era. In addition, the condition of having no idea or getting bored of what students have to write will become the most difficult problem anymore. According to Ferlazzo, by having students create photo essays based on a list of themes or concepts from the curriculum, using photos to engage students in writing responses

7Kasse, Daniel, Insap Santosa, dan Ridi Ferdiana. (2014).Pengembangan E

learning berbasis Technology Acceptance Model (Studi Kasus: Bahasa Inggris).Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika (JANAPATI), Vol.3, Nomor.3,hal 88-92.

8Lomicka, L. and Lord, G. (2009) The Next generation:Social

Networking and Online Collaboration in Foreign Language Learning. San Marcos, TX: CALICO.



or captions based on photo.10As Laponsie said that the way Instagram is integrated into course content can provide a medium for students to connect and engage with the concept of the course.11

SMAN 1 Gresik is one of school in Gresik thatthe school was international school (RSBI) in 2007. This school has adopted a program to learn self-development of each student, or often called Building Learning Power (BLP). Each class in SMAN 1 Gresik has had AC, LCD, projectors, and other supporting tools. SMAN 1 Gresik also provides Wi-Fi hotspot access is free for both teachers and students can anyone reasonably priced hotspot network will be free to use the internet even though access is restricted. Internet access was obtained from WAN installed by the Education Ministry and connect all schools.12In addition, nearly 90% of students of SMAN 1 Gresik especially for second grade has an android phone which has a quota of internet and have Instagram account.

Based on the conversation writer with English teacher of SMAN 1 Gresik, some students have less interest in writing. Then, English teacher of SMAN 1 Gresik said that some students of SMAN 1 Gresik less motivate in writing skill and they always use their smartphone in learning process. Most students feel bored with English language learning in the classroom because some English teachers only use media textbooks and LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa). Therefore, they got difficulty in learning genre text (descriptive).

Finally, the writer decides to choose SMAN 1 Gresik as the setting for his research because students of SMAN 1 Gresik have low motivation in writing ability. And the writer focuses on 8-7 class of second grade of SMAN 1 Gresik because they got difficulties in writing descriptive text.

10Ferlazzo, Integration of Education: Using Social Network to Engage

Students,pp. 3.

11Laponsie, Using Instagram to Connect with Undergraduates and

Engage in Teaching and Learning, pp. 2.

12(, accessed on



B. Research Question

Based on the background of the study above, questions of this study are formulated below.

1. How does the use of Instagram to motivate students’ writing

descriptive text?

2. Whatare students’ responsesto the use of Instagram as a media of teaching writing descriptive text?

C. Objectives

According to the questions mentioned above, the objectives of this study are as follows.

1. To describe the use of Instagram to motivate students’ writing

descriptive text.

2. Toknow student’s responses to the use of Instagram as a media of teaching writing descriptive text.

D. Significant of The Study

The research results are expected to give significant input to the following people:

1. For the students:

a. To provide an input for understanding how to compose the ideas in a good descriptive writing.

b. To make a contribution for students to realize their writing level of descriptive text through instagram.

2. For the teachers:

a. To contribute to the discourse of learning by using Social Network Sites to English teaching programs, especially in investigating the students' writing ability.

b. To provide deeper information and knowledge about the use Instagram as one of the social media that aims to engage students' interest in writing course.

c. To create a classroom atmosphere that is more effective to use the good and interesting media. Additionally it can determine the level of student writing with honest student responses, teachers can analyze it to make assessment records.



3. For educational practitioners and researchers:

a. Hopefully this researchwill be useful as an input for other researchers to conduct further research dealing with writing skill using a different instructional learning tool.

E. Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the use of Instagram as medium to teach students writing descriptive text to ten grade students of SMAN 1 Gresik in 2016-2017 academic year. There are 8 classes in ten grade; X MIPA 1, X MIPA 2, X MIPA 3, X MIPA 4, X MIPA 5, X MIPA 6, X MIPA 7, and X MIPA 8, with different teachers. The researcher will only analyze Instagram post in one class, the class in X MIPA 3 class. Among the four English skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. The researcher taught more in writing skill, especially in descriptive text. The researcher will introduce and use technique in which Instagram is used as medium in teaching writing. The topics of using Instagram are limited into: describing favourite idol, describing favourite tourism places, and describing favourite movie.

F. Definition about the Key Term

The definition of key terms is intended to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation. So, the researcher would like to describe some terms used in this research as follows:

1. Instagram Instagram is a mobile app (iOS and Android) that allows users to instantly share their photos moment or short videos into visually appealing image by adding caption and can edit our images, which is then shared with others on the network. Instagram is currently the third most popular social network used by U.S. collegestudents’pictures and videos.13In this research, Instagram means one of the social media that can be used by teacher as a medium of learning in the classroom or outside the classroom because almost all students in contemporary times have android phone and

13Salomon Danielle (2013),Moving on from facebook: Using Instagram

to connect with undergraduates and engage in teaching and learning. p. 1



Instagram account. Besides, Instagram has provided an ideal environment for L2 learners to produce descriptive writing. We can download Instagram application in play store and app store.

2. Motivation According to Williams and Burden showed that each individual L2 learner motivation is influenced by external factors related to socio-cultural background of students and contextual and internal factors relating to the individual learner. Internal factors include the attitude of students to the activity, intrinsic interest, the perceived relevance and value of the activity.14In this research, the term motivation is a driving power of the individuals to do certain activities to achieve goals. Students’

motivation is same like students’ desire participate

in the learning process. But in this research, the

researcher will know students’ motivation from internal factor of the students. According to Muhibbin internal factor include intellegence, attitude, interest, attention and aptitude. Motivation is also influenced by a sense of learners, feelings of mastery and control of the learning activities and their interest in it.15

3. Response According to Hamalik, "responses are coordinated movements by one's perception of outside events in the immediate environment".16 Meanwhile Harvey and Smith define that response is a form of readiness in determining good attitude in positive form or negative to an object or situation. So, in this study student response is defined as the 14Lo Julia,Enhancing students’ engagement and motivation in writing: The case of primary students in Hong Kong.Journal of Second

Language Writing 16 (Hong Kong, 2007), pp. 3-4

15Muhibbin Syah, M.Ed, “Psikologi Pendidikan”, (Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosda Karya, 2005) 139

16Kelly, Ronan.AnExploration of Instagram to Develop ESL Learner’s



response of students at the time of teaching and learning activities after following the learning of English by using media instagram.

