INTRODUCTION Education Innovation Efforts In Teacher Competence Improvement In Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia

Education Innovation Efforts in Teacher Competence Improvement in Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia By: Akhyak a,  , Suyitno b , Supriyono c , Dalhari d a State Islamic University STAIN, Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia E-mail address: b Diponegoro Islamic University STAI, Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia E-mail address: c Diponegoro Islamic University STAI, Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia E-mail address: d Diponegoro Islamic University STAI, Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia E-mail address: ABSTRACT Teachers are critical determinants of students success in school education. Teachers who have optimum competence, highly affect the quality of learning objectives attainment. This research is a field research using a qualitative approach. This was conducted in Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia dated January to June 2013. The focus of this research was how education innovation efforts in teacher competence improvement was done through teacher peadagogic, personal, social, and professional competence empowerment. Results of this research showed that the Education department of the District of Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia has made education innovation with serious various efforts to improve teachers competence. Those Efforts included: 1. Educational Seminars, 2. Teachers Training, 3. Intensive Teachers Professional Development, 4. Teachership Workshop, 5. Subject Teacher Group Discussion Strengthenment, 6. Learning Design and Approach Training, 7. Classroom Action Research Training, 8. Intensive Supervision. Such efforts are the empowerment of the teacher peadagogic, personal, social, and professional competence. Keywords: Teacher competence Improvement; Peadagogic, personal, social, and profesional competence


A teacher carries a big responsibility in her classroom. One reason is that all students depend on her. Everything the teacher says will have an impact on the students. If the teacher feels joy of feels anger, it will be spread among children Because The attitudes of the teacher gets contagious. ~meq75037paper1.html. In a society, from the most backward to the most advanced, the teacher plays an important role as, almost without exception, the builders of prospective society members Popham, WJ Baker, EL 2005.  Corresponding Author: DR. H. AKHYAK,M.Ag. STAIN Tulungagung Jawa Timur Indonesia. Jl. Mayor Sujadi Timur 46. Phone. 0355 321 513. Hand Phone Number: +6281335980246 It is partly true because teachers are the key players in classroom instructional activities that affect the success of students. They shall be professional as they deals with the system approach of instruction including working with the outcome-based curriculum, diagnosis of cognitive-affective readiness style and interest, program design, classroom management, instruction and learning, as well as evaluation and feedback Snyder and Andrson, 1986:324. Teachers also contribute to the high effectiveness of schools as they are parts of the school resources. Caldwell and Spinks 1991:27 says that school resources becomes one of six most important contributors to the highly effective schools among school climate, leadership, decition makings, and outcomes. Lexically teacher is defined as people whose jobs or occupation is teaching. In a simple term, teacher is the one who gives knowledge to students Djamaroh, 2008. Meanwhile, the Indonesia Republic Law No. 20, 2003 concerning National Education system confirms that: educators are professionals who are in charge of planning and implementing the learning process, assessing learning outcomes, coaching, training, and conducting research as well as community service, particularly for educators at the higher education. Darajat 1998 says that teachers are professional educators, because implicitly they have volunteered themeselves to accept and bear parts of their educational responsibilities mandated by and to the parents shoulders Darajat, 1998. Subroto 1983 also provides definition that educators are adult people who are responsible to give helps to learners in both the learners bodies and soul in order that they can reach their maturity, can be independent and fulfill their maturity, can be able to stand alone for doing their duties as the Khalifa of Allah, the Almighty God, can be capable as social and independent human beings. Teachers roles and responsibilities in education is very heavy and hard. Moreover, those the context of Islamic education--all aspects in the Islamic education are bonded to values value bond, which view teachers not only on the knowledge or material mastery, but also on the moral and spiritual investments investments aspired to be transformed towards the establishment of the Islamic personality; teachers are oblighted to guide, train, and habituate learners to behave well. Therefore, their existance is not only for teaching, but also practicing that of being taught and Islamic education values Tholkhah Barizi, 2004. . Teachers are people who are very influential in the teaching-learning process. Therefore, teachers should really bring their students to the objectives to be achieved. Teachers must be able to influence their students. Teachers must be visionary and authoritative. Authoritative teachers are those having sincerity, power, and something that can give impression and influence Wijaya, et al, 1992. Teachers also play important roles in improving school effectiveness. Macbeath and Mortimore 2001:9 supports this by saying that the individual classroom and the individual teacher provide a useful starting point for examining effectiveness. Any person who will carry out the tasks as teachers should have a personality. Besides having personality that suits to the teachings of Islam, religion teachers are more required to have a teacher personality. A teacher is one who should be loved and respected by her students. Her performance in teaching should be convincing and her behavior will be imitated and followed by her students. The teacher is a figure to be emulated and imitated. In carrying out her duties as an educator, she also wants and is willing to do and solve her problems, especially issues that are directly related to the learning process Darojat, 2001. According to Fajar 1988, the the tasks of teachers in the future are very hard. It is due to they have to perform tasks of teaching, educating, and guiding their students for the future. In the perspective of Islamic education, the existence, role, and function of teachers are undenial nececities. There is no education without the presence of teachers. Teachers are determinants of the direction and learning system including the curriculum, facilities, forms and patterns, and efforts to help how students learn, propperly and correctly in order to access knowledge and values of life. They are not only dealing with learning, but also with instruction. Instrruction ia a human undertaking whose purpose is to help people learn Gagne and Briggs, 1979:3. Therefore, teachers must comprehend both learning and instructional principles. They will deal with instructional system design. outcomes of instruction, varieties of learning strategies, instructional design, delivery system of instruction, and evaluation of instruction. A teacher is a guru who acts as a guid to towards the better future of students Tholkhah Barizi, 2004. More than the stated above, Dr. Hossein Nasr, Dr. Baloch, Dr. Aroosi and Dr. Badawi also confirm that the central axis of any educational system is teaching Husain Asharaf, 1994. This is in line with what the previous scholars say. One of the challenges that teachers face is the fulfillment of their potential. Good and Broppy 1987:3 believe that many teachers fail to fullfil their potential, ....., not because of they do not know the subject matter, but because they do not understand students or classrooms. This is a reasonable opinion as Leinhard and Smith 1984 distinguish between two kinds of knowledge, which are, action system knowledge and subject matter knowledge. The first concerns with skills for planning lessons, making decisions about lesson pace, explaining materials clearly, and responding to individual differences in how students learn. Whereas, the second concerns with specific information teachers need to present content Good and Bropphy, 1987:3. Understanding content and context of teaching and learning is very important for teachers in order to help learners succeed their learning with the contextualized classroom activities Johnson, 2002. Considering the above discussion, it is important for teachers to be competent. Efforts to improve their competencies can be advised to conduct. This research was conducted in Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia. The focus of this study is to research how education innovation in the empowerment of teachers peadagogic, social, personal, and profesional competencies. This focus is elaborated into: 1. how education innovation in the empowerment of peadagogic competency; 2. how education innovation in the empowerment of social competency, 3. how education innovation in the empowerment of sosial competency, and 4. how education innovation in the empowerment of professional competency.