Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number 2111521008



Sitompul, Novawina Magdalena. 2111521008. The Effect of Storytelling
through Video on Students’ Speaking Achievement in Narrative Text. A
Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts, States University of Medan. 2016.
This study deals with The Effect of Storytelling through Video on Students’
Speaking Achievement in Narrative Text. It was conducted by using experimental
research. The population of this study was grade tenth of SMK Negeri-1 Binjai,
which is consisted of 11 parallel classes. Two classes were taken as the sample of
the research. The class X AK-1 was a experimental group and X AK-2 was a
control group. The experimental group was taught by using Storytelling through
Video technique and control group was taught by using Lecture technique. The
instrument for collecting the data was performance test. The data was analyzed by
using t-test formula. The result shows that the value of t-observed is higher than
the value of t-table 2.048 > 3.381 (α=0.05), with degree of freedom (df) = 28.
Based on analysis of the study, the result indicates that the null hypothesis (Ha)
was rejected. It means that Storytelling through Video technique significantly
affect on students’ speaking achievement in narrative text.
Keywords: Storytelling through Video, Speaking, Narrative Text

First of all, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to

Almighty God, Jesus Christ for His amazing grace, uncountable blessing, love,
strength given to the writer during her study and in completing this thesis which
entitled: The Effect of Storytelling through Video on Students’ Speaking
Achievement in Narrative Text. This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the
requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of the English Department,
Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED).
In completing this thesis, the writer realized that she faced so many
problems and she had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and
comments and got a lot of assistance and moral support from beloved people.
Therefore, the writer expresses her gratitude and special thanks to:
 Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom., M.Pd., as the Rector of State University of
 Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., as the Dean of Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan.
 Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English Department.
 Dra. Meisuri, M.A., as the Secretary of English Department.
 Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., as the Head of English
Education Study Program.
 Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., as her First Thesis Advisor.
 Tiarnita Maria Sarjani Siregar, M.Hum., as her Second Thesis Advisor.

 Rika, S.Pd., M.Hum., as her Academic Advisor.
 Dr. Zainuddin, DIP.TEFL., M.Hum., as her Reviewer and Examiner.
 Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., as her Reviewer and Examiner.
 Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., as her Reviewer and Examiner.
 All the Lecturers of English Department who have taught, guided, and
advised her through out the academic years.
 Eis Sry Wahyuningsih, M.Pd., as the Administration staff of English
 Drs. Muhammad Basir as the Headmaster of SMK Negeri-1 Binjai, and
Mr. Sukiman, S.Pd., as the English teacher who has allowed her in doing
research in that school.
 Her beloved parents St. Bilmen Sitompul (+) and Ester br. Pasaribu (+)
who have been the best parent she ever has, for their love, attention,
motivation and all of they done for her. She loves them forever.
 Her beloved brother Hotman Parulian Sitompul, who has been a good
brother as a motivator to her.

Her beloved aunt Nurliana br. Pasaribu, who has been a good aunt for
her and give motivation for her in doing this thesis.
Her beloved aunt Theodore br. Pasaribu and her husband Viktor
Doloksaribu, who have given motivation for her in completing this thesis.
Kalhonaaho, as her beloved cell group in UKMKP, Maria Panggabean,
Evania Sersanty Sinulingga, Hosianna Adelina Br Sinaga, Mentari
Lucky Sarah Manalu, who given time for her and motivation each other.
Her beloved coordination 2015 in UKMKP UP FBS, Wilson, Lewi, Mesa,
Wemmy, Evi Ujung, Basa, Ester, Mey Three, Meiliana, Jelita,
Shanny, Pesta, Aguni and Wira who have given support for her.
Her beloved friends in Extension A class, for all of done during more
four years in UNIMED. May given the best job for all.
Her lovely friends Luat Katrina Purba and Astri Magdalena
Panjaitan, S.Pd., who gave motivation and support in her thesis.
Her lovely sisters in Nazir Small Group, Risma, Rose, Rumanty, Sarah,

Tio, Winda, Yrere and GCU Small Group, Cindy, Deby, Lisbet,
Mariati, Prisilia, who gave motivation and support in her thesis.

