Certificate Revocation Lists Certificates

41 Certificate Signing keyCertSign Object Signing digitalSignature SMIME Encryption keyEncipherment SMIME Signing digitalSignature SSL Client digitalSignature SSL Server keyEncipherment The extKeyUsage extension is a sequence of object identifiers that further defines which uses of the certificate are permissible, and may or may not be designated critical. As with the keyUsage extension, if this extension is present, it should be designated critical. If it is designated critical, the certificate must be used for one of the purposes defined by the extension. If it is designated noncritical, the information is advisory only and may be ignored. There are eight possible purposes defined for use with this extension, as summarized in Table 3-2 . Table 3-2. Purposes defined for the extKeyUsage extension Purpose of certificate Object identifier OID Server Authentication Client Authentication Code Signing Email IPSec End System IPSec Tunnel IPSec User Timestamping Its worth noting that neither the keyUsage nor the extKeyUsage extension is well-defined, and as such, their usage is subject to wide interpretation. In particular, how to treat the critical flag on either extension is not well-defined, but it would seem that in many existing software products, the extensions are largely ignored. In addition, various profiles guidelines that dictate what certificates should contain specify their usage differently. For instance, PKIX the IETF Public Key Infrastructure working group has obsoleted the three IPSec-related OIDs that may be present in an extKeyUsage sequence. Additionally, they are not implemented consistently across vendors. As a result of these problems, these two extensions are mostly useless. If you do use them, be sure that you are using them in a consistent manner with any existing software with which youll be interoperating. The cRLDistributionPoints extension is a sequence that is used to communicate how the CA that issued the certificate makes its CRLs available. The standard indicates that this extension should be designated noncritical; however, it does advise CAs to include the information. Providing the location of the CRL that would contain this certificates serial number if it is revoked inside the certificate itself is perhaps the best possible way for software validating a certificate to obtain the information.