4. Writing Writing is one of language skills which are used for medium of communication, especially indirect communication. 17 Writing is one way to express

human’s ideas, opinion, and thought about

everything in mind and around them. in other word, writing is activity of composing ideas in sentences which have to be well organized in order to be understood by the readers. The writing collected is the Instagram post which the students had to finish by the end of the learning in one chapter. In this research, the writing activity involved many steps to produce a comprehensive writing.

5. Descriptive Text According to Wyrick “The writer of

description creates a word-picture of persons, places, objects, and emotions using a careful selection of detail to make an impression on the

reader.”18 From the explanation above, it can be concluded that descriptive writing is a kind of writing that consists of description, characteristics, definition of something, object or person. Then, the descriptive text is usually in simple present tense. It is necessary for the teacher to make teaching and learning writing descriptive text more interesting.

17Donn Ryne,Teaching Writing Skill,(Hongkong: Longman Group Ltd, 1988), P. 47.

18Wyrick, Peter and Megan Watkins.Genre, Text, Grammar

Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing. (Sydney: University of New South Wales, 2005), pp. 23-24




In this chapter, the writer describes some related theories and literature to the problems of this study in order to give relevant knowledge in the field.

A. Instagram 1. Instagram

Instagram is currently one of the most popular SNSs (Social Network Sites) in the world with over 300 million active users.19 The focus of Instagram is for users to post individual images or videos with a description on their profile, some 70 million images and videos are posted daily.20 Therefore, Instagram seems to provide an ideal environment for L2 learners to produce descriptive writing.

Users form connections by ‘following’ each other’s profiles

which enables them to view the content posted on these profiles and responsein the form of comments or ‘likes’. A ‘like’ is a tag

users can place on images to indicate they view them favorably. Once a user follows other users, all postings from these users will

be collected and presented on the user’s ‘News Feed’. Instagram

members also have the ability to message each other privately using ‘Direct message’. These facilities allow users to engage in

synchronous andasynchronous communication, both publicly and privately.21Instagram profiles with default settings can be viewed publicly by anyone who visits the site; there are also privacy settings which can restrict the access to one’s profile to approved

followers only.

19Kelly, Ronan.An Exploration of Instagram to Develop ESL Learner’s Writing Proficiency, (England: British Council 2015), P. 1.

20Prichard, C. (2013) Using Social Networking Sites as a Platform for

Second Language Instruction.TESOL Journal. 4/4. 752-758.



2. Instagram as Media in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text Instagram is one of the most popular social media channels for teens and tweens today. It works as a unique way for teachers and students to connect and share information.22In fact, Instagram is developing a regular presence in classrooms around the world and teachers are finding creative ways to put it to good use. Teachers can also use Instagram with their students for educational benefits. Instead of adding photos to Instagram themselves, teachers can task students with documenting what is going on in the classroom, including experiments, projects and hands-on activities.

Students can even use Instagram on field visits, share photos of what they find interesting and use Instagram to document their findings. Parents can enter into action by joining Instagram class accounts to see what happens in the classroom each day and Instagram can be used for education as the use of visual images potentially improves students' interpersonal development.23 In addition, group activities such as creating projects in Instagram about schools, wildlife in school parks, in classrooms or from group collaborations can improve students' intelligence in art.24 From which the teacher can teach students about composition, lighting, framing and writing captions. It makes students and teachers' creativity able to see how each student creates writing

Foreign language classes can use Instagram images to remember new vocabulary, or describe key features of a culture. But sharing information is a two-way process, and teachers can follow the class account to learn a little more about what students found important enough to document that day. Teachers may choose to use Instagram in place of a traditional exit slip, having each student take a picture to share and tell about what he or she

22Kessler, G. (2013) Teaching ESL/EFL in a World of Social Media,

Mash-Ups, and Hyper-Collaboration. TESOL Journal. 4/4. 615-632 23McBride, K. (2009) Social Networking Sites in Foreign Language Classes: Opportunities for Re-creation. In Lomicka, L. and Lord, G.The Next Generation: Social Networking and Online Collaboration in Foreign Language Learning.(35-58). San Marcos, TX: CALICO. 24Kelly Ronan. (2015).An Exploration of Instagram to develop ESL Learners’ Writing Proficiency. TESOL Journal. 4/4. p. 35-36



learned in class that day. The photos students and teachers add to Instagram can be used as part of portfolios or during parent-teacher conferences and teacher evaluations.25(See Picture 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)

Figure 2.1 Instagram Logo Figure 2.2 Download Application in App Store

Figure 2. 3Teachers’ Page

25Kelly Ronan. (2015).An Exploration of Instagram to develop ESL



Figure 2. 4 Page to Write



B. Motivation

1. Students’Motivation

Motivation is one of the most important components of learning process in student. In the field of learning motivation is essential to success. In this case without motivation, success will be hard to achieve. It is also important in determining how much student will learn from the activities they perform in the information in which they are exposed. Student who are motivated to learn something one higher cognitive process in learning about it and absorb and retain more from it.26

2. Concepts Related in Motivation

Motivation is typically defined as the forces that account for the stimulation selection, direction, and continuation behavior. From Houghton perception, it can be divided into 5 categories.27 They are:

a. Interest

Students with an interest in a subject tend to pay attention to it. They feel that it makes a difference to them. They want to become fully aware of its character. Interest can refer o selection of stimuli or attending to something.

b. Need

The student who has a need is one who lacks something that

a given activity or outcome can provide. Thus a “need for affiliation” is satisfied by friendly relationship with another

person. A “need for achievement” can be met, with a corresponding increase in satisfaction, by success in attaining some goal requiring effort.28

c. Attitude

The student’s attitudes toward something consist of her feeling for against what se conceives that thing to be. So, an attitude involves emotion (feelings), directionality (for or

