A Muti-Approach Intervention to Empower Posyandu Nutrition Program to Combat Malnutrition Problem in Rural Areas

A Multi-'Approach
In terven tion


to combat
Ma ln utr ition Pro blem
in Rural Areas






Ali Khomsan
Dadang Sukandar
Faisal Anwar
Hadi Riyadi
Tin Herawari
Anna Farchiya
Mira Dewi


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A Multi-Approach Intervention
to Empower Posyandu Nutrition Program
to Combat Malnutrition Problem
in Rural Areas
Ali Kbomsan
Dadang 5ukandar
Faisal Anwar
Hadi Riyadj
Tin Herawati
Anna Farchiya
Mira Dewi

Home garden is an area aro . _
vegetables, and fruits can gro". .,.
household needs. Home gard en through an integrated approa ch,
avaiJability of various food m :': _
household nutrition.

Copyrigh r © 2014
Ali Khomsa n
Dadang Sukandar
Faisal Allwar
Hadi Riyadi
Tin Hera\vari

An na Fatchiya

The objectives of the study were:
participation in the Posyandu pr _
plant/animal diversity of ru ral セ@
attitude and practise of nutritio r.

to revitalize Posyandu activiti - ャセG[@
training, and facili tating Posy Qj ⦅ セB@ L@
participation in the Posyandu
through home gardening for in


J\I1 i ra De\vi


: Nia Januatini

Desain Samplil & Penara lsi

: Ardhya Praram a

PT Penerbir IPB Press
Karnplis IPB Tama n Kencana Bogor

Cerakan Penall1a: ,1uni 2014
Dicerak oleh Perccrakan I PB
Hak cipra dilindungi oleh undang-lindang,
Di larang mempcrbanya k buku ini tanpa ,%,n tertli los da" Pene rblt
ISBN: 978-979-493-651-1

Posyandu is a communiry-ba e
managed and held by [he co mr
in carrying our [he healch d |cGセ@
co provid e [hem an easy 。」・⦅
order co accelerate the d ecreas;"
mortality rate.

The research was conducted by gi' - _
extension and home gardening . セ@
five and were active as Pos)'tlJltl ,

having children under five were _. _セ@
31 households having children I ::-• .:.
this functions as a concrol. The - セ@
Tamansari, Bogor Distr ict, w・ウ
from January 2012 to December .::


- -0 :-_ Program

Posyandu is a community-based health effort which is from the community,
managed and held by the community, and inrended for the community
in carrying out the health development to empower the community and
to provide them an easy access to obtaining basic health/social services in
order to accelerate the decrease of the maternal mortality rate and the infant
• mortality rate.
Home garden is an area around the house where spices, herbal plants,
vegetables, and fr!fits can grow in season or along the year in order to meet
household needs. Home garden utilization is a home garden which is managed

through an inregrated approach so it is expected to be able to guaranree the
availability of various food materials continuously in order to fulfill the
household nutrition.
The objectives of the study were: (1) to identify factors affecting community
participation in the Posyandu program, (2) to idenrify land ownership and
pl ant/animal diversity of rural community, (3) to identify knowledge,
attitude and practise of nutrition among mothers and Posyandu's cadres, (4)
to revitalize Pos)landu 5 activities through mothers nutrition education, cadres
training, and facilitating Posyandu equipment, (5) to improve community
participation in the Posyandu program, and (6) to empower community
through home gardening for income generating and food availability.
The research was conducted by giving an intervention in a form of nutritional
extension and home gardening for the households who had children under
five and were active as Posyandu members. As many as 93 households
having children under five were given the intervention in this research, and
31 households having children under five were not given any intervention;
this functions as a control. The research was conducted in Sub District of
Tamansari, Bogor District, West Java, Indonesia. This research was conducted
from January 2012 to December 201 3.



