Options for Settlement of the Central and Local Government

174 law and rights which later will resolve disputes between individuals or groups through peaceful way. And if there is no way out though the peaceful way, the legal path law will be the last options. he case of GKI Yasmin is almost four years but there is no bright spot for the settlement. Various ways have taken the GKI Yasmin in order to make local government obey Supreme Court decision. hey conduct hearings and report their cases to the number of parties, including a number of state institutions, such as the “Ombudsman” and the House of Representatives. Ombudsman strongly supports GKI Yasmin eforts and ombudsman issued a recommendation to the local government to obey the Supreme Court decision. Ombdusman even tried to mediate GKI Yasmin and local government Bogor local government. But the mediation eforts were failed because the Mayor of Bogor refused to attend the meeting on April 2012. On the other hand, House of representative has raised the GKI Yasmin issue several times in meetings with relevant government agencies such as the “Kementrian dalam Negeri”, Ministry of Religious Afairs, Police, the Ministry for Politics, and the Bogor Local Government. But there is no result for GKI Yasmin cases even the meeting was held.

1. Options for Settlement of the Central and Local Government

In a meeting between Home Ministry with the House of Representatives on February 8, 2012, the Home Minister Gamawan Fauzi promised to resolve the GKI Yasmin issue within 6 months. he solution ofered was the “relocation” and he will also ensure the safety and comfort of the GKI Yasmin. 197 He said that Home Ministry will help the land acquisition if GKI Yasmin accept to do temporary relocation to the Harmoni Yasmin Centre which only 500 m away from the previous church. he Home Ministry has discussed thi several times with the head of 197 Detiknews, Mendagri Akan Berusaha Selesaikan Polemik GKI Yasmin dalam 6 Bulan, downloaded on Februari 8, 2012, http:news.detik.comread201202 08172956183768410 175 local government Bogor Local Government Head and his staf, GKI Yasmin representatives and interfaith leaders. he process is almost to the inal result and hopefully it will be implemented in the near future. GKI Yasmin issue is mere matter of IMB building permit and according to Law 32 of 2004 on the Regional Government and Government Regulatio 38 of 2007 on Governmental Afair Divisons which this domain is completely the Mayor’s authority. 198 Home Minister’s statement is strengthened by the West Java Province government, Ahmad Heryawan. He said that the GKI Yasmin case now handled by Home Ministry. However, he also conirms that West Java Province government is ready to help by giving fund from the 2013 local revenue and expenditure. West Java Province is ready to help by giving Rp 10 billion for completion in 2013. Heryawan also said that the fund can be used for land acquisition for the new church building. Beside fund from province government, grants will also supplied by the local government for about Rp 2 billion. 199 Local government also said that they have prepared a location in Kota Paris at Jalan Dr. Sumeru. he local gpvernment will give the land for free to GKI Yasmin do that their church can be built there.

2. Suggestion from Presidential Advisory Council