














This thesis is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements to

achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education













“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”

(Nelson Mandela)

I am always ready to learn although I do not always

like being taught

(Winston Churchill)


ALLAH S.W.T who always teaches me everything in my life

My parents who always give me great prayer and spirit

My brothers and sister who always give their smile



Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah S.W.T the merciful and almighty for the guidance and blessing on Muhammad S.A.W the last prophet in the world. Then, the writer would like to express her great appreciation and thanks to the people who have helped her in completing this thesis. She thanks to:

1. Dra. Sri Hartiningsih, M.M as the first advisor and Dra. Erly wahyuni, M.Si as the second advisor who have given the patience guidance, encouragement, advice, correction, and suggestion for the completing of this thesis.

2. The Head master of English Department and all of the lectures of English Department, who have given supply of knowledge during my study in this white campus.

3. Beloved parents Nashadi and Mukminah, who have showed all of their care, complete understanding and their silent prayer.

4. Beloved brother Ali Maftukh, who has given advice and financial support for my study.

5. All beloved friends, Musalim, Yanto, Ani, Rose, Dian, Yuli, who always stay beside me. Thank you for their kindness, support, and understanding. You know who you are “best friend forever”

Hopefully, may Allah S.W.T always bless them all and write their kindness and worship.

Malang, September 2015











1.1Background of The Study ... 1

1.2Statement of The Problems ... 3

1.3Purpose of The Study ... 3

1.4Significance of The Study ... 4

1.5Scope and Limitation ... 4

1.6Definition of Key Terms ... 5


2.1 Literature ... 7

2.2 Film ... 8

2.2.1 Types of Film ... 9

2.2.2 Elements of Film ... 11

2.3Domestic Violence ... 17

2.4Kinds of Domestic Violence... 19

2.4.1 Physical Violence ... 19

2.4.2 Sexual Violence ... 20

2.4.3 Economic Violence ... 20

2.4.4 Psychological Violence / Emotional Violence... 21


2.5.2 Man’s Bad Habits ... 22

2.5.3 Jealousy of Women or Men ... 23

2.5.4 Disloyalty of Women or Men ... 23

2.6Solving Domestic Violence Problem ... 24

2.6.1 Avoidance ... 25

2.6.2 Leaving Home ... 25

2.6.3 Just Say “NO” ... 26

2.6.4 Fighting Back ... 27

2.6.5 Help ... 29


3.1 Research Design... 30

3.2 Approach ... 31

3.3 Research Object ... 31

3.4 Data Collection ... 32

3.5 Data Analysis ... 32


4.1 Research Findings ... 34

4.1.1 Kinds of Slim’s Domestic Violence ... 34 Physical Violence ... 34 Economic Violence ... 38 Psychological Violence ... 40

4.1.2 Reasons why Slim Got Domestic Violence ... 45 Mitch’s Disloyalty ... 45

4.1.3 How to Solve The Problems ... 48 Leaving Home ... 48 Changing Identity ... 50 Fighting Back ... 53 Seeking Help ... 56


CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ... 62 5.1 Conclusion ... 62 5.2 Suggestion ... 63




Abrams, M.H, Harpham G, G. 2009. A Glossary of Literary Term (Ninth Edition). United States: Michael Rosenberg.

Ade, O.I & Okunoye, Oyeniyi. 2008. An Introduction to Literature and Literary Criticism. Nigeria:National Open University of Nigeria.

Ary, Donald et al. 2010. Introduction to Research in Education (Eight Edition).Canada: Wadsworth.

Barry, Peter.2009. Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory. UK: Manchester University Press.

Barsam, Richard & Monahan, Dave. 2010. Looking at Movies: An Introduction to Film (Third Edition). United States of America: W.W Norton & Company Inc.

Barsam, Richard, Monahan, Dave. 2010. Looking at movie: An Introduction to

film(Third Edition). United States of America: Jay’s Publishers Services. Bennet, Andrew & Royle, Nicholas. 2004. Introduction to Literature, Criticism

and Theory, Third Edition. Great Britain: Pearson Longman.

Bogarad, Crocket, Schmidth. 2006. Legacies: Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Nonfiction, Third Edition. USA: Thompson Wadsworth.

Cooper, J.& Vetere A. 2005. Domestic Violence and Family Safety: A Systemic Approach to Working with Violence in Family. London: Whurr Publisher Ltd.

Culler, Jonathan. 1997. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.

Doak, Melisse J. 2007. Child abuse and domestic violence. United States of America: Thomson Gale, a part of The Thomson Corporation.

Eagleton, Terry. 1996. Literary Theory: An Introduction: Second Edition. Great Britain: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.

Groves, B.M et al. 2004. Identifying and Responding to Domestic Violence: Consensus Recommendations for Child and Adolescent Health. San Francisco: Family Violence Preventing Fund.

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Hikmah, Mariatul. 2005. An Analysis of Scarlett O'hara's survivals found in margaret mitchael's novel"Gone with the wind". Malang. UMM Press. Holman, Hugh C. 1985. A Handbook to Literature (Fourth Edition). United States

of America: ITT Bobbs-Merrill Educational Publishing Company, Inc. Indianapolis.

Itzin, Catherine, et al. 2010. Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse: Tackling The Health and Mental Health Effects. USA and Canada: Routledge. Jansen et al. 2009. National Research on Domestic Violence against Women in

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Klarer, Mario. 2004. An introduction to literary studies (Second Edition). London: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.

Lethbridge, Stefanie & Mildorf, Jarmila. 2004. Basics of English Studies: An introductory course for students of literary studies in English. Jerman: University of Tübingen.

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Wellek, Rene and Warren, Austin. 1990. Theory of Literature. New York: A Harvest Book Harcout, Brace and World, Inc.



This chapter discusses background of the study, statement of the problems, purposes of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation and definition of the key terms used in the thesis.

1.1Background of the Study

Literature is an interesting and useful art to be studied. It is imaginative work that gives enjoyment and knowledge to the readers. Klarer defines “literature is referred to as the entirety of written expression, with the restriction that not every written document can be categorized as literature in the more exact sense of the word”(2004: 1). It means that not every writing is literature because literature has aesthetic or artistic language to distinguish literature from other writing. Further, Bennett and Royle state that “Literature is the kind of writing which most persistently and most provocatively engages with the uncanny aspects of experience, thought and feeling” (2004:35). It means that literature is a mirror of society and also human’s imagination and ideas of their expression.

Furthermore, literature is one of the most creative and universal means of communicating the spiritual emotion and intellectual concern of mankind. Further, the author’s imagination can be formed to the readers through literature. It is related to Wellek and Warren’s statements (1990:3), literature is a creative activity of art. It is important in our life because it is one of the ways human beings express their ideas and feelings.



Talking about literature, drama is one of literary works. Drama is a performance in the theater in which actors take the roles of the characters. Usually drama is presented by the actors on the stage by uttering the written dialogue. Film is an example of drama. Film is media that contains sounds, video, animation, picture etc. as Bogarad and Schmit state that film is like a drama, require conventions. For example, movies generally have music in the background, a score that helps to determine tone or moods (2006: 1418). In addition to giving us entertainment, film gives us education of life, art, science and to solve problem in our life. Film becomes more popular than drama because the viewer can watch it anywhere without sitting in front of the stage.

One of the film is “Enough”. It is directed by Michael Apted that is about domestic violence faced by Slim, a wife of Mitch Hiller. The film is chosen because of several considerations. First, “Enough” film directed by Michael Apted shows domestic violence done by a husband to his wife. Topic of domestic violence in this film clearly shows how domestic violence appears in the marriage life that usually happens in the real life. Second, “Enough” film is as an American drama-thriller film based on the New York Time bestseller Anna Quindlen 1998 novel, Black and Blue. This film is casted by the most famous Hollywood actresses, reached the domestic box office of 51 million dollars. Furthermore this film was nominated two Razzie Awards, and one nomination of Teen Choice Award.



of the most widespread violations of human right. It can include physical, sexual, psychological and economic violence. Furthermore, domestic violence did by the abusers in purposes for giving pain and injuries to the victims. It is supported by Doak (2007:1) states that domestic violence is acts such as pushing, slapping, punching, or other violent acts perpetrated by husbands to their wives that produced no or minimal bruising, as well as threats of violence.

This study concerns on discussing domestic violence as in a family. Domestic violence may occur if the relationship between abuser and victim are imbalance. Usually the abuser has bigger status and power of economic, physic, and social status in a family. Therefore the abuser often asks the victims to do his desire in order to get his target and the abuser will use all of manner even by violence. Here, this includes the case of domestic violence.