26Robert E. Slavin,Educational Psychology Theory and Practice,

(Boston: Johns Hopkins University, 1994), 347

27Excerpted from Hounghton Mifflin chapter 11 of Biehler/Snowman,

Psychology Apllied to Teaching, 1997 pp. 399. Retrieved from

28Sardiman, A.M. (2011).Interkasi dan Motivasi Belajar-Mengajar.



againts), an objective (the something). Attitudes, like motives, arouse and direct purposeful activity.29

d. Aspiration

A student’s aspiration is his hope or longing for certain kind of achievement . With a certain level of aspiration, the students will try without it, they will make little effort. Students have levels of aspiration that mobilize and direct activity toward such goal.

e. Incentive

Incentive arouse activity is the tip-off that behavior modification techniques use this aspect of motivation to the fullest. The student motivated by curiosity has understanding or knowledge as her incentive.

3. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

The most powerful of motivation are intrinsically or extrinsically motivated to the success in the task. According Brown;“Apparent reward except the activity itself. People seem to engage in the activities for their own sake and not because they

lead to an extrinsic reward…Intrinsically motivated behaviors are

aimed at bringing about certain internally rewarding consequences namely, feelings of competence and self-determination”.30

Extrinsic motivation is carried out in anticipation of a reward from outside and beyond the self. Typical extrinsic rewards are money, prizes, grades and even certain types of positive feedback. Behavior initiated solely to avoid punishment are also extrinsically motivated, even though numerous intrinsic benefit can ultimately accrue those who, instead, view punishment avoidance as a challange that can bulid their sense of competence and set determination.31

Intrinsic motivation is doing something as an in itself for it is won self-support pleasurable reward of enjoyment interest challenge or skill and knowledge development. Extrinsic motivation is doing something as a means to separable outcome

29Hamalik,Oemar.2003.Proses Belajar Mengajar.Bandung:Bumi


30H. Douglas Brown, op. Cit, 155-159 31H. Douglas Brown, op. Cit 155-159



such as gaining a qualification, getting a job, satisfied the teacher or avoiding punishment. So, in this research will analyze the internal motivation of the students.

4. The factors that influence the motivation

According to Muhibbin, there are some factors that create differential among language learner such as internal factor and external factor. In Internal factor include of intelligence, attitude, interest, and attention. While an external factor includes of environment family and society.32

a. Internal factors

The internal factors are the factors that come from the student themselves.

1) Intellegence

Intellegence represents one aspect determining success in studey. If students have normal intellegence or higher one it may potentially obtain good achievement in learning. 2) Attitude

Attitude is internal indicate which has the affective dimension in form of responds tendency in the same way to a thing, the object and etc. Both positively and negatively. The positively attitude especially to teacher and to the lesson, it is good indicator for the student in learning process.

3) Interest and Attention

Interest and attention have close relation which learning. One who has interested in special lesson such as EYL subject than to others. Students, who interest in choosing EYL subject, may have more opportunity to reach high achievement in learning.

4) Aptitude

Aptitude is not easy to define. It is usually defined in terms of the tests that have been used to measure it.33 According to Carrol in Larsen Freeman and long aptitude as a concept correspond to the notion that in approaching in 32Munhibbin Syah,M.Ed, “Psikologi Pendidikan”, (Bandung:

PT.Remaja Rosda Karya, 2005), 139



a particular learning or a program the individual may be thought of a processing some current state of capability in learning that task if the individual is motivated has the opportunity of doing so. The capability is presumed to some combination of more of less enduring characteristic of individual.34

5. Benefits of Educational Media Technology in learning

Various benefits of learning media has been discussed by many experts. According to Kemp and Dayton, even though it has long been recognized that many advantages of using instructional media, but its integration into teaching programs run very slowly.35 They cite several studies that show the positive impact of the use of media as an integral part of learning in class or as a primary way of learning directly as follows:

a. Submission lessons more easily understood. b. Learning can be more attractive

c. Learning to be more interactive with the implementation of learning theory and psychological principles are acceptable in terms of student participation, feedback, and reinforcement. d. The length of time necessary learning can be shortened because

most media requires only a short time to deliver messages and content in considerable amounts and likely can be absorbed by the students.

Teachers can utilize a variety of instructional media as well, teachers can share the role with the media. The role of teachers and instructional media will motivate or encourage students to be attracted to subjects so the learning process can optimally. Teaching and learning process is influenced by factors of learning methods and media used. Both are interrelated where the selection of a particular method will affect the type of media to be used. In the sense that there should be conformity between them to achieve learning objectives.

34Ibid 167

35Kemp., Dayton. (2013). “ A motivational learning using social-media”.

Retrived at on October 2016



C. Response

According to Susanto that respone is a reaction, meaning acceptance or rejection, and indifference to what is communicated by the communicator in his message. Response can be divided into opinions and attitude, where opinion or opinion is an open answer (overt response) to an issue expressed with spoken words orwritten. While attitude is a closed reaction (convert response) emotional and personal, is a tendency to react which is very positive or negative to certain people, objects, or situations.36Harvey and Smith define that response is a form of readiness in determining good attitude in positive form or negative to an object or situation.37This definition indicates the existence. The division of respond by Ahmadi is detailed as follows:38

1. Positive response

A form of response, action, or attitude that shows or shows, accepts, acknowledges, approves, and performs the norms applicable where the individual is located.

2. Negative response

A form of response, action, or attitude that indicates or shows rejection or disapproval of the applicable norms in which the individual is situated.

Student response is a social reaction done by students in responding to the influence or stimuli in itself from repetition situations done by others, such as the act of repetition of teachers in the learning process or from social phenomena around the school. In this case the respond in the intention is the reaction and student responsiveness to the process of learning English with Instagram media. According to Marsiyah "to know the respond of a person to 36Susanto. 1988.“Priskologi Pendidikan”, Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosda Karya, 140.

37Harvey & Smith (2009). “Educational Psychology, Theory anf

Practice”. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 67

38Ahmadi Wirawan Sarwono. 1991.Psikologi Remaja. Jakarta: Rajawali Press. Retrieved from http://



something can be through a questionnaire or interview, because the questionnaire and interviews generally ask for information about the facts known by the respondent / also about his opinion or attitude.39 So in this study student response is defined as the respond of students at the time of teaching and learning activities take place. As for student responses that will be described are as follows:

a. The responses of students to the English lesson b. Students’responses to the way teachers teach c. Students’response to how learn to write

d. Student’response to teaching and learning process with media instagram.

e. Students’ response to the English language after following the learning of English by using media instagram.

D. Writing

1. Nature of Writing

Writing is the action of composing ideas in sentence. The ideas have to be well organized, so that they will be meaningful the readers. Bryne states that writing is one of the language skills, which is use for medium of communication, especially in direct communication. It means that writing is a system of communicating between a writer and readers who are not physically present.40

2. The Important Element of Writing

Before the writer begins to write, he/she has to remember that every writing situation is different. According to Hughey,41there are three important elements of writing, there are:

39Marsiyah Asrina,”Respon Siswa Terhadap PembelajaranBahasa

Indonesia dengan Metode Laerning by Doing”.(Makassar: University of Muhammadiyah) 122 retrieved from

40Donn Bryne,Teaching Writing Skill. (London: Longman Group Ltd, 1991), Page.1

41Hughey, Jane.Teaching ESL Composition Principle and Techniques.

(Massachussetts: Newbury House Publisher inc). pp 39



a. The Message/Subject

The subject is about which is writer will write a message of the information that the writer wants the readers know without a message, the writer will not get the sense of his writing. Without a message, writing is not communication anymore, because there is no information that the writer tries to convey and share with the read.

b. The Writer’s Purpose

The writer’s purpose is he/she usually has to ask

him/herself about the specific purpose of his writing so that he will not get difficulty to focus on his idea, whether to entertain, to inform and to describe his/her writing.

c. A Reader

A reader is who will read the writing. The writer should know what the needs of his/her readers are, their levels or their motivation.42

3. The Purpose of Writing

Every activity has a purpose, writing also has a purpose. According to Cox,the purposes of writing are:43

a. To express ideas

A writer expresses his feeling, expressions, personality, likes, and dislikes in his writing in order to make readers understand something within the materials.

b. To provide information

It means to give information and explain it. This purpose is to focus on the materials being discussed.

c. To persuade readers

It means to convince readers about a matter of an opinion. This alsofocuses on the readers’ point of view.


Hughey, Jane.Teaching ESL Composition Principle and Techniques. (Massachussetts: Newbury

House Publisher inc). pp 41


Martha Heasley Cox,Writing From Proces Purpose(Chicago: Science Research Asociates, Inc,



d. To create literary work

It means that a work which is based on one’s point ofview (opinion, attitude, and observation) of other matters occurring

in one’senvironment. E. Teaching and Learning of Writing

Teaching writing is seen as difficult since it takes time to manage the composing process. Because of this difficulty, teachers must help the students in generating ideas and providing practice in composing the texts. Teachers realize that the students’ difficulty in writing mostly happen at the beginning when they started to write. In this case, the role of the teachers is very important in helping the students.

Social media in the teaching of writing can be a helper for teachers. Sometimes, English teachers are reluctant to use social media in teaching English, especially writing. The close relationship between writing and thinking makes writing a valuable part of any language course. In this case, think before writing will help students to learn what they want to write. Students must be able to imagine their readers and motivate yourself to write for them.44

In this study researcher used social media is Instagram as a medium of learning in order to motivate students in writing the descriptive text. This media is expected to help the students to stimulate their ideas and make it easier for them to write, especially, descriptive text.

F. Descriptive Text 1. Descriptive Text

Description is one of the types of writing where the writer describes something which commonly a person or a place. Bereton adopted from Agustin stated that this is done in order to give the main idea of the description and to describe the dominant impression. The descriptive text is one of the text genres that should be taught to the eleventh-grade students of senior high school.45

44Kelly Ronan. (2015).An Exploration of Instagram to develop ESL

Learners’ Writing Proficiency. TESOL Journal. 4/4. p. 59

45Depdiknas, Kurikulum 2004 Standrart Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran



According to Pardiyono, Descriptive contains a description of an object, whether animate or inanimate, including humans and animal. The focus of the writing lies in the description of the characteristics of the parts, features, quality or quantity using adjectives.46Hyland informs that the purpose of descriptive picture is to give an account of imagined or factual events and phenomena.47It is important to note that the writer must. supply detail in his/her description in order to clear the picture in readers’

mind. Through the concrete pictures of something the writer wants to describe the readers find the description more meaningful.48

2. The Purpose of Descriptive Text

Based on the definition of descriptive above, the purpose of a descriptive text is to present the reader with a picture of a person, subject or setting. White stated that there are several aims of descriptive text:49

a. To help the reader to see the objects, persons and sensations. b. To explain the reader about a subject.

c. To describes something to make the reader interested.

d. To make the author make a return of the object that already exists in the form of writings.

e. To demonstrate something to a reader. 3. Kinds of Descriptive Text

As we know that descriptive text is a text to describe something, like a person, place, or object. So, it usually takes three forms, they are:

a. Description of People

People are different, and people's writing descriptions are different. We need to pay attention to the identification,

46Pradiyono. 12 Writing Clues for Better Writing Competency. (Yogyakarta: Andi. 2006). Page. 165

47Hyland.Writing, Brief Edition, (Texas: Scott, Foresman and

Company, 1993),p 148

48Hyland, Ken. Second Language Writing. (UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003). Page 20



impression and sketch of the characters to better understand our writing.50

1) Identification

Identification is used primarily in official records and documents, identification consists only of certain statistical information such as: date of birth, origin of school, height, weight. While the characteristics that look like: hair color, skin, and eyes. And recognizable signs such as: scars, birthmarks.

