The Background of The Study

the teacher. The activities are held to encourage learners to be ready to communicate in the target language. Some of these activities depend on information gaps so that an individual viewer can get the full message only by communicating with another viewer. It will make students to talk. Takashima believes that the best way to teach speaking is simply by giving more opportunity to the learners to be active to talk in the target language. 6 Seeing English film makes it possible. When the writer did teaching practice at SMU PGRI 3 Jakarta she found some students have some difficulties in expressing their ideas in English, they often make mistakes while trying to communicate in English. This school also has an audiovisual library to facilitate the writer doing the research. Therefore, from the personal experience above, she would like to know the result if the students is taught by using English film. Regarding the background above, the writer chooses the title of this skripsi: “ Using English Film in Teaching Speaking An Experimental Study at SMU PGRI 3 Jakarta”.

B. Statement of the Problem

Based on the background above there is problem that arises. The problem is : Does English film have an effect in teaching speaking?

C. Method of the Study

In order to see the effectiveness, the writer did experiment in teaching speaking using English film for 10 meetings from February, 26 th untill April 23 rd 2009. Pre-test is given before the experiment and post-test after the experiment. The result of both scores are then formulated by using of t-test calculation to see whether or not there is an effect of the teaching technique by using English film. 6 Hideyuki Takashima, “Using Telephone to Practice Speaking and Listening Comprehension”. English Teaching Forum, Volume 24 No.4, 1989, p.3

D. Limitation of the Study

To avoid misunderstanding and clarify the problem, it is necessary to make limitation of study. There are aspects in improving speaking ability, the writer will not discuss all the aspects in improving speaking ability but only discuss the effect of English film in improving speaking ability.


A. Speaking

1. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is seen as the most important instrument of communication. People almost use it constantly. Speech is the basic language activities by which people relate themselves to one another. There is a great need in this day for speech skill that go beyond the individual, because it enable him to lives as a man among men, not only part of them. 1 According to Oxford dictionary, the definition of speaking is to make the use of language in ordinary, not singing, voice, to state view, wishes etc or act as a spokesman for. 2 Richards and Rodgers offer four characteristic of communicative view of language, they are: a. Language is a system for the expression of meaning. b. The primary function of language is for interaction and communication. c. The structure of language reflects its functional and communicative uses. d. The primary units of language are not merely its grammatical and structural features, but categories of functional and communicative meaning as exemplified in discourse. 3 From the characteristics that Richards and Rodger give, the view of language that they mean has a similar meaning with speaking. Here, they said language as a system for expressing of the meaning, for interaction and communication; it is just the same as speaking which mean as a medium to communicate with other. In other words, when we are speak with others, it can mean that want to express 1 Nessa and Elthon Jadd, Sociolingustic and Language Acquisition Series: An Issue as A Second Language Research,1983. p. 19 2 AS. Hornby, Oxford Advance Learners’ Dictionary, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1897, p.827 3 JoMcDounagh and Christopher Shaw, Materials and Methods in ELT, Oxford UKCambridge USA, 1993, p.152 5