3.1.4 Certificate Revocation Lists

Once a certificate has been issued, it is generally put into production, where it will be distributed to many clients. If an attacker compromises the associated private key, he now has the ability to use the certificate even though it doesnt belong to him. Assuming the proper owner is aware of the compromise, a new certificate with a new key pair should be obtained and put into use. In this situation there are two certificates for the same entity—both are technically valid, but one should not be trusted. The compromised certificate will eventually expire, but in the meantime, how will the world at large know not to trust it? 42 The answer lies in something called a certificate revocation list CRL. A CRL contains a list of all of the revoked certificates a CA has issued that have yet to expire. When a certificate is revoked, the CA declares that the certificate should no longer be trusted. Bandwidth is a significant concern when distributing CRLs, since clients need to have reasonably current revocation information in order to properly validate a certificate. In an ideal world, the client would get up-to-date revocation information as soon as the CA gets the information. Unfortunately, many CAs distribute CRLs only as a huge list. Downloading a huge list before validating each certificate could easily add unacceptable latency and place an undue load on the server when there are a lot of clients. As a result, CAs tend to update their CRLs regularly, but not immediately after they learn about key compromises. Included in the revocation list is the date and time that the next update will be published, so once an application has downloaded the list, it doesnt need to do so again until the one it has expires. Clients are encouraged to cache the information which can be infeasible if the client has limited storage space. This scheme leaves a window of vulnerability in which the CA knows about a revoked certificate, yet the client does not find out about it immediately. If a CA publishes the list too frequently, it will require massive amounts of bandwidth in order to sustain the frequent demand for the list. On the other hand, if a CA publishes the list too infrequently, certificates that need to be revoked will still be considered valid until the next list is published. Each CA needs to strike a balance with the community that its serving to determine how frequently to publish its list. One solution to this problem is for the CA to break up its CRLs into segments. To do this, the CA specifies ranges of certificate serial numbers that each CRL contains. For example, the CA could create a different CRL for each 1,000 serial numbers. Therefore, the first CRL would be for serial numbers 1 through 1,000; the second would be for serial numbers 1,001 through 2,000, and so on. This solution does require forethought and planning on the part of the CA, but it reduces the size of the CRLs that the CA issues. Another option is to use delta CRLs, where a CA periodically publishes incremental changes to its CRL list. Delta CRLs still require the client to cache CRL information or download everything anew each time a certificate needs to be validated. Another problem with CRLs is that while there is a standard means to publish them formally, specified in RFC 2459, that mechanism is optional, and many of the more common public CAs, such as VeriSign, do not distribute their CRLs this way. There are also other standard methods for distributing CRLs, but the overall problem is that there isnt just one, and so many software applications do not actually make use of CRLs. Of the various methods of distribution, LDAP is most commonly used as a repository for CRLs. Additionally, multiple applications on the same machine, or even on the local network, could be interested in the same data and require that it be queried from the CA multiple times within a short period. The problems with the distribution of CRLs currently make them difficult to manage, and whats worse, few applications even make the attempt. This essentially makes CRLs useless and leaves no way for a CA to revoke a certificate effectively once its been issued. Ideally, CAs need to standardize a method for CRL distribution, and both CAs and applications need to start making use of it. Another potentially serious problem that has not been addressed is what happens when a root CAs certificate needs to be revoked. A CRL is not suited to handle this, and neither are applications. The reason for this is that CRLs are issued by a parent a CA for its children, but a root CA has no parent. It is possible for a CA to revoke its own certificate as long as it still has its private key. For the purposes of signing a CRL containing its own certificate, the CAs compromised key can still be trusted. Unfortunately, given the poor state of CRL handling in existing software in general, its not likely that this situation is handled very well, if at all. A classic example demonstrating that CRLs are poorly supported is what happened in early 2001 when VeriSign issued two class 3 code-signing certificates to Microsoft Corporation. The problem 43 was that Microsoft never requested these certificates—someone claiming to represent Microsoft did. VeriSign handled the situation in the appropriate manner and published the serial numbers of the certificates in a new CRL. What really demonstrated the flaws with CRLs was how Microsoft handled the situation. It quickly became clear that Microsofts software, while distributing VeriSigns root certificates and using their services, did not check VeriSigns CRLs. Microsoft issued a patch to deal with the problem of the revoked certificates, but the patch did nothing to fix the problem of their software not utilizing the CRLs at all. Had Microsofts software made proper use or, arguably, any use at all of CRLs, no patch would have been necessary, and the problem would have ended with VeriSigns publication of its CRL minus the inherent window of vulnerability. It could be argued that if a major software company like Microsoft cant handle CRLs properly, how can smaller software companies and individual software developers be expected to handle them properly? While the argument may very well be faulty in a number of respects, it is still a question worth asking, and in truth, the answer, at least for right now, is not one that we would all like to hear. PKI is still relatively immature, and much work needs to be done to remedy not only the issues that weve discussed here, but others that we leave as an exercise for the reader to explore as well. While CRLs may not be the ultimate answer to revoking a certificate, for the time being, they are the most widely implemented means by which to do so. Its worth taking the time to ensure that your software is capable of dealing with the technology and provides for a reasonably safe and pleasant experience for your users. To complicate matters more, the standard CRL specification has changed over time, and both the old format Version 1 and the new format Version 2 are actively used. OpenSSL supports both Version 1 and Version 2 CRLs, but there is much software still in common use that does not yet support Version 2, and certainly old legacy applications that are no longer being developed or supported never will, even though they continue to be used. The major addition that Version 2 offers is extensions. The standard defines four extensions that are used primarily to indicate when a certificate was revoked, why a certificate was revoked, and how to handle a certificate that has been revoked. The fourth standard extension is used in indirect CRLs. An indirect CRL is one that is not necessarily issued by a CA, but instead by a third party. Such a CRL can contain certificates from multiple CAs. The extension, then, is used to indicate which CA issued the certificate that has been revoked. Currently, indirect CRLs are not very common, because CRLs in Version 2 format are not widely supported.

3.1.5 Online Certificate Status Protocol