2) Impressions Unlike identification

The impression also conveys the whole idea of what we describe. Many of the details may not be fully explained, but the impression is usually less complete and informative than identification, but this impression may be more effective in capturing one's characteristic.

3) Character Sketch

More details about people are usually called character sketches. As the name implies, the sketch character describes a person's character, or at least the main personality trait. Character sketches tell about the type rather than the individual, revealing the characteristics common to group members, such as ceremonial members, school athletes, arts students etc.

b. Description of Places

In describing a place such as a school class does not need to start with one area and then proceed to one area. Even so, the sentence should not be randomly arranged. The description should be arranged in such a way that the reader can clearly visualize the scene being described.51To make the paragraph more interesting, we can add an idea that expresses an attitude or impression of where it is being described. The setting of details in our writing descriptions depends on the subject and the purpose.

50Michael.E. Adelstin and Jean G, Pival. The Writer Commitment,

(New York: Harcourt Brance Jovanovich, Inc.,1976), p 150

51William Zinsser, On Writing Well, (New York: Harper and Row



c. Description of Things

To write a description of something, the author must have a good imagination about what will be explained. In addition, to make our subject more interesting and prosperous for the readers we can use proper effective nouns and verbs.52

1) Using proper nouns

In addition to write the descriptive text with concrete details and speech figures, we may also include the proper nouns, such us: the names of people, places and objects. Includes the proper nouns that readers can recognize in order to make what we describe easier to understand for reader.

2) Using Effective Verbs

We know how important verbs are narrations, but effective verbs can also add many descriptions. The author uses the verb to make the description more specific, accurate, and interesting. For example, "the butterfly flies in the sky" The verbs in use also give the reader a more accurate picture of the butterfly action.

4. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Gerot and Wignell states that the Generic structure of descriptive writing are:53

a. Identificationwhich identifies phenomenon that will be describe.

52Ibid 267-268

53Gerot and Wignell. EJournal of English Language Teaching Society (IELTS) Vol. 2 No 1 2014–ISSN 2331 - 1841

I have a toy. It is a doll, a bear doll, and I call it Teddy. Teddy bear is an American origin. My dad bought it as a present for my tenth birthday anniversary last year.



b. Descriptionwhich describe parts, qualities, or characteristic of something or someone in detail.

G. The Use of Instagram to Teach Student Descriptive Text

Learning does not always require books or other text-based documents. Students can learn and express themselves in many ways, including through visual images.54 Teacher can use Instagram as

media when to teach descriptive text. Instagram gives students access to thousands of photographs every day and allows them to add their own photographs to the mix. By taking and responding to photographs and make the descriptive text as the caption, students learn to communicate in a different way and have the opportunity to boost their critical thinking and creative skills. Teachers can also get in on the Instagram action, using the photographs to share all of the great things they are doing in the classroom and share their experiment to other friends through Instagram.

For teachers who want to boost students’ creative and critical

thinking skills, Instagram can also be a helpful tool. Instead of writing descriptive text or narrative essays, students can share the results of their stories through photos. Photo essays can be created in nearly every subject area, with students posting photos to show their understanding of a subject and adding captions to include key facts or other pieces of information.55The photos found on Instagram can also 54Theodore, Huebener.Audio-Visual Technique in Teaching Foreign

Language, (New York: New York University Press, 1967). Page 38

55Kelly Ronan. (2015).An Exploration of Instagram to develop ESL

Learners’ Writing Proficiency. TESOL Journal. 4/4. p. 89

The doll is small, fluffy, and cute. It has thick brown fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft? Because my Teddy bear

is a doll. I don’t need to feed it. I wash it a laundry at least

once a month. Every night Teddy accompanies me sleeping. When I am at school, Teddy stays in my bed. Teddy bear is really nice, adorable, and charming toy. I love my teddy bear very much.



be used to inspire creativity, having students choose a photo and then write a short story, description their story or on what they see. Using

Instagram’s search feature, students can also search for photos byhash tags and find photos to help them learn more about a particular topic or to use as part of a report or research project.

The researcher makes the circle of Instagram posting in data

collection from Ronan Kelly who conducted a research entitled “An Exploration of Instagram to Develop ESL Learners’ Writing Skills”.

He only conducted the research in three cycles as the picture below.

In those cycles, Ronan Kelly asks the participants update the Instagram in every meeting. Then, he gives the feedback about the Instagram posting. In the last meeting, he interviews the participants about the use of Instagram in writing descriptive text. However, in this case, the researcher conducts the research in five cycles (see page 46). Then, the researcher adds the other activity like game to make students enthusiastic in learning writing descriptive text in the classroom. H. Previous Study

The first previous study had been done by Gisty listiani.56 The

study with title “The Effectiveness of Instagram Writing Compared to Teacher Centered to Teach Recount Text to Student with High and Low Motivation”. This research was purposed to examine the

effectiveness of Instagram writing compared to teacher centered to teach recount text to students with high and low motivation. The sample of the research was eight grade Students in SMP Kesatrian 1 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2015/2016). This research used quasi experimental method which the researcher divided the sample

56Listiani Gisty. Undergradute Thesis: The Effectiveness of Instagram

Writing Compared to Teacher Centered to Teach Recount Text to Student with High and Low Motivation”(Semarang: Universitas Negeri Semarang, 2013)



into to group, experimental group and control group. Based on the finding and discussion of the research, using Instagram writing promoted a better understanding for students with high and low motivation which improved the quality of their writing than teacher centered writing.

