






Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan













Widyaningtyas, Ayu. Reg. No.2101121006. The Effect of Using Music Video on The Students’ Achievement in Writing Narrative Text. A Thesis. English Department of Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan 2014.

This study is aimed at investigating the effect of Music Video on the students’ achievement in writing narrative text. The objective was to find out the effect of Music video to improve students’ achievement in writing narrative text. This study was conducted by experimental research. The population of this study was the eleventh grade students’ of SMA Negeri7 Medan. Two classes from ten parallel classes was taken for the observation by cluster random sampling which divided into two groups, each group consisted of 35 students as control group and experimental group. The experimental group was taught by using Music Video meanwhile the control group was taught without using media. The instrument for collecting data was writing test. In the calculation of Ttest, the mean of students’ score in experimental group was 7,02 and the mean of students’ score in control group was 3,22. Standard deviation of experimental group was 516,974, standard deviation of control group 242,174, and the total number of samples was 68, Tobserved is higher than Ttable. 5,093 > 1,994 at the level of significance 0,05 for two tailed. The finding is if hypothesis stated that there is significant effect of using Music Video as media learning on students’ writing achievement on writing Narrative text is accepted.




Praises and greatest thanks to almighty Allah SWT, the most merciful who

has blessed and given time, opportunity, and health so that this thesis entitled ‘ The Effect of Using Music Video on Students’ Achievement in Writing Narrative Text’ could be completed. This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED).

In completing this thesis, the writer would like to express her gratitude, indebtedness and thanks for giving permission, suggestion, advising and contribution during completing her thesis. Support, love, prayer, motivation, help and encouragement to pursue a better life and achieve the best education that might not requited to people who have been involved in her accomplishment the thesis.

1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of Medan.

2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., Dean Faculty of Languages and Arts and her staff for giving the administrative information as well.

3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Dra. Meisuri, M.A., Secretary of English Department, Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Department, and Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum., the Head of English Literature Department.

4. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., her Thesis Advisor. 5. Dra. Tjut Ernidawati, M.Pd., her Academic Advisor.

6. Dr. I Wayan Diegeyasa Tangkas, M.Hum., Drs. Muhammad Natsir, M. Hum., Neni Afrida Sari Harahap, S.Pd, M.Hum. as her Reviewer and Examiner.

7. All the Lecturers of English Department who have taught, guided, and advised his throughout the academic years.

8. Drs. H. Muhammad Daud, MM, Headmaster of SMA Negeri 7 Medan. 9. Suparjan, AMK and Salmiyah, her beloved parent.



11. Arindawati Sipahutar, Deby Arif Syahputra, Elnoviamy, Fathur Rizqi Arifiani, Frendi Yudistira Simarmata, Maya Sari Sipahutar, Sri Devi Meilani Yupita Sari, her best friends.

12. Reguler Dik. C 2010, her friends in PPLT SMP N 1 Pagar Merbau 2013, and all friends that are not mentioned one by one who helped the writer during completing her thesis.

The writer thanks to all those have given prayers, motivation, spirit and contribution in the process of completing this thesis.

Medan, March 2015 The Writer,

Ayu Widyaningtyas Reg. No. 2101121006










CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A.The Background of the Study ... 1

B.The Problem of the Study ... 5

C.The Scope of the Study ... 5

D.The Objective of The Study ... 5

E. The Significance of the Study ... 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE A.Theoretical Framework ... 7

1. The Concept of Writing ... 7

a. The Definition of Writing ... 7

b. Writing Process ... 8

c. Genre in Writing ... 11

2. Narrative Text ... 14

a. The Definition of Narrative ... 14

b. The Characteristic of Narrative ... 15

3. Writing Assessment ... 17

4. The Criteria of Scoring ... 18

5. Media ... 19

a. The Definition of Media ... 19

b. Classification of Media ... 21

6. Music Videos ... 21

a. The Definition of Music Videos ... 21

b. Types of Music Videos ... 23



d. Disadvantages of Using Music videos ... 24

e. The Application of Music Videos in Teaching Narrative Text ... 24

B.Conceptual Framework ... 26

C.Hypotheses ... 27


B.The Population and Sample ... 29

C.Technique for Collecting Dta ... 29

D.The Instrument for Collecting Data ... 30

E. The Procedure of the Research ... 30

1. Pre-test ... 30

2. Treatment ... 30

3. Post-test ... 32

F. The Content Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 32

1. The Validity of the Test ... 32

2. The Reliability of the Test ... 32

3. Technique of Analyzing the Data ... 34


A.Reliability of The Test ... 35

B.The Data ... 35

C.Data Analysis ... 36

D.Testing Hypothesis ... 37

E. Research Finding ... 37

F. Discussion ... 38


B.Suggestion ... 41




Table Page

2.1. Example of Narrative Text ... 17

2.2. Criteria of Scoring Test ... 18

3.1. Research Design ... 28

4.1. Treatment for Experimental Group (Using Music Video) ... 31




Figure Page




Appendix A The Data Try Out... 45

Appendix B The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Experimental Group ... 47

Appendix C The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Control Group ... 48

Appendix D The Calculation of The T Test ... 49

Appendix E Precentage Point of The T Distribution ... 52

Appendix F Lesson Plan of Control Group... 53

Appendix G Lesson Plan of Experimental Group ... 81



A.The Background of The Study

In curriculum 2013 that is designed by the goverment this year, the specific objective of the language teaching-learning process is to make students active in the language class both in oral and written. And English is one of the lessons that has four skills, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Related to curriculum, writing is one of the language skills that has a complexity process in teaching (Reid, 1993:266). Writing is a communicative skill not only to express ideas, opinions, feelings, or thoughts but also to put them into the arrangement or pattern that has been set in order to be easily understood and accepted so that others can respond and give the feedback. Eleventh grade in high school students should be able to express the meaning of functional text and essay in the form of text reports, narrative text, spoof, hortatory and analytical exposition of the basic competencies to be achieved. Based on the explanation, the student should be able to control the narrative text as one of the genre writing in learning English.

Narrative text is one of the genre in the text that tells of an experience or incident either fiction or non-fiction. Unlike with recount text which just tells the experiences, in the narrative text in which there is a complicated arrangement in a story should contain issues/climax is where the writers are in demand to provide solutions to the incident or event that has a goal to Assume or entertain the


readers. So students are able to express ideas, choose the word, and structuring the language in order to encourage the students to be able to write good narrative text.

Based on some of experience in preliminary observation, students still face many difficulties in writing either write a text report, essay, paragraph, narrative text and so on. It is indicated to the low student achievement in writing competence. It can be concluded that 70% of high school students still have difficulty in writing especially in writing narrative text. It also can be seen from the experience of the author during Teaching Practice Program (PPLT) in government junior high school 1 Pagar Merbau (2013). It is still found some of students; especially in the third grade junior high school is still difficult in writing narrative text. Some of them showed difficulty in understanding the content and show a sense of uncertainly for the learning process, although the theory of narrative text has been given in several times. Based on the observation that a researcher has done in the eleventh grade science programs, the data was found by the writer in the third and sixth semesters in an academic year 2010/2013 through interviews with English teachers Darnauli, S.Pd, she said that still many students could not pass Minimal Completeness Criterion (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) of the basic competence in writing skill that is applied is 75 in English subject.

Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the difficulties experienced by the students in writing narrative text, especially text is still a lack of knowledge performance vocabularies, choice of words, grammar, structure, literature that perhaps some of them have it but they do not know how to express


and organize all of that in writing. It is due to lack of using strategy or media that can support students’ ability to receive a lesson.

So media is one of the tool helps both teacher and students in conducting the learning process. It can be concluded that the process of teaching and learning process has not successful. So it is necessary to find media or tool to give a solution to that problem arises. Media is a component of learning that is composed of several materials that are used to motivate students to think more and make the atmosphere in the classroom more interesting (Arshyad ,2008:5).

