Mik's Chick : A Business Plan.


TITLE PAGE.................................................................................................. i
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY............................................................... ii
FRONT COVER OF THE BUSINESS PLAN................................................ iii
APPROVAL PAGE....................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................ v
LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................. viii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................. ix
CHAPTER I. THE BACKGOUND................................................................ 1
CHAPTER II. MARKETING ASPECT.......................................................... 9
CHAPTER III. OPERATIONAL ASPECT..................................................... 19
CHAPTER IV. HUMAN RESOURCES ASPECT......................................... 28
CHAPTER V. FINANCIAL ASPECT........................................................... 40


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Table 2.1. The Segmentation Variables of Mik’s Chick................................ 10
Table 2.2. The Target Market of Mik’s Chick................................................ 11
Table 2.3. The Price and Detail of Menus of Mik’s Chick............................. 15
Table 3.1. The Explanations of the Layout of Mik’s Chick........................... 25
Table 4.1. The Salary of Employees of Mik’s Chick…………...................... 34
Table 5.1. The Initial Investment of Mik’s Chick........................................... 40
Table 5.2. The Cash Inflow of Mik’s Chick................................................... 43
Table 5.3. The Cash Outflow of Mik’s Chick................................................ 44
Table 5.4. The Net Cash Flow of Mik’s Chick.............................................. 46
Table 5.5. The Payback Period of Mik’s Chick............................................. 48
Table 5.6. The Net Present Value of Mik’s Chick......................................... 49


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Figure 3.1. The Service to the Customer of Mik’s Chick.............................. 20
Figure 3.2. Lemon Butter “Cute” Chick........................................................ 20
Figure 3.3. The Site of Mik’s Chick.............................................................. 22
Figure 3.4. The Location of Mik’s Chick....................................................... 22
Figure 3.5. Map of the Location of Mik’s Chick............................................ 23
Figure 3.6. The Layout of Mik’s Chick.......................................................... 24
Figure 3.7. The 2D concept of Mik’s Chick.................................................. 27
Figure 4.1. The Organizational Structure Mik’s Chick.................................. 29


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Industri makanan di Bandung saat ini berkembang dengan pesat. Hal
ini ditandai dengan semakin banyak tempat makanan baru yang dibuka
dan semakin banyak orang yang berwisata kuliner di Bandung. Penulis

melihat hal ini sebagai sebuah peluang yang baik walaupun hal ini berarti
juga semakin ketat persaingan didalam industri makanan. Oleh karena itu,
peluang ini tidak disia-siakan oleh penulis. Menyadari akan pentingnya
kesehatan, penulis memilih makanan organik sebagai produknya. Alasan
lainnya adalah karena masih jarang makanan organik yang dijual
sehingga penulis memutuskan untuk menjual makanan organik.
Makanan organik lebih sehat dari pada makanan pada umumnya
karena semua bahan bakunya organik dan tanpa bahan pengawet.
Sampai saat ini masih sangat jarang ditemui tempat yang menjual
makanan organik dan bernuansa kafe. Hal ini dapat menjadi peluang yang
menguntungkan bagi penulis untuk menjadi pionir kafe organik dan
mengajak orang untuk go organic. Untuk merealisasikannya, penulis
memutuskan untuk mendirikan sebuah kafe makanan organik, Mik’s
Chick, yang berlokasi di lantai dasar PVJ.
Mik’s Chick memiliki menu yang unik, yaitu Black Pepper “Hot” Chick,
Fried “Sexy” Chick, Lemon Butter “Cute” Chick, Cream Soup “Skinless”
Chick, dan Katsu “Funny” Chick. Selain itu, ada pula berbagai macam
snack dan minuman yang dijual disana. Semua produk Mik’s Chick dijual
dengan harga relatif mahal. Selain promosi dari mulut ke mulut, nuansa
menyenangkan dan elegan dipadu gaya barat dapat menjadi salah satu

daya tarik untuk makan disana. Oleh karena itu, sasaran Mik’s Chick
adalah keluarga menengah keatas yang menyukai makanan organik.
Mik’s Chick memiliki 18 orang pekerja yang terdiri dari owner, General
Manager, 4 orang chef, 2 orang cashier, 8 orang waiter, dan 2 orang desk
waiter. Dengan investasi awal sebesar Rp. 147.139.800, payback period
Mik’s Chick diharapkan akan terpenuhi dalam 7 bulan 10 hari.
Business Plan ini menjelaskan secara rinci mengenai Mik’s Chick.
Didalamnya dijelaskan secara jelas mengenai latar belakang Mik’s Chick
didirikan, dan kekuatan beserta kelemahan juga peluang beserta
ancaman. Selain itu, dibahas pula aspek pemasaran, aspek operasional,
aspek sumber daya manusia, dan aspek finansial dari Mik’s Chick.