The writer realizes that this thesis still has the paucity, she warmly welcomes any
suggestions, comments, critics, and advices that will improve the quality of this
thesis. She hopes this thesis will be useful for those who read and fell interested in
the field of this study.
Februari 2016
The writer,

Novawina Magdalena Sitompul

TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................iv

LIST OF APPENDICES…….............................................................................vii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .........................................................................1
A. The Background of the Study ....................................................1
B. The Problem of the Study ..........................................................5
C. The Objective of the Study .......................................................6
D. The Scope of the Study .............................................................6
E. The Significance of the Study ...................................................6
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .....................................................8
A. Theoretical Framework ..............................................................8
1. Students’ Achievement in Speaking ....................................8
2. The Four Language Skill .....................................................9
3. Teaching Speaking .............................................................11
a. Nature of Speaking ......................................................12
b. Speaking ......................................................................12
c. Types of Speaking .......................................................13
d. Elements of Speaking ..................................................15
e. Assessment of Speaking ..............................................18
3. Technique of Teaching ........................................................21
4. Storytelling ..........................................................................22
a. The Meaning of Storytelling ......................................22

b. The Procedure of Applying
Storytelling through Video ........................................24
c. The Advantages of Storytelling..................................25
d. The Disadvantages of Storytelling .............................26
5. Genre ................................................................................. 26
6. Narrative ................................................................................... 26
a. Purposes of Narrative ................................................ 27
b. The Concept of Narrative .......................................27
c. Kinds of Narrative Text .........................................30
7. Media in Language Teaching ..........................................31
8. Types of Media ...............................................................31
9. Video ...............................................................................32
10. Lecturing Technique ............................................................ 32
B. Conceptual framework ............................................................36
C. Hypothesis ..............................................................................37

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................39
A. Research Design ........................................................................39
B. Population and Sample .............................................................39
1. Population ............................................................................39

2. Sample .................................................................................40
C.The Instrument of Collecting Data .............................................40
D. Scoring the Test .........................................................................40
E. The Procedure of Research ........................................................41
F. The Validity and Reliability .......................................................42
1. Validity ...............................................................................42
2. Reliability ...........................................................................42
G. The Technique of Analyzing Data ............................................44
H. The Statistical Hypothesis .........................................................44
CHAPTER IV: DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ..............................................45
A. The Data ...................................................................................45
B. Data Analysis ...........................................................................46
C. Testing Hypothesis ...................................................................48
D. Discussion ................................................................................48
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ......................................50
A. Conclusion ...............................................................................50
B. Suggestion ................................................................................50
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................51
APPENDIXES ......................................................................................................52

Table 1.1 Students Mean Score................................................................................3
Table 2.1 Assessment of Speaking........................................................................ 18
Table 2.2 FSI Weight Table .................................................................................. 21
Table 3.2 The Coefficient of (r) .............................................................................43

APPENDIX 1 The Description of Pre-Test and Post Test of Experimental
APPENDIX 2 The Description of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Control
APPENDIX 3 The Calculation of T-Test in Experimental Group. ...................... 54
APPENDIX 4 The Calculation of T-Test in Control Group..................................56
APPENDIX 5 The Calculation of T-Test…………………..................................58
APPENDIX 6 Percentage Points of T-Distribution...............................................59
APPENDIX 7 The Pre-Test Score of Experimental Group...................................60
APPENDIX 8 The Post-Test Score of Experimental Group.................................61
APPENDIX 9 The Pre-Test Score of Control Group............................................62

APPENDIX 10 The Post-Test Score of Control Group.........................................63
APPENDIX 11 The Reliability of the Test…........................................................64
APPENDIX 12 Lesson Plan…………………………………...............................66

A. The Background of the Study
Language plays important role in human life to communicate, to express
the ideas, feeling, desires, and so forth. Language is a system of arbitrary symbols
for human beings’ communication in speech and writing that is used by the people
of a particular community (Bashir, 2011:35). English as a foreign language in
Indonesia has been stated as a compulsory subject for students of Elementary
School, Junior High School, Senior High School, Vocational High School and up
to the Tertiary Level. The students are expected to use the language not only
passively but also actively. And the students are expected to have a good English
communication in speaking either in the transactional and interpersonal function.
They need it to follow the development of the world globally.
Harmer (2003:120) says that communication with language is carried out
through two basics human activities, namely speaking and listening. Thus,
speaking is a basic skill which takes particular role to communicate and to express

the ideas, feeling, and desires in human activities. Meanwhile, speaking deals with
uttering words. It needs practice a lot. According to Maxom (2009), speaking is
the most important skill in English language teaching. She also says that
mastering any language without speaking it up is impossible. In order to gain the
ability of speaking, the students should communicate the language itself.
Speaking is not as easy as what people think. Many students like to speak
but when they are asked to speak in English language, they can not speak English.

In fact, most of the students are difficult to speak out when they want to ask
something or answer teacher’s question because they never practice speaking in
English regularly. So, most of the students become passive in the class. Teacher
should help the students overcome this problem by motivating them to speak.
Although the goal of teaching speaking skills is to encourage the learners
to communicate in English fluently, students should be able to make themselves
understood, using their current proficiency to the fullest. They should try to avoid
confusion in the message due to faulty pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary and
to observe the social and cultural rules that apply in each communicative situation.
In the process of learning speaking, students find that speaking is difficult
to practice. When the teacher asks students to say something about their opinion,
most of the students feel unconfident to express it. Students who experience test
anxiety consider the foreign language process, and especially oral production, as
test situation, rather than an opportunity for communication and skills
In Indonesia, there are two categories of secondary high school, namely
Senior High School and Vocational High School with two different purposes as
well. Senior High School has a goal to prepare the students to enter a university.
Meanwhile, Vocational High School has a goal to prepare the students to enter a
job fields. Thus, the Vocational High School students need a specific English
lesson to reach that goal. Hutchinson and Waters (1987:3) state that English for
specific purposes is based on designing courses to meet the learners’ needs.

Based on the writers’ observation in SMK NEGERI-1 Binjai, the writer
found that a teacher had many difficulties in teaching English, especially for
teaching speaking there. The teacher seldom used any kinds of media and she
doesn’t creative enough in teaching speaking. The teacher also didn’t apply new
various methods in teaching and learning process. She uses lecturing technique in
teaching speaking. The condition of the students taught through lecturing
technique made them bored and low their score. That’s why media and technique
have effect for students’ speaking achievement in this school.
However, based on the English syllabus for Grade X Vocational High
School students, the narrative text is one of the genres in speaking that must be
well-mastered by the students. They must be able to present a narrative text in
their daily life communication. The Minimum Standard Score is 70. But there
were more students who got the score under 70. It shows that the students’ have to
improve their speaking achievement. The students mean score can be seen in the
table 1.1 below.
Table 1.1 Students Mean Score in the First and Second Semester of Tenth Grade
1 st
2 nd

Mean Score

Narrative text is a kind of genre which amuses, entertains, and deals with
actual and vicarious experience in different ways; narrative deals with problematic
events which lead to crisis or turning point of some kind which in turn finds a
resolution. The writer found that students still confused about what they want to
speak. Because their teacher only focused on learning materials in the text book

which made students got bored. In this study, the writer only deals with narrative
speaking because according to the observation, she found out that many students
were not able to speak a narrative well. Thought, narrative was very good to
support students’ achievement in speaking. So that, the writer will help the
students become better in speaking narrative text.
After interviewing some of the students, they were still confused about
what they want to speak. Because their teacher only focused on learning materials
in the text book which made students got bored. In this study, the writer only
deals with narrative speaking because according to her observation in SMK
NEGERI-1 BINJAI, she found out that many students were not able to write a
narrative text well. Though, narrative was very good to support student’s
achievement in speaking and writing. So that, the writer will help the students
become better in speak narrative text.
There are two factors that involve teaching speaking, namely internal
factor and external factor. The internal factors are physiological and physical
aspects. While external factors relates to facility and teaching learning process.
The most factors that influence language learning are the external factor. Facility
in learning process also takes an important role in teaching and learning process.
Media help teacher to transfer the knowledge to the students in interesting ways.
Smaldino and Russel (2005:9) explain that the purpose of media is to facilitate
communication and learning. Media can be used in a teaching-learning process
such as pictures, diagram, chart, video, etc. This study chooses video as a media to
improve students’ speaking competence in telling a narrative text.

Video is one of the audio visual media that can be used as a medium in
teaching speaking. By using video, the teacher can help the students in watching,
listening, understanding, and applying the use of language contextually. When
students are watching video, automatically, they learn how to say something,
make an interaction without being under pressure because video serves as an
interesting way in learning. Watching video will give them the chance to imitate
the actions and will help them construct their ideas orally based on what they have
Storytelling through Video can improve the speaking ability for students.
Using video can makes the students interesting to learn and the students can watch
the narrative story without imagine the plot of the story. And storytelling can
make students have confidence to say their ideas with their own language.
In line with the previous explanation and in order to achieve the speaking
competence, expressing the meaning in functional spoken text, and monolog in
narrative text in the context of daily life, the writer is very much interested in
conducting a study on students’ speaking ability through story telling by using
video as a medium of instruction to improve the students’ speaking competence.

B. The Problem of the Study
Based on the background of the study, the problem is formulated as
follows: “

“Is Students’ Speaking Achievement in Narrative Text taught by using
Storytelling through Video higher than that taught by using Lecturing

C. The Objective of the Study
The objective of the study is to find out whether Story Telling through
Video significantly affects on Students’ Speaking Achievement in Narrative Text.

D. The Scope of the Study
Vocational students need to learn speaking skill well. It is needed because
it is important for the students to find a better job after graduating from vocational
school. The teaching method is determining factor to improve students’ speaking
skill. There are five types of speaking. In this study the focus is on the monologue
speaking. There are some appropriate techniques. The Storytelling technique was
used. There are many kinds of teaching media, such as Radio, Television, Picture,
Video, and Movie. In line with the application of media in teaching English, this
study is focused on the use of video in teaching speaking a narrative text by
storytelling to Grade X students of SMK NEGERI-1 Binjai.

E. Significance of the Study
Findings of this research are expected to be useful and relevant
theoretically and practically.

1) Theoretically
The findings are useful for English learners to enlarge their
knowledge and to overcome the problems in speaking enlarge their knowledge
and to overcome the problems in speaking through storytelling especially
narrative texts by watching video and the readers to conduct deeper research
related to literature and add new horizon to the theories of English learning.
2) Practically
The results of this study are expected to be useful for English
teachers to overcome the students’ problem in speaking English in story
telling a narrative text by using video. The results of this study are also
expected to be able to motivate the students to be interested in speaking. It is
hoped that story telling by using video can help them to develop their
knowledge to speak English and to improve their speaking competence.

A. Conclusion
This study deals with using Storytelling through Video on students’
speaking achievement in narrative text. After analyzing data, conclusions are
taking as follows: The students’ speaking achievement in narrative text was
improved by applying Storytelling through Video. And then this research found
that the good media could help students to be more active and interested in
teaching and learning process, especially in speaking lesson. So Storytelling
through Video was an appropriate media to improve the students speaking
achievement in narrative text.

B. Suggestions
In line with the conclusion of the study, some suggestions are offered to
the English teachers that it is wiser to apply Storytelling through Video because it
helps the teacher to be more creative in teaching speaking narrative text. And also
it is suggested to the students to apply Storytelling through Video in order to
improve their creativity in speaking narrative text. In addition, it is expected to the
readers who are interested in dealing with this study so that they have a good
understanding to support their study.

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