Music videos is audiovisual media that can be used in all ages of students which is consist of images and music that shows a storyline that can make the atmosphere of the classroom more interesting and also solve students' complained for having nothing to write (Stockbridge,1987). Some previous studies pertinent to the use of music videos to enhance language learning have been conducted. The study applied in SMA N 1 Ambarawa by Hilda (2011), resulting of using video clips in teaching writing narrative text. Another improvement of language competence was implied in a study conducted by Febry and Enny (2012) in using music videos to improve the ability in writing texts of the eleventh graders in SMA N 4 Malang. And in the study was conducted by Rachmah (2011) applied in SMA N 2 Mranggen, resulting an improvement of students’ narrative writing skill after treatment using video clip. It can be conclude that the students get the achievement in writing by using music videos that show a storyline that runs throughout, or sometimes several storylines running parallel to each other.


In addition, the students might also be assisted by the grammar and spelling of some words in the lyrics in order to write in a good English by music videos. Meanwhile, the motion images of music videos might help the students to brainstorm ideas by means of visual features. Some of those elements are the lyrics and the motion images which equip a model of story. The duration of each music video is quite short about 3-10 minutes to make time in the classroom teaching more efficient. Search music videos are now also very easy to be accessed on a variety of internet sites. But supporting facilities are still least to support the English teacher in implementing music videos such as LCD projector, computer / laptop, and loudspeaker. Based on Pediatrics (1996:1220) Music videos may represent a relatively new art form, but it is one that contains often an excess of sexism, violence, substance abuse, suicides, and inappropriate sexual behavior.

So choosing teaching place and music videos is one of important thing, so this study will get satisfying result since it is used for education to improve

students’ achievement and knowledge in writing. In other hand, music videos

have some potential in teaching writing especially in narrative text because there are three types in music videos.

In line of analyses of teaching writing, the researcher is very interested in discovering whether the use of music videos has an effect on students’ achievement in writing. That is the reason why the researcher wants to conduct a study on using music videos as the media to increase students’ achievement in writing narrative text.


Based on the background, the problem of this study is formulated as: “Is there any significant effect of using music videos on students’ achievement in writing narrative text?

C.The Objective of The Study

The objective of the study is aimed to find out whether using music videos affect significantly on the achievement of eleventh grade students in SMA NEGERI 7 MEDAN in writing narrative text or not.

D.The Scope of The Study

A narrative is basically a story created either according to the reality or imagination like a real event. In this study, the scope is limited to the real experience of the students. They are expected to be able to write the narratives by following the scene or clips of music videos needed to present the elements of the story.

E.The Significance of The Study

The findings of the study are expected to supply beneficial input for:

1. Students will be improve their writing achievement in writing and be able to master the procedures of writing narrative without any major obstacle. 2. Teacher will get motivation to create new ways or media in teaching

learning English.

3. The readers will update their information or knowledge about how to improve writing skill and as a reference for those who are interested in doing the related study, especially in writing skill.





Having calculated the data, it was found that the mean score of students’ achievement taught by using music video as media learning (79,85) is higher than mean score of students’ achievement taught without music video as media learning (74,51). The tobserved (5,093) is higher than ttable (1,994) at the level of significance of 0,05 of two-tailed test. The finding is if hypothesis stated that there is significant effect of using music video as media learning on students’ writing achievement on writing narrative text is accepted.


Related to the conclusions mentioned previously, it would be better to offer suggestions as follows:

1. Teachers are suggested to apply an interesting media learning in class (example: movie, song, picture etc) in case to explore students’ interest especially in learning English and eventually developing it.

2. Students are expected to explore their knowledge more. There are a lot of things that support our willing to develop our skill. One of media that can be used to help in the learning process is by using English movie.

3. This media learning is suitable to use for peoples with ability in learning process in audio-visual method.



Anto, Jony. 2013. The Effect of Student Team Achievement Divisions (Stad) and

Learning Motivation Toward the Students’ Reading Competence of the

Eighth Year Students of Smp N 3 Ubud in the Academic Year

2012/2013. e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, (1) 1-10

Alan, M. 2005. Gateways to Academic Writing: Effective Sentences, Paragraphs, and Essays. New York: Pearson Education

Ariesya, A.T. 2010. The Use of Animated Film to improve students ability in Writing Narrative Text. Unpublished S1 Thesis. Pemalang: Walisongo Stated Institute

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Arsyad, Azhar .2000. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT.RajaGrafindoPersada Ary, D. et al. 2010.Introduction to Research in Education.Eighth Edition. The

United State of America: Nelson Education.

Ary, Donald. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education. Singapore:Wardswirth Bachman, F. L. 1991. Fundamental Consideartion in Language Testing. New

York: Oxford University Press

Berk, R.A. 2009.Multimedia Teaching with: Video Clips: TV, Movies, YouTube, and MtvU in The College Classroom. Maryland: The JhonsHopskin University.

Blanchard, K and Root, C.2003. Ready to Write. New York: Pearson Education Brown, H. D, 2004. Language Assessment Principles and Classroom

Practices.San Francisco State University: Longman.

Brown, K., and Hood, S. 1989. Writing Matters : Writing Skills and Strategies for Students of English. New York : Cambridge University Press.

Bruce, Ian. 2008. Academic Writing and Genre : A Systematic Analysis. New York : Continuum.

Feez,Susan. 1998.Text-Based Syllabus Design. Sydney: Macquarie University Gerot, L and Wignell, P. 1995. Making Sense of Functional Grammar.Sidney:


Gerot, L and Wignell, P. 1994. Making Sense of Functional Grammar.Australia: GerdStabler.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2004. How to Teach Writing. England : Pearson EducationLimited.

Hartono, Rudi. 2005.Genres of Text. Semarang: UNNES Hughes, Arthur. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Second

Edition.Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Jim, A.P. 2010. Writing Skill in Second Language.New York: Pearson Education Kariman , T.1991. Media in Language Teaching.Medan:


Knapp, P and Watkins, M. 2005. Genre Text Grammar. Sydney: University ofNew South Wales

Mark, A and Ketty, A. 1997.Text Types in English. New York: Macmilan

Maya, H. K. 2011. Using Video Clips in Teaching Writing Narrative Text of The Tenth Grades in SMA Negeri 1 Ambarawa. Unpublished S1 Thesis. Semarang: IKIP PGRI Semarang

Murcia, M, E, et al. 2000. Discourse and Context in Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press

Murphey, T. 1992.Music and Song. New York: Oxford University Press.

Nurchayasari, F and Irawati, E. 2011.Using Music Videos to Improve the Ability in Writing Narrative Texts of the Eleventh Grades in SMA Negeri 4 Malang. Unpublished SI Thesis. Semarang: Semarang State University. NSW Department of Education and Training. 1999. State Literacy and Numeracy

Plan, Focus on Literacy : Writing. Sydney : Curriculum Support Directorate.

Olstain, M. C. 2000. Discourse and Context in Language Teaching.New York: Cambridge University Press.

Pardiyono. 2007. PastiBisa! Teaching Genre-Based Writing: MetodeMengajar Writing Berbasis Genre SecaraEfektif. Yogyakarta: ANDI.

Pediatrics. 1996. Impact of Music Lyrics and Music Videos on Children and Youth. New York: American Academy.


Patel, M.F., and Jain, P.M. 2008. English Language Teaching : Methods, Tools and Technique. Jaipur : Sunrise Publishers and Distributors.

Rachmah, R. 2011. Using Video Clips to Improve Students’ Writing Skills of Review Texts (An Experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 2 Mranggen in the Academic Year of 2010/2011). Unpublished S1 Thesis.Semarang: Semarang State University.

Rammal, S.M. 2006.Using Video in the EFL Classroom. Paper presented in CDELT 25th Annual Symposium, Egypt, April 12-13, 2005. In Karen’s Linguistics Issues, (Online), accessed on 13th July 2014

Richards, C.J and Renandya, A.W. 2000. Methodology in Language Teaching. U.S. of America: University Press

Stockbridge, S. 1987. Music Video: Questions on Performance, Pleasure, and Address.The Australian Journal of Media & Culture, (Online), 1(2), (, accessed on July 3rd, 2014.

Widodo, H. P. 2006. Designing a Genre-Based Lesson Plan for an Academic Writing Course. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, (Online), 5(3): 173-199 accessed on April, 20th, 2014

(, ( Online.html)



In addition, the students might also be assisted by the grammar and spelling of some words in the lyrics in order to write in a good English by music videos. Meanwhile, the motion images of music videos might help the students to brainstorm ideas by means of visual features. Some of those elements are the lyrics and the motion images which equip a model of story. The duration of each music video is quite short about 3-10 minutes to make time in the classroom teaching more efficient. Search music videos are now also very easy to be accessed on a variety of internet sites. But supporting facilities are still least to support the English teacher in implementing music videos such as LCD projector, computer / laptop, and loudspeaker. Based on Pediatrics (1996:1220) Music videos may represent a relatively new art form, but it is one that contains often an excess of sexism, violence, substance abuse, suicides, and inappropriate sexual behavior.

So choosing teaching place and music videos is one of important thing, so this study will get satisfying result since it is used for education to improve students’ achievement and knowledge in writing. In other hand, music videos have some potential in teaching writing especially in narrative text because there are three types in music videos.

In line of analyses of teaching writing, the researcher is very interested in discovering whether the use of music videos has an effect on students’ achievement in writing. That is the reason why the researcher wants to conduct a study on using music videos as the media to increase students’ achievement in writing narrative text.


Based on the background, the problem of this study is formulated as: “Is there any significant effect of using music videos on students’ achievement in writing narrative text?

C.The Objective of The Study

The objective of the study is aimed to find out whether using music videos affect significantly on the achievement of eleventh grade students in SMA NEGERI 7 MEDAN in writing narrative text or not.

D.The Scope of The Study

A narrative is basically a story created either according to the reality or imagination like a real event. In this study, the scope is limited to the real experience of the students. They are expected to be able to write the narratives by following the scene or clips of music videos needed to present the elements of the story.

E.The Significance of The Study

The findings of the study are expected to supply beneficial input for:

1. Students will be improve their writing achievement in writing and be able to master the procedures of writing narrative without any major obstacle. 2. Teacher will get motivation to create new ways or media in teaching

learning English.

3. The readers will update their information or knowledge about how to improve writing skill and as a reference for those who are interested in doing the related study, especially in writing skill.





Having calculated the data, it was found that the mean score of students’ achievement taught by using music video as media learning (79,85) is higher than mean score of students’ achievement taught without music video as media learning (74,51). The tobserved (5,093) is higher than ttable (1,994) at the level of

significance of 0,05 of two-tailed test. The finding is if hypothesis stated that there is significant effect of using music video as media learning on students’ writing achievement on writing narrative text is accepted.


Related to the conclusions mentioned previously, it would be better to offer suggestions as follows:

1. Teachers are suggested to apply an interesting media learning in class (example: movie, song, picture etc) in case to explore students’ interest especially in learning English and eventually developing it.

2. Students are expected to explore their knowledge more. There are a lot of things that support our willing to develop our skill. One of media that can be used to help in the learning process is by using English movie.

3. This media learning is suitable to use for peoples with ability in learning process in audio-visual method.



Anto, Jony. 2013. The Effect of Student Team Achievement Divisions (Stad) and Learning Motivation Toward the Students’ Reading Competence of the Eighth Year Students of Smp N 3 Ubud in the Academic Year

2012/2013. e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, (1) 1-10

Alan, M. 2005. Gateways to Academic Writing: Effective Sentences, Paragraphs, and Essays. New York: Pearson Education

Ariesya, A.T. 2010. The Use of Animated Film to improve students ability in Writing Narrative Text. Unpublished S1 Thesis. Pemalang: Walisongo Stated Institute

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Arsyad, Azhar .2000. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT.RajaGrafindoPersada Ary, D. et al. 2010.Introduction to Research in Education.Eighth Edition. The

United State of America: Nelson Education.