This research was started by collecting baseline data of 124 households of
mothers of children under five and 18 cadres of Posyandus selected before
the intervention was done. The baseline data was used to get a preliminary
information on the socio-economic characteristics of the households, the
condition of ho.me environment. land ownership. nutrition knowledge.
attitude to nutrition and nutrition practice of the mothers of children under
five, as well as food consumption of the children under five.
The in terven tion implemen tation incl uded two main activi ties, that is, n utri tion
education and a home-gardening program. Prior to the implementation of
this program, the research team socialized the program and conducted a
focus group discussion (FGD) to three villages getting the intervention. The
socialization included presentation of the purposes and goals of the program
in general. the schedule, and the forms of activities that will be performed. The
socialization was not only directed to the mothers of children under five and
cadres being the research respondents but al so to the midwives. leaders of the
villages, heads of RTs/RWs (subparts of a village) and the local government

(Sub-District ofTamansa ri). The objectives of the socialization was to describe
the programs to be conducted within two years so that the stakeholders were
able to support the program accomplishment.
The data analyses of the baseline and endline included parameter estimation.
that is, mean, standard dev'lation, for the quant"ltati:\l e var"la'o\es as we\\ as the
proportion for the categorical variables, and quantitative variable which were
able to be categorized. The t-student for twO dependent populations and two
independent populations was performed.
Participation of the community in the Posyandu activities is very important
as an effort for the improvement of the basic health and nutritional status,
particularly among the children under five. Almost all of the mothers of
children under five (97.6%) stated that the existence of Posyandu was very
important for them. The factors inBuencing the community participation
are internal and external factors. Internally. the condition, situation and
motivation of the mothers of children under five inBuenced the frequency of
their visit to Posyandu. Not all of the mothers of children under five routinely
visined Posyandu every month. The reasons, among others, are: being
occupied, laziness, the children did not want to be taken to Posyandu or they
were sick, being afraid that their children got fever after immunization, and
being ashame if their children's body weight decreased. The main motivation

of the mothers of children under
children grow healthily, get lmm
body weight is monitored.

The activities of the Posyandu if
supplementary foods,' preparation
problems etc., which were done b·
cadres have carried out the proces セ@
up to evaluation of the Posyandu <

The external factors which are i:
stakeholders, the availability of p ッ L@ セ ..
also very important in encouraain.
The cadres are the most essenri dl
of children under five to visit Po.performamce were still limited_ 111 the mothers of children under £11 - o n

the programs requiring

· .. ·i l' ....... ... ...................................... 87
;Lad セ オァ・ウエゥッョ@

for overcoming
··;du ..... ...... ......................... .... ........ 88

.. セ@ o n the performance of
.... .................................................... 91




Lisl of Tables

Table 10.1

The frequency and amoum of cereal consumed by
the children under ............................................................... 141

Table 11 .3

Table 10.2

The freq uency and amoum of animal-sourced food
consumed by the children under five .. .. .......... .... ................. 141

Distriburion 0' :.b:- _
and trearmen g: .... .

Table 11.4

Table 10.3

The frequency and number of beans consumed by
the children under five .. .. ........................ .... ...................... .. 141

Linear regre5sio
by the srep\\ ise ;ut'

Table 11.5

The frequency and amoum of vegetable and fruit consumed
by the children under five ................................................... 143

Table 11.6

Table 10.4

and trea tmen! セ[M


Distriburion ,' , セ@
and rreatm e . イセ



Table 10.5

The frequensy and amount of street food consumed by
the children under five ........................................................ 143

Table 11.7

Table 10.6

Distribution of children under five by kinds of vegetables
preferred .......................... ........... ..... .. ..... ... .... ... .... .... .......... 145

Distribution 0 :' セ@ セ@
from since bon: . __

Table 11.8

Table 10.7

Distribution of the children under five by kinds offruits
they preferred ................................... .... ........................ ..... .. 146

Distribution ch . セ M from in the L -r :-

Table 11.9

Table 10.8

Distribution of the children under five by kinds of
sidedishes they liked ............................................ .. .............. 147

Distriburio n or' : . .- ,
children un ・ セ NM _ ::

Table 10.9

Distribution of the children under five by kinds of snacks
they preferred .................... ..... ......... .. ..... .; ..... .. ....... ... ... ... .... 147

Table 10.10 Distribution of the children under five by the kinds of
sidedishes they disliked ....................................................... 148
Table 10.11 Distribution of the children under five