1.2Statement of the Problems

Considering the points discussed in the background of the study above, it can be stated some problems as follows:

1. What kinds of domestic violence are faced by Slim in Michael Apted’s film “Enough”?

2. Why did Slim get domestic violence in Michael Apted’s film “Enough”? 3. How did Slim solve the problems?

1.3Purpose of Study

The writer states the purposes of this study in order to achieve a good result. The purposes of the study are:



1. To identify the kinds of Slim’s domestic violence in Michael Apted’s film “Enough”.

2. To describe why Slim got domestic violence in Michael Apted’s film “Enough”.

3. To elaborate how Slim solved the problems.

1.4Significance of Study

The writer hopes that this result of this study will be useful for several parties. The first is for English department students. The students can take lesson about domestic violence reflected in a family that happens in a real life. In addition, the students can learn more about literature which is mirror of human life. The second is for teachers. The teachers can use this thesis as references when they teach literature especially about a human problem which is domestic violence. The third is for other researchers. This study can be considered as reference for a researcher on literature.

In addition, men can get the lesson as the readers to notice the women’s right and never do domestic violence to their wives. Also for women readers, they can understand how important to struggle in their life for defending their judgment, keeping their honors, and seizing the right equality from their partners in the life.

1.5Scope and Limitation



to scope the study on the domestic violence of a spouse relationship faced by Slim in “Enough” film directed by Michael Apted. The limitation of the study is on the kinds of Slim’s domestic violence, reasons of Slim’s domestic violence and the ways of Slim solved the problem.

1.6Definition of Key Terms

Analysis is a method by which a thing is separated into its parts, and those parts are given rigorous, logical, detailed scrutiny, resulting in a consistent and relatively complete statement of the elements of the thing and the principles of their organization (Holman, 1985:19).

Enough film is a 2002 American drama-thriller film directed by Michael Apted and this film is based on the Anna Quindlen’s novel, Black and Blue which was a New York Time bestseller.

Domestic violence is any violence between current and former partners in an intimate relationship, wherever and whenever the violence occurs. The violence may include physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse (Blaunkett in Cooper &Vetere (2005:3).

Michael Apted is An English director, producer, writer and actor. Since the 1960s, he has helmed an extensive list of feature films and documentaries. Other than directing in Enough film, he directed the Chronicles of Narnia.

Slim is a wife of Mitch Hiller who gets violence from her husband. She is forced to fight back her husband showing him that she has had enough.



Film is a motion picture that is considered by critics and scholars to be more serious or challenging. It also derives from the celluloid strip on which the images that make up motion pictures were originally captured, cut, and projected (Barsam & Monahan, 2010: 3).



This chapter discusses background of the study, statement of the problems, purposes of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation and definition of the key terms used in the thesis.

1.1Background of the Study

Literature is an interesting and useful art to be studied. It is imaginative work that gives enjoyment and knowledge to the readers. Klarer defines “literature is referred to as the entirety of written expression, with the restriction that not every written document can be categorized as literature in the more exact sense of the word”(2004: 1). It means that not every writing is literature because literature has aesthetic or artistic language to distinguish literature from other writing. Further, Bennett and Royle state that “Literature is the kind of writing which most persistently and most provocatively engages with the uncanny aspects of experience, thought and feeling” (2004:35). It means that literature is a mirror of society and also human’s imagination and ideas of their expression.

Furthermore, literature is one of the most creative and universal means of communicating the spiritual emotion and intellectual concern of mankind. Further, the author’s imagination can be formed to the readers through literature. It is related to Wellek and Warren’s statements (1990:3), literature is a creative activity of art. It is important in our life because it is one of the ways human beings express their ideas and feelings.


Talking about literature, drama is one of literary works. Drama is a performance in the theater in which actors take the roles of the characters. Usually drama is presented by the actors on the stage by uttering the written dialogue. Film is an example of drama. Film is media that contains sounds, video, animation, picture etc. as Bogarad and Schmit state that film is like a drama, require conventions. For example, movies generally have music in the background, a score that helps to determine tone or moods (2006: 1418). In addition to giving us entertainment, film gives us education of life, art, science and to solve problem in our life. Film becomes more popular than drama because the viewer can watch it anywhere without sitting in front of the stage.

