Analysis of The Theme Through The Protagonist in Alice Walker's 'The Color Purple'.


Alice Walker adalah salah satu pengarang berkulit hitam di Amerika pada
abad ke 20. Dia berasal dari Afrika dan dia adalah seorang penulis novel,
pengarang puisi, dan pembuat esai, tapi dia lebih dikenal sebagai pengarang
novel. Dia sangat aktif dalam banyak gerakan politik, terutama yang membela
kaum wanita.
Karya novelnya yang terkenal dan mendapatkan penghargaan adalah The
Color Purple. Dalam karyanya ini Alice Walker menceritakan seorang wanita
kulit hitam bernama Celie yang berusaha membebaskan dirinya dari penindasan
yang dilakukan oleh kaum pria kulit hitam dan yang berusaha untuk mendapatkan
kebebasan dan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Pada akhirnya wanita kulit hitam
tersebut bisa mendapatkan kebebasan dan merubah hidupnya menjadi lebih baik
berkat dukungan yang diberikan oleh para tokoh wanita yang lain, yaitu, Kate,
Sofia, Nettie, dan Shug.
Dalam tugas akhir ini penulis membahas tema novel The Color Purple
melalui tokoh protagonis yang ada dalam novel tersebut. Tokoh protagonis yang
bernama Celie berhasil membebaskan dirinya dari penindasan yang dia alami dan


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dia dapat merubah kehidupannya menjadi lebih baik dan mendapatkan
kebebasan.Perubahan dalam hidup Celie tersebut terjadi berkat dukungan dari
tokoh-tokoh wanita yang ada dalam kehidupan Celie, yaitu Kate, Sofia, Nettie,
dan Shug.
Setelah menganalisis tema novel ini, penulis pun berpendapat bahwa tema
tersebut adalah “dukungan dari para wanita sangatlah penting bagi seorang wanita
untuk berubah dan memiliki kehidupan yang lebih baik”. Dan akhirnya penulis
pun berpendapat bahwa dukungan yang diberikan dapat menjadi motivasi bagi
seseorang untuk berubah.


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TABLE OF CONTENTS…...................................................................




Background of the Study……...........................................
Statement of the Problem……...........................................


Purpose of the Study…......................................................
Method of Research….......................................................
Organization of the Thesis…….........................................


THE COLOR PURPLE....................................................


CHAPTER THREE: CONCLUSION…............................................





Synopsis of The Color Purple……....................................
Biography of Alice Walker......………..............................



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Synopsis of The Color Purple
The novel The Color Purple by Alice Walker tells a story about a black
woman who had suffered a lot in her life because of oppression. From this novel,
Alice Walker is trying to show us how the woman can survive from the
oppression and how she can be strong and independent as a woman and get a
better life.
Celie has been raped by her step-father, Alfonso, when she was fourteen
years old and she becomes pregnant twice. When Celie had a baby for the first

time, Alfonso takes the baby and kills the baby. When Celie gave birth for the
second time, Alfonso also takes the baby. This time he did not kill the baby, but
he sold the baby.
Celie has a sister named Nettie. Nettie is the only person who cares for
Celie. Celie depends on Nettie, until someday Nettie leaves Celie when Celie
marries Albert. Celie never uses her husband’s name. She only called him “Mr.
_____”. Celie did that because her husband saw her as a slave and he never
respects her as his wife. Celie never complain for her husband’s behavior because
Celie thought that she is nothing and she did not have any courage to fight against
her husband.


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Celie knows that her husband has an affair with Shug Avery, but she does
not care about it. Shug Avery is a bar singer, and Celie adores Shug so much
because Shug is very pretty and kind to Celie. Shug helps Celie and supports
Celie to change and to be stronger. Shug tried to convince Celie that she is
important, and she does not deserve to get such bad treatment in her life. Shug

always tells Celie to fight for her rights. Kate, Sofia, and Nettie also support Celie
to change and get a better life. Nettie gives support in her letters. The support
given by the women are important in Celie’s changing.
Celie can eventually realize that life is so important and she has a right to
enjoy her life with freedom. Celie can finally feel satisfaction for her life.