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Are you bored with common food? So, get ready to go organic. Located
on the Lower Ground (LG) at PVJ, Mik’s Chick, unlike a common café, will

provide mouth-watering organic food so that people become healthier. If
you are interested in eating healthy food, Mik’s Chick will be the best
answer. Moreover, the goal of Mik’s Chick is to persuade people to go
organic. Because the customer is the king, the respect of Mik’s Chick to
the customers is shown by creating a unique menu, servicing the
customers friendly and fast, and also by providing delivery service.
Based on the sales forecast, Mik’s Chick is a valuable business
because the initial investment of IDR 147,139,800 is expected to be
covered in only 7 months 10 days and Mik’s Chick will get an expected
first year profit of IDR 254,086,341. This investment will make Mik’s Chick
successful in opening as well as maintaining the operation, and even in
developing it. Successful operation in the first year will have a benefit of
providing Mik’s Chick with a customer base in order to have more
confidence in facing a competitive business through the second year.


Maranatha Christian University



1.1. Background of Study
Nowadays the existence of eating places which provide healthy food,
such as cafés, canteens, and restaurants, is still rare in Bandung. Nugraha
says, “According to my research at several elementary schools in
Bandung, 20 percent of students no longer eat vegetables” (par. 8). He
also says, “This trend became worse in 2006 when a survey conducted at
one elementary school in Jatinangor, Bandung, showed that 10 out of 100
kids were no longer eating rice as a staple. They choose instant noodles
instead of rice” (par. 11, 12). The statement above shows that the students
in Bandung follow an unhealthy lifestyle. Moreover, they often eat
unhealthy food which is oily, high-fat, high-calorie, and high-carbohydrate,
that make them obese and diabetic. In “Diabetes and Obesity in
Indonesia”, it is stated that “The problem is increase consumption of fried
foods (gorengan) and non traditional fried foods which do not use tapioca
or casasva as base root (like modern day potato crisp)” (par. 6). Not only
sweet cookies, but also junk food is consumed, especially by uneducated
people. The article above also says, “Another problem has been the


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massive increase in domestic rubbish foods especially little more than
flavoured sugar cubes candy bars like „Beng-beng‟, „Ting-ting‟ and other
highly processed saturation point sugary rubbish appealing to the
uneducated sweet tooth of the poor and emergent middle classes” (par.
16). Actually, what people eat affects their body. People should eat
healthy food. This is because healthy food can make people healthy and
make them able to resist diseases. In “Healthy Foods”, it is stated that
“Eating healthy foods is one of the greatest ways you can live healthy and
combat developing a disease” (par. 1).
I choose food business for some reasons. First, food business will
always be alive. However, to support the business, the owner has to be
creative in exploring food so that the business will endure. In an article
entitled “Mengenal Bisnis Makanan”, Arif states that the culinary business
never dies because people must eat (par. 1). This statement also supports
my second reason, which is that people need to eat. That is a basic fact
for sustained life.

Then, the reason I choose organic food for my products is because I
am concerned about health and food. Being healthy is not only about the
food which people eat but also the eating places where people choose to
go to eat. Eating food without preservatives and MSG is a must. Then, the
air in the place should be fresh and with no smoke so that customers can
be comfortable while eating without feeling disturbed by smoke.
Based on the reasons above, I am going to run an organic café. Also,
this is because organic cafe is still rare in Bandung. This is my chance to


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sell organic food. Moreover, I can be a pioneer as an organic food seller in
North Bandung area. The name of my business is Mik’s Chick Café. Mik’s
Chick comes from my name (Mike, but sometimes people pronounce my
name “Mik”) and my menus (chick is a more catchy word for chicken, and
an abbreviation for chicken). Mik’s Chick sells food which contains rice and
chicken. There are five menus of chicken. They are Black Pepper “Hot”
Chick (very spicy), Fried “Sexy” Chick (quite big), Lemon Butter “Cute”