Ary, Donald. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education. Singapore:Wardswirth Bachman, F. L. 1991. Fundamental Consideartion in Language Testing. New

York: Oxford University Press

Berk, R.A. 2009.Multimedia Teaching with: Video Clips: TV, Movies, YouTube, and MtvU in The College Classroom. Maryland: The JhonsHopskin University.

Blanchard, K and Root, C.2003. Ready to Write. New York: Pearson Education Brown, H. D, 2004. Language Assessment Principles and Classroom

Practices.San Francisco State University: Longman.

Brown, K., and Hood, S. 1989. Writing Matters : Writing Skills and Strategies for Students of English. New York : Cambridge University Press.

Bruce, Ian. 2008. Academic Writing and Genre : A Systematic Analysis. New York : Continuum.

Feez,Susan. 1998.Text-Based Syllabus Design. Sydney: Macquarie University Gerot, L and Wignell, P. 1995. Making Sense of Functional Grammar.Sidney:


Gerot, L and Wignell, P. 1994. Making Sense of Functional Grammar.Australia: GerdStabler.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2004. How to Teach Writing. England : Pearson EducationLimited.

Hartono, Rudi. 2005.Genres of Text. Semarang: UNNES Hughes, Arthur. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Second

Edition.Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Jim, A.P. 2010. Writing Skill in Second Language.New York: Pearson Education Kariman , T.1991. Media in Language Teaching.Medan:


Knapp, P and Watkins, M. 2005. Genre Text Grammar. Sydney: University ofNew South Wales

Mark, A and Ketty, A. 1997.Text Types in English. New York: Macmilan

Maya, H. K. 2011. Using Video Clips in Teaching Writing Narrative Text of The Tenth Grades in SMA Negeri 1 Ambarawa. Unpublished S1 Thesis. Semarang: IKIP PGRI Semarang

Murcia, M, E, et al. 2000. Discourse and Context in Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press

Murphey, T. 1992.Music and Song. New York: Oxford University Press.

Nurchayasari, F and Irawati, E. 2011.Using Music Videos to Improve the Ability in Writing Narrative Texts of the Eleventh Grades in SMA Negeri 4 Malang. Unpublished SI Thesis. Semarang: Semarang State University. NSW Department of Education and Training. 1999. State Literacy and Numeracy

Plan, Focus on Literacy : Writing. Sydney : Curriculum Support Directorate.

Olstain, M. C. 2000. Discourse and Context in Language Teaching.New York: Cambridge University Press.

Pardiyono. 2007. PastiBisa! Teaching Genre-Based Writing: MetodeMengajar Writing Berbasis Genre SecaraEfektif. Yogyakarta: ANDI.

Pediatrics. 1996. Impact of Music Lyrics and Music Videos on Children and Youth. New York: American Academy.


Patel, M.F., and Jain, P.M. 2008. English Language Teaching : Methods, Tools and Technique. Jaipur : Sunrise Publishers and Distributors.

Rachmah, R. 2011. Using Video Clips to Improve Students’ Writing Skills of Review Texts (An Experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 2 Mranggen in the Academic Year of 2010/2011). Unpublished S1 Thesis.Semarang: Semarang State University.

Rammal, S.M. 2006.Using Video in the EFL Classroom. Paper presented in

CDELT 25th Annual Symposium, Egypt, April 12-13, 2005. In Karen’s

Linguistics Issues, (Online), accessed on 13th July 2014

Richards, C.J and Renandya, A.W. 2000. Methodology in Language Teaching. U.S. of America: University Press

Stockbridge, S. 1987. Music Video: Questions on Performance, Pleasure, and Address.The Australian Journal of Media & Culture, (Online), 1(2), (, accessed on July 3rd, 2014.

Widodo, H. P. 2006. Designing a Genre-Based Lesson Plan for an Academic Writing Course. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, (Online), 5(3): 173-199 accessed on April, 20th, 2014

(, ( Online.html)

( (