Biography of Alice Walker
Alice Walker is a novelist, poet, critic and essayist. She was born in
Eatonton, Georgia, USA, on February 9, 1944. Alice Walker was a black child
who was born in poverty and had many disadvantages in her life. When she was
eight years old, she lost her eyesight in one of her eyes. This happened because
her older brother shot her with a gun accidentally.
Her childhood was bad, because she had to face racialism, confrontation
and also sexual abuse. This situation made her isolated from her community. She
spent much of her time reading and writing about people around her. She was
inspired by her mother to be an independent black woman.


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She attended Spelman, a leading black woman’s college in Atlanta, and
received a BA degree from a prestigious white woman’s college, Sarah Lawrence,
in 1965. She was also active in many political movements, including Civil
(Human) Rights, Native American Rights, the Women’s Movement, the AntiNuclear Movement and movements for peace, freedom and justice in South Africa
and Central America.
She has received numerous fellowships, honours and awards for her
writing, including The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the American Book Award in
1983, both for The Color Purple. Alice Walker will be remembered not only as an
author, but she will be remembered as a leader for black women’s rights.


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Background of the Study

Alice Walker is a twentieth century African-American woman writer. She
is a novelist, poet, critic, and essayist, but she is famous as a novelist. She is
actively involved in many political movements, such as Civil (Human) Rights
Movement, Native American Rights Movement, the Woman’s Movement, the
Anti-Nuclear Movement, and Movement for Peace, Freedom, and Justice in South
Africa and Central America. Her most famous novel is The Color Purple, for
which she has received the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the American Book
Award. The novel is an excellent piece of writing by Walker as it focuses on some
important topics associated with women, suppression and liberation.
As a woman novelist, Walker has her own tradition in writing the novel.
She possibly has the same traditions with the other women novelists, but they
never talk about the same thing. This can be seen from the following quotation.
Alice Walker's The Color Purple is an example of a "woman's
novel." This means not just that it was written by a woman, but
that it carries on an identified tradition of women's writing, in


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terms of narrative strategies, themes addressed, and voice. This is
not to say that all women write about the same things; but there is a
tradition known as women's literature, which has developed with a
consciousness of women's traditions of writing as distinct from
men’s' ways of writing. (Lavender, 1998:1)
From the quotation above, I can see that Alice Walker has her own style
and characteristics. She has a different way of writing than male writers,
especially about feminism. We can see the differences by reading her novel The
Color Purple, and comparing it with other novels.
In The Color Purple, Alice Walker is trying to tell the readers about the
oppression of women that usually happens among black people. She tells about
oppression in her novel, because she wants to fight for women’s rights and
freedom. She creates Celie as the protagonist to show the readers that a woman
also has a right to live and needs support to get freedom from the oppression.
I have chosen The Color Purple to analyse because I find in the novel that
the female protagonist can survive in facing oppression, can change, and can get a
better life because of the help and support from the other female characters. The
support that is given from the other female characters can change the female
protagonist to become an independent woman. From the female protagonist’s
characteristics, the readers can see the condition of women in black communities

who need a lot of support from the other women to survive because of the
oppression they face from men. And by seeing the changes, the readers will find
that a woman who has support can survive and have a better life.
From the reasons above, I decide to analyse the theme in the novel through
the protagonist as she plays an important role in revealing the theme. Harry Shaw


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in his book Dictionary of Literary Terms (Shaw, 1972: 365) states that
“Protagonist is the main character in a work, on whom the author focuses most of
the narrative attention.” Harry Shaw states that “Theme is the central and
dominating idea in a literary work.” (Shaw, 1972:378) Moreover, he also says that
“Theme is the message of moral implicit in any work of art” (Shaw, 1972:378).
And by analyzing the theme, I hope that the readers will be able to find that good
relationships can help someone to change, and support is important in affecting
the changes.