Chick (small piece of chicken), Cream Soup “Skinless” Chick (no skin),
and Katsu “Funny” Chick (no bones).
Moreover, the logo of Mik’s Chick consists of 3 elements. They are the
letter “M” made from two saxophones, a yellow chicken with a red chef‟s
hat, and a blade of grass. First, the letter “M‟‟, made from two saxophones,
stands for my nickname (Mik). Moreover, in my café I am going to play
jazz music, in which saxophone is a popular instrument. Second, the
yellow chicken with a red chef‟s hat in the logo means that the main
ingredient of my food is chicken; the yellow and red colour can
psychologically increase people‟s appetite. In “10 Facts about How Colors
Affect Your Appetite…”, it is stated that, “Yellow is also appetite
stimulating, because it relates to happiness. Ever noticed that restaurants
have yellow painted windows or yellow flowers at the table? This homely
look is to make you feel more welcome, and hungrier“ (par. 5). The article
also says, “The most appetizing color is red. Red food (as well as the color
red itself) is appetite stimulating, creating feelings of intimacy and energy”
(par. 4). Third, a blade of grass represents the organic ingredients I use.


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1.2. The Uniqueness
The uniqueness of Mik’s Chick is that all the ingredients are organic,
without any preservatives or MSG; therefore, the food is healthier. The
rice, chicken, and vegetables are organic. Also, the uniqueness is the
elegance concept for playing jazz music and the live cooking
demonstration of the chefs.

1.3. SWOT Analysis
Before starting my business, I am going to analyse the SWOT of my
business so that I know what strategic plan I should do. It can make it
easier for me to run the business. According to Philip Kotler, SWOT
analysis consists of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

1.3.1. Strengths
First of all, I would like to analyse the strengths. In Strategic
Management, Dess, Lumpkin, and Taylor say that strength is “the internal
conditions of a firm where your firm excels” (41). Therefore, strength is the

advantages from the product which can make one company compete well
with others.
There are several strengths of Mik’s Chick. First, the food is organic
with no preservatives or MSG. Second, the air in the café is maintained to
be fresh, with no smoke while the customers are eating. Third, the interior
is designed to be interesting so that people are attracted to come there to


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eat. I am going to use wallpapers with paintings of nature on the wall, such
as mountains, river, and waterfall. I am also going to use glass tables with
fish in them and build a small playground there for children. Therefore,
people can also refresh their mind. Fourth, I am going to play jazz music
so that the nuance will be more elegant. According to “Oxford Advanced
Learner‟s Compass”, elegant is “(of clothes, places and things) attractive
and designed well” (par. 2). Fifth, I also provide delivery service for the
area around Sukajadi Street and Surya Sumantri Street (Maranatha
Christian University) with a minimum delivery order of IDR 70,000. Thus,
this is a good business because there are many strengths. The strengths
can cover some of the weaknesses following.

1.3.2. Weaknesses
The second element is the weakness of the business. In Strategic
Management, Dess, Lumpkin, and Taylor say that weakness is “the
internal conditions of a firm . . . where it may be lacking relative to similar
competitors“ (41). Therefore, weakness is the disadvantages of the
product which can weaken one company in its competition with others.
The weakness of Mik’s Chick is the price, which is quite expensive,
because of the organic food. It can make people prefer non-organic to
organic food. Then, another weakness is the organic food distributor is too
far from PVJ, where Mik’s Chick is located. Also, the ingredients
sometimes are not available because of bad weather. This can increase
the costs.


