18 Nowadays, some parents trade children’s future for nice furniture, electronic appliances, or a new house. On the other hand, the mindset problem can arise from the children. Some children leave home because they are lured by friends who have known the street. These children want to get freedom instead of going to school. They think that it will be exciting to live on the street in a big city with their friends. For these children, earning money is not the main purpose. Thirdly, the group of economic migration includes children who are forced by poverty to migrate from rural areas to urban areas in order to earn money. They migrate to the city in order to supply the income of their families who live in the village. These children have to drop out of school. Actually, the children themselves want to continue schooling and so do the parents. The parents do not want their children work on the street, but they think that there is no other choice because of their economic condition. According to West 2003, “Children may migrate to cities on their own volition to seek work, or to escape poor family relationships, or may be sent by parents to find work. In many cases, they regularly remit money home” p.15.

C. Theoretical Framework

Literary works can represent a particular society since the author is a member of the society. The author can reflect the reality in the society as the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 19 subject matter of his work. Through his work, readers can see the reality of the society. In this study, the writer analyzes the reality of Vietnamese street children described in Dragon House. Some theories are needed for answering the problem formulation stated in chapter I. The writer employs socio-cultural approach as the best tool. The theories of socio-cultural approach help the writer to reveal condition, category, and origin of Vietnamese street children. In addition, theories of child poverty are useful for analyzing the relation between child poverty and the existence of Vietnamese street children. Those theories will work appropriately, if they are combined with the review of socio-cultural background. The review of socio-cultural background is useful to support the analysis. The former sources about Vietnamese street children help the writer in elaborating the analysis. It can also give illustrations about the reality of Vietnamese street children. The review of socio-cultural background consists of the categories and the origins of Vietnamese street children. The categories of street children based on the former researchers in Vietnam help the writer in categorizing every character of Vietnamese street children in the novel. The origins of Vietnamese street children help the writer in analyzing the causes which bring children to the street. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 20


This chapter consists of three sections. They are object of the study, approach of the study, and method of the study. Object of the study describes the novel which is studied and it is completed with the physical description. Approach of the study describes the approach used in this study and the reason of choosing the approach. The last section is method of the study which explains the steps in analyzing the work.

A. Object of the Study

The subject of this study is a novel entitled Dragon House written by John Shors. Dragon House was published by New American Library in 2009. It is divided into 18 chapters. It consists of 367 pages including the praises, author’s note, acknowledgments, and reader’s guide. Dragon House tells about two Americans, Iris and Noah, who want to do and give something to Vietnamese street children. Iris wants to fulfill her father’s dream to establish a center for the Vietnamese street children in Ho Chi Minh City. She has promised to his father to finish establishing the center before he passed away. She also promises to sow his father’s ashes on the play ground of the center. Noah is Iris’s childhood friend who has lost his leg in the Iraq war. He is frustrated because of his physical handicapped. He is willing to go with Iris in order to find new spirit for his life. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI