Sharing Responsibility. Physical and Emotional Support.

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9. Physical and Emotional Support.

Physical and emotional support run together in order to live better to face all kinds of life problem. American people like to join the sport to keep healthy. Sometimes they may go to some places to do some exercise, as stated below; Title Original Airdate Production Episode “Bowling” April 1, 2001 220 36 Sliding Doors-style interwoven stories follow a trip to the bowling alley with Lois or Hal. Won an Emmy.


A. Conclusions

“Malcolm in the Middle” is such an example of drama using American Nuclear Family Traditional values issues as a theme. Moreover, drama as the work of art of course represents the idea of the scriptwriter whether it is his personal experience, his family life condition, his imagination or even maybe his physiological condition. This drama was studied by using the descriptive qualitative method. It means that the comprehension of the message of this drama involves the understanding of social and traditional values background of the time this drama was created, because as a product from social world that always changes, drama as a literary work is a meaningful dynamics unity, as a reflection of the important values and events in his period. This study has proved that the drama entitled “Malcolm in the Middle” represents the nuclear family traditional values in America at the time it was created such as; the old still prefer living with children, the younger generations have made every effort to improve the quality of the old couple’s life, enjoyable to share weal and woe of family, a stable environment, behavioral stability, a sense of consistency, learning skills, sharing responsibility, and physical and emotional support as well as it symbolized the nuclear family traditional values in America at that time. 47 48 Sure, there are similarities between the drama and the socio-traditional background behind the drama. Consciously or not, Linwood Boomer had tried to deliver the message and describe the American nuclear family traditional values in a brief way through this drama.

B. Suggestions

To analyze a drama or a literary work, researcher has to use the right approach or theory in analyzing the drama and literary work itself. “Malcolm in the Middle” is an interesting subject to be studied and analyzed. This study has proved that the drama “Malcolm in the Middle” by Linwood Boomer has represented the American nuclear family traditional values. However, the writer would like to suggest to the readers and students who are interested in studying this field to study and explore more about the socio-traditional background related to the drama to understand it. Through this study, the writer also wants everybody to know that every drama indeed has messages. Finally, the writer hopes that this study will be able to enrich the literary studies in the English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University “Syarif Hidayatullah” Jakarta.