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1.3.3. Opportunities
The third element is opportunity. Kotler and Keller say, “A marketing
opportunity is an area of buyer need and interest that a company has a
high probability of profitably satisfying” (90). Therefore, opportunity is the
external conditions which can positively influence the existence of a
company because of needs and interests of the customers.
I believe it is a good opportunity to run an organic food business. I can
be a pioneer in Bandung. When the customers‟ needs and interests
toward organic food increase, they will come to Mik’s Chick. This is
because organic food places are still rare in Bandung, and I only know one
place which provides organic food, the canteen of Immanuel Hospital.
Therefore, I am going to introduce this business and persuade the
customers to go organic and leave their bad eating habits.
Located in Sukajadi Street no. 137-139, it is profitable to open an
organic food café at PVJ because there is no organic food café at PVJ.
Aside from this, PVJ is always crowded, especially on the weekends and
holiday times. It is a very popular place in Bandung for choices of eating
places. Mik’s Chick, which opens from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m., is going to be
opened on the Lower Ground (LG) at PVJ, near Gramedia, at the previous
site of Solaria.
Also, based on the questionnaire I gave to 22 Saint Angela‟s Senior
High School students as well as 52 BPK Penabur‟s Junior High School
students, most of them actually see PVJ as a good place to sell my


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product because there are many people who come there to hangout and

1.3.4. Threats
The last element is threat. Kotler and Keller say, “An environmental
threat is a challenge posed by an unfavourable trend or development that
would lead, in the absence of defensive marketing action, to lower sales or
profit” (91). Therefore, threat is the external conditions which can influence
negatively the existence of a company because of the customers‟
disapproving tendency and their changes in preference.
One of the threats is Solaria, which sells some food, especially chicken
cuisine, with a lower price compared to Mik’s Chick’s. Also, bad weather
can make the organic ingredients not available. If there is frequent heavy
rainfall, harvests will fail.
There are some reasons why I choose Solaria, which is at PVJ, as my
competitor. These are because one of the cuisines of Solaria is chicken,
and almost all the prices of the cuisines at Solaria are the cheapest
compared to the prices of other eating food places at PVJ. Another reason
is that Solaria has many customers.

1.4. Vision and Mission
By having a clear vision, I will be able to know some missions to have
in order to realise the vision.


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1.4.1. Vision
My vision is to be the most popular organic café in Bandung and
operate as a franchise later.

1.4.2. Mission
To understand customers‟ needs and to get customers‟ interest in order
to have a large potential market.


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources
Dess, Gregory G., G.T. Lumpkin, and Marilyn L. Taylor. Strategic
Management: Text and Cases. New York: The McGraw–Hill
Companies, Inc., 2004.
Dessler, Gary. Human Resource Management. 11th ed. New Jersey:
Pearson Education, Inc., 2008.
Gitman, Lawrence J. Principles of Managerial Finance. 11th ed. Boston:
Pearson Education, Inc., 2006.
Heizer, Jay and Barry Render. Operations Management. 8th ed. New
Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2006.
Kotler, Philip and Gary Armstrong. Principles of Marketing. 10th ed. New
Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2004.
Kotler, Philip and Kevin Lane Keller. Marketing Management. 13th ed. New
Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2009.
Mondy, R. Wayne and Robert M. Noe. Human Resource Management. 9th
ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2005.

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Nuttall, Chriss J. Business Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2002.
Robbins, Stephen P. and Timothy A. Judge. Organizational Behavior. 12th
ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007.
Russell, Roberta S. and Bernard W. Taylor III. Operations Management.
5th ed. Haboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.

Electronic Sources
“10 Facts about How Colors Affect Your Appetite.” All Women Stalk. 2008
ed. 20th May 2010 .
“Advertising Ideas.” 2010 ed. 21st March 2010 .
Arif, M. Ichsan. “Mengenal Bisnis Makanan.” 2008 ed. 24th May 2010
“BI Rate.” BANK INDONESIA. 2008 ed. 22nd June 2010
“Elegant.” The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. 2010 ed. 16th June
2010 .
Guest Writer. “Diabetes and Obesity.” Indonesia Matters. 2010 ed. 26th
May 2010 .
“Healthy Foods.” MamashHealth, Inc. 2010 ed. 1st June 2010
Maranatha Christian University

“Inflation.” BANK INDONESIA. 2008 ed. 22nd June 2010
“Informasi Upah Minimum Regional (UMR) Tahun 2009, 2010.” 2010 ed.
4th June 2010 .
“Lemon Butter Chicken Recipe.” Future Today Inc. 2009 ed. 7th April 2010
Nugraha, Gaga Irawan. “A Fruit or Veggie a Day Can Keep the Heart
Doctor Away.” 2009 ed. 9th October 2010

Maranatha Christian University