Second study was conducted by Lajuan Davis and L. Roger Yin.57 The study with title“The Use Of Social Networking Tool Twitter to Improve College Students Business Writing Skills”. Focus of this research was writing and technology skill that usually Employers are searching for employees with appropriate business writing and

technology skills. In order to satisfy employers’ needs, a combining

of the two skills areas needs to be accomplished. This study tries to

determine that uses of the social media tool, Twitter, the students’

writing skills can be improved. The sample of this study is undergraduate traditional business communication courses, there are 68 volunteer (two groups) to participate in this study. To collect data the researcher uses a Perceptions Survey Pretest which is purposed to

know students’ perceptions regarding their knowledge and/or use of

Twitter before participating in the study. This study uses qualitative research methods by doing personal interviews and assessing

students’ short reflection papers about the using Twitter as media of

learning. The general consensus is that the students perceive the use of Twitter whose 140- character per message limit does help their business writing to be more brief, clear, and concise. The data collected support the hypothesis that the mean grade scores between Twitter users and Non-Twitter users possess a statistically significant

difference which grade scorer’s Twitter users are higher than Non-Twitter users. So, using Non-Twitter as media of learning can be an

effective tool to improve students’ writing ability.

Third study was conducted by Khusnita entitled, “The Use of Facebook to Improve Students Skill and Increase Their Motivation in Writing Recount Text”.58This collaborative classroom action research

57Davis Lajuan, L. Roger. 2013

The Use Of Social Networking Tool

Twitter to Improve College Students Business Writing Skills”(Oxford University)

58Khusnita. Undergradute Thesis: The Use of Facebook to Improve

Students Skill and Increase Their Motivation in Writing Recount Text” (Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2015)



aimed to find out the effectiveness using facebook to improve students skill and their motivation in writing skill. The population was tenth grade of SMAN 1 Kajen. The students of X 2 class of SMAN 1 Kajen was chosen as the sample of the study. The result showed that the use

of Facebook contributes to the improvement of students’ skill and the

increase in their motivation in writing recount text.

From those three studies, this study is quite different in term of focus and locus. The first previous study was investigating the effectiveness of Instagram writing compared to teacher centered to teach recount text to students with high and low motivation using quasi eksperimental method. It is different with my study that this

focuses on the students’ motivation in writing descriptive text using

Instagram with qualitative method. For the second and third previous study, it is also different with my study. Although it described about writing skill and use website tools such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter to do research and almost the finding and discussion of the previous studies above show that using website tools was an effective

tool to improve student’s writing skill. So, the previous study above

becomes researcher’s guidance to do this research and the researcher is willing to use an online media named Instagram as an alternative medium to teach and motivate students in writing skill. In this context, the researcher will use describtive qualitative to describe the research.



This study is qualitative using descriptive approach. The researcher aims to explore and describe the use of Instagram to motivate students in writing descriptive text. According to Creswell, a qualitative study seeks to build interpretive analysis based on specific data, within a flexible structure. This study using a qualitative analysis will emphasize on methods of collecting, analyzing data, and describing the results of the analysis.59This study take data from the students writing activities on the Instagram and their response. To answer the first research question, the researcher will do a library research before implementing Instagram mediated teaching in the class to observe students response. While to answer the second research question, the researcher will use interview guide to take the data.

B. Subject and Setting of The Study

The subject of this study is the students of 8thgrade in SMAN 1 Gresik located on Jalan Arif Rahman Hakim no 1 Gresik. There are 8 classes in 10thgrade; X MIPA 1, X MIPA 2, X MIPA 3, X MIPA 4, X MIPA 5, X MIPA 6, X MIPA 7, X MIPA 8 with different teachers. The researcher only use one class in X MIPA 3 because it is assumed that the students have writing difficulties and are not motivated to learn English writing. Based on the conversation between writerand English teacher of SMAN 1 Gresik, some of ten grade students have less interest in writing. The writer plans used to Instagram as a medium to motivate them to write.

C. The Data Collection Procedure and Instrument of The Study In order to collect the data, first the researcher did library research. 1) Library research

It means finding sources about teaching descriptive text using Instagram or Social media from online journal, book, thesis,

59Ary, Donald. (2010) Introduction to Research in Education



googling etc. According to M. Nazir in his book entitled 'Research Method' suggests that what is meant by: "Library study is a technique of collecting data by conducting a study of books, literature, records, and reports relating to problems solved." Library research involves the step by step process to gather information in order to write the lesson plan before the researcher do action toward the research.60The researcher begins the question about what the resources are available in the research. Then, the researcher tries to find the problem solving of writing descriptive text by using Instagram. After that, the researcher requires the techniques and resources to make lesson plan.

2) Preparing a Lesson Plan

Before doing research in the class, the researcher prepared lesson plan for all meetings about wiritng descriptive text using Instagram. Therefore, there were many things should be prepared to make lesson plan. First, the researcher determined about the purpose of learning to teach writing descriptive text. Then, it must be appropriate with the curriculum used by SMAN I Gresik. Then, the researcher do need analysis by interviewing English teacher of X MIPA 3 to know the ability and problems of the students in learning English in terms of writing lesson especially in understanding descriptive texts. After doing those things, the researcher began to prepare the lesson plan.

3) The researcher teaching writing using the prepared lesson plan.

Before the researcher did teach writing in the class. Researcher met with English teacher. Her name is Mrs. Azizah. The researcher asked to permit to teach in her class. Mrs. Azizah only gave permit to teach in her class in five meeting because there will be held final examination and the explanation of English material in the class have not finished yet. Then, English lesson are taught two times on Thursday and Saturday and each meeting she only give 45 minutes.

On Thursday, 20thApril 2017,the researcher began the first

meeting in the class. Because at the first day, the researcher came to the school to introduce her self and introduce Instagram media to the students. The researcher gave the explanation how to



download, install, login to Instagram application and how to write good descriptive text. The researcher asked them to follow the researcher Instagram account and asks them to open their private account. Then, the researcher devided them into 5 groups and the researcher asked to each group to mention the topic that they want to write about. The purpose of grouping was to know about

student’s ability in general.Theman’s group wrote about woman idol and the girl’s group about favorite food. Then, they tried to make writing descriptive text. After the students write and discuss with their group, they present it in front of the class in order to make good relationship with the researcher, in order to make teacher more care with their students, because teacher will give comment after their presentation. Finally, the researcher gave them homework to uploade their favorite photos, wrote the creative caption on their Instagram and each students must give comment

to other group’s post.At last, the researcher gave feedback for them.

In the second meeting at 22ndApril 2017, Teacher reviewed

the weakness and the good work after they post their first task in instagram in order to make students more understand about writing descriptive text through instagram. Then teacher explained about the second individual task. In this task teacher chose the topic for them about the favorite place. Students can choose the best photo in their favorite place. Then, they must write descriptive text with minimum 150 words. students can upload in their instagram with describe the caption as they want. After that, students can tag the

post in teacher’s instagram (@azaqillah) and give hastag

#descriptivewriting #missazaclass #xmipa3smansagress. Each

student must give comment minimum 3 other student’spost. Then, teacher asked students to make the simple descriptive text in order to know their understand in this topic. Teacher gave feedback to the students. Then, teacher gave the homework for the second task. In the third meeting at 27thApril 2017, Teacher reviewed the

weakness and the good work after they post their second task in Instagram in order to make students more understand about writing descriptive text through Instagram. Then, teacher gave the game to students. The game was Stand Up Sequences. The rule of this game is Teachers divide students into 5 groups. Teacher can start with one theme and one letter, for example the letter C for the



animal name. Then appoint the first group and say "C" to them. Then the group must answer the name of the animal beginning with the letter C. The time is only 10 seconds. Then, teacher gave homework as the third task. After that, teacher explained about the third individual task. In this task, teacher gave opportunity for students to choose the topic. Students can choose the best photo or short video. Then, students can upload in their instagram with describe the caption as they want. Then, they must write descriptive text with minimum 150 words. After that, students can

tag the post in teacher’s instagram (@azaqillah) and give hastag #descriptivewriting #missazaclass #xmipa3smansagress. Each student must give comment minimum 3 other student’s post.

Teacher gave feedback to the students.

In the forth meeting at 29thApril 2017, Teacher reviewed the

weakness and the good work after they post their third task in Instagram in order to make students more understand about writing descriptive text through instagram. Teacher gives the game to students. The game is Creative story. Teacher devide into 4 groups. Teacher will tell a popular story such as Cinderella or Pinocchio but only the beginning part and break your story on the desired parts. Give one of the pens to a student and give him instructions to continue passing the pen to his friend while you count. At the fifth count the student is instructed to stop passing the pen. The last student who gets the pen should continue the story according to his imagination. The story that he proceeded of course not too much, that is only one long sentence. Then, teacher explained the activity for next meeting.

In the fifth meeting at 4th Mei 2017, the researcher asked

about the strength and weakness in using Instagram while learning descriptive text in whole class. Then, teacher announced and gave gift for the best student’s pos. After that, teacher interviewed to students. Teacher asked some questions to the 15 students. The questions are related with instagram and social network sites use

and the students’ responses after using Instagram as a media to

learn English. Finally, the researcher gave the gift for the student who has the best article in Instagram.



4) Interview

According to Marsiyah "to know the responses of a person to something can be through a questionnaire or interview, because the questionnaire and interviews generally ask for information about the facts known by the respondent / also about his opinion

or attitude”.To take data for second research question, researcher interviewed 15 students. Then, to guide the interview, the researcher used the interview guide. (See appendix 1.2). Interview explain about Instagram and social network sites use and the

students’ responds after using Instagram as a media to learn English. From the interview, the researcher knew about whether students are motivated to learn about writing descriptive text by using media social. At last, the researcher described the data based on the statements of the problems.



D. Instagram Posting Data Collection Cycle

Adopted from Ronan Kelly (2015) Ulster University

1st Meeting •Write descriptive text in

class by grouping

•Present they task

•Give comment in other group

•Corrective Feedback

•Give 1st Task by group

2nd Meeting •Review 1st students' Post

•Give 2nd task at any time

•Minimum 150 words

•Give comment in other friends post

•Corrective Feedback

3th Meeting •Review 2nd Students'


•Play Game in the class

•Give 3th Task

•Minimum 150 Words

•Give Comment in other friends' post

•Corrective Feedback

4th Meeting •Review 3th Students' Post

•Play Game in the class

•Corrective Feedback

5th meeting

•Announce The Best Students' Post



E. Data Analysis Technique

After data are collected, the data has analyzed qualitatively. As by Bogdan and Biklen that the report of qualitative analysis is presented descriptively and the emphasis is on describing the phenomenon in its context and interpreting the data.61In this study, the writer did several

steps to analyze the data. The writer collected the data from library research to make the lesson plan and interview guide to know the

students’ response after learning writing descriptive text using

Instagram as teaching media. To analyze that information, it was conducted by using descriptive manner as follow:62

1. Identifying the data based on the statement of problem 2. Classifying each information based on each item of interview 3. Verifying and interpreting data

4. Drawing the conclusion

The interview data was originally collected and note taken. Than, qualitative analysis was performed using open coding (sentence by

sentence) to identify themes relating to learners’ response Instagram

in this study. The results generated from the Instagram posts and

interviews were compared against the researcher’s interpretations at

different times over the course of the study.63CHAPTER IV

61Robert Bogdan, and San Knopp Biklen. 1992. Qualitative Research for Education. An introduction to Theory and Methods. U.S.A massachusets: Allin and Bacon, Inc. P:216

62Suharsumi Arikunto, “Prosedur Penelitian”, (Jakarta: Rineke Cipta, 2006), 152.

63Cohen, L., Manion, L., Morrison, K. (2011) Research Methods in



In this chapter, the researcher described the data has been obtained during the research. The result and discussion of data were used to answer the statement of the problem that stated in the first chapter. The statements of the problems were: How can Instagram be used to motivate students to

write descriptive text? And what are students’ responses the use of

Instagram as a medium of teaching writing descriptive text?

There were three kinds of instruments used to collect data in this present classroom action study; they were library research, interview, and note taking. To answer the first research question, the data from library research was used to make lesson plan, from the data, it could be explained how the using of Instagram was used as medium in teaching descriptive writing. Related to the second research question, the data from the result of interview was used to know the response of students toward the using of Instagram as a media to learn English.

