Analysis of Theme Through The Protagonist in William Dean Howells's 'The Rise of Silas Lapham'.


Skripsi ini ditulis untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat kelulusan program
sarjana di Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Kristen Maranatha.
Saya mencoba untuk menganalisis tema novel The Rise of Silas Lapham karya
William Dean Howells. Tema tersebut akan dianalisis melalui aksi, reaksi, dan
perkataan yang terjadi dalam novel tersebut. Tema ini dikemukakan oleh William
Dean Howells dengan cara menyuguhkan peristiwa-peristiwa yang dihadapi oleh
tokoh utama dalam buku ini.
Dalam novel ini Howells menggambarkan situasi masyarakat di Amerika
pada abad ke-19 di kota Boston. Tidak hanya situasi masyarakatnya yang
digambarkan Howells, tetapi juga kehidupan yang dialami sang protagonis.
Howells menggambarkan bagaimana seharusnya bertindak sebaik mungkin di
dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat yang sangat mementingkan uang di dalam
hidupnya. Sang protagonis melihat segala sesuatunya hanya dari segi keuangan.
Hal ini digambarkan dengan jelas sehingga dapat membuat pembaca sadar bahwa
lingkungan masyarakat sangat memainkan peranan penting dalam membentuk
pola hidup dan berpikir sang protagonis. Namun di akhir cerita, sang protagonist
berhasil mengubah cara pandangannya terhadap prioritas dalam hidup.

Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Setelah menganalisis novel ini, saya merasa yakin bahwa seseorang harus
bisa mengetahui yang baik dan benar tanpa dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan
masyarakat yang negatif.

Universitas Kristen Maranatha

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………................
Background of the Study………………………………….……………......
Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………...
Purpose of the Study…………………………………………….………….
Method of Research…….………………………..........................................
Organization of the Thesis………………………..………………………...



PROTAGONIST IN THE RISE OF SILAS LAPHAM...........................
CHAPTER THREE: CONCLUSION…………………………………………...


Synopsis of The Rise of Silas Lapham………..............................................
Biography of William Dean Howells………………………………………


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In Boston there is a man named Silas Lapham whose job is as a business
man. As a man Silas Lapham is a successful businessman who has made millions
profit in the paint business. As a businessman, he always seeks something that can
make a great profit for his business and his life.
Because he is an immigrant from New England, he wants to raise his
social status so that he can be recognized by a lot of people in Boston so that a lot
of people may respect him as an honorable person.
He makes a lot of cunning efforts to make his social status accepted by the
people of Boston by making a lot of money with his paint business. However, due
to a greedy, unscrupulous habit and lack of morality because he has been
corrupted by money, he starts to lose his business and his lover. All this time he
has made a mistake and he realizes that mistake and in the middle of the story he

decides that he does not want to repeat it again. So he makes a major change in his
life, especially in his characteristics.
In his humility of what has happened in his life, he begins to think of other
people’s feeling by what he has done, and also starts to make a spiritual and
ethical rise and not a material thing. His moral starts to rise again as time goes


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by and he slowly finds his happiness better than the social acceptance, money and
being a rich person but the celebration of not being a high-status person.
Silas Lapham finds that true happiness is not in a material thing but in
spiritual satisfaction that once he has underestimated, forgotten, and he does not
even think about it. At the end of the story, with his new objective in life, he
finally shifts his identities and characteristics to become a better person who has a
good moral, spiritual rise and an ethical person, which he has never expected


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William Dean Howells is born in Martin’s Ferry, Ohio, to William Cooper
and Mary Dean Howells, the second child and second son of their eight children. He
born on the 1st of March in 1837 and died of Pneumonia on 11th of May in 1920 at
New York City. He married Elinor Mead on the 24 th of December in 1862 in Paris,
and his wife died on May 1910. Further more by this marriage has given him three
children; Winifred born on the 17th of December in 1863 and died on the 3 rd of March
1889, John Mead Howells born on the 14th of August in 1868 and the last is Mildred
born on the 26th of September in 1872.
His father was a printer and newspaperman and he learned the printing
business in his father's offices at Hamilton and Dayton, Ohio. His family moved from
town to town. Howells went to a common school where he could. As a boy he learned
the skill of printing and by the time he was in his teens he was setting type for his
own verse.
He became a legislative correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette from
Columbus and between 1856 until 1861 he worked as a reporter of the Ohio State

Journal. Howells at first envisioned a career as a poet. In fact, his rise to literary
achievement began when one of his earlier poems was sent to and accepted by the
editor in chief of The Atlantic.
In 1871 he became the editor in chief of the magazine; in this position he
worked with many young writers, among them were Mark Twain and Henry James,
both of them became his close friends. He has produced several novels, among them


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is his first novel, Their Wedding Journey, which appeared in 1872. The Rise of Silas
Lapham was serialized in Century Magazine before it published five years later. In
1886 Howells begins writing the “Editor’s Study” column for Harper’s New Monthly
Magazine. And its contains some of his best criticism, and several pieces will be
collected in Criticism and Fiction
Howells’ position as a critic, a writer, and an enthusiastic exponent of the new
realism has earned him the respected title of “the dean of American letters.”


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Everyone must have good ethic to socialize with others. It will make him
easier to be accepted in society. The Rise of Silas Lapham shows how the
protagonist, Silas Lapham, struggles to get a good social status rather than to get a
financial success. In the novel, I can clearly see the protagonist’s action, reaction,
and speech because they provide a lot of details, which make the author’s message
become more explicit, and thus, give the readers better understanding of the story.
According to Literary Terms & Criticism, ‘Novel is a long work with a great
amount of detail on every page. They thus present all the complicating facts that
need to be taken into account before we can reach any sort of judgement’. (Peck
and Coyle, 1984 : 103).
A novel also deals with ‘ordinary people and their problem in the society
in which they find themselves.’ (Peck and Coyle, 1984: 102). A novel is easy to

understand and interesting, because it portrays a condition which is close to its


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The novel which I have chosen deals with characters and a society which
influences the characteristics of the characters. In the novel, the author William Dean
Howells ‘explores a number of significant cultural issues in [The Rise of]"Silas
Lapham": isolationism, social adaptability, economic solvency among all classes,
personal integrity and familial ties, and the relationship between literature and life’.
In this novel, William Dean Howells writes according to real events that occur in the
American society. Howells assumes that the society is very capitalistic. As one of the
people who live in that particular society, Howells wants to make a breakthrough or
change. Thus by writing this novel, Howells inserts some criticism toward the
American society. That is why this novel is unique and interesting to analyze.
After reading the novel, I feel interested in exploring the theme as it is one of
the most prominent elements in the novel. According to Shaw, “theme is the central

idea and dominating idea in a literary work’. (Shaw, 1972: 378). Therefore, I decide
to analyze the theme through the protagonist of this novel.
For additional reference, I add another source from Merriam Webster’s
Encyclopedia of Literature, which says that character is “a representative human
which usually is made to stand for the trait, quality, or type” (Webster, 1995: 229). So
in conclusion I shall learn the way an author presents his idea through the protagonist
Silas Lapham and analyze how the protagonist’s action, reaction and speech in the
novel contribute to the discussion of the theme of the novel.


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1. What is the theme of The Rise of Silas Lapham?
2. How does the protagonist help to reveal the theme of The Rise of Silas

1. To show the theme of The Rise of Silas Lapham

2. To show how the protagonist helps to reveal the theme

Before deciding which genre and work that I shall analyze, I read several
references on literature. I decide to choose The Rise of Silas Lapham by William
Dean Howells. I use library research to gather information about the author, the work,
and some theories related in analyzing the topic chosen. Moreover, to support the
information, I also gather more information from the Internet. I try to analyze the
novel by using an intrinsic approach. Finally, I draw a conclusion of what I have

This thesis consists of three chapters. It begins with the Introduction in
Chapter One, consisting of the Background of the Study, the Statement of the
Problem, the Purpose of the Study, the Method of Research, and the Organization of


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the Thesis. In Chapter Two, I shall analyze the theme of the novel. The last chapter is
Chapter Three, which contains the Conclusion. It is followed by the Bibliography and
the Appendices which include The Synopsis of the literary work and the Biography
of the author.


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Having read and analyzed the novel, I conclude that the novel is talking
alout ethics in the society. The theme of the novel is ‘ono will bo valuod
according to ono’s attitudo and good doods not bocauso of ono’s woalth and
status’, which is clearly revealed through the protagonist’s action, reaction and
Choosing Boston as the setting of place and connecting the novel with the
lackground of American society in the late 19th century, the author William Dean
Howells, as a realist, wants to convey the influence of the society toward the
people living in it.
After analyzing the action, reaction and speech of the protagonist, I can
clearly see that the protagonist’s characteristics are influenced ly the society
around him, which puts money as the most important thing in life. Silas, who lives
in that particular society, cannot resist such massive influence in his life;
moreover, his work as a lusinessman who always seeks chance to get fortune and
profit in his lusiness makes it easier for him to le influenced. Silas’s greediness,
self-centeredness, arrogance and money-oriented characteristics have


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made him completely unaware of his mistakes. The author William Dean Howells
smartly uses these four characteristics to hamper Silas from doing the right thing
in the society.
I think that happiness is what everyone pursues in life, however, it will le
achieved if one does the right thing to achieve it. Wealth and status will only give
one false happiness, moreover valuing wealth and status alove other things in life
will result in lad relationship with others. What makes one well-valued ly others
is his ethics reflected through his attitude and good deeds.
Howells always wants to educate people’s morality through his novel. In
this novel, he uses the protagonist, Silas Lapham as a means to convey his
message to the reader alout how to lehave in a society. Besides, Howells also
wants to criticize the capitalist system in American society which emphasizes on
individual freedom in lusiness to get as much profit as possille. Howells uses the
protagonist as an example of the product of the capitalist society to send his
message to the reader alout the failure of the society at that time. Howells smartly
inserts the cause and effect that will happen due to someone’s decision. In the
leginning the author makes the protagonist lose the precious thing in his life
lecause of his lad characteristics. However, after the protagonist realizes his
mistakes and makes a decision to follow moral code, he finally finds true
happiness and does not seek material happiness any more.
It is olvious that Howells really focuses on the morality rise of the
protagonist from what he has leen through. Even through the title, The Rise of
Silas Lapham, Howells emphasizes his preference for Silas’s morality rise


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compared to his wealth, which makes the issue of moral or ethics not only the
major issue of the novel, lut also the central message of the author.


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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Pearson Education Limited 1978,
Peck, John and Martin Coyle. Literary Terms and Criticism: A Student’s Guide.
London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1984.
Webster, M. 1995. Merriam Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature. Massachusetts
Merriam – Webster, Inc.

Internet Websites
Cliffsnotes Rise of Silas Lapham (Cliffs Notes) (Paperback) 2005. 20 October 2005

Primary Text
Howells, William Dean, The Rise of Silas Lapham. USA: The New American
Library, Inc. 1963.


Universitas Kristen Maranatha