 ISSN: 1693-6930 TELKOMNIKA Vol. 7, No. 3, Desember 2009 : 151 - 160 152 dimensions, without being able to distinguish whether the sound is coming from the front or the back of the system. This project is intended to explain the human hearing system in 2 dimension area using a pair of microphones. The applications which are going to be simulated in the project are a video conference system and a steeringnavigation system on a mobile robot based on incoming sound direction using a low-cost microcontroller as the brain of the system. The microcontroller is cheap and available in the local market. The strategy of estimating the direction of the incoming sound is based on the arrival time difference of the sound reaching the 2 microphones. To achieve the objective, cross correlation method [1,2,3] and position estimation technique must be implemented [4,5]. The real time control system is implemented within a readily available microcontroller. Researches in area of the realtime embedded systems are still current and progressing with the aim of creating smarter devices or applications, where social robots are one of the most common testbeds [6,7,8]. This project is geared toward that goal and to provide a working system. The paper is organized as follows: section II presents the principles of cross correlation and position estimation using beamforming theory, section III presents the short methodology to achieve the main purpose of the thesis project, section IV presents the experimental results of the system, and section V presents the general conclusion of the project.


In this section, beamforming theory using cross correlation and position estimation is evaluated. Figure 1. Example of cross correlation

2.1. Cross-correlation

Cross correlation is a measure of similarity between two waveforms as a function of a time-lag applied to one of them [1,2,3]. Figure 1 is an example of cross correlation for measuring time-lag between to similar signals. The expression to find the delay time of two similar signals is given by Equation 1: TELKOMNIKA ISSN: 1693-6930 ■ Analysis, Design and Implementation of An Embedded RealTime Sound …… Arko Djajadi 153 1 where x i is the signal received by microphone i and x j is the signal received by microphone j.  is the delay time of the two signals. The point where the peak of the cross correlation results shows the delay time of the two signals, as illustrated below in Figure 1. There are two methods of correlating signals. The first one is non-circular method no data wrapping. This method is used if the signals are not continuous or in other words, the sampled signal represents the whole form of the signal. The second one is circular method. It is used if the signals are continuous for example sinusoid or rectangular wave or in other words, the sampled signal only represents some parts of the whole form of the signal. It is said to be circular because when the data index is out of range, it is wrapped back within range, for example: x-1 = xN-1, xN+5 = x5.

2.2. Position Estimation

Once the cross correlation is performed to find the delay time of the signals, then it is possible to predict or estimate the direction of the incoming sound based on certain assumptions to simplify modeling [4,5]. They are:  The sound speed in air is c  The sound source is located far from the microphones  There is no echo and bouncing effect Figure 2. Geometry of position estimation [4]. Referring to the assumptions and Figure 2, the mathematical expression to calculate the incoming angle of the sound can be derived by simple trigonometry computation as follows. 2 3 So, 4 Φ is the angle of sound source direction c is the sound speed in the air measured s is the distance between the microphones ∆T ij is the delay time of the signals from the microphones calculated from cross correlation  ISSN: 1693-6930 TELKOMNIKA Vol. 7, No. 3, Desember 2009 : 151 - 160 154