One of the film is “Enough”. It is directed by Michael Apted that is about domestic violence faced by Slim, a wife of Mitch Hiller. The film is chosen because of several considerations. First, “Enough” film directed by Michael Apted shows domestic violence done by a husband to his wife. Topic of domestic violence in this film clearly shows how domestic violence appears in the marriage life that usually happens in the real life. Second, “Enough” film is as an American drama-thriller film based on the New York Time bestseller Anna Quindlen 1998 novel, Black and Blue. This film is casted by the most famous Hollywood actresses, reached the domestic box office of 51 million dollars. Furthermore this film was nominated two Razzie Awards, and one nomination of Teen Choice Award.

An analysis of Domestic violence in “Enough” film has never been studied before. This film is a rich source of Domestic violence. Domestic violence is one


of the most widespread violations of human right. It can include physical, sexual, psychological and economic violence. Furthermore, domestic violence did by the abusers in purposes for giving pain and injuries to the victims. It is supported by Doak (2007:1) states that domestic violence is acts such as pushing, slapping, punching, or other violent acts perpetrated by husbands to their wives that produced no or minimal bruising, as well as threats of violence.

This study concerns on discussing domestic violence as in a family. Domestic violence may occur if the relationship between abuser and victim are imbalance. Usually the abuser has bigger status and power of economic, physic, and social status in a family. Therefore the abuser often asks the victims to do his desire in order to get his target and the abuser will use all of manner even by violence. Here, this includes the case of domestic violence.

1.2Statement of the Problems

Considering the points discussed in the background of the study above, it can be stated some problems as follows:

1. What kinds of domestic violence are faced by Slim in Michael Apted’s film “Enough”?

2. Why did Slim get domestic violence in Michael Apted’s film “Enough”? 3. How did Slim solve the problems?

1.3Purpose of Study

The writer states the purposes of this study in order to achieve a good result. The purposes of the study are:


1. To identify the kinds of Slim’s domestic violence in Michael Apted’s film “Enough”.

2. To describe why Slim got domestic violence in Michael Apted’s film “Enough”.

3. To elaborate how Slim solved the problems. 1.4Significance of Study

The writer hopes that this result of this study will be useful for several parties. The first is for English department students. The students can take lesson about domestic violence reflected in a family that happens in a real life. In addition, the students can learn more about literature which is mirror of human life. The second is for teachers. The teachers can use this thesis as references when they teach literature especially about a human problem which is domestic violence. The third is for other researchers. This study can be considered as reference for a researcher on literature.

In addition, men can get the lesson as the readers to notice the women’s right and never do domestic violence to their wives. Also for women readers, they can understand how important to struggle in their life for defending their judgment, keeping their honors, and seizing the right equality from their partners in the life.

1.5Scope and Limitation

There are many topics can be studied in Enough film. In order to avoid a complicated discussion as well to get better understanding the topic, the writer has


to scope the study on the domestic violence of a spouse relationship faced by Slim in “Enough” film directed by Michael Apted. The limitation of the study is on the kinds of Slim’s domestic violence, reasons of Slim’s domestic violence and the ways of Slim solved the problem.

1.6Definition of Key Terms

Analysis is a method by which a thing is separated into its parts, and those parts are given rigorous, logical, detailed scrutiny, resulting in a consistent and relatively complete statement of the elements of the thing and the principles of their organization (Holman, 1985:19).

Enough film is a 2002 American drama-thriller film directed by Michael Apted and this film is based on the Anna Quindlen’s novel, Black and Blue which was a New York Time bestseller.

Domestic violence is any violence between current and former partners in an intimate relationship, wherever and whenever the violence occurs. The violence may include physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse (Blaunkett in Cooper &Vetere (2005:3).

Michael Apted is An English director, producer, writer and actor. Since the 1960s, he has helmed an extensive list of feature films and documentaries. Other than directing in Enough film, he directed the Chronicles of Narnia.

Slim is a wife of Mitch Hiller who gets violence from her husband. She is forced to fight back her husband showing him that she has had enough.


Film is a motion picture that is considered by critics and scholars to be more serious or challenging. It also derives from the celluloid strip on which the images that make up motion pictures were originally captured, cut, and projected (Barsam & Monahan, 2010: 3).