Multiple Measurement Issues and Academic Institutions Quality Standard

5 that it also includes input quality, process quality, and output of quality. Although AUN model focuses more on process, output and supporting service . Policy plan Management Human Resources Funding Educational Research Community Service a c h I e v e m e n t Mission Goals Stakeholder Satisfaction Quality Assurance and inter national benchmarking FIGURE 3: ASEAN UNIVERSITY NETWORK MODEL Indonesian national accreditation criteria BAN PT-Indonesia divides its quality measurement into seven categories: 1 vision and mission, 2 management and leadership, 3 student and alumni, 4 human resource, 5 learning, research, community service, and relationship, 6 funding, 7 quality assurance system and information management. This model has input quality, process quality, and output of quality but its intention is more on process and output. All the above models show concern about the core service of academic institutions teaching, research, and community service and infrastructures to support the core service. The models have already shown a sense of strategic view but they have paid little attention to the adaptation to environment. Of all the models, Balridge model is the most comprehensive one as it strongly consider the environment of academic institutions.

3. Multiple Measurement Issues and Academic Institutions Quality Standard

University as an academic institution is a complex non-profit oriented organization with a unique set of features. Sporn 1996 summarizes that a university in general has the following characteristics: 1 its goal is ambivalent with different standard of teaching, research and services, 2 people oriented institutions, including students with pre-expectations, profesional, and companies as the customers, 3 having problems with standards for goal attainment, 4 profesors having strong autonomy and freedom, which causes problem in governing and managing the institutions, 5 being vulnerable to its environment such as government, economic, technology, and social aspects. The complexities of academic institution affect the quality standard of education and its implementation. This condition makes performance measurement a critical part of the quality process, mostly in quality standard development and evaluation. Quality models discussed earlier have addressed some of the complexities in the measurement especially in the core services of academic isntitutions teaching, research and community service, management and government of institution. However, some complexities have not yet been dealt with well. The models have not covered the following: the problem with vulnerability to environtment e.g. government policies, economic downturn, technology shifts, social trend in education, global competition, and the satisfaction of companies which are the source of external funding. The case of Indonesia provides an example of the complexities. The need of mass education that the government has stated Indonesian Higher Education Long Term Strategy 2003 -2010 has caused a 6 problem to academic institutions. Though academic institutions are non-profit oriented, they strongly depend on financial aspect to survive. There is an increasing demand in fund rising through company services, students’ fee, and any other resources available. Tools like strategic management, marketing and fund rising campaign need to be investigated Arnold Cappela, 1985; Tierny, 1988 in Sporn, 1996. The need of these aspects become more urgent and important for better and higher quality of an institution. As Feigenbaum 1951 stated that quality as value cannot be treated apart from its cost Today, multiple performance measurement has become an issue in business sector. The objectives of multiple performance measurement development are to accommodate the needs of functional managers for measurement and to have comprehensive looks of company as a multi functions organization so it can perform effectively and efficiently Chenhall and Langfield-Smith, 2007. Academic institutions, with their own complexities, should have the same urgency to develop multiple performance measurement in standard development and evaluation. The complexities demand the measurement on financial aspects, strategic management aspects, human resources aspects, operational aspects, and marketing aspects to monitor and to aquire better information for management of institutions or for departements to have better decissions. Marketing audit serves as one of the tools.

4. Marketing Audit: Brief History and Characteristics