A. Description of Research Site

SMAN 1 Gresik is located on Jalan Arif Rahman Hakim no 1 Gresik. The place was very strategic; it is very easy to reach from many sides. There are many vehicles which are operated every day. The school has many facilities such as big classroom, yard, parking area, mosque, library, laboratories, etc. Each classroom is also completed with air conditioner, television, projector and sound which areneeded by students more comfortable in the classroom. Moreover, the students of SMAN 1 Gresik can study and accept the lesson well in their classroom. During the break time, the students are very happy enjoying theschool’sfacilities.

The teacher and theschool’sworker of SMAN 1 Gresik are very kind and friendly. They are competent in their field. Each teacher gives high priority to teach professionally in their jobs. Not only the teacher, but also the school workers work with best reputation. On the other hand, all students of SMAN 1 Gresik are considered as selected who have good achievements in learning. However, they have one of bad habit in the classroom. They often use mobile phone while the lessons begin. So, the researcher utilizes that situation by applying the learning based online media. Nowadays, 80% of students have the



account of social media like Instagram (Based on the interview with all students).

B. Data Presentation

The data was obtained in by conducting and observing the teaching and learning process in writing descriptive text by using Instagram. The teacher conducted the teaching and learning as usual. Since it ran normally, it was easier to know the students problem and solve the difficulties faced by them. Then, the researcher was accompanied by the teacher who observed the entire activities during the teaching and learning process. This research was conducted into some cycles. In the last meeting, the researcher interview students to know their response about Instagram as media in writing descriptive text.

1. Interview

Interview is one of instruments used by researcher in order to know about how the students use Instagram and how it affected

students’ motivation after learning byusing Instagram as teaching media in writing descriptive text. Then, the researcher interviewed 15 students of X MIPA 3 in SMAN 1 Gresik. There are five questions in this interview which ask about the frequency using Instagram, the frequency of using Instagram in learning English, the influence of using Instagram in writing descriptive text, the level of difficulties in using Instagram for writing descriptive text, and the influence of Instagram to motivate students in writing descriptive text. The result of interview was explained by the researcher in a table (See appendix 1.3). Then, the data description about the result of interview will be explained below.

1) Table 4.1 The Frequency of Using Instagram

(n = 15, x 100%) Table 4. 1. The Frequency of Using Instagram (N = 15, Frequency/ 15 x 100%)




1. Students often use the Instagram 13 students 86,6 % 2. Students seldom use the Instagram 2 students 13,4 % 3. Students never use the Instagram 0 students 0 %



The table 4.1 shows the result of data analysis of interview with students about the frequency of using Instagram. The table shows the result of data analysis of the frequency using Instagram was 13 students or 86,6 % of students often use Instagram. Based on the interview, most of them said that they often use Instagram for entertainment. They want to reduce stress after studying hard in the school. Moreover, they want to see interesting picture in Instagram. Then, they said that by using Instagram enable them to make friends with many people. Then, there are 2 students or 13,3 % of students said that they seldom to use the Instagram. They said that they have no time to use social media like Instagram because they are busy with other activity such as studying in the school, learning outside the school, and playing. Last, there are no students who said that they never use the Instagram. From those explanations, it can be concluded that they was familiar with Instagram. It can be proved that almost every day they use Instagram with various purposes.

2) Table 4.2 The Frequency of Using Instagram in Learning English (n = 15, x 100%) of

(N = 15)




1. Students often use the Instagram in learning English

2 students 13,3 % 2. Students seldom use the Instagram

in learning English

8 students 53,3 % 3. Students never use the Instagram

in learning English

5 students 33,4 %

The table 4.2 shows the result of data analysis of interview with students about the frequency of using Instagram in learning English. The table shows the result of data analysis of the frequency using Instagram in learning English was 2 students or 13,3 % of students often use Instagram with combine in learning English. Based on the interview, they said that they often make caption using English in Instagram



Another instrument conducted in this research was an interview to know their response toward writing descriptive text by using Instagram. The result of the interview also showed positive responses where from 15 students MIPA 3 SMA N 1 Gresik, 66,6 % students said that Instagram can motivate them in writing descriptive text, 26,6 % of students said that Instagram does not give influence to motivate them in writing descriptive text, 6,8% of students said that Instagram does not give influence at all motivate students in writing descriptive text. It clearly shows that more than half of the subjects gave positive response with the implementation of the technique. The finding of interview showed that using Instagram can give positive impact for their motivation, interest and attitude in improving their writing descriptive text.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Instagram can motivate in writing descriptive text to the tenth-grade students of SMAN 1 Gresik in academic year 2016/2017. It is showed from the improvement of students in doing each task in Instagram and the result interview that most of them show their positive response for using Instagram in writing descriptive text.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the research finding, the researcher would like to give some suggestion for the teacher, the students, and also the other researcher as follows:

The researcher suggests that the English teachers of tenth grade are suggested to be more creative and innovative in teaching writing, especially in descriptive text. Then, they must keep on motivating their students to improve their writing such as giving students exercise in different atmosphere by using Instagram. This technique will be more creative and interesting in teaching writing because students will feel comfortable and happy. Moreover, the English teachers of the tenth-grade students of SMA N 1 Gresik are suggested to keep up this strategy practically for improving writing skill.

For the tenth-grade students of SMA N 1 Gresik, they are suggested to keep on motivating to improve their writing skill. Then, they should respect for the task given by the teacher especially for online task so they can get the benefit from it. They should pay attention to the command of the teacher in online task. In addition, the



improve their writing skill by writing English caption and giving comment in Instagram. Moreover, the students are also suggested to do more practice to write creatively in well structure and grammar to get significant improvement in writing skill.

For the other researchers who would conduct similar research, they are suggested to apply the technique in different level of the students because every school has different level of the students. The other researchers should be creative and innovative to modify the activities of the technique in using Instagram to improve students writing. The other researcher can take the strength of this technique and try to fix if there is a weakness of this technique so that this technique can be applied better than before.




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