Produktifitas Genotipa Padi Gogo Adaptif Naungan pada Kondisi digenangi dan Kering

Bul. Agron. (30) (2) 58 - 68 (2002)

Produktivitas Genotipa Padi Gogo Adaptif Naungan pada Kondisi Digenangi dan Kering
Pro(1irctivity cflSliri(1e Tolerrrnt Uplantl Rice Genotypes under Flood and Dry Cultivation
Edi ~ a n t o s a ' x
Iricrcose in zrti1i:ution of z~plu~id
rice tolerant to .shade zmder plantation and commercial timber canopy, demands
.si~ynt/icantamount ofseed become critical. The objective of this research was to study the productivity of shade-tolerant
y ~ l u n drice genotypes wider ,flooded and dried cultivation. Research was conducted in the greenhouse of the
ofA~rononi.y,IPB, Bo,qorfrom September 1998 to March 1999. Random Complete Block (RCB) Design
~ V t two,/uctors
i.e. ,flood-dryand I2 genotypes of upland rice, namely Jatiluhur, Dodokan, TB165E-TB-6, TBI3G-TB2. ITA247, B7291 D-Shl- 12, B6926F-TB-I, B9484-F-TB-3, B9266F-PN-7-MR-2-PN-4, TB177E-TB-30-B-2, B149FMR-7, an(/ TB35H-MR-3 was used. Genotypes were cultivated in plastic pots containing 10 kg media mix of soil and
~iiunurc9: I . Dry ctrltivation was perfbrmed with a two-day interval of watering; while flooding was done as in sawah
,field. Other. r~iuintcriancc.such us weeding and fertilization Mere applied as in sawah cultivation. Treatments were
replicured rhrec ti~lie.~
with two pots in each replicate. The re.sult showed thatflaoding increased the number of tiller by
_70'X,/i,rthe genotjpe B729ID-SM-12 (Vh), B9484-F-TB-3 ( V J , B9266F-PN-7-MR-2-PN-4 V9), B149F-MR-7 (VII),and
TB3SN-MR-3 (1'/3; increased of top part 31.29 329.02 % and roots 187.Y l f 74.16%for genotype TB13G-TB?. (Ir4), /T/1717 (Vj), BG926F- TB- l (V-). B9484-F- TB-3 (Vd, B9266F-PN- 7-MR-2-PN-4 (V,), d,

(I',,,); shoot root ratio by 53.10-@. 70%; ajfected the number qf productive filler and the number of
pur7icle 18.-17 f 51.04%; arid increased the productivity up to 111.34 f 123.19%. Based on a cluster analysis, three
grolrp.c. ~r~ere
proposed A f i s t grozlp s~~ituhle
for fioding were Juriluhur (V,), TBl65E-TB-6 (V3}, jTA247 (Vj),
BhO26F-TB-I (V-), 139484-F-TB-3 ( V J , B9266F-PN-7-MR-2-PN-4 (V,), and TB177E-TB-30-B-2 (Vl(J.A secondgroup
not szrituhlc ,fi)r ,flooding Illere Dodokan ( V J , B7291D-SM-I2 (V6), B149F-MR-7 ( V I I ) , and TB35H-MR-3 (V,J. A
,ycno/~pe,TB13G-TB-2 (V,), perfbr~icdwell in both cultivation methods was in the thirdgroup.
Kej) r~,orcl.s: Shading zrplund rice, Flooding, Dry, Productivity


I'enanaman padi gogo sebagai tanaman sela pada
gawangan tanaman perkebunan maupun hutan tanaman
industri telah menjadi salah satu kegiatan rutin sebagai
w ~ ~ j u kepedulian

sosial kepada masyarakat sekitar
kawasan lokasi, terutatna pada saat tanaman belum
menghasilkan baik pada pertanaman baru niaupun
perema,jaan. I'enyediaan benih yang saat ini dilakukan
ilntlrk memenuhi kebut~lhan tersebut adalah dengan
sebelumnya. I'rodtlksi padi gogo untuk penyediaan
benih lnelalui cara tersebut sangat dipengaruhi oleh
kondisi lingkungan. Ellis e f a/. (1993) dan Rao dan
Jackson (1996) menyatakan bahwa produktivitas padi

' .lurusan I3utlitla! a IJcrt;lnian.I-'akull;~sI'crtanian. Institut Pcrtanian I3ogor
JI h1cr;ltiti Lampus Il'l) I>armage .l'clp 0251-629353
c~ii;lil agroniph,tr cdisang,!