. Students’ Responsibilities Feedback Providers and Receivers

Sutanto, 2015 THESIS WRITING SUPERVISION: A CONTRIBUTION OF FEEDBACK TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS ’ THESIS WRITING Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 19 The roles and responsibilities of supervisors from Murray 2002, Oliver 2004, Guide on Thesis Supervision 2010-2011, Smith 2003a, 2003b, Zelditch 1990, Patchan et al. 2009, Dragga 1991 can be summarized as follows: a As guides: Establishing a framework for supervision including arrangements for regular meetings; Meeting with the student regularly following the agreed schedules of minimum meeting is eight times STPB 2012 and with a clear agenda; They provide guidance about the nature of research from developing a proposal and in the writing of thesis; b As advisors: They provide advice on the research design, data collection and data analysis, discussing any hazardsproblems involved in the research work and how these can best be dealt with; c As masters: They treat the student professionally; being on the lookout for signs of behavioural changes; d As managers: They assess supervisory qualities needed and delivering each of the qualities with expertise, ease and care; e As models: They are active researchers and publishers; f As sponsors: They become sources of information about, and aid in obtaining opportunities; g As supporters: They give emotional and moral encouragement; h As tutors: They give specific feedback on writer‘s performance; i As coaches: They give comments that are likely to focus on solutions; and j As judges: Their comments are likely to focus on the problems so that writers become aware of their writing weaknesses. Supervisors are expected to have and to do those ideal roles and responsibilities but it is likely hard to have the perfect ones. The other important responsibility of supervisors is to give feedback during the research supervision. In this study, supervisor responsibility is to provide guide to write from theses from beginning until the end, to have regular meetings and make sure that the students can produce quality theses and complete the theses within the allocated time. . Students’ Responsibilities

Sutanto, 2015 THESIS WRITING SUPERVISION: A CONTRIBUTION OF FEEDBACK TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS ’ THESIS WRITING Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 20 In the writing supervision, it is not only supervisors who have the responsibilities to achieve the goal of writing but also students. Both students and supervisors need to master a range of writing tasks of varying complexity Brown, 1994. However, it is the responsibility of the student to take the initiative throughout the thesis writing process: raising problems or difficulties, discussing issues arising from feedback, taking appropriate action, and maintaining the progress of work as agreed with the supervisor MA Programme Director, 2008. Further detailed responsibilities of the students cover: a Discussing with hisher thesis supervisor; b Taking the initiative in raising problems or difficulties with the supervisor; c Attending supervisory meetings well prepared and with a clear agenda for the meeting; d Making satisfactory academic and research progress following the advice of hisher thesis supervisor; e Discussing with and obtaining the approval of hisher thesis supervisor regarding any changes in the direction of hisher research focus and its implications; f Providing a brief self- evaluation summary report; g Ensuring that his thesis is completed and submitted within the period stipulated by the University for assessment; h Abiding by the rules and regulations governing postgraduate studies of the University; and i Ensuring that all work done by others which are used in the thesis is properly acknowledged Guide on Thesis Supervision, 2010-2011, pp. 38-39. In this research, the responsibilities of students include attending the meetings, taking initiative and completing the thesis on time. Taking initiative includes raising problems or difficulties, discussing issues arising from feedback, taking appropriate action, and maintaining the progress of work as agreed with the supervisor. Student and Supervisor Relationship