Statement of the Problem

I would like to state the problems of this study as follows:
1. What is the theme in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple?
2. How does the protagonist help reveal the theme?

Purpose of the Study
My purposes of analyzing Alice Walker’s The Color Purple are:
1. To show the theme in the novel.
2. To show how the protagonist helps reveal the theme.


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Method of Research
I use library research in this analysis. First of all, I begin by reading Alice
Walker’s The Color Purple as the primary text. Then I read the references which deal
with this work and gather some information which is useful for my analysis from the
Internet. Then I use the collected data to support the analysis. Finally, I draw some

Organization of the Thesis
The thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter One is the Introduction, which
contains the Background of the Study, the Statement of the Problem, the Purpose of the
Study, the Method of Research and the Organization of the Thesis. Chapter Two presents
the analysis of theme of sisterhood through the female characters in Alice Walker’s The
Color Purple. The last chapter, Chapter Three, contains the Conclusion, and it is followed
by the Bibliography and the Appendix, which consists of the synopsis of the novel and
the biography of Alice Walker.


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Having read the novel The Color Purple, I conclude that the author has
been successful in presenting the theme. The theme is revealed through the
protagonist. I come to the opinion that the theme of The Color Purple is “Support
from other women is very important and can help a woman to change and have a
better life”.
In this story, the protagonist, Celie, is a woman who has been oppressed
by men. She has never been appreciated, especially by her father or her husband.
She becomes a woman who has never struggled for a better life and who never
fights against oppression she faces because she is afraid of the men who have
oppressed her and she does not have courage to fight.
Celie gets a lot of support from other women. She gets support from Kate,
Albert’s sister, who convinces her that she deserves to have a better life. Then she
also gets support from Sofia, Albert’s daughter-in-law, who teaches her how to
fight for a better life. Nettie, Celie’s sister gives her moral support in her letters to
leave Albert, her husband, so Celie can get a better life. And Celie also


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gets support from Shug, who gives Celie moral and physical support, which
changes Celie a lot. The support from Shug is the most important in Celie’s
changing and makes Celie have courage to decide to do something good for her
Celie’s character changes because of the support that she gets from other
women. The other women want to help Celie even though they are not related at
all, except Nettie, who is Celie’s sister. They give Celie courage and inspiration to
fight to have a better life. In the end, Celie becomes a woman who can gain her
self-respect, and who has courage and independence to move on with her life
without depending on somebody else.
I conclude that support can help a woman to change and have a better life,
as I can see from the novel. This can be a motivation for other women to follow
this example and learn to help other women by giving support, because support is
very important in our life.
Most black women did their best in helping other women who have
problems in their life, especially about oppression. They did this because, at that
time (1910-1940), they have been oppressed by both black men and white people,
which can be called a double oppression. The black men and white people always
underestimate the black women, so the black women at that time have a high
sense of solidarity and always support each other to get freedom from the
Nowadays, a high sense of solidarity is hard to find, because the
conditions have changed. The black women have more freedom and the
oppression has been reduced. Men can appreciate women more, and the women


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can have the same freedom as men. Besides this, we can see a lot of women’s
movements which fight for women’s freedom.
The writer, Alice Walker, writes this novel because she wants to show us
about oppression and how the other women support Celie to solve her problems of
oppression. The writer also wants to show us that support is very important in
changing someone’s life.
I think that The Color Purple by Alice Walker is a very good novel. The
novel can teach the readers much about how to support someone to survive from
oppression by men and how to get a better life. We, as the readers, can also know
that support is very important and can be a big motivation to change and be better.
The novel can be a motivation for us, especially for women, to give
support to others and fight against any oppression. We can learn that giving
support is important and helping each other is a must, because support can make
someone survive and have a better life.


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Shaw, Harry. Dictionary of Literary Terms. New York: McGraw. Hill Inc, 1972.

Internet Website
About The Author by Aniina. n.d. 18th March 2006.
< >
The Color Purple. Alice Walker. 1998. 18th March 2006.
< >

Primary Text
Walker, Alice. The Color Purple. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983.


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